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Kingdom Hearts: Endless Serenade


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[COLOR="Purple"]As Kagi stood in her fighing stance glaring at the guy infront of her, she could hear the scream of the boy who called for help since he was being attacked by a Heartless. She could've cared less about him and let him be. The new girl that came up seemed to be a problem and too many people were coming and soon they were bound to find out if she didn't kill them off. She then heard the voice of what seemed like a dark presence. She turned to looke where it had come from and found a man with a dark red aura emitting from him.

[FONT="Century Gothic"][I]'Shit! This is bad. That guy over there thinks that I'm Keyweilder -which I am- but I'm not on their side but the other side. I want to taint the Keyholes. Dammit! I better kill him or them off first,'[/I][/FONT] she thought to herself as she glanced back at the boy infront of her then back at the man. She didn't know what to do.[/COLOR]


Hana-Ame saw the boy that was being attacked by the Heartless and went to go and save him. She didn't know how but words started to slip out of her mouth as though she were entranced. [FONT="Century Gothic"][B][I][COLOR="DarkRed"]"As the seas turn to scarlet and the skys are filled with the stench of rotting flesh. There you will find it. Seek it, you cannot. Grasp it, you cannot. Feel it, it is there. Release!"[/COLOR][/I][/B][/FONT] she chanted as her parasol suddenly turned to black and kanji symbols appeared all over the parasol and the handle turned into a key.

She started running. Chanting a spell that would help her break the boy free from the Being that held him. [COLOR="darkred"][FONT="Century Gothic"][B][I]"Those that shun the broken ones will surely doubt. As the shadowed girl whispers 'Surely I will return'. As she journey's to the end, The end has come for all the recommend. Whispers of the Wind!"[/I][/B][/FONT][/COLOR] Suddenly the parasol started to disappear. It disappeared as though it were petals flying in the wind and all that was left of her parasol was the handle. The petals of the parasol started swirling around the Being. And then, without notice, the Being was torn to shreads, dropping the boy in a pile of blood and flesh.

[COLOR="darkred"][B]"That was a sure a close one. Thanks,"[/B][/COLOR] said the boy as he looked up at the Hana-Ame after her parasol returned to its original state.

[COLOR="darkred"][B]"Eh, it was nothing,"[/B][/COLOR] she said as she looked at the group who didn't seem to help him.
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The landscape was begining to get crowded and the air was ripe with dark and evil intentions. Azure watched this new, and quite obviously sinister man approach him, the blonde girl and the dark haired one. The girl with the dark hair seemed distracted for but a split second by this newcomer. Azure took his chances and blitz rushed her with his spear in the lead. The girl jumped, but responded well, parrying Azure's spear to the ground. Azure then used the rod like a pole vault, bending the staff and using its flex to drive his right leg at her in a kick. She turnd her sword up to block but was still pushed back by his strike.

As the dark haired girl got her balance back, Azure took the opportunity to snatch up the blonde girl and make a run for it. He could sees that in this situation he was hopelessly out classed and out powerd. This was a fight better left for another time. Azure leaped to the rooftop from which he had come and looked down to the dark haired girl [B]"My name is Azure!"[/B] He shouted over the rain [B]"I know it's self serving, but I'm calling a cease fire for now. I know that at this moment I'm not ready to fight you, but I swear that the next time we meet we'll have a proper fight."[/B]

And with that said Azure ran off with the seemingly dumb struck blonde girl flung over his shoulder. To which, he still wasn't that sure why he felt the need to snach her up as he left. Well, whatever the reason, it was too late to turn back and dump her off now. He'd just have to come up with a new idea and go from there.
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[SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Dawn stood frozen to the ground, the sounds of screaming people in pain and those begging for help could not reach her. She was baffled at this violence and the 'keyblade' that she gripped with her hand. She held tightly onto the weapon till her knuckles turned white and even then she did not lessen her grip. It was her security, her support. This was to much for a small town girl who had never experienced any fights to this caliber nor had Elysium in general. Nowhere in the history of Elysium had there been any sort of war.

Her bright blue eyes looked forward at the clashing steel, there was a break, words were spoken but she couldn't comprehend them. She felt herself lifted and she did not protest at that moment. She was still dumbstruck.

"My name is Azure!"

Someone was shouting rather close to her ear.

"I know it's self serving, but I'm calling a cease fire for now. I know that at this moment I'm not ready to fight you, but I swear that the next time we meet we'll have a proper fight."

It was then that it hit her. She blinked and looked around, a strange man was holding her over his shoulder and she instantly felt embarrassed. Why should she need someone to help her? She was the one who had always helped others. [I]Oh, wait I've never fought formally before. [/I] Were the words that darted through her head. Looking down she saw that they were off the roof and her hands were empty. Her mind raced but she felt a warmth next to her heart and looked towards her chest. An unfamiliar piece of jewelry hung around her neck. It was rather gaudy, thick chain with an elaborate lion's head as the charm. In fact it was the same lion head that was on the hilt and end of her keyblade. The eyes glow had dimmed but the glow was clearly there just more toned down.

Now that that mystery was solved, Dawn turned her attentions to the man who had been carrying her. Who was he, Wait, he was the one with the spear thing that was fighting the dark-haired girl. That girl had said that they were both holders of the key. What was so special about the stupid key thing anyway? The one-eyes monster had been raving on and on about a keyhole, maybe they were connected. No they had to be, but how?

The man that had been running with her stopped in a cluster of trees, close to were she had been scouting the night before, when she got news of Tsudo. Tsudo! Where was he? She felt herself being slided down onto the ground and got a good look at the man who had been supporting her. He had saved her really, but what was his goal. Her eyes stared into his, he was different she wasn't able to read him like she was the others. She would have to get her information another way.

"My name is Dawn Faustine a native of Elysium. Could you please tell me who you are and whats going on? This land was peaceful up until tonight." [/COLOR][/SIZE]
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[COLOR="Navy"][SIZE="1"][FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Kensei awoke from his long slumber, unaware of everything that had happened while he was ? resting. He slowly opened his eyes and realized that he was laying on the ground once again, finding this funny because this was the second time in one night he found himself waking up on the floor. He slowly pushed himself up into a sitting position with his sword, leaning against the wall for support. Without putting much though into it, Kensei started to think, [I]Man Kensei, you sure have gotten yourself into a mess this time. Wait! My name ? my name is Kensei!! I , I remember my name. Wait ? I remember everything.[/I]

A waterfall of memories rushed into his head, flooding his mind with dark and merciless things. Kensei was not a good man, not at all. He was deceptive, cruel, cold-hearted ? pretty much every horrible adjective a person could think of. Even though these memories caught Kensei off guard, he accepted them as the truth. If his own memories lied to him, than he had nothing left to live for. Although Kensei accepted his memories, he was also overwhelmed, but it was not enough to cause him to forget about the giant one-eyed monster. Kensei jumped to his feet and took a quick glance around the town square, but he saw no sign of the monster that had thwarted him earlier in the night, however; he did see a large group of people not too far in the distance. He awoke at just the right time to see a man who resembled a vampire grab the girl he saw in the cottage and start to run away from the group. Kensei had taken a liking to the kind-hearted blonde, so without knowing what was actually going on he began to run towards the vampire man at an alarmingly fast speed.

?This power ? how did I forget I had [B]THIS[/B] power?!!?

He stopped running for a moment so that he could unsheathe his sword from the casing on his back. He held the sword out in front of him and began to channel his energy into it, causing a dark, purple aura to start to spin around the sword as if a windstorm had just began. Within an instance a dark light shot from the sky and encompassed the sword, causing two little indentions to form at the very tip of the blade, almost as if it were a key of some sort. Interesting. Kensei?s returning memories caused him to remember that his Keyblade was formed from the darkness of the heart, rather than the light. The greatest part of Kensei?s Keyblade was it gave no sign of being formed from darkness, and as long as he played his part right, neither would he. He walked around the corner and met up with the group that he had seen before, consisting of a woman fighting with a parasol and a woman fighting with a Keyblade of her own. There was also a young man that was holding a kama , a weapon which he had not seen in very long time.

?So, which one of you saved me from that monster??

[I]I have to win these people?s trust, and then, well, my plan [B]HAS[/B] to work. I need Tsudo! Wait ? I already forgot about ? [/I]

?Hey, isn?t anyone going to save that girl?? [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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Azure stood locked in place, staring down into the eyes of this young, blonde haired girl who had identified herself as Dawn. He had never known someone to not run from his rather intimdating appearance. His black and yellow eyes were usually enough to off set most people, and if that didn't do it, then the wings on his back always did the trick. But this girls was different. Azure finally opened his mouth after a few minutes of silence [B]"I am Azure Dawn. And I am from a place that I can only assume is far from here. I have no idea what is happening here. I don't even know were here is. I was taken in by the dark clouds that hang over head and I was spirited away from my home."[/B]

She nodded her head [B]"Ohh, I see."[/B]

She began to turn her head down to the ground. She was very obvioulsy uncomfortable with the situation. If what she had said was true, then she had probably never had to fight for her life before. Azure surveyed the area, looking to see if any of those little monsters had followed them. He could still sense the dark energy of those monsters coming from within the little town. Seeing so little resitance told him that these were not a warrior people. Like Dawn, most had probably never had to defend themselves from such a ruthless enemy before. Azure knealt down [B]"Have you never had to fight for your life before?"[/B]

The girl looked back up to him [B]"No. I never dreamed something so terrible would actually happen here."[/B]

Azure nodded his head and began to walk deeper into the forest. Dawn called to him from behind [B]"Where are you going!?"[/B]

Azure looked back to her [B]"I'm going to look for some shelter for the night. The storm is bad and I wouldn't risk returning to the town tonight. You can do as you like."[/B]

As he walked off he could hear her behind him. She asked him [B]"Why did you save me back there?"[/B]

Azure stopped again, but didn't turn around this time. He still wasn't that sure why he had saved her. She was little more then a burden to him. But yet, she was someone he didn't turn away when she looked at him [B]"I don't know why. I just did."[/B]
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Tsudo punched and slashed the armblades through each heartless not letting a one get away, "Get out of my way!" he yelled at them as they kept coming and coming. Sooner or later he ran into a boy looking around, "Hey... Do you know where Dawn is?" he asked breathing heavily. "She went running towards this direction." he said as another heartless started to leap from behind.

"Clense....or... Taaaaaaaint?" said Sythe holding a red katana with a keytooth pattern on it. He too seemed to be a key wielder. His one eye looked deep into the girls soul it seemed it showed nothing but blackness. "Saaaay.... Or you shaaaaall Die..." he said the blade raised ready to strike.
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Axl slowly got to his feet, wiping the blood and shreds of the heartless off his clothes, a look of mild disgust across his face as he picked a large chunk up off his shoulder and dropped it to his feet.

He spun around quickly when he heard a voice behind him, clutching tightly onto his kusarigama in case he needed to defend himself, and was surprised to see the guy thrown into the wall from earlier on his feet and talking. He smiled as he lowered his arms and wrapped his weapon around his waist, both of the kamas hanging at his sides.

?Yo! Nice to see you?re awake. I would take the credit for saving you, except I was getting my ass kicked badly in the process. It was her that saved you, and me as well.?

He briefly indicated with his hands towards the lady holding onto the parasol.

?As for the girl?.I?m not too sure if she needs saving, or is being saved. It?s kinda hard to tell, what with the guy carrying her off looking kind of creepy, but this place swarming with those?um, monsters.?

He turned back towards the girl with the parasol, holding out a hand towards her as he grinned widely.

?Now then?Hi, I?m Axl. Do I get to know the name of the beautiful woman that saved me, and get the honour of shaking her hand??

As he said this, he kept an eye closely on the one eyed man nearby that was holding onto a katana with several indents on the blade like everyone?s weapon, that seemed to be talking to another woman.

[I]?Clense or taint? What the hell does that mean? And what?s with everyone?s weapons looking like keys, like mine did before??[/I]
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[COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Luna had found a good time and bailed from the on coming fight; not wanting to get caught up in something as dramatic as that, espeacily between humans, and now lay curled up in an over hang that could easily fit 3 to 4 people she heaved a huge sigh and looked over at the sword beside her, she didn't understand why this thing kept turning up where ever she went but as she sniffed it she just decided to ignore it. She chanced a glance out side and saw that the storm she had been feeling was indeed moving in, faster than she thought it would have but still coming none the less. She stood and stretched her front legs out in front of her letting out a high pitched whine as her joints and muscles stretched as well. She shook out her fur and looked up as a flash of lightening seared through the sky. She perked her ears forward as footsteps made their way to where she was huddled at. She pinned them back and readied her self for anything when a large man with what looked like wings on his back looked in. He didn't seem to notice her at first till he was about to leave.
"Well I guess we'll be sharing this little hubble."
She frowned as he looked at her closely.
"Very pretty dog."
She stood up fully and growled.
"Do not compare me with some tame pet that you humans kick around for fun."
He blinked as a young woman now stood before him, her green eyes flashing dangerously.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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Tsuki woke up and found herself completely different than where she was before. She had gone from a town near England to a land that seemed unknown to her. She got up and walked around. Tsuki walked and walked until she reached a town. [COLOR="magenta"][I]I wonder if there is any information that I could possibly find here.[/I][/COLOR] Tsuki walked into a store and asked, [COLOR="magenta"]"Do you, by any chance, know where I am?"
"Why you're in Elysium,"[/COLOR] the clerk responded.

She left in search to see if there was any reason why she was sent here. One the way she noticed that her golem was still following her. [COLOR="magenta"]"Better see if I can contact Brother from here. Or whatever this place is." [/COLOR]Tsuki went to the nearest phone and hooked the golem up to it. [COLOR="magenta"] "He-hel-lo? I-is th--at you Tsu--i?"[/COLOR] said a voice that was staticy.
[COLOR="magenta"]"Yes this is me Tsuki Taiyo. Do you have any whereabouts about where the the hell I am right now?"
"I'm ---ry I--em-- to-e-[I]Beeeeep[/I]."[/COLOR]

The connection was cut off. [I][COLOR="magenta"]Dammit. I don't know where the hell I am and I just want to know what is that they sent me here to do! Dammit![/COLOR][/I] Tsuki left the building and kept walking. She soon saw a man holding a girl jumping on the rooftops. Tsuki activated her boots and jumped up on top of the roof to see if she could get some answers.

She landed on the roof behind the man and asked, [COLOR="magenta"]"Do you know what this place is?"[/COLOR]
The man stopped and turned around. Tsuki stopped also. [COLOR="magenta"]"I'd like to get out of here soon if you don't mind,"[/COLOR] she said looking at the man.
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[COLOR="DarkRed"][B]"Yes you do. My name is Hana-Ame. I happened to be spirited away to this place from where I normally was. I don't know, I just wonder why in the world that I'm here,"[/B][/COLOR] said Hana-Ame as she shoke Axl's hand.

[COLOR="darkred"][B]"That's a very pretty name that you have there. What does it mean?"[/B][/COLOR] asked Axl as he gave her a smile.

[COLOR="darkred"][B]"It means rain flower. It's because I was born on a rainy day."[/B][/COLOR] Hana-Ame was now worried about the black-haired girl that was also holding onto a sword that had the same exact keytooth as her parasol and the man that was approaching the girl with a blade that had a keytooth as well. To her, they seemed to both be bad news in her eyes.


[COLOR="Purple"]Kagi looked at the man the was now approaching her. [COLOR="navy"][B]"Clense...or...Taint..."[/B][/COLOR] said the man that approached her holding a weapon with the exact same keytooth on his blade as due her sword.

[COLOR="Navy"][B]" And what if I'm a Keyweilder and if I came to clense or taint? It's all the same to me. I have no desire to do what is good rather that I will do my job my way and my way only. If someone where to get in my way, then they too will be my enemy. And they will die like dogs."[/B][/COLOR] replied Kagi. [COLOR="navy"][B]"So, to answer your question, I have come to taint the Keyholes and destory those that have the Keyblades with them. I have a lot of knowledge on all of this and know what to do."[/B][/COLOR] Kagi was waiting for the man to respond to her comment that she made.[/COLOR]
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[SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Dawn really wanted to know the reason as to why he had helped her, but she didn't press the matter as it seemed he had done it as a spur of the moment. He appeared baffled as to why she was still there, he was likely used to rejection due to his appearance but it really had little to no effect on her judgment about him. She found his appearance appealing in the fact that she had never seen anyone like him before. She wondered if his world was full of people like him. Probably not, since he was shocked by her lack of a reaction.

Standing she brushed herself off and began to follow Azure, she thought it was kinda interesting that they shared a name, while her first name was his last. He said he was looking for shelter and she had knowledge of a small cottage not far from them. It used to belong to an elderly couple, one of them had passed and the other moved into the town, he didn't want to live in that house with all the memories.

"There's a small cottage not far from here, if you want to stay there. I'm to sure about the furnishings but, it should be nice, at least for one evening."

She waited for his response, already willing to lead the way.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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OOC: There seems to have been a breakdown in communication here since it seems like Flo, Knuckles' girl, and Angels seem to want a piece of Azure right now, so I'm gonna do the best I can to make everyone happy. If any of you have a problem with what I do, just PM me and we'll work out a way to fix it.
Azure looked back to Dawn and thought for moment. She seemed sincere, but was still a bit odd to him. There really wasn't anywhere else to go except that small cave he had found that seemed to belong to the werewolf chick already. She had been following him ever since he left the cave, but she didn't seem as though she were an enemy. She also wasn't the only one watching them. He had noticed back in town that a girl had followed them to the forest. She hadn't attacked yet, but he wasn't as certain about her alligeance.

Azure looked back to Dawn [B]"Very well. I don't care for the rain and a warm cabin would be nice."[/B]

He then turned his head and started looking outward again [B]"Would either of you two care to come with us?"[/B]

The girl from the cave poked out from behind a tree, while the girl from the town jumped down from one. The girl from town was the first to sound up [B]"How did you know I was here?"[/B]

Azure looked back to her [B]"I've lived alone for a long time. I know when I'm being watched and when I'm being followed."[/B]

The werewolf girl approached slowly, showing the very animal side of herself in sniffing at the air and locking her gaze on them. Dawn seemed like she was completely oblivious to it, because she seemed shocked and a bit frightend that these two girls had been watching them the whole time and she had never noticed. Azure looked to Dawn again [B]"You think this'll be okay?"[/B]

She hesitated for a moment and looked to the other two and then nodded back to Azure, still seeming a bit uncomfortable about it. She pointed off in the direction and lead them on. As they walked off toward the cottage Azure came alongside her [B]"Don't worry. They won't hurt you."[/B]

She looked to him for a moment [B]"How do you know?"[/B]

Azure looked away from Dawn for a moment. He looked back to the other two who were following cautiously. He then looked back to Dawn [B]"Because I know."[/B]

Dawn nodded back in reply and seemed to calm down a bit after he said this. Why, Azure wasn't too sure. It was really meant to be more informative then comforting, but whatever made her feel better was good enough for him.

When the group of four reached the cottage in question, the girl from town wasted no time in speaking out [B]"Do you know where this place is? I'd like to get out of here soon if you don't mind."[/B]

Azure turned to face her [B]"I'm not that sure where we are either. But if your in the same situation as me, I can tell you that I'm not certain that any of us can get home from here."[/B]

She stopped for a minute and seemed to drift off in thought. The werewolf girl then approached [B]"Why are you helping us? We could be be waiting for the right moment to attack you."[/B]

Dawn jumped at the idea, but Azure smirked it off [B]"I think you'd find I'm not such easy prey." [/B]Azure looked to the other girl [B]"That aside, what of you two? I feel it's only appropriate we introduce ourselves."[/B] They all looked around, seeming a bit uncomfortable going through the formality with a group of people they had only just met in the woods. Azure walked over to a small green couch in the middle of the room [B]"I'll start us out since only one of you even knows my name." [/B]He cleared his throat [B]"My name is Azure Dawn. I am from a ruined city called Midgar in a land far from here. Now one of you go."[/B]
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[COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Luna shook herself and watched as one of the other girls started a fire and when it got started she shook her self out again and noticed the other girls blink as she was now a wolf and curled up in front of the fire.
"Luna is my name, I am a wolf, not any kind of dog or hybrid, I am a full wolf. I came from a small part of a calm land where my pack and I lived peacefully. I just want to get what ever it is that I am to do here done so I can go home to my pack."
Her eyes searched the room and the others.
"How are you a wolf? You can turn into a human."
"I can give the illusion that I am a human. But in fact I am always a wolf. Posing as a human allows me to fit in better and make things easier on me."
She put her head down and flicked her tail around her body and heaved a sigh getting warm waiting for some one else to go.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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[COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][SIZE="1"]OCC: Ah, sorry I started typing my post at school and finished it up before I went to bed after work and just posted it.


Dawn sat in a chair, hugging her knees as she looked out the window. What was going on, she still had no idea what was happening. Other than the fact that her life was turning upside. She would give anything to have everything be returned to normal. If only there was a rewind button to life, then she wouldn't have to go through this, maybe a forward button would be better, because then she could go to end and see if everything was normal.

She also felt a hurt inside, that she had abandoned Tsudo, she had decided that Tsudo was the one thing she could fix. Right now at least. Standing she walked over to Azure and set a hand on his shoulder. He looked up at her confused.

"I have to go. There's someone that may need me and I want to help him. Thanks for helping me before, maybe we'll meet again but, right now I have to take of this."

"Wait, your going back out there? You can't defend yourself how are you going to help whoever your trying to?" Azure had sat up now, he seemed a bit angry.

"It'll be okay." She kissed him gently on the forehead and turned, walking swiftly towards the door. She gave a the girls around the room before opening the door and shutting it behind her. She leaned against it for a few seconds, she pushed off it and ran forward, her light guiding her. She needed to find Tsudo and then maybe she would come back to the others, but he was more important. After all he didn't know who he was and he was stuck in a strange land.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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Azure felt as if he was locked in position. He had never known anything like what had just happend. Her leaving made him feel almost distraught. Something about it made him long for his home and the world he once knew. He wished to return to his normality. Where things weren't this complicated all the time. This girl had just stumbled into his life only a short time ago and yet she was already affecting him to such a degree. He wanted to see her again, but now was not the time. He wasn't ready to fight, but when he was, he would return to her.

Azure rose from his seat after what seemed like hours, but he knew was probably only a few minutes. He walked a bit closer to the fire they had started so he might both warm up and dry off. He stared into the blaze that was in front of him and let the image consume his thoughts. The heat, the color, the sparatic motion that seemed to be lashing out at him. Suddenly Luna spoke up again [B]"What are we going to do?"[/B]

She said looking to jAzure from beside him by the fire. Azure didn't speak for a minute and simply kept looking into the fire. Finally, after it had already seemed like he wasn't going to respond [B]"I don't know what you two will do, but I'm leaving here shortly."[/B]

The second girl spoke up [B]"Are you going after that girl?"[/B]

He was silent a minute more, then spoke again [B]"No. I'm not ready yet."[/B]

The three were in silence for several more minutes til Azure finaly moved from the fire, made his way to the door and took his spear sitting alongside it. He looked back to them before he left [B]"Do as you like. I suggest you wait til the storm passes."[/B]

Luna barked at him as he was leaving [B]"And what about you? Shouldn't you wait out the storm as well?"[/B]

Azure stopped and turned to her with a smirk on his face [B]"I am the storm."[/B]

He turned back to the door and swung it open. He flexed the black wings on his back and with a single kick seemed to almost fly out the door. He had neither a destination nor a goal, but he knew that as he was he was useless. He took to a tree and looked out to the town that was now almost completely consumed by the dark shadow that had fallen upon it.

After observing it for a minute he moved on and headed for the coastline. He was sure there was a beach nearby. He could smell the salt water even over the heavy winds and rains of the storm. As he moved across the trees he started thinking about how it wasn't so long ago that oceans were the portals to other worlds. Perhaps they had a clue as to return to his home. Or at least to what brought him here. He gave one more backward glance to the falling town [B]"It's all going to be destroyed. Just like Midgar."[/B]

A voice echoed out [B]"Yes. Just like then."[/B]

Azure whipped around to see who it was that was speaking to him, but there was no one around.
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Sythe simply turned and raise a hand to the center of the town, "... Psycho....SPEAR!" he said the dark read aura turning into a dark energy javilin. The monument that was there crumbled and fell. "Destroy.... Till... Keeeeeeey hole is found..." it commanded as it started to spread its Heartless outward into the town.

[OOC- sorry for the short post but i have Tests coming up and am studying for those]
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Tsuki looked amoungst the group. A boy, a girl and a wolf. Tsuki didn't like to talk much so she kept quiet while the others introduced themselves. The one girl named Dawn said, [COLOR="Magenta"]"I have to go. There's someone that may need me and I want to help him. Thanks for helping me before, maybe we'll meet again but, right now I have to take of this."[/COLOR]

Tsuki looked at her expression. It seemed that she really cared for this certain someone. Azure watched as the girl left. What seemed like forever for him to say something, [COLOR="magenta"]"I don't know what you two will do, but I'm leaving here shortly."[/COLOR]

Tsuki looked at him with a hard stare and aked, [COLOR="magenta"]"Are you going after that girl?"[/COLOR]

He said, [COLOR="magenta"]"No."[/COLOR]

Tsuki looked out the window and sighed. It would seem it would be forever until she could return to the order. [I][COLOR="magenta"]Storm's coming. I hope that girl will be alright.[/COLOR][/I]

Azure and Luna were arguing saying that he shouldn't go after her and wait till the storm passes. He said that he didn't need to wait and went on ahead.

Tsuki looked at Luna who was full of anger. [COLOR="magenta"]"Maybe you should let him go. If he does he might need some help. I don't know about you but helping others that might help be escape this place seems like a good idea."[/COLOR]

[COLOR="magenta"]"But there's a storm coming. We have to wait until it passes,"[/COLOR] Luna shouted.

[COLOR="magenta"]"That girl may not have known there was a storm. You are part wolf so you can sense these things ahead of time. Humans don't have that ESP. C'mon. Let's go after them."[/COLOR] Tsuki smiled and headed out of the door.
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[COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Luna growled in frustration and stood up shaking out her fur.
"Fine, but don't think for a second that I will be your hound. I'll help you find one or the other. Which is it?"
"I think the girl might be in need of more help than that man."
"The girl it is."
Luna sat on her haunches and stuck her nose in the air, heaving in a deep breath of air she picked up her scent in no time and had them running in the right direction.
"So what all can you do as a wolf?"
"Hmph, I do many things, but I'll show you some other time. Right now I want to find this girl and get out of the rain, I hate rain."
She led the way for as long as she had to, making small talk here and there. Neither one of them were big talkers, she respected that and relished in the quiet company they held.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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Azure looked around in the dark forest, trying to find who it was that had spoken to him. This was not the first time he had heard this voice. He had also heard it back when he had first arrived in this place. He didn't recognize the voice, but at the same time it felt familiar to him. As he did he noticed a surge in the dark energy back at the town as a he heard something come crashing down. The destruction was spreading.

Azure felt as if the storm was actually becoming worse as the the darkness spread. Maybe the monsters were summoning this storm upon the land. He felt as if he should help, but at the same time he knew he wasn't ready for something like that. He knew nothing about these keyblades yet and wasn't ready to use his. But still, he felt like he owed something to Dawn. Like he had to help save her homeland. As he stood trapped in this thought, a thundering crash rang out just beneath him. The tree he was standing in started to fall over.

Azure jumped clear of the tree and looked down to the ground. There was an enormous one of those little black demons on the ground. It was almost comically round and waddled like a penguin, but swung it's arms with enough force to snap trees like twigs. Not only that, but the beast also seemed to bellow fire, even in spite of the rain. Floating about it were much smaller monsters with odd hats and robes on. One of them began to glow and suddenly a bolt of lightning struck at Azure. Azure jumped down from the tree to dodge the lightning and wiped his spear from off his back and tried to split the big ones belly open, but his spear bounced right of it.

The creature retaliated by slamming Azure with a haymaker, sending him rolling. Azure followed through and rolled to his feet. The beast had hit him hard, but he was far from out of the game. One of the little ones began to glow again. Azure rushed in and used his spear as a pole vault to lauch himself up to the little beast. He kicked it in the head and then brought his spear full circle to cut the littl one in half.

As he landed the big one tried to sweep with another haymaker, but Azure managed to slide back and dodge it. With it's arm fully extended and it's body lurched over, Azure took advantage and split the beasts head, which sent it back reeling in pain. This should have killed it, but it was still on it's feet and looking for a fight.

Azure jumped back and into another tree. One of the three reamining little ones charged up again and released a burst of fire this time. Azure brought his spear up and endured the hit. The big one the ran in and tried to bring this tree down too. When he went for the swing, Azure jumped down and split the beast down the back. This time the beast finally fell for good. Seeing the big one go down, the little ones quickly retreated in a puff of smoke. They were lucky. Azure didn't like letting his enemies escape, but there was no time to worry about this.

Those little beasties had made his decision for him. He was going back to town. He was gonna drive all these little bastards back to hell. Azure smiled and began to run toward the town and voice echoed out again [B]"Claim the dark!"[/B]

Azure didn't bother to stop this time and simply kept moving on.
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[SIZE="1"][FONT="Palatino Linotype"][COLOR="Navy"]Kensei smiled at Axl's response, but on the inside he was extremely angered at the fact that this one-eyed monster was easily able to thwart him.

[I]Well, it's no bother now, he's gone.[/I]

As soon as the thought crossed his mind, something screamed in the distance. "[B]Keeeeeeeyyy hoolllleee!![/B]"

Kensei slowly and regretfully turned around, and to his dismay the one eyed monster stood tall and proud, still raging on about the keyhole. Although Kensei's memory returned to him, he was still a little fuzzy on the whole keyblade business. He looked to Axl and the other two ladies still present, and with a smirk said "I don't know about you guys, but I think that I'm gonna get the hell out of here."

And with that, Kensei took off running in the direction of the forest Azure and Dawn had fled to. He had lost sign of the boy named Tsudo, and he thought that perhaps the girl could lead him in the boy's immediate direction. Well, that was the plan anyway, but, of course, Kensei's course was changed again by some of the strange creatures he had learned were called Heartless.

The first wave of Heartless that came after him consisted of just a few of the small heartless, and Kensei had no problem wiping their numbers clean with just a few swings of his sword. Kensei would have sheathed his sword and started to run again, but he knew the Heartless better than that. Three dark, large puffs of smoke exploded in mid-air and down fell Heartless endowed with a suit of full armor, knight's swords and all.


Kensei hated the Armored Knight Heartless, because they were both valiant warriors and harder to kill then most other ones. Kensei swung his blade down hard at the first knight and easily sliced through the Heartless' sword and down the top of it's head all the way down to the ground, causing it to dissapear in another explosion of smoke and particles. In one fluent motion he swung his body around the second Knight Heartless and swung at it in a wide arc, but this time the Heartless parried the blow and ducked under Kensei's sword, coming within inches of Kensei's face before a spark of lightning shot out of the tip of Kensei's sword and burnt the little bugger to a crisp.

[I]Alright, one more to go.[/I][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
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[COLOR="Purple"][COLOR="Navy"][B]"Honestly, do you think that you can taint the Keyholes any faster than the desturction that you have done? You must be a fucking idiot to think that! Well, at least I know that we are on the same side an are gonna do what we must do. But I do need to get back to my world before things over there start taking a turn for the fucking worst,"[/B][/COLOR] said Kagi as she looked into the distance.

She didn't like the fact that the she let four people in the town get away and let three others that were previously battleing Scythe get the best of her. But she knew that there was still one more person left in the town that she could sense the Keyblade from. And it was a from a boy that was found at the shoreline only a few days ago. She could feel that something about that boy was different from the rest. She watched as Scythe took down a monument with his Keyblade and she didn't even give it a second thought. She believed that if they were to taint the Keyhole to this world, then they would be able to trap the other guests from other worlds in this one and then take their Keyblades and taint their worlds. It was brilliant plan but it took a lot of timing and the right moneuvers to pull it off.

[COLOR="navy"][B]"Yo, Scythe! I have a decree to make with you. Help me find the one with the Keyblade to this world and we will taint the Keyhole and trap the other Keyblade Weilders in this world and take their Keyblades and taint their worlds as well. If we do that then we will be one step closer to tainting all of the Keyholes. So what do you say?"[/B][/COLOR][/COLOR]

OOC: sorry if it seems a little shorter than some but I have tests starting tomorrow and I just want to kill someone! Not any of you. ^^
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[COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"][SIZE="1"]Dawn was drenched, her hair heavy in her face it hid her tears. She felt a great rush of destruction from the middle of town, even though she was far from it. She saw the scene unfold and was almost brought to her knees if it hadn't been for the tree next to her. Statues crumbled and she saw bodies crushed. Families were torn apart and there was nothing she could do. She felt her light beat loudly with her heart. She felt lost, it was so hard to hold onto her optimistic views in that everything was going to be alright.

She held her breath for a few moments before standing up and pushing her hair back. Her eyes glowed a bit as her keyblade formed into her hand. The necklace had disappeared and she assumed that was its passive form. She held her keyblade tightly in her hand and stared forward, she didn't know how she was going to do it, but some how she was going to find a way to make things okay in this messed up world. Her first goal was to find Tsudo though, and that goal had just became even harder than before.

She moved forward through the pounding rain her keyblade giving off a faint light that helped guild her. Despite that fact that her bones were chilled, she felt a warmth spread up through her fingers as she gripped the keyblade. As she continued to walk she saw some movement in the shadows but none dared to move towards her, she was baffled at first but then saw how brightly the light from her blade was.

"They must be scared" She mumbled to herself as she continued looking for any sign of Tsudo. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
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As Azure emerged from the forest he brought he pace back down to a walk. The air reaked of death and destruction. Houses were demolished with the families still inside. They never stood a chance of fighting back. Azure kept walking through the now dead streets of this once peaceful town. Azure dragged his feet around, he could hear the little monsters digging through the rubble that were once proud buildings. As he walked his spear began to release it's vibrant light once again. This was keeping the smaller monsters at bay.

Azure didn't go through unchallenged, but then again he wasn't expecting to. Some on the larger ones, and some armored monsters challenged him, but he was able to dispatch them without too much effort. The spears power was growing. Azure was begining to see that he could control the light that it emitted. Bending and spitting it into the shapes and colors that he needed. An illusionary trick of sorts. This was going to be a very useful trick.

As he walked on a man came charging down the street toward the forest Azure had just come back from. He had short blonde hair and was wearing something distinctly black in color. As this man caught sight of Azure he slowed his pace down and walked right to him [B]"Your Azure, right?"[/B]

Azure stepped back a bit, not knowing how this man knew his name. Azure could only think of a few people who knew his name here. One was dawn, then the two back at the cabin, and finally that girl he fought earlier. At that thought he set hand on his spear that he had slung around his back [B]"And how would you know that name?"[/B]

The man brought his hands up in a defensive gesture [B]"No, wait. It's okay. I'm not here to fight. I've been looking for you and Dawn."[/B]

Azure stopped for a moment to think. Maybe he was a friend of hers and that's how he knew. But if so then how did he learn Azures' name not have already found Dawn. Maybe he had just lost track of her in the chaos. Azure removed his hand from his spear but was still on edge a bit [B]"She came back to this town against my advice."[/B]

The man nodded [B]"Oh, okay. Do you know where she might have gone?"[/B]

This man was certainly interested in finding her. Azure shook his head [B]"No. She said she had to look for someone so I doubt she even had a destination in mind."[/B]

The man looked down and away for a minute. Azure addressed him again [B]"What's your name?"[/B]

He looked back up with a somewhat surprised look about him, like he wasn't expecting Azure to ask [B]"You know mine. It's only fair that you tell me yours."[/B]
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Axl sighed loudly as he watched the man they had saved earlier sprint off full pace down the nearest street, whilst glancing over his shoulder to see a one eyed monster, like the one from earlier, use a dark and bizarre magic attack to completely destroy a monument. Whilst all this was happening, Axl became aware of yet another swarm of the little black monsters that were spreading through the town.

[I]‘Some days just wouldn’t go well no matter what, even if you bribed them with all the money in the world.’[/I]

Axl scratched the back of his head slowly, contemplating what he should do now, as he watched a small group of the monsters slowly begin to head towards him and the girl that saved him.

[I]‘I don’t really enjoy running from fights, but I can’t really seem to hurt these things with my weapon…and the fact we’re horribly outnumbered isn’t helping at all.’[/I]

He grasped tightly onto one of the handles of his kusarigama, and removed the weapon from around his waist whilst throwing one end towards the nearest monster to him, watching it bounce harmlessly off the monster’s chest and clatter loudly onto the street.

Axl and the monster stared down at the end of the kusarigama that lay still on the floor, before he sighed again and pulled the end of it back towards his with the chain. Once he got it back, he slowly began spinning it at his side, whilst looking over his shoulder at Hana-Ame.

“Hate to be a pain, but could you use your magic umbrella again? My weapon doesn’t seem to be able to hurt them, and my magic is pretty much pointless in this storm.” He asked, a small grin etched into his face as he turned his attention back towards the monsters.

[I]‘Everyone else’s weapons has those little indents, and seems to be able to hurt those things. Mine did, but seems to have gone back to normal, and I have no idea how to make it do that thing again…such a pain in the ass!’[/I]
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"My names Tsudo... Tsudomashi." he said the Key Armblades on his arm still activated, "Do you know where a girl named Dawn went.. I have been looking all over for her." He looked towards the towns center where most of the Chaos was happening, "Please if you know tell me I got to end this... I brought it here..." he said gripping his hands tight as a bunch of small and large heartless started to creep toward them. "Damn it why won't they quit coming!" he said.

Sythe heard the girls words, "... Acceptable..." he said turning around, "But Keeeeyhole isss .... Not found by sunriiise.... You... shall suffer the fate that will befall the town." he said walking off.

Meanwhile on the Omega Halo a strange occurance had happened. A strange door had opened and Sera and her small team of OSDT soldiers were sent to check it out. A large portal had opened and seemed to be stable. As they got there Sera saw small red spot turning coming from it. Before anything else could happen a small group of heartless came through. Her team looked at them strangely.

"What is that Sera?!" one asked.

"I don't know but don't shoot." she said throught the comm.

One heartless jumped upon one of the soldiers and reached into his chest the man screaming as he felt it peirce him.

"Holy Shit!" one yelled kicking the Heartless off and shooting it several times making it dispurse. Too late did this happen as the man lay there dead.

"Ok take these bastards down!" yelled Sera as she opened fire with her team. As most of the heartless were destroyed the others retreated back into the portal.

"Oh no you don't!" yelled Sera running at the portal as thier Spartan Commander Paul came over the comm.

"Sera stop!"

"I am not letting these freaks go!" she yelled before leaping thought the portal. As she landed on the other side she felt like the breath was knocked out of her. She looked around at the burning Elysium and went, "What the hell...?" she said looking around. The heartless that were there was regrouped with the Heartless on the others side. "I'm going to take you little bastards down." she drawing her assault rifle and firing.
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