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tsars virus.


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[size=1][color=firebrick] anyone like my new banner? It's a parody of the SARS scare.

The Russian rulers used to be called Tsars, which sounds like SARS, so I decided to portray evil dictators, Stalin, Pol Pot, and Hitler in it, because they were Tsars to some extent.

please rate, if you don't like the SARS parodyt, just critique the artwork, thanks. [/size][/color]
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The concept was well meant, I'm sure, but I, too, only like the logo. The color scheme's nifty.

*actually has no idea what SARS means--just knows that she's heard about it a lot lately*

The other thing that is bothering me is that you got plagued by the infamous JPG save--everything has that JPGy edge to it.
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[size=1][color=firebrick] Which format should i save it in? .gif is really bad. .jpg looks good if I bump up the quality, but I didn't want a long loading time, plus I focused more on black comedy rather than quality, That might have been a bad thing, but I'm still quite happy with it.

Here is the thing though, [i]none[/i] of them are Tsars, Tsars is the old russian leaders, all of the above were communists, communism started in Russia by Lenin, it all ties in in some way...

I was going to have Saddam instead of Pol Pot. But i figured it would be a step away from the tsars joke, and more a gulf war 2 thing, which I didn't want.

S.A.R.S [i]Servere Acute Respiratory Syndrome [/i]

Hope that answers all questions. Thanks for your comments.

you could also comment on the dancing banana, but I didn't make it, and break has used it before too :p [/size][/color]
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*steals the dancing banana* Several people have used it, including Sem. And I never get tired of watching it. :D

Thanks for the SARS info.

Do you save in PhotoShop? Or what program are you working in? I could help you a bit better if I knew.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GinnyLyn [/i]
[B]*steals the dancing banana* Several people have used it, including Sem. And I never get tired of watching it. :D

Aw, you remembered :love:

And this is a decent banner. I'm thinking the problems with the image quality aren't due to what he saved it as though... It's probably the photos he used. There is nothing wrong with the banner other than those specific photos... so that has to be it.

I mean, the gif has obvious dithering problems... but I don't feel they detract. This honestly shouldn't be that big of a JPG though, so try that out.
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[size=1][color=firebrick] I save, and do the work in photshop, unless I am making an animated .gif, I usually optimize my work if it's for the web, depending on loading times.

I remember Sem using the dancing banana, with his other avatars he had over a period of time. I loved that avatar. :D
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I thought that it was 'czars' that were the old rulers, but whatever.

I think the problem with the quality arises from both the pics and the way it was saved. The pictures are far from the best quality, but also there is a bit of pixelation around the font as well. What I usually save it as is under 'save for web' and use a high-quality .jpg.

For what it's worth, it's a pretty good banner. Could use a border, though. ;)
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[size=1][color=darkblue] I wasn't really too sure of the spelling either, I had seen both.

Thanks for your comments, the banner has benn removed for a tribute to Possum Bourne, my favourite Rally driver (go subaru)

The tribute banner needs no critiquing, it was just something quick and simple.

I'm planning a stab at reality T.V with my next banner, STARS virus. hehe.[/size][/color]
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