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Hogwarts, 1st years rpg (play)


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OOC: I know. If i recall correctly, the H. Express stops at Hogsmeade and from there, they go to Hogwarts. Er...go with it. Try putting your idea to use later on in the RPG. ;)
Pro. McGonagol-Chido, Hikaru.

Hikaru-huh? Oh. *walks up to the hat and puts it on.*

Hat-Hmmm. You have many secrets that you haven't told anyone. You've had them for quite a while. hmm. Not Slytherin, that's for sure. Hufflepuff? no, that won't do for you. Let's see. You would do just fine in Ravenclaw, but I see that you do not want to go there. That must mean....GRYFFINDOR!!!!

Hikaru-phew! *goes to sit at the Gryffindor table with the other students.*
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Tursi: i guess i'm next

*Walks up to the hat and puts it on*

Hat: Very interesting things i see, and many secrets you hide. mmmmmmm......SLytherin might be good for you

Tursi: please no......

Hat: No?!?! Well then lets put you in..... RAVENCLAW!!!!!

*tursi smiles and jumps form here chai and goes to sit next to liam*
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OOC: Oh joy . . . I get to be next!!


Pro. Mc: Tuscumbia, Serenity!(Yes . . . they most likely say the full name . . .)

[I]At Sere's name, a small whisper runs through a group of older students. Sere groans inwardly. This was going to be some attention she didn't want . . . she makes her way to the stool, and the hat comes flopping down on her head.[/I]

[I]The hat spoke, it's gravely voice ringing in her ears.[/I] Ah . . . another Tuscumbia . . . this could prove a worthwhile experience . . . Hmm . . . not Hufflepuff . . . Ravenclaw perhaps? No . . . you're not the type . . . I have it! How about Slytherin? You've got what it takes . . . all you need is a little instructing . . . No? You could have been great . . . you were perfect you know . . . [I]The hat did its equivalent of a shrug in her head.[/I] You've ruled out all the others . . . but you've got what it takes to be in . . . [I]The hat opened its mouth . . .[/I] GRYFFINDOR!!!

[I]Sere sighs happily, rowdy cheers of other students ringing from the Gryffindor table. Sere felt proud, but unnerved by what the hat had told her. 'You could have been great . . . you were perfect you know . . .' She shudders, Slytherin was NOT on her favorite list of teams . . .[/I]
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lil_hell: *WHispers* am i too late to join the party?

liam: *whispers* who the heck are you!?

lil_hell: oh sorry my names lil hell

liam: thats a queer name!!

lil_hell: hmmm well i come from a long line of little known sorcerors that lived underground this is my first year here im kinda stressed out do you know where i go??

sory im kinda late can i even join...ill be ready for the boot if i am lol :D
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*sites down trembling on the stool ..slowly reaches for the hat ,raises it to his head and places it there...*

sorting hat:" i sense a small evil that may grow inside you..although you are very strong willed slytherin?...hmm no lets see your best at night ...um...ive got it ..GRIFFINDOR"

i slowly walk over to the Griffindor table..

lil hell :uh hey guys

sere: hey lil hell welcome to grifindor

lil hell: thanks

*sites waiting*
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Typo sorry here my part. As people were rappidly being sorted a boy with glasses and a scared expression on his face walked up to the stool and put the hat on. The hat said "Wow a great mind u have in there, u could be great famous and wealthy, all u need is the guidence of Slytherin." The boy said " No way don't put me in Slytherin no one likes me as it is and all the Slytherins hate me so plz anything but that!" "Well fine better be Gryffindor!" The boy slowly got up from the stool and made his way to the Gryffindor table sweat pouring down his face.
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As the boy sits down he is greeted by a girl who calls herself sere. The boy introduces himself as Nick and starts to sweat again. the girl asks what's wrong and he says he gets neverous around people. She asks y and he tells her when he was 9 he was walking down the street when some older kids came and beat him up and took his birthday present for his mother.
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After the feast Nick tries his best to follow everyone to the com rooms but he ends up at Ravenclaw com room instead. He is taken to the headmaster where he is stirred in the right direction. By the time he makes it back everyone is already in bed and asleep except for sere who is sitting in the lobby reading a book when she gets up and asks Nick where he was.
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OOC: Darncoolguy1, don't post 4 times in a row . . . you can just make it into one whole post w/ time measures inbetween . . . and also(just a suggestion), TRY to make your posts a little bit more organized! (Again, this is just a suggestion!)

GAH!! Writer's Block AGAIN!!! I'll edit this post when I get some ideas . . .

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Nick tells sere what happened and she begins to laugh. Nick's face turns red as he runs up to his room. the next starts classes and Nick's first class was potions. In potions Nick tryied to conjer the potion right but for some reason the loin's tail didn't work. Next Nick had herbolgy which he earned 50 points for gryffindor.
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  • 3 weeks later...
OOC: has everyone been sorted? If not, well, then you've just been sorted. The next day starts...now.
*Hikaru wakes up after a good night's rest. She went downstairs to eat breakfast. When she was through, she looked at her schedule.*

Hikaru-let's see. First we have Potions. Potions?! aw man! (sarcastic) Isn't that the best way to start off a day. great. :shifty: *heads toward her potions class. She sits in the back trying to avoid Snape's gaze.*
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OOC: I thought ever1 forgot about this O.o

*Liam wakes up in his bed and looks around in his trunk for his clothes*

Liam: where are my robes. .gotta be here somewhere. .*pulls out black robes* Aha! *gets changed and goes down to breakfast*

Liam: *scans his timetable* erm. .first up. .potions with the gryfindors. . .hmmm might be interesting :p *grabs his backpack and wanders down to the dungeons*
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