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Thoughts on Love


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Just some thoughts I had a couple months ago before I left for college. Hopefully this won't offend anyone. I've looked it over a few times to get rid of anything remotely offensive, so it should work out.

Anyone mind telling me what these humans? problem with love is? Anyone? No takers, huh? Well then, I guess I?ll just have to try and figure this one out myself. Here goes nothing, which ironically, is what most people mistake to be love.

I can honestly say that I have felt love. Not this silly highschool **** that gets thrown around as love, no. I truly LOVE someone. The Highschool brand of love is just hormones. Two people feel attracted to each other, and they enjoy each other?s presence. They say that they love each other, which sometimes might be true, but not likely. The frame of mind of a teenager is rarely capable of manifesting an understanding of what it is to love someone. What these kids experience is a crush. A purely hormonal attraction (mostly physical) that induces illusions that they "love" the other person. That?s not love, that?s pitiful.

Yes, sometimes two people actually love each other and they share that love with each other. Sadly, this case is very rare until humans reach the age of somewhere in their twenties, when they no longer think primarily about sex. They have total control of their hormones and can understand their emotions, giving them access to the prized emotion known as love.

I am a rare case in the fact that I love someone. I love her, everything about her, I am IN LOVE with her, and I?m happy to know that. She knows I love her, and I tell her often. Stacy says that she doesn?t know if she?s in love with me or not, but she does love me on a certain level (there is a difference between loving someone and being in love with them, mind you), and I?m perfectly fine with that. Stacy is the greatest thing to ever happen to me.

Now onto what I feel love is. Love, as I already stated, is an emotion, pure and simple. When you love someone, no one else matters. Not their feelings, not their ideas, not their state of being, nothing. Only the person you love matters to you. You constantly want to be with them, you only feel content when you?re around them or think about them, and when you are with them you never want to leave. You notice the smallest details about them, their life, their very being. You can always tell when they?re near you, even if you can?t see them. Their presence can calm your most violent rages, and their touch can: cause your heart to beat uncontrollably, awaken you from the deepest slumber, or even make you fall asleep no matter how tense you may be. Every fiber of their existence feels right to you, they are the perfect compliment to your life. Loosing them would be the destruction of your entire world and life, gaining them through marriage would make your soul euphoric for eternity. They are always in your thoughts, even the little ones at the back of your mind. They rule your subconscious, they?re always in your prayers and dreams. You sometimes visit them just for the sake of seeing them before you go home to sleep. They?re in your first thought when you wake up, and in your last thought when you fall asleep. You would do anything to prevent harm to them, both physical, mental, and spiritual. You would give up family and friends if they didn?t accept the person you love. You would give your life to save theirs, because ultimately your life IS theirs.

But why does the generic term "love" get thrown around like a cheap whore? Simply put, because humans are stupid animals. They have their good points about them, but they can only understand so much. Love just wasn?t one of the things that all humans were given the ability to understand, experience, and cherish. So, love gets downgraded to a hormonal imbalance in teenagers that are hornier than an adult rhino in heat, and no one ever bothers to come along and correct this stupid mistake. I can only do so much, but eventually I may just get fed up and stop trying.

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[color=crimson][size=1]Stormbringer's right...in the sense that a lot of people throw the word "love" around when they don't really know what it means.

In any case...as good as your post was, Stormbringer...err...we've had this same topic at least twice before.

So we might let it progress a little bit more, but I think I'd preferred it if you'd taken the next oldest "love topic" and posted on that, rather than creating a whole new one.

Anyway...your post was certainly interesting reading.[/color][/size]
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james i right...in fact i had a good talking to someone the other day on these very boards about love it went sumthing like...hey your not inlove your pheromones are telling you to be close to this person so that you will get laid they do that you know???
well ne way thanx for putting up this post but i do see it fairly often.
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That was a calibur of post I hope to see more often from other members as well as yourself. It was truly worth reading. As for my thoughts on the subject, mine are a little hazy at this point in time. I honestly do not wish to love anyone right now. But, certain ideals and problems have clashed with others, and now I have a very confusing situation indeed...

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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Darkness [/i]
[B]i know this emotion all too well. what i want you to tell me is how will you react if your love is taken from you. i know how i reacted. In my eyes, you don't truly know love until you've been hurt by it. [/B][/QUOTE]

Well, in a way I lost my love once. Shortly after our breakup last year, I realized that I'd fallen in love with Stacy.... but now we're back together, so everything's great.

How would I react? Probably about the same as I did last year, but on a much larger scale. Honestly, I would probably die. Either physically or mentally, I would cease to exist. She means everything to me, nothing else really matters.
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I have a question. Of course, I'm still in high school and I totally agree with the love thing. I cannot tell someone I love them unless I feel there is something special there that is not just physical attraction. But anyway. Would you consider it love when you CONSTANTLY think about the other person...and they are all that matters to you and you want to just revolve your life around that person? Because I had someone like that. And when we broke up, I couldn't sleep and I just cried and I lost my appetite for a week. I've NEVER had that kind of reaction to anything and it really scared me. But we got back together and our "love" (if you say that's what I might have) was really strong. Is this true love? And I truly loved reading your post. I want to be your best friend so you can give me advice on everything.
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[SIZE=1]Love is pain, plain and simple. There's nothing else to it. Nothing good has ever come from this so-called "love". "Love" comes in stages, and it may see really good at first, but pain is all that is left behind in the end. It starts with the beauty of love this is where everything is perfect, you're both happy, you both "love" each other, it's the most perfect utopia. Although, then follows the betrayal of love. One's feelings aren't what they seem and they go towards another person, or just away from you. You are unaware of this at the time. Finally, the heartbreak of love. The one of whom you thought you'd spend the rest of your life with leaves you, after he/she has been hiding his/her betrayal behind your back for some time, and you finally either find out, or they tell you. That is how it is, was, and ever will be. Love is a vicious cycle, much like life itself.[/SIZE]
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I want to find someone to love, but I am scared of what will happen, after my other whole ordeal. I've never been that close to anyone before. But I do want to get married and have a family one day. I have like my own fantasies, but what's the chances of them ever coming true? I want to make something of myself one day, but doesn't it seem that life is so much easier if you have the encouragement and love from that "special someone"? To know that someone cares at all times and will always be beside you? Even if love does end in pain, isn't the good that you endure at first sometimes worth it, even in the end when you go through the hurt and heartbreak? Because I think if you're in love, you're lucky because you must be truly happy.
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No offense to anyone but Im tired of poeple saying its impossible for teenagers to know true love. Thats completly wrong.

Im not like many other people. I dont go around telling girls I love them and thinking of sex. I have never told a girl I loved her, even in the: By, Love you! kind a thing you say at the end of phone calls or such. the only person I say that to is my girl. Because I do love her. Lots of people think love you is just a commen statement you say to your girl or boyfriend when its not.
It means something. I also will not have sex with anyone but the one I love. After all, why is it called making love? Suprisingly enough, I am made fun of for this very often.

When I look at Scarlett, its not the physical attraction, or the thought of sex, that makes me love her, its just her. Have the time you have to be seperated from them to know this. you start to miss the little things, like looking into her eyes, feeling her hand, or just hearing her talk. You feel epty if you can not habve those things. Yes I think she looks beautifull and has a beautifull body. but thats not the things that matter most. When your in love, you find that doesnt matter as much as the little things. Like i said its hard to explain it. Its just something you know when it happens.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i]
[B][SIZE=1]Love is pain, plain and simple. There's nothing else to it. Nothing good has ever come from this so-called "love". "Love" comes in stages, and it may see really good at first, but pain is all that is left behind in the end. It starts with the beauty of love this is where everything is perfect, you're both happy, you both "love" each other, it's the most perfect utopia. Although, then follows the betrayal of love. One's feelings aren't what they seem and they go towards another person, or just away from you. You are unaware of this at the time. Finally, the heartbreak of love. The one of whom you thought you'd spend the rest of your life with leaves you, after he/she has been hiding his/her betrayal behind your back for some time, and you finally either find out, or they tell you. That is how it is, was, and ever will be. Love is a vicious cycle, much like life itself.[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE]
Amen, Brother Piro! I know [i]this[/i] experience with love all too well. I would say more, but quite frankly, I think I have said just about all I can say on this topic. One last comment in closing, though: Love in infinite. It is the best, and the worst thing that could ever happen to a human being. It is absolute glory, its is the feeling of triumph you get when you achieve a goal long sought after. It is the feeling you get when you hear your favorite song EVER for the first time. It is all things good, thrown together into a pot and stirred thouroughly. Yet, at the same time it may be all things bad. It can be the disapointment of defeat. The sadness of losing a loved one or pet. All this is just there, in one emotion. One emotion, we call "love."

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[SIZE=1]Building off of Justin's comment "Love is infinite": And as I said before, Love is pain which leads to Pain is infinite. It works just like this: [i]If love is infinite, and love is also pain, then pain must also be infinite.[/i] Queen Asuka, you're right that you are happy when you're in the beauty of love, but after going through the betrayal and heartbreak of love, you feel nothing but pain for the rest of your life. It's a never-healing scar in the back of your mind. It's always there, thus helping prove the above theorem.[/SIZE]
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Love is not pain. True, when you have love, if that love ends then yes, its painfull. This will more than likely happen to everyone sometime in their life. One part of life is overcoming that pain. You can not be scared to love because yuour scared of the pain. If you feel that way you will never love even when a person who loves you is sitting right in front of you. Yuo will be by yourself the rest of your life. I know my love could end any day but I dont let that bother me. You can not go around being paranoid about it. If it happens, take it like man. Yes it is veryt painfull but you cant coward, or else everythig else in life will run you over as well.
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[SIZE=1]I never said anything about being afraid of this love, but yes, you [i]can[/i] be scared to love because you're scared of the pain it will lead to. It's a common feeling among a lot of people I know. And yes, if they feel that way, they will end up alone, they will never be able to experience the beaty of love because they don't want the betrayal and heartbreak of it. So they choose to be alone, to wallow in their own fear, and bring upon themselves the anguish, and the [i]pain[/i], that they never got to love someone because they wouldn't let themselves do it. I'm going to quote you here: "Yes it is veryt painfull.." and by "it" you were referring to the heartbreak and betrayal of love. That can be concluded from the clues from the rest of the text. So in saying that, you say the love is pain, just in different words. And it all depends on the person on how they deal with this pain of love. Some are strong, and can move on, but they can not put it aside. It will always be their, you can't forget it because love is such a strong feeling, that you can't let it go, no matter how much it may hurt. Others, are weak, and they dwell in the pain of love, and they are miserable for the rest of their lives. These are the people that were afriad to begin with, but decided to give it a shot. Then when the pain is left behind, they knew they were right to begin with, that they didn't want the pain, they didn't want the agony that follows, and they live that way for as long as there life lasts.[/SIZE]
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[QUOTE][B]I have a question. Of course, I'm still in high school and I totally agree with the love thing. I cannot tell someone I love them unless I feel there is something special there that is not just physical attraction. But anyway. Would you consider it love when you CONSTANTLY think about the other person...and they are all that matters to you and you want to just revolve your life around that person? Because I had someone like that. And when we broke up, I couldn't sleep and I just cried and I lost my appetite for a week. I've NEVER had that kind of reaction to anything and it really scared me. But we got back together and our "love" (if you say that's what I might have) was really strong. Is this true love? And I truly loved reading your post. I want to be your best friend so you can give me advice on everything. [/B][/QUOTE]

It could very well be love. At first glance it looked a bit like infatuation, but when I read it again, I got more and more notices that your feeling is love. And really, you can't be told by anyone that you're in love, it's something that only you can figure out, although I hope that this helps you.

[quote][b]Love is pain, plain and simple. There's nothing else to it. Nothing good has ever come from this so-called "love". "Love" comes in stages, and it may see really good at first, but pain is all that is left behind in the end. It starts with the beauty of love this is where everything is perfect, you're both happy, you both "love" each other, it's the most perfect utopia. Although, then follows the betrayal of love. One's feelings aren't what they seem and they go towards another person, or just away from you. You are unaware of this at the time. Finally, the heartbreak of love. The one of whom you thought you'd spend the rest of your life with leaves you, after he/she has been hiding his/her betrayal behind your back for some time, and you finally either find out, or they tell you. That is how it is, was, and ever will be. Love is a vicious cycle, much like life itself.[/b][/quote]

It sounds like you've had some unfortunate experiences in the relationship department.... But I have to disagree with you about love being nothing but pain, and how nothing good ever comes from it. Yes, there are always times when love can bring pain to someone's life, but if you truly love someone, someone who is right for you that would never intentionally hurt you, things always turn out good in the end.

[quote][b]No offense to anyone but Im tired of poeple saying its impossible for teenagers to know true love. Thats completly wrong.[/b][/quote]

I never said it was impossible, I just said that it's very rare that it happens. You and Cam are both fine examples of this.

[quote][b]Its just something you know when it happens.[/b][/quote]

Amen to that. I've tried explaining it to the best of my abilities, but love is different for everyone. What I posted above is just how I feel love is. And truth be told, I'm adding more and more to that part every day or so.

As far as this whole losing a love thing, I know it's painful, and I know it's one of the hardest things in life. I went through it when Stacy and I broke up last year, as a matter of fact. It hurt more than anything in the world, but now that we're back together the memory of that loss and pain are completely gone. It can heal, all you have to do is give it time.

Also, if you lose a love, then maybe that person isn't the right one for you. Finding that one person is half the pain in life, but it's also half the fun.

Thankfully this isn't turning rotten. It's really cool that so many of you have different feedback to add.
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[color=crimson][size=1]You know, Stormbringer...even though we've seen this topic a few times...I have so far been very impressed with the way people have handled it.

I mean, we don't have to be talking about politics or something controversial like religion. But it's nice to see people putting forth their thoughts honestly and eloquently.

I agree with what you said in your last post...in the sense that, when you're in love...you kind of wonder when you'll hit the bottom. But you never do, it keeps getting stronger and stronger. There is no end to it.

I've been in a relationship for two years, with a person that I love very much. And I find now...I love them infinitely more than I did when we first met. You always think that you'll get bored over time...but when you find the right person, the opposite is true. The more you discover about them...the more time you spend with them...the more you grow to appreciate them. And so, the feeling grows over time.

I think that's a true indicator as to whether you've found the right person.

If you feel yourself getting more bored...then you know they're not necessarily right for you in the long run. But if you feel more in love each time you see them...then you know you've found the right one. :)[/color][/size]
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i'm not sure what to think about love. the one time i've been in love was wonderful, yet horrible. at first i couldn't have asked for more, but he eventually took advantage of it & enslaved me. i even turned my back on my family for him, i mean i disowned them, & that's how i ended up on the streets for the first time (not so bad though, b/c he was w/ me to keep me warm). when i think about it, i never want to set myself up by falling in love again. that was 4 years ago, & i haven't felt real feelings for anyone since. i don't let myself. i guess when the time is right i will love again, but i don't see it happening in the near future.
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