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Zeke smiled, he could see levion in the distance, looming ever loser. They were taking a short pitstop to Levion, mostly to pick up parts and teh for them all should they need some of their mechanical parts to be fixed.

Burt was already drooling over the stuff he could pick up on the Scrap planet. Zeke wasn't surprised at all. All of them were anticipating landing on the planet. Perhaps they'd find some props for other shows they might do.

Zeke saw a bright twinkle in the starry sky, and he peered off at it through the window. A ship came blasting at them, and Zeke froze. He knew it wasn't a military vessel, but he also didn't know if it was friendly or not.

As if to answer his question, a rocket came straight for the Carnival. Warning lights, sirens, and com displays all went off.


Zeke rocked up against the wall, slamming hard into the metal as the rocket veered at them, exploding before impat thanks to their own gravity distortion.

"Damn! Who the hell are these guys?"

Anya ame running down the hall, as the Carnival started moving into high gear. The Carnival started carreenintg down to the planet's surface, returning fore.

"Zeke! What's going on?"

"Pirates." Zeke responded. The they began running down the hall, to the bridge of the ship. when the Captain would no doubt be planning the evasion tactics. The Carnival wasn't equipped to handle this type of situation. They rand down the halls, and at last came to the bridge "Captain! What do we do?" Zeke heard Burt, he'd made it there already before the two androids.

"Brace yourselves!" The captain yelled into an interom. Zeke grabbed onto a chair, and held Anya to him.

"This is gonna be a wild ride!" he captain called. The Carnival hurtled down, running from their unknown enemy. The carnival positioned itself to land, but Zeke could see they were going to fast to land properly. The Ship careened downward, all but out of control.

"Captain! What the hell are you doing?"

The captain cut the engines, and the ship hurtled to the ground at an angle. Ahead of them, on the monitor, Zeke ould se a massive mountain of scrapped machinery and refuse.

"Oh....hell.... no.... You're not going to do what I think you're going to do, are you?"

"This baby can survive it." The captain said. He pioleted the ship directly at the mound, hitting the very peak of it, and then nose diving down the other side, the Carnival rocking violently. They could hear as the ship's bottom scraped loudly, meanacingly, and it sounded like the ship was being ripped apart right under their feet. Zeke held tightly onto Anya, but the chair he was holding snapped, sending them into a wall. The ship grround to a halt, and Zeke got up to look around. The captain was already busying himself with inspecting the ship's key circuits. After a tenuous few seconds. the Captain sighed. "Nothing too major... I think we've rattled everything around, and scratched the paint. Engines three and seven are gone... and four, five, and six aren't stable enough if we try to take off."

Zeke stood up, shakey on his feet. He rubbed the back of his head, and leaned over to offer a hand to help Anya up.

"Thanks." She said, now standing. Looking around, they could see that the ship was mostly alright. Some of the lights were dangling from the ceiling, having been jarred from their places. Ceiling tiles all over the ship had fallen, and the cargo bay was a mess. The power had gone off.

"Just who were those guys?" Burt asked. Zeke turned to the Captain, hoping he had the answer to the question.

"Bali Pirates. This is their territory. I think they were after us thinking we were just a civilian ship."

"Why would they attack us?"

Zeke sighed, answering Burt's question. "We're the Carnival. If they bagged us, they could hold us hostage for some operation of theirs. Or worse, kill all of us and use our ship as a second base for operations, and use it for something like taking over a port. Unfortunately for them, we aren't normal humans. Nor are we helpless. I think we need to get the ship moving as soon as possible. Those Pirates will come after us. We've only escaped them for but a moment."

"Pirates???? Pirates attacked us?"

Zeke turned to see Kilo behind them. He was bleeding from his forhead, he'd hit is head. Anya moved over to him, and bent him down forcibly and suddenly to inspect it. She sighed, seeing it wasn't bad.

"Are you alright?" Zeke asked him, having a bit more tact. Kilo nodded when Anya was finished fretting over him. "Are you?"

"Eh, a few bumps and bruises, but nothing too bad. I'll be fine."

Zeke turned to the static filled monitors, and frowned. The power had come back on, but was still flickering., like it might go out again any minute. Zeke sighed. "At least we crashed far enough away from them that they don't know our exact position. They're going to come for us, like it or not. I suggest we get our asses in gear."

Burt nodded, looking over the damage specs. "The hull itself is in perfect condition. It's the engines we have to worry about. That's going to take some time. Thank God we crashed on a junkyard..."

The monitors came back online, and They began to survey to surrounding territory. "there." Burt pointed out a wrecked ship a short distance in front of them. "That's a G-Class ship. If We get the parts we need from there, then it shou;ld only take about three or four hours to repair the ship. Hopefully, the Pirates won't find us before then."

Zeke nodded. "I'm on it. I'll get some of the others to help me wrestle one of the hover platforms out of the cargo bay.We'll get the parts we need, and come straight back. If the pirates find us, There'll be enough of us left here to fight them off. They'll most likey retreat when they see we're machines. It will take them a short time to regroup and rethink coming for us. If they're greedy, they'll come again, hoping to reprogram us to work for them. By that time, we'll be ready to get this bird to fly out of here."

Anya nodded. "Very true."

Zeke smiled. "This could get fun."
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[FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=DarkGreen]OOC: Sorry, I?m still occupied with examinations?hehe, but I will try my best to get online and RP of course?^.~

IC: [B]?Zeke!?[/B] Lyon rushed into the bridge, [B]?What?s going on here??[/B]

Anya went up to Lyon, [B]?As you can see, Lyon, we were attacked. What else could there be??[/B] She sighed. [B] ?But don?t worry too much though?lady luck is on our side??[/B]

Zeke explained about the pirate attack once more. Lyon understands every single detail of it. Then, Anya pointed to several pieces of junk outside. It took a while for Lyon to realize that they?ve crashed on a junkyard.

[B]?Well, we were about to set out to hunt for the parts to fix our engines?haha, well, since lady luck is on our side, I strongly believe that we can make it in time??[/B] Zeke said.

[B] ?Of course, it will be faster if they are more of us searching??[/B] added Kilo.

Without hesitating, Lyon agreed. [B]?Well, what are we waiting for??[/B][/FONT][/COLOR]
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"I'm with Zeke. Lyon, you come too." Anya said. "We only need about three of us, the rest can stay to protect the ship."

Zeke nodded. "Think you can handle it, Kilo?"

"Of course. I've handled worse."

"Good to hear." Zeke replied. "Let's get moving."

Burt snorted. "I'm coming with. You need me to get the pats we need for the ship."

"Fine." Anya said. "Be sure to keep down. Us machines can take a lot more that you humans. And, to top that off, you were just injured in our last fray. Let's try to avoid you getting killed next time, okay?"

Zeke nodded. "Yeah, because I don't have any clothing apropriate for funerals."

Burt blinked. "Way to show you care, Zeke. We could all get killed and you're fretting over your wardrobe?"

"Sure, we'll go with that." Zeke strutted off to the cargo bay, and the others followed, shaking their heads. Zeke was Zeke, afterall. They all knew Zeke was the most protective of them, and he was just being catty.

They walked to the cargo bay, the contents turned all around. The others were already there, trying to sort through the jumbled mess.

"Hey, Kurai! Think you can help us get a hover platform out of all of this?" Anya asked, eyeballing one of the many they had.

"Heah." They all walked over, and Zeke held up his hand. "Let me see if I can get it moving."

His eyes glowed a mechanical red as he used his telepresence functions. Anya hung back, watching him. She could hear a rattling, the hover platform was trying to start up, but something was grinding. It was stuck as it tried to move. Zeke's eyes stopped glowing, and he sighed. "It was worth trying...A fat lot of good it did..."

"Don't worry about it." Anya said. CP came over, nodding. "We will need only one? Those parts we need are pretty big..."

Zeke nodded. "Yeah. We should be good. The hover platforms are pretty big themselves."

Zeke stopped. "You're talking!"


Zeke shrugged. "Anyway, let's get this puppy moving."

Anya agreed, and started moving things off of the hover. After removing things from the bottom of the platfirm, they started moving things from off of it. Turns out, there were metal poles jammed up into the hover mechanism. After that, they were good to go.

"I'm driving." Anya said. "We don't need Zeke destroying our means of transportation...."
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[COLOR=Purple][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Black]OOC: Sorry about my disappearance. We had to have our internet down so we could get it in my room. I didn't know of it until it was too late. I could have warned everyone if the school hadn't have blocked OtakuBoards. The good thing, though, is that I'm back!:animesmil[/COLOR]

Kurai watched as most of the others left.

"I think I'll stay here. If the pirates showed up before you got back, who would be here to defend those who can't fight?"

Kurai walked into her room and picked up her needles, counted them all, and slipped them into a pouch. Kurai then picked up Chiyu Kiba and put its sheath on her back for easy access.

"If you need anything, contact me."
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Burt was sorting through the monstrous heap of scrapmetal in front of him. He would pick up an item, examine it, and just as it seemed he would keep the object, he would scoff and toss the material over his shoulder. "Tch! No wonder this stuff was thrown out! It's SO last decade! I mean, just LOOK at this awful quality tracker! Why, I bet it couldn't track a planet even if it was 3 feet in front of it!" Burt snorted. Digging through the scraps, Burt suddenly froze. "Hey! This skin looks JUST like what the new guy's skin should look like!" Burt declared, stripping the synthetic skin off the dysfunctional android it had previously been attached to. "Zeke would kill me if he saw me do that..." Burt sighed, shoving the skin into his messenger back.
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"It feels... weird..." Basil shifted slightly to the side. From somewhere inside his immense chest, there was a clang, followed by a muffled curse.

"Hold still!" the muffled voice finally rang true as its owner stuck his head out of the robot's cavernous middle.

Basil looked down to see a very stern-looking Burt staring back up at him. Ever since their... abrupt...arrival on Levion, Burt had taken to upgrading Basil with aplomb. The majority of the time Basil welcomed the necessary attention and repairs. But there were occasionally days like today...

"If you keep moving, the new stuff won't fit right!" the mechanic said, waving an instrument Basil didn't recognize like a gigantic wagging finger.

"Sorry..." Basil said with all honesty. At the very least, Burt's attentions kept Basil busy... until Zeke, Anya and Lyon came back with spare parts, there was little Basil could do other than plan out the repairs he personally knew how to do. He was particularly pleased with his ideas on how some of the old engineering circuitry could be modified and made more efficient with a few spare boards... even Burt had liked the idea.

"Can't just halfway install a ventral power capacitor and all its circuit boards!" said Burt's angry noises brought Basil back to the present. Momentarily, they rung with a metallic echo as Burt re-entered his project. "I've got to manually move some of your old equipment aside... I'm not Moses you know..."

As Burt fussed, Basil sighed, and tried his best to comply. The sensation would always feel strange to him--HE was supposed to be the repair bot, and of course, nothing felt odder than someone's fingers or tools poking around your innards... especially when the poking was followed by exclamations of delight or dismay that used combinations of words Basil had never heard of before.

"There!" Burt finally said, as Basil felt a surge of energy vent through his system. The robot's eyes flew wide, power coursing cleanly through his circuitry for the first time in ages. He felt hot...blazing, and cold at the same time, his eyes flashing around the hold of the ship, unable to focus on anything for more than a second.

"What's gotten into you?" Burt started to say. "You look a kid that's eaten a bucket of sugar..."

"S..s..s...s..." Basil stuttered, the power surge overwhelming his voice circuits. He looked down at his arm... to his surprise, it was trembling slightly. His left leg rose up and started shaking uncontrollably, and an arc of blue electricity rippled down his right arm with a faint buzz.

"Woah...uh oh..." Already Burt was back inside, and after several dings, pokes and prods, Basil felt the energy surge come back down. "Okay, buddy-boy, looks like the new capacitors overwhelmed your vocal cords and central cortex. Till I get time and more parts to play with those, we'll just have to tone you back a bit..." Burt started to whistle happily--this would mean another trip out the ship to collect scrap... something Basil was sure pleased Burt to no end.

"Okay..." Basil said, tiredness already seeping into his voice. After the power overload, all his processors were demanding a momentary downtime... just a moment...

"No, you can't go off to sleep yet," Burt tapped him repeatedly. "We've got your new skin to fit on..."
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Anya piloted the hover platform across the scrap heaps and debris from various crafts and other refuse. This was the Junkyard of the Universe, after all.

Zeke watched the scenery blow by, Lyon standing next to him, their clothes flapping in the wind. Zeke's short vest allowed his abdomen to be exposed to the cool breeze, And he could see the Space Liner loom ever closer. His eyes scanned the massive ship, looking for causes of why it was even here.

He found them. Large parts of the ship had been blown open, rendering her incapable of sustaining any form of life. The thermo dynamic glass covering her decks had been shattered. Obviously, she'd been attacked by pirates. She hadn't been here long. The battle scars on the ship looked like they were fresh.

Zeke's eyes narrowed. "Lyon. Do you see what I see?"

Lyon nodded. "We might very well be in for a surprise..."

"I'm not liking this. Lyon, I hope you're ready for combat...."

He called up to Anya. "Hey Anya! I hope you can fly thins thing if we're under attack!"

Anya called back to him in response. "I f we need to make take a crazy ride to get away from pirates, then I'll let you handle the driving!"

Zeke smiled. "Good to know!"

OOC: Alright ladies and gentlemen. The pirates are getting closer.... let's have some 'fun'!

*insert evil laugh here*
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  • 11 months later...
Anya smirked, her expression cool and calm as she raced along the mounds of discarded scrapmetal and various other things.

The wrecked liner loomed ahead, she keeping her eyes on the prize.

"Carnival, come in. Come in Carnival." Anya's data link with the carnival activated, she now in direct communication with it. "We've spotted a ruined space liner. Going to investigate, but the wounds to the ship look to be fresh."

"Very well. Those might be the parts we need. Be careful." The captain replied. "If nessessary, come back. CP is out scouting right now."

"Gotcha. I hope nothing happens, but be prepared. This space liner doesn't bode well."

"Roger. Over and out." Anya steered the hover craft near a pile of promising wreckage, where upon Burt jumped down to look through it. Burt's arm started beeping, and Burt swore. "Junk! All of it!"

"Well, we might not have a choice about going into that liner. Are you guys up for it?" Stomping on the accelerator, Anya could only help but feel as if they were somehow waltzing into a trap.
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Zeke's hair billowed around him, his vest flapping in the wind from the speed the hover craft was moving. The space liner was all too inviting, though the damage to it obviously fresh. Zeke highly doubted it was simply junked, it had probably been shot down. His eyes glowed a faint red as he looked over the ship, using his sniper vision. Across the bow of the ship, he could make out a name.

"The [I]Esmerelda Dance[/I]... Hmmm... Why does that sound familiar?" Zeke searched through his memories, his confusion mounting as he did. He couldn't seem to find anything about this ship, but then again, he wasn't syncing up with any external devices to better search through files from various sites and data bases.

Something definitely wasn't sitting right. "Anya! Can you pilot this thing to take the long way around to the liner?"

"Why? Think something's going on?"

Zeke stared long and hard at the liner, and found the life support systems were all but functional. However, air would have completely permiated the structure by now, so it didn't really matter. However, there was another kind of buzz, one that could only be one thing.

Something was still definitely aboard. Zeke patched into its systems, and rather easily, even at such a distance. Looking around inside, he indeed saw the life support was in critical condition. However, there was... something else.

"Repairs complete to the following systems:

Tactile Influx
Link data between units

Zeke's eyebrow twitched. These were added recently, after a network change. Someone had recently completely overridden the original system, giving it more or less a complete makeover. this particular ship had been....

Zeke's eyes opened wide. "That ship was decomissioned over seventeen years ago!"
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