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Maturity vs. Age?


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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i]
[B]I study psychology myself (independently, the school I go to has a half-semester class, and from what I've heard it teaches nill. That's where Barnes and Nobles comes in...;) ) and I've often thought about this myself. When looking at personalities, I tend to take the behaviourist perspective: "views personailty as merely a reflection of the person's learning history"; and also the situational and interactive perspectives. So, my opinion is that maturity come through experience. What makes someone mature? What makes someone immature? I don't think age is a factor in the slightest, though in some cases it may be relevant. From the time a person is a child, their entire environment molds them, and since so many people have been brought up so many differnent ways--therefore being exposed to different degrees of difficulty, loss, or lack thereof--it would be hard to try and pin-point a one single thing that matures a person. It's very individualistic, but I still think that a person's trial and error experience plays a major role. [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=deeppink]Ah yes, finally someone who sees it as I do.[/color]
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Well..the way i see it..you can be young and still be mature. Granted its a rare thing to see an 11 year old who acts like he's 17, but I've seen it before(I've also seen a 17 year old who could pass for 11 but that is another story). Maturity, in most cases, comes with age. However, in some cases you have those who never mature and those who mature too much for their age as a result of things beyond puberty. It can be confusing but those are the reasons I don't judge people by age alone...

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I don't judge people by their age; I can't. Some of the smartest people I know are younger than me, and some of the most mature are as well.

I believe that people become more mature as they get older (and therefore, experience more things).

But I also believe that some people are simply more mature than others. Perhaps they simply gain more from their experiences, perhaps they've been through more, or perhaps they are simply mature by nature--but it all depends on the individual.

I've met a lot of great people over the Internet. Many of them turned out to be much younger than I expected--and a few were older.

One advantage to the anonymity of the Internet is that there is a lot less judging about appearance, race, religion, or age. You get to know people based on how they act. And while they may be completely different IRL, it's still not a bad way to get to know someone.
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