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Faking Sick


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[COLOR=Navy]Have you ever faked being sick to get out of doing something or going anywhere you didn't want to go to?

I faked being sick today because I didn't feel like going to school today.

I didn't feel like dealing with all of the idiots that my school has today. Also, I haven't got to sleep past 8 AM in ages, and that didn't go well with my late night habits...heh

So I faked being sick.

I don't regret my decision either. I haven't felt more relaxed in such a long time. I finally was able to sleep in past 10 AM, play a lot of Mario 64 and Zelda:OoT, and I finally had the chance to draw.

So, have you ever faked being sick?[/COLOR]
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[COLOR=RoyalBlue][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Sure, I just faked sick last week to get out of meeting with my ex-stalker. (Shivers) Damn, he's creepy and clingy. If we weren't in public, he'd probably grab my arm and never let go. :animeknow I hate the fact that my mom still wants us to "get together". She has no idea what that kid put me through...

[QUOTE]I finally was able to sleep in past 10 AM, play a lot of Mario 64 and Zelda:OoT, and I finally had the chance to draw. [/QUOTE] I love Zelda, can't help but love it. Ocarina of Time never gets old. :p [/FONT] [/COLOR]
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Of course! Matter of fact, I did it just yesterday because it was Sunday, I hadn't worked all weekend and I just didn't feel like dealing with customers. I just didn't.
However, I try not to fake sick as much as possible because if you fake sick too many times people will start to think you're faking sick when you're really sick. Get it, huh?
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Well, technically, no. But sometimes, like after being sick for around two days, and I still feel a little crappy on the third day, but I COULD make it at school if I needed to, but I stay home anyway. Thus giving myself even MORE make-up homework ... But overal, if I haven't been sick, I can't fake it since my dad is really good at illnesses and such.
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[color=darkslateblue] No. For me, it is a waste of time. I suck at faking sick. How do you guys even fake sick and get away with it? Me trying to fake sick consists of me laying in bed akwardly, telling my mom in a groggy voice that my stomach hurts because that's the only thing I can say without my mom being able to tell if I am or not (like if you say you have a fever and you're forehead is as cool as a cucumber), and randomly throwing in two or three coughs to add in some drama.

Anyways. I salute anyone who can do a good job of faking sick.[/color]
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High school is tedious and my parents are indulgent, so I find I'm making quite a habit of this lately. I also find that I get a lot more done when I have the seclusion and healthy amount of sleep that I get out of sick days, which is hardly an incentive to stop.
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[COLOR=#B33D79][SIZE=1]Ah, if only I could.

Though I'm excellent in covering up for others, I'm a little shabby at lying for myself. The only time my poker face does work is when I'm lying for money I desperately need. I tried to fake PMS cramps once but my mother wouldn't buy it; she even drove me to school just to make sure that I won't skip classes.

I'll probably give it another shot in the near future... today, perhaps? Then again, I've tons of work to do (half of which are make-up requirements, putting me in the same distressing situation as Black Moon here). *presses Alt+Tab and goes back to her report*[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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lol... I fake sick so often, its rather funny. My parents are just so easy to convince it should be a crime... I'm not overly fond of school, so I stay home as often as I can. Just a forces throw-up or two, and couple of coughs, weak appearnce, and m personal trademark, forcing the blood into my forhead for aout three hours, making it extremly hot. I missed about 45 classes last term, 35 of which were fake. W00P W00P!!!
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[size=1][color=slategray]Heh, yeah, I really started the whole faking sick thing in 5th grade. And from there on.. I've been making a habit out of it. Every year I miss at least 13 days of school.. I think that's what I'm up to now. I am trying not to miss anymore days of school this year though.
It's fairly easy to get my mother to believe me... I just put a heated thing on my head so it gets warm.. and then when she feels my forehead, it feels like I have a fever. Or, I can say I have a sore throat and talk in a pathetic voice. I am quite the actress. XD Once I got to stay home because I had a migraine... but, argh, those things are horrible.
When I do fake.. it's because I'm either really tired, didn't finish a project/forgot about work I had, or I just can't deal with something social wise at school.
I am trying to break my habit of faking often.. but this year I've actually been pretty sick.. so I've only faked about two of the thirteen days.[/color][/size]
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[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]I have indeed faked being sick before, generally to catch up on sleep, or just because I don't feel like dealing with school that day. Although, unlike super easy freshman and sophomore years, I've found making up missed work as a junior is a LOT harder (especially with 2 AP classes) and a day off really isn't worth the hassle, so I don't do it often.

Still, I think the best sickness to fake if you want a day off is a seriously bad headache. That's always worked for me, and it's a great excuse to just go back to bed and sleep the rest of the day.

Ooh, I feel a little evil right now. But hey, everyone deserves to sleep in some days![/COLOR]
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[color=indigo]I've never "faked sick." I've gone home sick a couple times when I probably could have stayed at school, but that was only a matter of saying "I don't feel well, I want to go home," and going to the school office.

With very rare exceptions (like, maybe, twice) I've gone to school whether I'm feeling well or not. I had perfect attendance several years, heh. (I know a guy who never missed a day of class in his entire grade school/high school career. That's twelve+ years, folks. [i]I'm[/i] impressed.)

Besides. My parents trust me. If I wasn't feeling well, all I had to do was say so. :p[/color]
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I don't have to fake sick, because if I ever said I was sick, my parents would believe me. And probably call and ambulence. See, I never call in sick, ever. Even when I'm sick. I got an award for perfect attendence throughout high school by being a stubborn, miserable, germ-spreading bastard.

By the way, the best sickness excuse is, "You don't want to know the details."
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[COLOR=Red][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I faked being sick all the time when I was younger. I hated school and I'd do or say anything to get out of going. So, yeah, faking being sick was like a life style for me.

Ironically, now that I'm an adult and I don't have to go to school, I really feel sick all the time now. How's that for a kick in the ***?[/FONT][/COLOR]
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Well, now I know who the carrier of the plague is. ::eyes DeathBug::

I was never good at faking sick as a kid. Heck, when I really was sick my parents wouldn't believe me. They would believe me when I would be in the nurse's stations on death's doorstep. I would have loved to stay home from school while feeling fine. That would have been so much fun. Seeing how all the times I did get to stay at home sick I was really sick. Oh well, life goes on.
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[quote name='DeathBug']I don't have to fake sick, because if I ever said I was sick, my parents would believe me. And probably call and ambulence. See, I never call in sick, ever. Even when I'm sick. I got an award for perfect attendence throughout high school by being a stubborn, miserable, germ-spreading bastard.[/quote]

Haha, that's basically me. I never missed school that often, because staying at home is boring as hell. Going to school was only slightly less boring. Plus, whenever I missed a day of school, that would be the day that every single teacher decided to actually [i]do something[/i], and I'd spend forever trying to play catch up. I hate that.

So, yeah. High five, fellow stubborn, miserable, germ-spreading bastard! *raises arm in air, and then quickly pulls it away* Never mind, your hand is probably covered with germs. Ew.
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