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.hack: a reality?


do you think .hack will become a reality?  

33 members have voted

  1. 1. do you think .hack will become a reality?

    • never you idiot! .hack will never happen. ever.
    • probally not, but its cool to dream.
    • yeah probally but not in this lifetime.
    • within my lifetime but by the time its out i will be so old i wont care
    • within the next 5-20 years easy
    • probally in a year or two.
    • dont you know its already being created as we speak! wait didnt someone at the office tell me not to tell anyone that.....
    • YES!!! i am creating the pluto kiss right now so that they will have to make the world real MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!

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[size=1]I don't know. Virtual Reality has been "the next big thing" for about 15 years, but I just don't see anyone readily embracing the technology. I hate VR; wearing those gigantic headsets is annoying, and I always get a headache afterwards. The technology to do such a thing on a small scale (possibly in an arcade format) might already exist, but we are obviously many years away from the beautiful landscapes of .hack//SIGN. It would probably be very expensive, and the people using it would need a broadband connection (or better, if that's even possible now.)

So I doubt that we will see anything remotely like .hack//SIGN for at least a decade.

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I dunno... in the idea of mass online games (there's a proper abbreviation, but i can't remember it) we're already there. I mean, look at all the games we currently have in 2D. I don't if there's any 3D ones about as of yet, but there's also Final Fantasy 11, which is also an online RPG.

As for the whole VR concept, I don't know. I would imagine someone somewhere is developing something like that. But it would take years and year sof testing and tweaking in order to get it right. I don't think it's [i]too[/i] off, but we're still going to have to wait a while.

And then (yeah this is my last point I promise!) if you watch the first OVA, you see them playing with a joypad and a headset. So, maybe it's not [i]all[/i] about neuro link ups and stuff. If that's the case... they would only have to import FF11 graphics into a headset and we're ready to roll. I suppose it all depends on how intricate "The World" really is...

But all in all, I think we've got a few years to wait yet ^_^ *waits patiently*
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Hmm, I chose 'within the next 5-20 years easy' but I don't necessarily agree with 'easy', lol.

First of all, there are more and more MMORPG being created all the time, and with each one the environments and battles get more detailed. What game developers will be doing first, if they intend to go through with something similar to .hack, is make it nearly as detailed as the real world. Graphic engines will be playing a huge part in making something like this happen, and I think we are a good 10-15 years away from this, more or less. As time goes on, the online games will allow more people into the specific world, and the environments and possibilities will be huge. There will be towns and titles and you can raise up and such. That alone would be fun.

But, if you want to go on with something exactly like .hack, the next thing that you'd have to worry about is obviously virtual reality. Now we do have some virtual reality games, but the latest I've seen arn't that far along at all. For this particular game, they will have to find a way for you to be moving in the world without you moving in real life, since you'd walk quite a distance, o_O probably run into things, too. It's hard to estimate how far off this would be; maybe 15-20 years with Japan's technology.

I'd really like to be able to do something like this twenty years from now, but maybe that's just wishfull thinking to believe it could be done in such a short time. The producers of this anime had a good prediction in thinking that this could actually work sometime in the future, and while I believe that, once again I have no idea how long this could take to complete; maybe, [i]hopefully[/i] in the next 5-20 years, but you never know. As for not being able to log out, that's a possibility, and gliches like such could end deadly. You never know that even if they find a way to do this, it may still be prohibited from going on the market.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by magic_raditz [/i]
[B]dont you agree that not being able to log out is impossible. if you cant log out then just take off your headset. once again like i said it dosent take you into some weird dimention, your just playing a virtual reality game. [/B][/QUOTE]
Think about it. Like I said, the virtual reality would have to go to a point where you can walk in the game without walking in real life. So in the game, if you go to feel your head where the headset is, there won't be any headset, or rather, you just won't be moving your hands in real life. .hack is far from 'just a virtual reality game,' it's like a second world that you can live in. Plus, if someone else takes off your headset in real life, it may result in some sort of brain damage, something similar to The Matrix. Speaking of which, that's basically what .hack is, but with obvious differences.
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well i thought that you could do it where like you were in a small booth of some sort that when you ran was sort of like a tread mill and with enought space that you wouldent hit anything. but hey you never know. as long as it had been approved that nothing could happen to you that would damage your physical body i am all for it!
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to ever make .hack a reality humanity has to overcome a huge obstacle. a total understanding of our body and minds. after we figure ourselves out all it would take is a needle or two and some massive programming and wed have oursaelves a real .hack vr. the interent connection would have to be big as hell but thats not that hard to do. i mean about a month ago someone broke the internet transfer speed record at 3450 mb per second on a fiber optic line.
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I don't know if .hack would come out in the next decade or so but virtual reality (the more advanced kind) might. I mean, there is a hook up for (i think it's gameboy or that handheld sega thing) that you put on your head and wear gloves and stuff. Also, at the Six Flags near me, there is a VR version of Duke Nukem. Its on a Circular treadmill with a headset and a chest gear thingy and gloves to respond to your bodys responses. So, yes I think VR will be more advanced in a decade but I highly doubt that anything like .hack will be released in the next 10 years, the likely is not for a long long long time, because of all the stuff it would take, plus the cost.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kiddy_phenil [/i]
[B]a filiment to be inserted in my wrist[/B][/QUOTE]

Speaking of filiments, I know this isn't what you meant, but they have actually engineered a "chip" (I use the term loosely because I don't know that that's what it is) that they inserted in a man's wrist - and with that he could flex his wrist and a robotic wrist flexed too. Kinda strange hmm?

So, with that in mind, behind the scenes we could be a lot further ahead than people imagine. Just some food for thought ^___^;;

EDIT: Sorry, I just realised as I posted that I haven't made my point clear ^_^ - my point being that as far as VR goes, technology is advancing in manipulation of inanimate objects. If a robotic arm can be controlled with nerves and electrical pulses, why not graphics generated my a PC? - There, point made!
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as braidles said, i think technoladgy is already far advanced than we know it, there is always a leak of information of new projects of advancement but there is so many projects we have no idea about.
i can remember reading a post, about a VR MP game, it sounds kind of hard, to make this sort of thing... not only you need such a level of graphics (to create a game in the level of "The world") but you also need something to connect two people and even more, to a huge server... thats why i believe that for now, the making of the game has already been in the mind of the VR programmers, but something as complicated as "the world" will become available (to the rich and special ones of us that is) in about 20 or 50 years from now...
i hope ill live to see it.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Syk3 [/i]
[B]Think about it. Like I said, the virtual reality would have to go to a point where you can walk in the game without walking in real life. So in the game, if you go to feel your head where the headset is, there won't be any headset, or rather, you just won't be moving your hands in real life. .hack is far from 'just a virtual reality game,' it's like a second world that you can live in. Plus, if someone else takes off your headset in real life, it may result in some sort of brain damage, something similar to The Matrix. Speaking of which, that's basically what .hack is, but with obvious differences. [/B][/QUOTE]

I don't think so... there are many references of the players interacting with the real world while being logged in. For example, in the episode where they're taking the intellegence tests with those statues, Bear says he's he's drawing a map on paper as they walk along, and he even comments once that he has to stop for a second to go get some more. This is was all happening while he was still logged in.

This leads me to believe that he's simply flipping up his visor/headest in order to draw.
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I don't think a thing like that will happen in our lifetimes, if ever. We usually overestimate technology - like most people in the 1950s were [i]sure[/i] we would be on Mars by now. I'll say if a .hack type situation were to happen, it would be in a few hundred years.
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have you seen the series? hack sign that is? you sound too confused, this is a hack//sign forum, Vr meaning virtual reality, as "The World" in hack//Sign. we are asking if something as the game in hack..Sign can be real (Hack sign is written here as hack as a shortcut).
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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest wednesday
I said 5-20 years, easy. You won't even need neural implants, or whatever, just headsets and a little game controller thingie. And for those who say that the internet is too limited, well..


I love that article. It makes me so happy. *Dork* I know, I know, just universities so FAR, but I bet we'll eventually see it! :D

Merp. I wish we had a real .hack. *Hopes*
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