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Dragon Warrior

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I can't seem to find the thread I made about them ages ago. Maybe I didn't make one and thought I did. Nevertheless, Live is my favorite band. Yes, their name is Live, for those of you who don't know them. They're popular for some of their hits like "Dolphin's Cry" and "Lightning Crashes" as well as their newest hit "The River."

I, for one, like every song in all eight of the albums they have out (I'm including "Awake..." as well), so I'm pretty satisfied with what they have made. Their latest CD is no disappointment either. They just released their new album [b]"Songs From Black Mountain,"[/b] and once again I am overly pleased to own it :D I simply love their song "Where Do We Go From Here?" and also cherish "Show" and "Wings" the most from that album.

Anyone else buy this new album or perhaps just like Live in general?
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This is one of the few bands whose name means something to me (albeit something very vague, haha). My favorite song of theirs--granted, I've heard maybe five total--is [b]Selling The Drama[/b]. I'm sort of surprised that no one's mentioned it yet. [b]All Over You[/b] is pretty decent, too.

Either I haven't heard any of their new material, or I didn't recognize it when I did happen to hear it. Most likely the latter.

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A lot of their stuff nowadays sounds quite different than their earlier material. "Selling The Drama" and "All Over You" are both from their second album [b]Throwing Copper.[/b] If you compare one of those two songs to a newer one such as "Life Marches On" from their album [b]Birds of Pray[/b], you can definitely see a difference. It's not a bad change and they still sound like Live in some senses.

One of my friends did complain, though, 'cause he liked their earliest stuff the most. He doesn't like their new songs. As for me, they always seem to choose the right beat to make it sound good. Unlike most bands that have songs that make me wonder, "Do they know they're making crappy songs or are they just putting songs in to fill space or what?" Live ceases to amaze me with their ability to create nothing, but excellent songs.
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I'd heard a small handful of songs (most or all from Throwing Copper) a long time ago, and it eventually led me to pick up Birds of Pray about a year or two ago. Personally, I thought the album was alright at best, but I still yearn to get some of their early stuff. I just always forget whenever I go out CD hunting. >___>;;

And, yes, "Lightning Crashes" is probably one of my favorite songs, like, ever.
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If you want their early stuff that sounds like the songs on "Throwing Copper," I suggest just their first two CDs [b]Mental Jewelery[/b] and [b]Throwing Copper[/b] 'cause once it hit their third CD things changed. I guess you buy number three [b]Secret Samadhi[/b] since some of the stuff does sound like the old, but mainly the first two are what you're looking for.
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