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One Piece/Naruto similarities


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Has anyone noticed how much these two animes are similar? It's scary...

1. Luffy's voice is just like Naruto's! I know you guys have obviously noticed this right?

2. They're both always like "I'm gonna' be the best so and so..." LOL. Have you noticed they both are always boasting about these things? Luffy is always like" I'm gonna be king of the pirates!" And Naruto is always saying"I'm gonna be the next Hokage!"

3. The group Both of them has this little group deal going on... Not so much of a similarity, but it is one.

Sasuke=Zoro. These guys personalities are pretty close. Of course, Sasuke is more cool and silent, while Zoro is more kind and silent.

Kakashi=Sanji. These two's personality's is the same too! If you watch the anime alot, you'll start noticing how much they are alike.

Naruto=Luffy. We already know this one is true...

5. The really weird bad guys. LOL

I'm not really trying to make a point except the similarities these animes have. Personally I think Naruto is better than OP.
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Personally I have to say that One Piece is total junk, from it's rap opening to the ending credits. Those similarities are really vague though, especially the character types. Also the voices might sound similiar because most dubs by the bigger companies use pretty much the same stable of voice actors. It is not irregular to hear 3 or 4 voices in a show that you have heard in another dub.
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[quote name='Killer7']Personally I have to say that One Piece is total junk, from it's rap opening to the ending credits.[/quote]

Watch some fansubs of it. Since you said "rap opening", I assume you're watching the hackjob. You can say "Well, the show is licensed, so downloading doesn't feel right", but the One Piece dub is essentially a completely different show from the original, so if you're the type of person who watches fansubs of shows not available in America, check out the original. I've watched up to episode 18 of the subbed anime as well as having read all of the released manga and I have to say that it's a pretty entertaining show that supposedly gets even better over time.
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Well i have to agree they are kinda like, maybe thats why i like them both lol. Anyway the dubbed One Piece is..odd.. but I think the rap opening is kinda cool, but i wouldn't say its my favorite some and yada yada yada...Anyway the Japanese is way better for both of the animes!
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[quote]Watch some fansubs of it. Since you said "rap opening", I assume you're watching the hackjob.[/quote]

I do believe that anime can be better in the original Japanese version, but I don't think any show can improve as much as One Piece does to make it any good. Naruto was also hacked alot, but not nearly as much as One Piece.
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[COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Although I do have to agree with the point that the American Version of One Piece and the Japanease version os it are essisinatly two different shows. I have personally never been able to attach the two shows together. I am an avid watcher of Naruto and althoug I have just started watching One Piece recently. They to me however dont really seem that similar. I dont know. It could just be how I see them as a show. THey are both still great shows by the way. So as long as I can still view them both I really dont care about any similarities between them. :animesmil [/COLOR]
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Naruto is not hacked at all. Outside of the infamous kiss edit (and I honestly don't see what was so great about the uneditted scene in the first place), all that was editted was some blood and swearing (last Saturday's episode was actually uncut). That's less edits than Bebop got and about as many as Fullmetal Alchemist. Nobody ever says those 2 shows were hacked, so nobody really has the right to say Naruto was hacked. The only really bad thing they did was change the opening and ending, and since ROCKS is a terrible opening and they still have time to put Haruka Kanata back in, that isn't so bad. The Japanese version is better if you're going by voice acting standards but other animes nobody said were hacked had mediocre-to-terrible dubs that were even worse than Naruto's so Naruto is not hacked at all.
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