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Finally Something that puts WOW to shame?


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[color="#000080"][font="Franklin Gothic Medium"][size="2"]Okay, as you all know I've always been a big fan of MMORPGS for most who know me around OB for the past several years. I was mod of PC/MAC lounge during the day and tried to create the MMORPG listings so we could all find eachother. For many, WOW was their first mmo, however with me it started back in 05' with TSO & SWG was the first one that got me really hooked. If your like me, you burnt out from WOW a long time ago, hoping for the next big thing.

I wanted to discuss what mmorpg you are looking FORWARD too and what aspects of game play are you most into. Is it the PVP? The arenas? The player economy? Crafting? Socializing? What keeps you interested in these games so long? For me it has always be the aspect of feeling of actually being in a diff world, socialize aspect, and roleplaying played a big part as well. The community kept me longer in the game then battles did.

Anyways, the two biggest games I wanted to talk about were [b]SWTOR[/b] a star wars related game and [b]FFXIV[/b] a new and improved FF mmo. While I didn't really get into the old FF mmorpg, they have made this game completely different style. I love how they are going to elaborate on housing, and other things for the economy. SWTOR, I enjoyed SWG and hope it will have a vast galaxy that you can explore in as well. So my question goes to you what game are you most looking forward too? You can check up on the latest MMORPGS at mmorpg.com. Hopefully we can get something together so maybe we can meet up!! [/font][/size][/color]
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[font="Tahoma"][size="2"]I've been following (SW)TOR for nearly eighteen months at this stage, and despite being a huge Star Wars nerd I'm going to reserve judgement until E3 to say whether or not TOR will prove to be the WoW-killer EA are proclaiming it to be. While we know the eight classes on offer, there's still precious little hard information about class mechanics and abilities, especially on the Republic side which has been suffering from a huge lack of released information in comparison to the Empire for a long time. How the game will actual be composed i.e. PvP/RvR, raiding, crafting etc as well as the split between personal storyline and group storyline and how those two will interact is also pretty much unknown.

From past experience the Bioware and SW fan in me want to say this probably will be the MMO of the decade, but prior experience with Mythic's Warhammer Online, which was also an EA MMO and Mythic have been working with Bioware (though not specifically on TOR) makes me a bit leery about whether or not we're going to get a game which really could've used another 6-8 months in development/beta before it was released (despite it's long development time already). At least the servers are all being managed directly by Bioware this time, GOA's service with WAR in Europe was nothing short of dire.

All that said Pumpkin is right, what's always kept me in a game are the other players, whether my own guild, my faction or the server community as a whole.[/size][/font]
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[quote name='Gavin' date='03 June 2010 - 06:49 AM' timestamp='1275572945' post='694395']
[font="Tahoma"][size="2"]I've been following (SW)TOR for nearly eighteen months at this stage, and despite being a huge Star Wars nerd I'm going to reserve judgement until E3 to say whether or not TOR will prove to be the WoW-killer EA are proclaiming it to be. While we know the eight classes on offer, there's still precious little hard information about class mechanics and abilities, especially on the Republic side which has been suffering from a huge lack of released information in comparison to the Empire for a long time. How the game will actual be composed i.e. PvP/RvR, raiding, crafting etc as well as the split between personal storyline and group storyline and how those two will interact is also pretty much unknown..[/size][/font]

[size=2][font=trebuchet ms][i][color="#000080"]This is also what I have been looking forward too. Someone wrote a very compelling opinion about the fact that they are doing a story-line based mmorpg. I'm a bit worried it will be too theme-parked like Guild Wars. Don't get me wrong I had a fun time with that game, however I found my freedom restricted unlike in WOW or especially SWG where I could do ALOT of exploring. Exploration and Community are key elements to me, which hasn't been alive since SWG/Early WOW standards. People get too focused on the daily grind. Sad thing is I could care less about a story because I feel MMORPG's you create your own.

There is a speech that the director made where he called old school style mmo's like everquest and ultima "old and boring" saying that they left little to imagination but if that were the truth they wouldn't have lasted as long. You definately should look that up. Either way, I hope to see QKT members there =) Those were the days!! <3 [/font][/size][/i][/color]
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Looking forward to Guild Wars 2. I know it will be like WoW in one major way: the ability to change your race, but as an avid fan of GW1, I can't help but get giddy whenever I see new news being released. I can't wait to play as a lil Asura!
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[font="Tahoma"][size="2"]Certainly Pumpkin I'm very excited to see how Bioware are going to juggle their own great storytelling ability with the dynamic nature of an MMO particularly how their group story quests will be differentiated from their individual story quests (i.e. the player's class story) or how playing with a friend as a companion is going to work for making decisions. The fact that TOR seems to have a lot more direction than SWG in terms will hopefully not prevent their from being plenty of exploring to do at the same time. I'm also hoping that Bioware get away from grinding and gear-centric stats as a focus for play.

I think a lot of people are missed what Daniel Erickson was trying to say, even if he phrased it terribly. I think the big thing for Bioware in TOR is to get away from having MMO's so reliant on the community to provide for the player at end-game, by which I mean I think we're going to see Bioware possibly go down the road of The Matrix Online's continuous content release to get away from players having to been in a good guild to get to do the hardcore stuff to have the most complete game experience. I do enjoy hardcore play, either PvE or RvR with a good guild but I certainly understand for the average player who doesn't have a crapload of free time, endgame is effectively the death zone of an MMO for them where content and "the point" Erickson was talking about end. [/size][/font]
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