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Friends and Weed


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It can be a fairly addictive substance. True, it's not as bad as some, but it all depends on how it's taken and prepared. My dad's been a consultant psychiatrist dealing with drug addictions for around 15 years now. If it gets to a stage when they can't work without it, it's an addiction. You can become addicted to the caffeine, sugar, anything. If it has a good feeling, then it's going to be something you repeat. But the thing is, you tend to need more and more of it to get the same boost you did the time before as your body becomes more accustomed to it. That's when the addiction starts.
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I know one or two people who do drugs but I am lucky in the respect that they would never bring that stuff near me. For they realise that if they did, I would drop kick them through the atmosphere.

There really is no way that you can stop them, all you can do is not follow suite. If your friend taking drugs creates a problem, then keep your distance. That may be all it takes for your friend to realise that he is making a mistake or that he can live without making a fool of himself.
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[quote]It can be a fairly addictive substance[/quote]

[b]Marijuana is not mentally addictive in any way. The more you smoke, the more smoking it takes for you to get a high, so people who want a high smoke more each time. You are not physically compelled to smoking weed all the time.

I've smoked weed once or twice before, but not out of habit or anything like that. I must confess that I smoked cigarettes for a short while (I'm 16, and I hate myself for it), and I didn't get totally addicted, but it was bad enough. (Just had to get that off my chest :)[/b]
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I've had this debate before...

I'll disgaree that weed is not a big deal. It is. It's what is called a transition drug. Menaing people who smoke weed then may try other substances, ie: cocain or heroin which ARE very addictive and do tend to kill. True, some people don't do more than weed, but yeah. One of my good friends got caught up in weed, and I tell this story everytime this subject comes up, and well, it f*cked up his life to be blunt with you. He dropped out of highschool, ended up in jail NUMEROUS times. He didn't have a job, wasn't really that smart. And you can tell people who smoke weed. Everytime theres a topic on weed here, I'm not at all surprised by the people who say they smoke it, It's evident they do by the poor grammar and spelling and all out laziness or stupidity of their posts. If weed smokers are like that on the internet, imagine how they are in real life, and I've seen it, it's not at all entertaining. Not to mention you smell like sh*t. I'd rather you fall in a pile of crap then come in my house smelling like weed. Weed is illegal for a reason. If it didn't pose a harm to you or others it wouldn't be legal.

Although, don't get me wrong, I have no problem with people smoking it in private, thats there deal. It's your life, f*ck it up the way you want to. I just don't like it when you have people that don't understand the reprocusions of doing ANY drug, whether weed, tabacco, alcohol, heroin, extasy, cocain, whatever. If you know it's bad for you and you keep doing it, well then hey, i don't care, you're the dumbass, not me.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Elite [/i]
[B]Marijuana is not mentally addictive in any way. The more you smoke, the more smoking it takes for you to get a high, so people who want a high smoke more each time. You are not physically compelled to smoking weed all the time.

That's what an addiction [I]is[/I]. Yeah, it's no more compulsory than doing your teeth, but people with tendencies for addiction (weak personality) will take it anyway because they think they need it because their body wants some, and they have to take more. It's very open to individual differences, though, as no two people are the same and some people have higher tolerance levels can give up more readily than others. But some people are physically compelled to take it, or at least they feel they are because 'it's what gets them through the day'. It's a dependence on something you shouldn't be having in the first place.
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I believe Elite should have said Physically addictive. Addiction isn't a mental state. Addiction is a physical state. Your body has a need for something, not that your brain needs something. What Marijuana does IS a mental addiction. Your body doesn't need any part of marijuana, you just want to get that "feeling" over and over. So you smoke more over and over, which technically makes it an addiction, however, not in the same way nicotine or heroin is.
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wait, the problem is that he KNOWS ALREADY He's not gonna do it, so throw away all that stuff that a lot of you said about how he should just say no. next, he cares about his friend and wants him to stop, so throw away that stuff about letting his friend do it. kay? now, the problem is he wants his frined to stop doing it.

i still suggest showing him some sites with facts on them. show him that video i saw in health class with the picture of the brain and the pain and the gleiben!!!!!!!!
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Take my advice

Forget about trying to explain to your friend to not smoke and talk about the effects, they have most likely heard it a dozen times before and wouldn't like to hear it again, especially from a friend

Just let them be, they'll give up when they feel like it's time to give up, only when they begin to get serious, for example begin to deal drugs themselves, or begin to spend so much money that they start to steal just to satisfy their cravings, should you stop becoming their friend

I know this because I used to smoke weed myself
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