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How can you be sure?


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[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][I]'We would all like to know for certian that we found the right person, that we have made the right emotional investment. But remember there is no guaranteed rate of return...You can do all the research you like, but in the end, and proposal is a leap of faith.' [/I]

By eh forgot who...

So that gives many thoeries of how we can tell when we have found the right person. What do you the members of OB think of this and how do you know when you have found the right person/ or the thoery of finding the right person?[/COLOR][/FONT]
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[COLOR=Indigo]Momo means the right person for you. Damn, this is a hard question to answer. I'd say when you find yourself thinking too much about them. When you've said something wrng, and feel terribly guilty. When you attempt to help them in any way possible.

Those things gradually take hold, and you sub-conciously do things you would not normally do for this person. When you feel jealous when the're with some one, and at the same time, feel happy that the're happy.

This is how, in my opinion, is when you've found the "right one".[/COLOR]
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[FONT=Tahoma]Okay well first of all, it's no theory, it's no investment, it sounds like your talking about evolution, not the well being of your heart. This is love, it's nothing you can describe, prepare for, or expect. You can never be sure whats going to happen next or if "next" is even coming. If you're asking the question,"Am I sure?" Then chances are you're not. Chances are this isn't the right person, because if your doubting, you have already answered it. I believe if he's the right one, then you'll know, you won't have a doubt, and you'll know you're in love. Try imagining life without him. Don't go by emotional investments, don't treat love like's it a mathematical equation, because chances are, if you are then you aren't in love. No equation can tell you who, what, when, where, how . . the only thing that I can say is, follow your heart.

- Kittaysss[/FONT]
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yeah, this is a hard question to answer, mostly because it deals with peoples' personal feelings. Everyone has theory's and/or ideas of how to find the right person for you, but in my opinion I think it kind of gets in the way. People spend so much time wondering if the person they're with is the right person when they should actually be spending time with them. I think its a feeling that you get, you just know that the person is right for you. You have to have a huge amount of trust and love for the person and if you invest all your time in the relationship then by the time you decide to propose you should be sure enough to make the decision.
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[quote name='x kakashi x']I think its a feeling that you get, you just know that the person is right for you.[/quote]

That is exactly how I was...am..whatever. lol When I first met John (my husband) I just knew he was the man I was going to marry. I felt we had this special connection, I can't really put it to words but it was like we were just meant to be together. It felt comfortable and safe to be with him. He became my best friend. We could talk about anything and everything. You know those deep dark personal secrets, the ones that you would die if anyone found out about, I could share those with John and not feel uncomfortable. It's like finding your other half.

For me there was no secret formula to know if the other person was right. It just happend. Both my heart and mind told me he was the right one for me. I never felt doubt about spending the rest of my life with him. I wasn't looking to find my soul mate but I did. This November we are celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary so apparently this magical feeling I had way back then was right, he is the one for me. :D
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[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue] :animeswea Lol..I forgot to put the quote "", that part wasn't by me. I have read that part about the investment thing in a poetry book I was reading. I really don't think it's an investment or anything....you either feel for the guy/girl or you don't. You can basically figure out when you do certian things for that one person...that you won't or haven't done with another. That person hold a special meaning to you and you feel that you are complete (In a relationship matter) having that oe person beside you. See I spent four hours on the phone last night with somone special. I had a problem with him...well less likely it was just a general issue. I had broken up with him, due to my insecurities. To get to the point, I was mad at him for ignoring me for a whole week. When I finally got in contact with him I bursted out. We argued for an hour (Mostly me who argued), aother hour just confessing what we trully feel and what we needed to do to fix our problem, another hour just laughing, then the final hour we fixed our problem. I told him I truly love him and I was just afraid to give myself (Not sexual people) to him. But I knew all along he was special and the right one for me, because he never gave up on me...and I could tell him everything that I can't tell my darling mother....I'll just leave it as that...I'm sure noone wants to read so much of my personal relationship issue :animestun :animesmil BTW I got off the damn phone at 2:30 am! I was tired in he morning...hated the fact I had to get up and go to work...but that's life...[/COLOR]
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Is there only One? I've always thought there is more than just one person who will be the one for you. I mean there are widows who remarry because they find another special person. I guess there will probably be only one person you will truly ever think of as the one and everyone else will be... i dunno compared to that person. I don't know if it matters at all at my age (14). I have however found people I truly love, one who will never even like me and one who I can never have. Then there's my boyfriend Connor. Maybe it will work out. It just feels right when I'm with him and we're lying in the wet grass talking about life and all that. Maybe it's just my hormones playing havoc with my heart.... Do you think people can find true love as young as 14? Or are we too young to understand what love truly is? I don't feel too young, I know I've had my heart broken but do you have to be in love to be hurt? lol I'm just rambling on here so I'll stop. :animenose
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[FONT=Tahoma]Well I believe you can fall in love at any age, you can understand it, but it's always going to be a different love, when your younger, it's going to be a different love then you'll experience when you're older. Personally, the love you're talking about, lying in wet grass and just being so naive, is the love I love =P. It's the kind that you can forget about everything else in this tragic world. I also believe yes, maybe there are more then one person out there for you, but I believe there is only one who is meant for you, who your heart is absolutely paired with. Maybe so, maybe not. No one can ever be sure of this thing called love, but yet it's what keeps us coming back for more.

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I thought I had found the one a long time ago. She was perfect, everything about her I loved and yet it seemed like I was the one who messed up. I guess I was a little too obsessed. Lol.
When you find the person you love it's got to be a natural type thing. You can't just try and make it be the one becuase if you do you ruin it much like I did.
The one you love forever is going to have to love you at your weakest points. When you're down so low that it seems like the world is hell itself. And the other way around.
If you and the person you believe is the one truly love one another than you'll know. Like someone said above. "It's like finding your other half"
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I agree with box hoy, even if you think the person is right for you, don't try to hard. Lots of the time people feel pressured by their partner and have to get out of the relationship. Sometimes its hard to hold back but its important to show your feelings in moderation. Its great to say "I love you" but you have to mean it when you say it. Other then that "the one" is definitely a feeling. A state of mind your in while your with that person. It sort of makes you forget about everyone else and its just you and them, which is sort of where the term "the one" comes from. Its the only one for you, and thats the only person you'll ever need.
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[CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]wow...where to begin. Trust me momo...as I'm sure you well know already...that you are not alone in this. There are so many forms of love...but for "the one..." I do believe that there is one who we're truly to be with...myself I've been in a relationship for 2 years and we're still staying strong without even having to marry, and I'm turning 20.

I think the best way to describe it would be to place a few quotes about love which I think you all may appreciated...

"The greatest thing you will ever learn, is too love...and to be loved in return." It's easy to fall into love sometimes...but to really see it given back in return unconditionally...you got a quality guy/girl there.

"I will not only die for you...but I would live for you." this is so essential...if you and your love could say that to one another and truly persue it...that is really something.

"Love does not just highten your strengths and persona...moreover, it exposes your weaknesses so that you may learn and grow into an even stronger individual." not only is love a satisfying element to us...but also a growing experience with one another.

"I charge this too you...do not let love arise until it so desires..." patience...I can't stress this enough. An essential for any relationship I think is to be true friends first...and then work from there...

"I love you not only because of who you are, but because of who I am with you."

"Maybe we have to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one. So that we will know how to be grateful." wow...lol...this one is so true. yes be patient...but dont be limp either. It's wonderful when you truly come to appreciate someone...no not to obsesse over them and become really cliny...

"It's not what you do, ,but how much love you put into it that matters." -Mother Theresa. So true...relationship MUST be both ways...not just effort from one.

"Unless you are faithful in small matters, you won't be faithful in large ones."

So yea...hopefully that ment something:)...I tried. [/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
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