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Reality TV

Manic Webb

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2 things.

First of all, I want to know your definitions of a reality show. For some reason, a lot of people tend to think of any live show as a "reality" show. American Idol, for example, has been called a reality show. I think it's more of a "live televised contest" like the original Starsearch or something.

Second, what do you think of reality shows? Is it just a fad? Have they always been here and we just started to notice? Good? Bad?
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I don't watch much TV at all anymore to be honest, but I have read about these newer shows and seen a bit. Anyway...

The Real World has always annoyed me. The first season could be looked upon as real, but it hasn't been like that in god knows how long (and that depends if you think making a bunch of people randomly move in together is "real" or not).

However, watch it now. They all look good. There always has to be this token gay guy in it, someone that misses their boyfriend/girlfriend to some insane degree (while constantly arguing and perhaps breaking up), someone in a band that isn't really that good... Nearly everyone on it wants to be an actor or a singer. They have no real jobs. They do nothing but what the show wants honestly. If people think this is "real," I don't know what to say. The Real Cancun looks even worse. The fact that the movie seems to think it's a wonderful accomplishment to get some kid that never drank in his life drunk, is even more pathetic honestly.

There are reality shows around... but they're documentaries. Stuff you'd see on Discovery or National Geographic. There is nothing true to real life in a show where people are married based on a public vote, or talked to in a hot tub while wearing masks, or getting married in Alaska to some guy who is the best at lumberjacking or any of this nonsense.

I think the ones that bother me the most are the marriage ones. The fact that these channels feel some need to trivialize marriage and love to this extent. I don't know if that's any worse than the fact that people eat this ******** up though.
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[size=1][color=blue] My defenision of reality television is a show which reflect real everyday life and follows around real people and there are no scrited events.

Most reality TV shows do not how often reflect this. How often are people sent into a jungle and force to compete in challanges for meals. I sometimes feel like shows like Anne Nichol's show is scripted, I dont think she acts like that in real life I have actually heard that when she is interviewed she is a completly different person then on televison. I think the Osbourne's curse just a little bit to much for the show to be completely real. Sometime's it is funny how obsurd some of these series are like the new show on Fox Married by America it is absurd I thought Fox would have learned with Who Want's to Marry a Millionaire.

I do however enjoy watching Big Brother though I like to see how fast it take for people to begin going at each others throats and how fast alliences are made(seriously last season it was within he first half an hour in which the allience was made) they bicker over the most trivial of things sometimes like they will fight over the fact someone forgot to wash there hands.[/size][/color]
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[size=1]I don't know. these current shows seem more like forced reality than [i]real[/i] reality. There isn't anything wrong with these shows, as long as they don't try to pretend that they are a documentary. Survivor isn't an intellectual study on human culture, it's just some stupid show where people eat bugs and scheme against eachother.

I have been watching the Real World/Road Rules/Challenge shows for the past couple of years. There was once a time when the Real World put real people together, but everyone on the show now is just so superficial. The shows have lost whatever edge they once had.

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Reality TV tends to be associated with the fact that the shows aren't scripted. There are no actors, these people aren't paid to be on these shows (at least most of the time). It's REAL as much as shows with paid actors actors are fake. Thats what it all means. It's quite ingenious if you think about it.

You get a bunch of no good losers and pay them nothing to be on TV, cause after all it's TV, thats good enough.... then you get high rating that pay for more than the million you're paying the loser winner and boom, you, the TV station make TONS of money and for basically doing nothing at all. Kudos to the person who came up with the idea of reality TV. Now if only it wasn't so over done like EVERYTHING else in America, there wouldn't be a problem.
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An actual reality show mught be something like Candid Camera nad the Jaime Kennedy Expiriment. Things like Survivor are just large game shows.

What TV calls "reality shows" are many things that I hate. Simpsons explained it pretty well, reality shows are only on because you don't have to pay actors for them.
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[color=red][b]REAL reality tv is if you put cameras all over someones house/car/work place and showed it on tv w/o telling the person. But, that is illegal.[/b][/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Matt [/i]
[B][color=red][b]REAL reality tv is if you put cameras all over someones house/car/work place and showed it on tv w/o telling the person. But, that is illegal.[/b][/color] [/B][/QUOTE]

Well it was illegal, till they passed the Patriot Act lol. Now the government can do whatever they want to invade your privacy.
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I'm liking Survivor these days. The gu's vs. girls was great, plenty of gender war ammo their for the ladies. Plus they have a backstabbing John Tuturo look-alike, who in the most recent vote, toasted on e of his allies. The show pits people against eachother, and whoever can play "the game" wins. You have to love it.
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:devil: punk rock rulz :devil:

i agree with mat though i dont really like reality shows its best if you but cameras without n e one know ing bout it

You're not allowed to double-post (post two times in a row on the same thread), so I combined your two posts into one. Please do not do this in the future.
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