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Fanfiction anyone?


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[COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Fixedsys]I love reading fanfiction. Well, it depends on what it's about, but that's besides the point. I'm going writing some myself(Naruto stories) but I have alot of ideas and dont know which to pick. But I'm not really asking peoples advice, I just want to know more or less what you like to write or read. Are there any fanfics you've writtin that your proud of? I might be intrested in reading some..:blush: And what kind do you like to read, what topic? Anime? A certian book? Any that you thought were really good and people should so read them? I WANNA KNOW!! lol. *calms down* heh I've been in the mood for fanfiction latley. :animeswea
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[color=#9933ff]*raises hand* Me. Guilty as charged. ^^;

It's actually surprising how few people on OtakuBoards like fanfiction. Or they're all just afraid to say so for fear of being "uncool."

But I love it. Fanfiction.net is the best place. I have tons of awesome Digimon and Harry Potter fanfics. I also have a nice Gundam wing author and some really good Artemis fowl (better than the books) fanfics, as well.

BTW, when I mean, i have those, I mean that I have links to those stories. I don't write fanfiction at all. I'm too lazy to write down all my ideas. (If you want any of those I mentioned, PM me and I'll give you some links.)

When I first found fanfiction, I was totally obsessed with it, and I'd read it all the time. That's why I have all those great authors. They're a few years old, but they're still good authors and stories.

Fanfiction is the best. It's a great way to have fun with the characters you already know and love. I love it. ^_^[/color]
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[COLOR=DarkGreen]I love fanfiction. I used to read the ones on FanFiction.net all the time. The video game ones are the best. I used to write short Zelda fanfics in my younger days (i.e.two years ago). I have been thinking about writing a new one, Maybe I should, and out a link to it here...I'll be shure to include Gaara.[/COLOR]
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[COLOR=Blue]I havn't really read many, but I have been working on a few of my own.
BTW, I have a thread that exsplains what I've been working on of late. My latest work would be a retelling of Bruce Timm's and Paul Dini's "Batman Beyond." I was dissipointed with the show, so my version is what I think it should've been. I kept all the characters and plot points in there so not everything is changed. I made Terry bigger, and more troubled. I had made the Jokerz more dangerous instead of a running gag. I detailed more of Terry's father's muder etc.

I havn't posted any of my works yet, but when I do, I hope you'll read them.


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[COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Fixedsys]Dragonboy I'd love to see your Batman Beyond fic. That sounds awesome.

Dude., if you wrote a fanfic I would like see it too. All the better if it had Gaara in it!!

And Roxie, I'd like to see the links to those fics. Espeicially the Harry Potter ones, I love Harry Potter!

I'm gonna make an account name sometime and I will then write out the many ideas in which have subsided in my head. lol. :animesmil [/FONT] [/COLOR]
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[COLOR=Blue]Hey thanks Gaarasgirl. I appreate the complament. I'm still working with it at the minute. I have to get through Chapter 1 first, then I'll post it.
I do a lot of writing. I even wrote a couple reviews for my school newspaper. But only one was published. It was a review of last years best selling Batman storyline "Batman: Hush". I can put it as an add on if you want to read it. My other review was on "Hellsing." It should've been published.
Have you seen my thread on OB Anthology about what I've working on in my fan fic writings?


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[COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Fixedsys]I havent seen your thread yet but I'll be sure to check it out. lemme know when your story is up and I'll read it. I like to write alot too, though I rarely get to write anything fun because of school. You'd think you would be writing intresting things in school ne? Not just boring essays about Romeo and Juliet. I did enter a poetry contest for our yearbook, I wrote a humor-ish poem. Now that I have alittle more time on my hands though I'm goin to start a fanfic username.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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It's good to see someone who's actually willing to read fan fiction. Usually, everyone and his brother writes 20 page stories, and about three people read them. I remember seeing one site with 900 fan fics for Wolf's Rain, and about 1/4 of them got decent reviews.

I myself rarely write fan fic, I never feel comfortarble controlling characters that aren't my own. But I do enjoy reading fan fics on occasion, but I haven't lately, mostly because I'm busy with schoolwork and my own stories. I'd like to get into reading them again, but the site I used to read them at is far too overcrowded, and there aren't a lot of good fan fics here; everybody writes origional stories.
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Yep, I love fanfiction. Haven't written any, but it isn't from lack of ideas, I just don't have enough spare time to devote to writing them.

Anyways, you asked about fanfics people have read and think others should read them too? I can think of two, right here on the OB Anthology. "Bearers of the Shards" and the companion story "Lord of the West" (still in progress), both by Yamisui. Also, the thread that Dragonboym2 is working on is entitled "What I been working on." Just thought you might want to know, gaarasgirl90.
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I love fanfics personally. I read alot, usually, and I've been known to write one or two... (His Dark Materials Fanfics for the mostpart) Its great because it's like taking a story you love and then going deeper. If done right, Fanfics can be better then the actual books. I like writing fanfics that look more at the less wellknown and importent charecters, and going deep into their past and learning more of them (I've always loved sidecharacters anyway) I think that nothing beats a properly done Fanfic, they make for awesome reads.
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[color=crimson]If I could, I would spend my entire life reading and/or writing fanfiction. I love it. I'll read alomost any kind, except MarySue. Fanfiction.net is my favorite site simply because they have so many things to read. I love stories with mystery and indepth character analysis. I'll read humor, but I have read too many stupid ones to be a huge fan of humor fics. You can also google for many fics. Some of the best fanfiction I have ever read was something I found on google. I print and read it during school or at home. I'm kind of an addict. O_o

~Lumi ^_^[/color]
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Well, I guess I'll put in a plug for my fics, as well. All my stuff is posted on ff.net.

I have seven Inuyasha fics: four humorous one-shots, one serious one-shot (winner of the MeikoAnime Fanfiction contest on Mediaminer.org), and two novellas. The first novella (The Bearers of the Shards) has won three awards, two specifically for Action/Adventure (IY Fanguild, and also Mediaminer's Third Annual Big Ass Fanfiction contest). :animesigh Just posting a little PR here to let you know these are not your average Inufics. The second novella is its sequel (Lord of the West), which for some bizarre reason people seem to like more than the first one. It's still a work in progress, though at this time I only have about 3 chapters to go (out of 19).

I'm currently obsessed with Naruto :animeknow , so I'm also writing a Naruto novella. It's mainly centered around Team 7 and the mystery surrounding a mission they're on, though Gaara has half a chapter dedicated to him for one of the fight scenes. I'm not going to post this particular fic (Red Blossom) on this site until it's finished, because the fight scenes are so difficult to write that it takes me forever between posts. Suffice to say, this work-in-progress is going to be LONG. I plan on 11 chapters. There are 4 chapters posted on ff.net thus far, totalling 100 pages.

On a general note, we need more good Naruto fanfiction. Sorry, fangirls, but you're flooding our fandom with FAR too much OOC-ness, utterly implausible yaoi, and icky pedophilia. Let's get some stories people can sink their teeth into, ne?
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I'm currently obsessed with Naruto :animeknow , so I'm also writing a Naruto novella. It's mainly centered around Team 7 and the mystery surrounding a mission they're on, though Gaara has half a chapter dedicated to him for one of the fight scenes. I'm not going to post this particular fic (Red Blossom) on this site until it's finished, because the fight scenes are so difficult to write that it takes me forever between posts. Suffice to say, this work-in-progress is going to be LONG. I plan on 11 chapters. There are 4 chapters posted on ff.net thus far, totalling 100 pages.

On a general note, we need more good Naruto fanfiction. Sorry, fangirls, but you're flooding our fandom with FAR too much OOC-ness, utterly implausible yaoi, and icky pedophilia. Let's get some stories people can sink their teeth into, ne?[/QUOTE]

[COLOR=DarkRed]I LOVE Gaara!! lol tell me when you're done writing that chap!!! I agree with you on the fangirl attacks though. I hate reading a Naruto fic that is highly improbable, unless it has Gaara in it. I like reading almost all Gaara fics except yaoi. Gaara/male leaf shinobi? No thank you. I like it with the OC's. [/COLOR]
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[COLOR=Blue] :animeangr What the Hell? My thread "What I've been working on" has been closed.
Great. I was enjoying our disscussion on that thread. Because I made a double post. I was telling people that I put up "Batman Beyond" chapter one part one, and I was told that double posts are not acceptable. So I no longer have the liberty of doing double posts. So, how am I going to discuss my fan-fic works and etc now? If I start a new thread, for it, I'll get kicked off maybe. Any one got any ideas?


Dragonboym2 [/COLOR]
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I'd suggest trying the wee edit button. Handy tool, that.

Wow, 100 pages in 4 chapters? Nice. Must put alot of effort and detail into the fights... Or somsuch things. I'd be interested in reading a few of these Inufics, if you could post a hyperlink. Ty.
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[color=darkred][font=Fixedsys]Oi, Dargonboy! If you cant get your thread or whatever up and running, you can post here, or start a new one if you want. I mean this thread is fanfiction in general right?

By the way, I have created a pen name on fanfiction.net. It's NazgulGrl and so far I have one capter of my first fic up. It's probably corny, but it's an ooc Sasuke/Sakura fic. Though I did get 3 good reveiws on it so far. Even if you're unfamiliar with the characters or story you could read it and still understand. Maybe you guys could check it out and tell me what you think. Does it suck, is it pretty good, how could I improve? Some more reviews would be nice too... :angel:

LOL, haha, nvm!

[font=Verdana][size=1][color=red]Please do not double post. Simply edit your original post to include the message. -- Lady Asphyxia[/color][/size][/font]
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*is eminently flattered to be noticed* :animeshy:

Okay, here are the links to my Inufics:

[URL=http://www.fanfiction.net/s/1623636/1/]The Bearers of the Shards[/URL]

[URL=http://www.fanfiction.net/s/1763293/1/]Lord of the West[/URL] (sequel)
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  • 2 weeks later...
[color=#9933ff]I'm sorry to say I can't read any of the fics you guys have made links to because I haven't really watched much of those shows. =(

It's really late at night and I don't feel like selecting some good authors (I have many), but I promise I will, some other time. It took me a really long time to figure out this thread got moved to Anthology. Wow. lol.

And yes, I can attest to the fact that Luminaire is a fanfiction addict. She's killed several small forests with all the paper she's used. She finds great stuff though, and then gives the best of the best for me to read, which I enjoy.

Does anyone find that fanfiction sometimes changes your perception about certain characters? Before I entered Gundam wing fanfiction, I wasn't too keen on shonen-ai, and afterwards, it was perfectly fine for me. Or, in Digimon, I had never thought about a certain couple working, but after reading one really awesome fic with them together, it totally changed my perception on it (it was Daikari, btw).[/color]
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[color=deeppink][size=1]Roxie, I totally agree with you. For example, I never really considered Yuki x Hatsuharu to be a feasible coupling in Fruits Basket (Furuba, if you want to be elitist about it), but after reading a couple fanfictions on it, I was like 'hey, this could really work.'

Anyway, yea. I think fanfiction is, at it's best, a way of opening up your mind to the characters and shows/books/whatever they are based on, seeing them from totally new and different perspectives. But fanfiction can also be incredibly boring, for example, the millions of fanfics with Spike x Faye that came out after that show ran full course the first time. fanfiction.net has some awesome stuff inside of it, but sometimes it takes sifting through a lot of crap to get to the good stuff.

As for me, the only fanfiction I write it is really random comical pieces that put the characters into situations that they never in a million years would be in, and just see what happens. It provides great entertainment, if not entirely wholesome. XD But I deeply enjoy reading a good fanfiction.

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[COLOR=Blue]I hate to say it, but I got a little writer's block. ARRRGH! I hate that! I'm trying to think up a senerio for my "Scene Switchers" fan-fic where the head characters Kevin and Nara end up in "Ruroni Kenshin". All I got so far in my notes is that they wander around the countryside a bit, and run into Ken and Sano at a local bar. Sano is looking for somthing/someone, but I'm not sure yet. I'm kind of drawing a blank at what happens next. Can anybody please lend me a hand? I appreate it.


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Guest Garelock
I'm very much guilty as charged when it comes to reading fanfictions because I like fantasy versions of everything or just something original altogether. The fact is that I find fantasy worlds to be much more interesting than ones created that has to stick to a STRICT story-line which can get boring sometimes. I like surprises too in that I like to be shocked or see some irony in stories; nothing predictable. I have written my own stories if anyone would like to read them though I doubt they would because of the length of the posts. Here they are again:

Forestory: How all this happened

Character Guide

Actual story

Otakuboards is messing up on me so I can't make those urls hyperlinks so just copy and paste them onto your address bar.
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