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Enclave [M-L]


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1. What is going to happen the story? I assume your character will find out he's Zylon's son.
2.Are any of the characters going to have to die? (I hope not.)
3.How do you want the ending to turn out? Just curious. And pm me if I post something that conflicts with what you want.
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1. even after my char finds out he's is his son and after he kills him, that is not going to be the end of it. Then the stroy will switch to another character's "Quest" basically. Like my guy is trying to find out who he is, He has had an extremely lonely life since He had to take care of himself, which is why he is not used to friends, espacially to a group of about four girls.

2.No chars will die unless the person wants to drop out, then they will meet a grusome and horrible death, or they will go off on their own.

3. The ending is a surprise, since it will go straight into another's personal problems. Everyone has a twist in this quest. As long as you don't solve your problems before your tunr comes then everything will be okay.
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[SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]I just want to explain something in my latest reply in the rp.

The final thought that Kacela had about Vincent, about how he'd never love her if he figured out that she was half-elf and half-human, was based on how she was treated her whole life. Her mother kept her sheltered from other people for the greater part of her life so far, making Kacela think that being half and half was something unacceptable or wrong.

She's never told anyone that she's half-human. She's never had the need to. So she doesn't know if people would react with scorn or not.

^_^ I'm sure you guys don't care, but I felt it was something important to my character to be known. Also, it just wouldn't have sat right with me had I not explained it.[/FONT][/SIZE]
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You said in the RP for my character and digiX's character to find more fighters in the town. Did you mean NPC's or is anyone else joining? If we are recruiting NPC's, do you have any specific personality traits/weapons/etc. you want? And who would write for them?
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We misunderstood where your character was Sazabi. So... what will happen? Is the RP still continuing? If it is, a post or two might need a few changes.

Is your character going to fight Zylon alone or do all of the characters need to be there?
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My fight with Zylon has nothing to do with the otehr chars, but you can be there if you want I am sure there will be a few orcs around. I am going to disregard those two mess up posts so everything will continue from my last post. please pm this info to the others if they haven't already heard. It will help get the ball rolling.

Be sure to come up with your own quest. as well. This is for everyone.
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[SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]First and foremost, I have to say "OMG I'm so sorry for screwing it up!" But I did fix it sufficiently, I think. Now that that's out of the way, I'd just like to say that Kacela's quest would be the quest to find her father, though she wouldn't just say "okay, now that we've done that, I'll find daddy!" It'd be sort of an unspoken quest.[/FONT][/SIZE]
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I'm having writer's block. This is all my feeble imagination could dish out.

Basic plot: After Zylon dies, Ceyla stays to be an official soldier/assassin of the king. She and the rest of the group are attacked by unknown mercenaries. She has kept up contact with her brothers. They visit and she learns they were also attacked. Someone is targeting all the people she cares for in addition to her. Being an assassin for five years has given her a lot of potential enemies, so she cannot be certain who it is that wants revenge.

If any more detail is needed, tell me. I have a basic idea of everything, but I'm not certain if it would work out.
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Mercanies, Kacela's father. I think digix has already started her little quest. so if she has then that will have given you some more time to add and take away what you want.

Neko it doesn't matter if you have one ore not, it wasn't in the rules so you are okay. I just did it, to make it different from othr rps. where usually the maker has all the conrtol. I am expirementing with this to see how it works. Who knows, we might just atart a whole new kind of rps

Oh and incase anyone has been looking. rp is still open for more bored people.
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[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]I think Sazabi meant as in?like a bad guy your character needs to defeat or something else that goes with your plot to help people, like something more personal. Unless you mean like have your plot to help people run throughout the entire rp. Anyways, just trying to help.
If we didn?t have to have one then I?m more than happy to let Dalanius just tag along with everyone but I do have a little something up my sleeve. It would evolve Dalanius sort of going nuts and being bent on the idea of revenge, which would be totally out of character for him being a knight and strongly believing in honor for he would consider revenge dishonorable. I?ll have to think about it some more I spose but that?s my idea. [/COLOR] [/SIZE]
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That is excatly what I mean Illusion. And nice quest idea. I think I will split up the groups. Three and three signup where you want to go

Vincent's Party

Dalnius's Party.

I figured since there are only two guys it would be easier to use theri names. This does not mean they lead the group. As they split off and do another quest each it will eventually bring them back together.
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[SIZE=2][FONT=Georgia]Though I'm pretty sure to be expected to go with Vincent, I think Kacela would benefit more as a character by going with Dalanius. I'd have more means to develop her character by her by having her cope with not being with Vincent for a while. Also, it might give the other girls more of a chance to get closer to him.

If this messes with something you had planned, Sazabi, go ahead and tell me and I'll change it.[/FONT][/SIZE]
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My character will go with Dalanius. I like how Ceyla interacts with him. She has problems starting relationships, so it'll being interesting to write that in (as long as it is okay with Illusion). I like kenshinsbabe's character Kacela, too.

As a side note, one of my friends IRL just joined OB and might be joining if it's alright.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I got permission from digiX to take over the story. I'll keep it going if you all are still interested. Tell me if you are no longer interested. I can think of delighfully bad ways to write out your character. (Insert evil smirk and maniacal laughter here, heh.)

We are going to rescue Hashi soon. I can't think of why Hashi was captured, but I might take some liberties by not addressing that issue. :animeswea I don't know if Hashi is going to continue in the group or not, though.

After that, I'm starting my character's quest involving mercenaries/assassins. I think we should somehow regroup by then, maybe go back to Mecki. Ceyla has two brothers. She will meet up with them, then act really childish and out of character for a short time. That will end quickly, because... well, you'll see. I'll just say for now that someone's after her, and since everyone else is around her, they get targeted as well.

Illusion and kenshinsbabe, if you want to mix your quests in, that's fine. Finding Kacela's father could be worked in, and if Dalanius, as mentioned in another post, goes a little crazy and wants revenge (I'm guessing for his parents), that would work well in there too. I'm open to any ideas, since we should all have equal oppurtunity to shape the story.
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