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Kougra Day!^.^


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[color=green]Hehe...I know its all icky and stuff, but I tried. It's based off of some from neopets!^^ It's supposed to be a lil cartoonie and stuff, just so you know. I know it's not too good, but I tried!^^

EDIT: Btw, I colored it all in colored pencil(except for the words of course) so it make looks a little scritchy scratchy..Oo[/color]
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That's pretty cool, lol.

I especially like your colouring in, lol. I don't know how to describe it, except that it's really consistent, lol. My drawings always get screwed up when I'm colouring them in, because I suck at sharpening -.-

Just wondering, what's the thing in the back against the tree with the sign? lol[/b]

The Kougra's (?) eyes reminds me of Bambi -.-'[/size]
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[color=green]Well the thing in the back is actually a little man from Mystery Island(neopets thing) whom is holding up a flag saying "Happy Kougra Day." Also, he is about to get bonked on the head by a coconut.>>

Also, I agree I should try shading sometime. I'm just not too good with it is all.^^()[/color]
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[size=1]It's a great picture, and you're a great colorer too. The only suggestion i can make, is when you're coloring, keep in mind what you're coloring. If you're making grass, make it a bit skitchy, so it looks like it is. If you're coloring leaves, color in a spiral, if you're doing the sky, do it in circles so it blends in.

You'd be suprised the difference it makes. And you should try to blend colors. I can see the direction you colored the sky in, you should go over it with a light blue the opposite direction.

I dunno, i can't draw at all, i can't shade either, but i love to color, and shade with colors =D[/size]
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Pretty much what everyone else said.

Coloring a certain way (anotherwords, the pressure you put on the pencil and the direction you color) will create certain kinds of texture. Doing this will make it look ooo-y.

Ditto with the shading. As I once told my DigiPeeps, determine where your light source is, then lightly sketch the shade contours. If the sun is behind Kougra, then the shadows will be on his left side (for this pic, anyway). You already started doing that a bit right around his legs and neck. Some of DigiPeeps not only did the shadows, but also threw in highlights for their pics. That takes your picture very [i]very[/i] far. Highlights will be very close to your light source, in this case Kougra's right.

My only nitpick? Kougra's proportions look a little off--the stomach seems too long. But then, if Neopets has him looking like that...I haven't been in the longest time (my poor critter!), so I dunno.

*yanks art professor hat off*

By far, you are quite good at vibrant colors. And nifties on the cloud effect. ^_^

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[color=ff00cc] [size=1]ooo~ I really like the colors... o.o
That's really pretty! You should send it in one of the Beauty Contests. I'm sure it would win. ^^

Everything looks great, but the paws look a little small.

9.2/10.[/color] [/size]
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[color=royalblue]Being a former Kougra owner myself, that drawing is really good. I have to go with the flow on this one. Shading would make the drawing really pop. I do like the Light Faerie you put in there, though.

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