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[SIZE=1]Okie doke. I'll comment on your banners/avatars.

[b]First Avatar[/b] was alright. The main problem is that it's a little too small to see the person in any detail. I'd recommend making him bigger. The other things that caught my attention is that it looks as if he's wearing a helmet/jaw brace. I'm assuming that's just a blending error or something. But I definetly like the faded space on the left side. Good stuff.

[b]First Banner[/b] was about as good as the avatar. I'll explain. The image was too small to see the guy much (once again), and he looked like he had a jaw brace. Also, the text is clashing mightily with the background. I'd feel something a little more techy, as the background is abstract. Maybe just giving the text and outline would do wonders. But I'm guessing the main problem is that the guy is too small to see very much.

[b]Second avatar[/b] was okay, but there wasn't much to see. That's the problem, I think. The lack of detail or action makes it boring. Once again, I'd recommend making the image clearer or bigger. Maybe a funky layer to make it look super-cool. That's your own taste though.

[b]Second Banner[/b] wasn't feelin' too much again. I think repeating the image by flipping it isn't working here. It rarely does, from what I see generally. I'd also recommend (again... see a pattern?) to make your main-focus bigger and more apparent. No one likes straining their eyes to see how cool the main character on the banner looks. Anyway, the text is somewhat hard to make out, and once again would benefit from an outline/more definition.

Really, I only see a few reoccuring problems. The text not standing out, the characters not being large/clear enough are your main demons. Keep playing around with it -- it'll come!
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Thanks for the suggestions! The first banner and Avi though, his jaw is bound, kind of like gagging, but not a helmet, lol. (Love is [i]binding[/i] :) ) As far as the other, maybe I do need to get the words clearer, because that pic is called [i]symmetry[/i] LOL, so in order to go with the name, flipping was necessary :) But again, thanks for the suggestions!

Here's another one I worked on... I found this really cool wallpaper, and decided to take the character and create a banner with the same colors :)
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LOL thanks! This is another Banner and Avatar set I just finished... this one took me awhile... I had to crop, and being the obsessive compulsive person I am, I couldn't do this the simple way... This was inspired by the song "No Leaf Clover" by Metallica... lol, that song is great to listen to :D
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Wowza, you sure are whipping these things up like crazy!
The only thing I have any real problem with is the lack of differing fonts.
I mean, what if there were a tonne of people with the same font in their banner?
It'd be like, "[insert font-name here] Takes Over Otakuboards" :animenose
So yeah, just find an awesome font that suits each banner/avi set you do. Look at the pic and scroll through your fonts. It may take a while, but it gives a better effect I feel :animeknow
Nice work though lol
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YOu know, I was thinking of that too... but my style I go for is soft... and this is the softest font I have... I guess I just have to broaden my options... thanks for the great tip! :)

Here's another one :) I made this one just now... I changed the font, but I tried sticking with my same style...

EDIT* I also redid the "Love is Binding" Set... I kind of like this better... let me know what you think of the changes :) The border has the color from his eyes... hopefully you can see it :)
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[SIZE=1]Meh. I'm not gonna go comment on all of these, but here's a general synopsis.

[b]Text[/b] needs maybe a border of some sort, and maybe experiment with the placement. Sticking it in the center of the banner isn't always the best idea. And like FireMage said, try out new fonts. Some suit banners better than others. A clashing banner like the red one doesn't need a curly script like the one you're using.

[b]Blending[/b] has been done pretty well. In some of your avatars, however, they're pretty bland, or you just cropped out the face of the banner. And that can get old sometimes. Anyway, you seem to have this love of flipping duplicate images and putting it on the oppositing side of the banner. It's just my opinion, but it doesn't look good... just repetitive. Maybe playin' with blending options would be good here.

[b]Everything else...[/b] is alright I supose. I don't feel like looking to analyze each image you made, but in general, it's good.

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7/10? lol, well at least I like them :) As far as the lettering, I first arrange my pics, and then situate the lettering where it [i]fits[/i] .... :) Thanks for the comments though :)
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[quote name='Reiku']You did go on a banner, avi making craze! I like them all. But I agree with Retribution about some of the thigns he said. You're doing very well. Just needs fine tuning.[/quote]Please try to be a little more specific in your posts. For example, in this case, you could refer to the things you agreed with Retribution about, as well as go into detail about how it can be fine tuned. Thanks!
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Wow, I found a bunch of really COOL pics from War of Genesis, and I felt like making a set for this character... first of many ;) Anyway, I used blue's and oranges since they complement each other :) Comments again welcomed!

*EDIT* Well I finished another one :) I liked this one because she looked so cute :D lol, just had to do it, again, nothing fancy, but I like the color scheme :)
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The only thing I have any real problem with is the lack of differing fonts.
I mean, what if there were a tonne of people with the same font in their banner?
It'd be like, "[insert font-name here] Takes Over Otakuboards"[/QUOTE]
[size=1]Geez, yeah. :sweat: Ozy Jones has made so many banners already. ^_^ I'm suprised Treno did mine before she did.

Wow. I always like yours. I like the ones you made with Reiko on it. Those are really nice. :) I keep going back to look at them. I'm probably going to save these and use one eventually. 'Nuf said.[/size]
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[QUOTE=Mouse][size=1]Geez, yeah. :sweat: Ozy Jones has made so many banners already. ^_^ I'm suprised Treno did mine before she did.

[COLOR=DarkOrange]:D. He's talking about the font types, actually. As in, if you use the same exact font for every banner, things start losing their creativity...and I will rule this board. Treno cannot stop me...

Anyways. ..., I really like the image effects you do. The layering looks very nice, and the pictures are very tastefully arranged.

That being said, the text on some of them seems a little off. The Christian one is beautiful - but the font seems a little too...techno. I know the text isn't computerish, but when you compare it to the ornateness of his outfit - the design on his leggings, for example - and the test clashes a bit with the rest of the "feel" of the banner.

I do really like the one with the girl with glasses...the color scheme is just right.

I'd give a 9/10.[/COLOR]
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Thanks so much for the compliment :) I'm having a lot of fun just DOING these :) lol, this one is my favorite so far... lol, I may be changing mine soon :) This character is so CUTE :laugh:
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LOL!!!! I don't know, but it makes her look adorable :) My sister thought of the catch phrase. :) That was her favorite thus far. :D

I redid Christian... I gave it a different font, a little softer, but I think it works out a lot better :)
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[quote name='Ozy Jones][COLOR=DarkOrange']:D. He's talking about the font types, actually. As in, if you use the same exact font for every banner, things start losing their creativity...and I will rule this board. Treno cannot stop me...[/COLOR][/quote]
[SIZE=1]Oh, but I can. Mu-ha. Treno and I will rise up together and rebel. We will rule the Art Studio with an Iron fist! Only Syk3 can stop us now! Heh.

Anyway, the last banner you made was pretty good, I'd say. I only don't like the placement of the girl, and again, doubling her bugs me. But that's my personal taste. And yeah, like Ozy said, text loses it's power and originality if it's overused. But I think you broke the trend in using a new font. w00t to you.

[B]Retribution & Treno (and Muse, since it's his wife) will rule soon...[/B][/SIZE]
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LOL, I have no use in ruling this place Retribution, I'll hire YOU guys to do that for me :D WAY too powerful in the ways of art forms to toy with the likes of you ;) :devil:

I know, if I had more pics of that character, I wouldn't have to do so much doubling... but I kind of like it... simple, and yet not [i]too[/i] simple. And yes, unfortunately, there are VERY few fonts I like on Photoshop CS... very few...
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[QUOTE=Retribution][SIZE=1]Oh, but I can. Mu-ha. Treno and I will rise up together and rebel. We will rule the Art Studio with an Iron fist! Only Syk3 can stop us now! Heh.

Anyway, the last banner you made was pretty good, I'd say. I only don't like the placement of the girl, and again, doubling her bugs me. But that's my personal taste. And yeah, like Ozy said, text loses it's power and originality if it's overused. But I think you broke the trend in using a new font. w00t to you.

[B]Retribution & Treno (and Muse, since it's his wife) will rule soon...[/B][/SIZE][/QUOTE]
[size=1]Wattaaboutme?? ???

I like the new font for the last one. It works better than the blocky one.

Oh!! I like the stormy effect on the last girl banner/ava set. Very nice. :)[/size]
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[size=1]Just checking in. I'm glad you took my comment and used it to your advantage '. . .' !
Especially in the Reiku banner you posted straight after my fonts comment!
That particular font doesn't appear to be on my list (I must get it lol), and it works well with Reiku.
I give your current font/image dress-sense 9.5/10
Yeah, I'm being stingy :P[/size]
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[color=gray][size=1]Altron, that's a [i]he[/i] >_>; It looks like no one knows 'War of Genesis'/'Magna Carta' images here anymore (first they were used uber much)... They truly are the best for banners and stuff.

Anyway, I'll just do the last one.. The background looks nice... The image to the left is placed a bit too low. I have no idea why you took the same image, only a bit bigger, and used the middle of it in a banner... The image to the right is just right lol.
I don't really like the fonts you used. I don't get why you make the border more clear than the rest of the background either... I don't know what you used for program, even though you might have said it earlier.

A few things I, myself would do:
When using that image, I'd use a more warmer colour for the background, seeing as her hair, and partly her outfit, is orange and she has a bit tanned skin.
I'd make a less big banner, use a one pixel border and see how it turns out at the end lol.

Well, the banner is nice, but it could be nicer.[/color][/size]
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