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Guest Hikaru Ichijyo

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Guest Hikaru Ichijyo
Hello guys just wanted some more insight about the people that visit the otaku.com movie section and site. In other words I want to get to know the fans? So tell me something about yourself and the genre of anime your into!

I'll go first!:babble:

Well guys, I run the otaku.com anime movie section, before this I had a previous site that was over at angelfire that did pretty well for a fan site. My hobbies are reading, writting, anime, scifi, robotech, and above all web design! I currently been offered a scholarship at St. Johns, not sure If I'll take it yet it depends on the offer they have, I would like to study computer science. My favorite Genre of anime would have to be Mech anime, especially very old school mech anime from the 80's yes the time I grew up in. My favorite anime is obviously Macross/Robotech.

So who's next! :D
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Im Cruizr, the one who begs Adam to let him help...im an olde on the boards and have enjoyed every minute of it...im currently im high school and am trying to make a website that will actually be a rival to theotaku some day...i mainly check out DBZ,Digimon, and Pokemon stuff, trying to get it together..and hanging with all the maniacs of the boards is a hobby ;) And i say you doing a great job!

(and Adams lazy..did i say that?)
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[color=crimson]I'm uh. Ken. AKA Death Knight.

I'm in 9th Grade. 13 years old. 6'2, 240 Pounds. Tackle. Idiot. Insane. Etc, Etc.

My hobbies are being a Stand Up Comedian, Music God, Reading, Writing, And Modding the PC Forum.

I am an extreme Strategy Game nerd, and count down the days, hours, minutes, and seconds to Warcraft 3.

I am currently 315 dollars in debt, and have a job mowing lawns. [yes i'm mexican, and yes say something about Mexicans and mowing Lawns and your face is in the ground].

My favorite Anime is Sailor Moon, it being the first I ever saw.

DBZ Is second. Blowing **** up with Ki blasts is cool.
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sephiroth, former worker of both gundam and dragonball at theotaku.com, been watching anime for over 12 years now, with a collection thats starting to become very respectable....

love writing fanfics for just about every anime I see, except the crap ones, big computer games person, been playing games since the early days of the NES and commodor....

I'm a mecha person myself, its a fixation....
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Guest Voodookanaka
voodookanaka...been here since v1 under name Manga Guy
not bad at art although for some reason all my decent art never gets put up. Into everything ever and pretty boring.
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[SIZE=1]My name is Josh (Shyguy)

I have also been here since V1, in fact I have been here longer than every staff member, except for Rico... I think. I do the Outlaw Star summaries at theotaku.com in addition to my new position as a mod here at the boards. My hobbies include video games, comic books and animation (not just anime, american cartoons as well.) My current favorite anime is Evangion, but I have only seen a few episodes... my other favorite show is probably Sailor Moon...

*stares a Rick, runs away*[/SIZE]

[COLOR=red]Actually, I have been here several months longer than you. So has Cloud. :p

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Well, my name is Justin(obviously). I enjoy studying certain forms of the Martial Arts and I like playing football. I teach Taiji(A derivative of Tai Chi) at a local dojo and I drive a very big, green and beautiful Ford F-250 that I love dearly.

My favorite anime genre is Mecha, also. Though I make an exception and call my favorite Cowboy Bebop. But, other than that, I'm a Mecha Man.

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Well, my name is Shane, I'm 11 years old, and have been watching Anime for about 2 years now. I started off watching dubbed DBZ on Cartoon Network and now I have seen many other Animes, dubbed AND subbed. I also like TV *drools* and playing on my PC. My favourite genres of Anime are fantasy (I cast DBZ as a fantasy Anime) and Mecha.
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Um..I am NoodleZ really Ryan. Um I have been here for a while and I dun think alot of people know who I am. I am Spaniard and Crazy at times and obsessed with Mooses da best animals in the worl, yet that is another story. I like DBZ and Tenchi and other Animes also. Is that it??[/size][/color]
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Squashed Snail, I'm into DBZ, Digimon, erm..... and morw stuff aswell. I'm currently in 8th grade, 13 years old, weigh about 75kg (:eek: ), and over 6'. Erm..... not much else. Oh yeah, I visit the movie section nearly every day, and I think you're doing a great job! :)
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Name : Soccer 4 Life[COLOR=red]<~~~~ [/COLOR] basically thats says it all...

I'am in high School (grade 9)... *My hobbies include watching and Playing Soccer*.. and doing lots of other interesting stuff (too many to state) ...... I am into Anime, since I've seen lots of 'em my favourite is probably Kenshin . NGE, Berserk, Bastard, Cowboy Bebop and some others, are also pretty amazing and there worth watching. ....

:therock: :mrt: Peace!!:demon: :smirk:
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Guest Imsirion
real names Dustin (hey, howya doin) im in the ninth grade. (im 14 soon to be 15)
I like anime( i like all anime cept pokemon, i used to) ,video games (my passion ;) ),sci fi,art (even though im not that great) and soccer. some day i want to go to Japan. also i want to work on story lines on games or work in a video games magazine. i also want to be an urban explorer (looks alotta fun, also a cool hobby)

p.s. im also mexican and i sometimes mow the lawn;) (even though im not in debt)
(Hey deathknight!)
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i]
[B][color=crimson]DBZ Is second. Blowing **** up with Ki blasts is cool.
[/color] [/B][/QUOTE]

Damn straight!

My name is Neil, I'm 14, 6' nothin, 215 pounds, st00pid, insane, evil, immortal, Saiyan Warrior, etc.

As you can tell, DBZ ownz. I've seen dubbed, and I live a rather sheltered life....Oo;;;;;;;;;.. I like Tenchi next........Then Gundam Wing(Shut up, Sephiroth.......Just shut up....:D). Whatever Tenchi and DBZ would be classified as. Then Mecha......O.o;;;;;;;; Ya........*cough*......Want anything else?
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Guest maverick
[COLOR=red]I been here since 2000. don't remenber what version of boards was firts as crz5 then crz6 then saintseiya and now maverick[/COLOR]
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I'm Cibo, and I'm 18 years old. I've been watching anime for a few years now. I actully got a clip on accident of hentai a couple years back and then I got to know anime a bit more and now I love it. I wish I had to money to rival Safer in his collection, but I don't.

I like anime's like DBZ, all the street fighter movies/series, Trigun, Escaflowne, Gasaraki, and others.
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[color=red][size=3]The names JCBaggee, but friends can call me JC. I'm 17 years old, in the 11th grade and am interested in comics, editing my web page (the links in my sig if you want to visit it), and I'm into anime like Cowboy Bebop and anything Dragonball.[/color][/size]
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Hey everyone. My name's Chris, i'm 17 (18 in August...yesss!!)
Doing the big H-S-C this year (that'd be year 12 for non-aussies). I've done rep cross country, swimming and also soccer (goalkeeper) so i'm pretty fit on 6"2' frame. Love drawing and fantasy books like LOTF, Magician by Raymond E. Feist, Narnia (a sentimental favourite) and the Belgariad and Mallorean by...that guy *points*.
DBZ got me into this site, and it remains my firm favourite for the time being...it allows me to imagine being something of power...it's a great escape for me.
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