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Recommendations (ps2 only)


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[color=black][size=1][b]1st I'll start with my lineup of games. (Well it's short stacked)

Metal Gear Solid 2 & 3
Devil May Cry 1 & 3 SE
Gungrave: Overdose
Virtua Fighter 4
Onimusha 1*(I hate it) & 3
Gran Turismo 3*
DoA Hardcore
The Bouncer*
Final Fantasy X*
Soul Calibur 2*
Kingdom Hearts*
Hyper Street Figher 2 Anniversary
X-Men Legends

*thinking about selling

Ok. here's my current situation. My brother just recently sold his Xbox, and most of the games I liked was on that console. (Ninja Gaiden, Shenmue 2) Some people may think that's a good thing, but "shrugs" Fact remains, I liked it. But for quite some time now I've been growing tired of gaming in general. (I won't bore you with that, maybe you'll have a discussion about it someday. Until then, I won't go into details)

Anyway, I'm looking for some games to get for the PS2 ONLY. I gave my older consoles to my nephew. And I don't own any portables, and I haven't planned on buying any consoles until the end of the year. I'm into the hack n slash type games the most, but at this point, I'm looking for anything that'll grasp my attention. I'm not really into the GTA's, Final Fantasys, Tekkens, Resident Evils (sorry fanboys, I'm just different that way.) and I don't play strategy or MMORPG's, (Sorry if I'm sounding picky) so if you would be so kind could not suggest those.

So yeah.

Into hack n slashes
take anything except GTA, FF, RE, Tekken, strategy and MMORPG's.
Only Ps2 games.

Thanks in advance.[/b][/color][/size]
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The correct answer to this thread, keeping your tastes in mind, is God of War. GOW is a Greatest Hits title now, so you are paying twenty bucks for arguably the greatest hack n' slash ever made.

Otherwise, if I were you, I'd probably go with "The Warriors," which is a good beat 'em up, Kingdom Hearts 2 (if you somehow managed to enjoy the first one), or one of the Katamari Damacy games (because they are fairly cheap and fun).

Keep in mind that Okami and Yakuza are coming out fairly soon too. Okami is supposed to play a lot like a Legend of Zelda title, so depending on how you feel about those games it may be a must-play.
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Everything Charles said was spot on.Except Yakuza which is most likely going to suck.
DMC3 Special Edition is a must if you enjoyed DMC3. Its only $2o and the extras are well worth the purchase. Shadow of the Colousos(sp?) just hit $2o as well. Which is a game like no other. Sly 3 is another good game thats low priced if you enjoy platformers invest in the series. You cant go wrong with these games they're great and cheap.
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[color=black][b][size=1]I'm actually curious about Yakuza even though I have no idea why I thought it was coming out for the Xbox or Gamecube. I'm also curious and anxious to get my hands on Okami. Speaking of which, aren't they coming out next week or something like that? (I was told the release date before, I can't remember it though)

Don't bite my head off for this, but I kind of thought GOW was a tad overrated, but that was about a year ago. I haven't actuallly played it since then. Perhaps it's time I give it another chance.

And there is a typo in my list. Instead of DMC 3, I have the special edtion. (Not much of a typo, just thought I'd clear that up.)

I completely forgot about Shadow of the Colossus. And then I wanted to ask about the 3rd installment of Prince of Persia. Was that any good? (Right now I'm after the 1st one.) Not too many people talk about it.

I appreciate the fact y'all are naming cheap games btw. ^_^, I'm as cheap as they come. Thanks again.[/color][/b][/size]
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I've heard a lot of positive things about Yakuza but I'm still skeptical myself simply because it's from Sega. Yakuza is definitely something worth keeping an eye on though.

As for Shadow of the Colossus--I've heard that it's going Greatest Hits soon. EB's site even made an error where they showed it with the packaging. So, I'd wait and see what happens with that. That's what I'm doing anyway. Otherwise, you may as well just rent it first since all you really do is explore on horseback and go through puzzle-like boss sequences. Judging by where your interests seem to lie, I don't know if that'd be for you.
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i recommend games like god of war, soul calibur 2&3,Kingdom hearts 1&2, shinobi,nightshade,metal arms,the 3rd installment of Prince of Persia,jak3.if you like sport games madden o6. if you like mecha games like zone of enders 2,armor core last raven.

pm me if you what more hack&slash games and if you need help in the kingdom hearts
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If you like fighting games, go for [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Soul Calibur 2[/COLOR]. It's not as fast as[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue] DOA [/COLOR] but still really fun. Also, [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Guilty Gear X2 [/COLOR] is a great 2D fighting game.

[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]God of War [/COLOR] is also friggin awesome -- personally I was a bit more of a DMC fan, but GOW still delivers awesome action and brutal carnage to take pleasure in. Plus it actually has a decent story unlike DMC >_>

If you like [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Gungrave Overdose[/COLOR], go for the origional as well if you can find it.

If you like some platforming with your action, go for the [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Ratchet and Clank[/COLOR] series. It's really weapon-based but still fun as crap, and still involves laying waste to thousands of enemies.

[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Zone of the Enders [/COLOR] one and especially [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]The 2nd Runner[/COLOR] are both amazing games with wonerful stories as well. They are both mech games, but play more like hack and slash games and are just plain fun. The first one is a bit less exciting, but both are great.

I know you said no RE games, but if you haven't played [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Resident Evil 4[/COLOR], at least give it a chance.
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[Quote=Venom]Soul Calibur 2*
Kingdom Hearts*
*thinking about selling[/quote]

[Color=black][b][size=1]Guilty Gear huh. I'm really skeptical about those games because the last one I played, (I think Isuka) I didn't like the controls to it at all. In order to face your opponent you had to press the R1 or L1 buttons or something that. And that turned the whole thing off for me because I never got use to it.[/color][/b][/size]

[quote name='Charles']As for Shadow of the Colossus--I've heard that it's going Greatest Hits soon. EB's site even made an error where they showed it with the packaging. So, I'd wait and see what happens with that. That's what I'm doing anyway. Otherwise, you may as well just rent it first since all you really do is explore on horseback and go through puzzle-like boss sequences. Judging by where your interests seem to lie, I don't know if that'd be for you.[/quote]

[Color=black][b][size=1]Lol. While I do prefer hack 'n' slash type games, I do get curious once in a while, and want to check out other types of games, but they have to stike an interest 1st. SotC has struck that interest, I just never could find it in stores or on the shelves because it was always sold / rented out.

I've rented, and beaten Kingdom Hearts 2 already, and felt no need to buy the game. (Guess it would've helped if I mentioned the games I've rented and beaten already as well.)

Seeing that I'm a little lazy and don't feel like updating, I'll just post the games I've rented and / or beaten the game before.

Kingdom Hearts 2 - beat it and done with it
Indigo Prophecy - didn't beat, just couldn't get into it
God of War - didn't beat, game froze and I didn't really care much for it, but I'll try it out again
Prince of Persia 1 - didn't beat yet, pass 30 day limit at Block Buster
Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams - didn't beat, trying to get my hands on it
Tekken 5 - didn't really care for it
Ultimate Spider-man - beat it

I think that's all. Is Splinter Cell any good?[/color][/size][/b]
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  • 2 weeks later...
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Hmmm....well I guess I suggest [B]Naruto: Ultimate Ninja[/B] for you, mainly because it's a long game, and it would take you a while to complete it. It's got about 14 playable characters and a pretty good fighting system. But like I said, this game is to pretty much
just to play when your bored and want to waste time or such. So, basically this game is a good, long, time-consuming game. But, meh, that's just one of my recommendations.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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