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Dont like the font, the font colour should be different, white or red or something, other than that I think its ok. Perhaps just cutting out Akuma instead of overlaying or whatever you did to him.

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[font=Kabel Bk BT]

I disagree. The font is cool. If it was white it would just blend in with the white streaks in the backround and that would make it look bad. Same thing if it was red. The blue matches his shirt. I like.

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[quote]Perhaps just cutting out Akuma instead of overlaying or whatever you did to him.[/quote]

now i want you all to think back for a second that's what i've told alot of you from the beggining, and now that Nephroxide here is getting better he's saying the same thing :P. Just felt like I should point that out.

Basically don't apply any layer effects to the akuma picture (don't lower the opactiy either), also flip it horizontally, it should look better. hmmm.... and the text needs some work, first off i don't think the color blue goes with the banner =\ try white, and maybe try outlining it with blue. Also try centering the text more when you do redo it, this way there will look like there's less empty space.
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