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Illinois House impeaches governor


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I'm sure you've probably already heard of this. How Gov. Rod Blagojevich was impeached. The vote was 114-1, with three representatives not voting. The full article can be found here: [URL="http://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/01/09/blagojevich.impeachment/index.html"][U]Impeach[/U][/URL] If you don't know the story, part of the problem is he was arrested last month for charges of trying to sell the U.S. Senate seat that President-elect Barack Obama vacated.

Naturally when others called for him to resign, he refused. He claims that he had done nothing wrong. If he really was trying to sell the seat... o_O I'd hardly call that "doing nothing wrong" Anyway, seems that the others didn't believe he was innocent.

So what do you think? Everything I've read indicates he's guilty. So it has me wondering who actually voted against the impeachment.
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[SIZE="1"]It's not just attempting to sell Obama's seat that got him into trouble, though that WAS what blew the cover off all his wrongdoings. He also tried to "shake down" a children's hospital, and something with the Chicago Tribune...I think trying to get people fired from it. Not too sure.

In any case, it's about time my stupid state did [I]something[/I] right. And of course Blago denies any wrongdoing, he's a freaking moron that doesn't know when to call it quits.

...Do I sound bitter? Good. Cause I am. I'm tired of all the political crap that goes on in our state. Yeah, it goes on everywhere, but we're among the worst. This is the fourth governor, IIRC, that's gotten into trouble, and the second consecutive one to be arrested! Lincoln is probably rolling over in his grave right about now.

And of course, it's Chicago that keeps getting these idiots into office. The rest of the state could vote for someone else, and their vote would get the wrong person in office. As usual. :animesigh

Also, I laugh at that poor sap that was the only one that voted to keep him. He'll never live that down.[/SIZE]
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[quote name='Rachmaninoff']
So it has me wondering who actually voted against the impeachment.[/QUOTE]

Silent defense
During the House's 90-minute debate, no one spoke up to defend the governor. But Rep. Milton Patterson, D-Chicago, voted against impeachment. Rep. Elga Jefferies, D-Chicago, voted "present."

Patterson said he wasn't defending anyone, but that he read the impeachment committee's report and wasn't comfortable voting against the governor.

"I went by my own gut feeling, it's as simple as that," he said. "I read the report. If the government is going to indict him, let them go ahead and do that. That's their job and I'm doing my job."

I'm sick of this Russian bastard and his haircut. The always arrogant Roland Burris should have turned down the position because now he's tainted in the eyes of the Senate. But he didn't because he's greedy and self righteous; the man has erected a mausoleum in his honor ingraved with his life accomplishments. The man has build a monument to himself!

I would go into further detail but as I've said I'm sick of hearing and talking about this.
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  • 3 weeks later...
I just read up on how he's boycotting his own trial, instead of going to it and proving he's innocent. The more he protests in this manner, the more it comes across as he somehow thinks he's above the law. It doesn't make him look innocent at all in my opinion. No one is above being tried.
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[SIZE="1"]He was on a media blitz Monday, appearing on Good Morning America, The Today Show, The View, and Larry King Live. I watched his interview on Larry King, and it was all I could do not to call in and start screaming at his sorry self. He's going around saying how he's innocent, but why isn't he bothering to say this AT HIS OWN TRIAL? Just sit down and shut up before you make yourself -- and the rest of the state -- look worse than you already are.

Oh. His first idea for that senate seat of Obama's? Oprah Winfrey. Yeah. [i]That[/i] Oprah. Thankfully she said she never would have taken the seat if it were offered to her, but...it just shows how moronic this idiot is. [Although, to be fair, it was suggested to him...but I'm dumbfounded that he'd take it seriously. Then again, this IS Blago...].[/SIZE]
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[COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]I think he's hilarious. In a way, the country needs an idiot like this. He's just so self assured of his own invincibility, that it's adorable. I just want to pinch his cheeks.

But on the other hand it's kind of sad to see EVERYONE, even people guilty of the same sins, trying to throw him under the [not undeserved] bus. Why do you think they call it the "Chicago Way?" I mean everyone in that government is as corrupt as, if not more than, him and yet everyone's just simply [i]outraged[/i]. But yes, at last, someone's being hung in the public who is in fact not a Republican. It's so refreshing. And he's doing everything by the Clinton handbook. NEVER. EVER. Offer to resign. Never back down. Never give up. Never surrender. He's doing it so well.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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[quote name='Aaryanna_Mom']I just read up on how he's boycotting his own trial, instead of going to it and proving he's innocent. The more he protests in this manner, the more it comes across as he somehow thinks he's above the law. It doesn't make him look innocent at all in my opinion. No one is above being tried.[/QUOTE]

[color=teal][font=curlz mt][size=7]Y[/color][/font][/size][color=#9933ff]eah I saw that.Instead of going to trial in Chicago he's going to TV interviews in New York City (wrong way buddy) Monday before I left for work I was watching the news: Appearantly he doesn't feel he'll get a fair trial and was compairing himself to Ghandi, Dr. Martin Luther King and a bunch of other people who were persectuted unfairly. That in my opinion is just plain offensive and he's no right to compair himself to people who fought against discrimination and gave their lives for it.

I'm not denying he has chutzpa, but he is a regular idiot. And all this media attention and evading his own trial isn't helping him out in the public eye in my opinion. Especially trying to get media attention and whinig and complaining. Be a man for sobbing out loud! Just go to the trial and since you're a politician suck it up and go to jail for a few months. Then you can think about the crap you made your kids go through when they found out that daddy is a lowlife and beat yourself up over it. [/color]
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Well apparently he has decided to give a speech according to this:

[URL="http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/28894427/"][U]Blagojevich plans ?passionate? speech at trial[/U][/URL]

Though according to the article, he can't be bothered to testify on his behave. Maybe that's because he'd have to take an oath and answer questions. Nope, he's going to give them a closing statement instead.

Also, I find how they censored the quote at the trial hilarious. lol Or they did that for the article, either way, it's amusing.

Just as his running around to various shows was pretty much a circus. It would have made less of an impact if he'd just owned up and went to his own trial. Even if they somehow find him innocent, no one will believe it after all of that nonsense.
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Oh heck, I lol'd.

[B]Edit:[/B] [U][URL="http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/illinois_governor_impeachment"]Bye bye, Blago.[/URL] [SPOILER]HAHAHAHAHAHA GTFO YOU WASHED UP HACK[/SPOILER][/SIZE][/U]
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[quote name='Rachmaninoff']
Just as his running around to various shows was pretty much a circus. It would have made less of an impact if he'd just owned up and went to his own trial. Even if they somehow find him innocent, no one will believe it after all of that nonsense.[/QUOTE]

[color=#9933ff]Yeah, but think of all the fun we'd've missed if he'd just gone by the book Rach. Really someone in politics admit that they didn't do anything wrong? Personally I was waiting for him to do a cute Nixon impression and I feel a little let down.[/color]
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[quote name='ChibiHorsewoman][color=#9933ff']Yeah, but think of all the fun we'd've missed if he'd just gone by the book Rach. Really someone in politics admit that they didn't do anything wrong? Personally I was waiting for him to do a cute Nixon impression and I feel a little let down.[/color][/quote]Oh I know. It didn't do him any good though.

[URL="http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/illinois_governor_impeachment"][U]Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich thrown out of office[/U][/URL]

The circus is over. About time too.
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[quote name='Rachmaninoff']Oh I know. It didn't do him any good though.

[URL="http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/illinois_governor_impeachment"][U]Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich thrown out of office[/U][/URL]

The circus is over. About time too.[/QUOTE]

[FONT=curlz mt][COLOR="Teal"][SIZE="7"]B[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][color=#9933ff]ut he said he's going to appeal. I for one cannot wait for that show. [/color]
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[FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='ChibiHorsewoman][FONT=curlz mt][COLOR="Teal"][SIZE="7"]B[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][color=#9933ff']ut he said he's going to appeal. I for one cannot wait for that show. [/color][/quote]He certainly doesn't know when to quit. o_O It's like he's digging his own grave and yet can't stop doing so. It is both entertaining and yet sad to watch. More sad than anything though.[/FONT]
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[COLOR="RoyalBlue"][FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"][quote name='ChibiHorsewoman][color=#9933ff']I for one cannot wait for that show. [/color][/quote]Honestly, in some respects I'm already enjoying the show. All the captions like this:

And this:

Just make me laugh. It's a circus/freak show and it's like the only one who doesn't realize it... is him.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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  • 4 weeks later...
[quote name='ChibiHorsewoman][color=#9933ff][font=monotype corsiva][size=4] What's next?[/color][/font][/size][/QUOTE]Here's what's next for this guy: [URL="http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/29476811/"][U]Book Deal[/U][/URL] What's most amusing about this is the opening paragraph of the article:[quote][FONT="Arial"']Since the founding of the Republic, American politics has grown around a single and sacred foundational truth: as long as you are stupid and corrupt and loud enough, you will eventually get a book deal.[/FONT][/quote]I can't even begin to describe how much this makes me laugh. :blulaugh:
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