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High School Bites

vegeta rocker

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I was just wondering what you think about this, the band trip is my personal fav.

The high school band went on their annual field trip to fiest texas and as they were leaving a cop drove up and stopped the bus. They had videotape of this girl stealing from stands and stores from about 10 in the morning to about 6 in the afternoon. There were other kids with her stealing but not half as much as she took. They say that if she isn't kicked out of band there will be no band trips ever again.

Whenever we go on field trips for stuff and we go through a check point the agents always snicker when we say where we are from. (oh we should check the vehicle etc)

The principle won't allow media tech class to go to the zoo to film animals because it won't be educational enough. while the spanish club goes to schlitterbahn.

We weren't allowed to raise money for media tech by charging for pictures on a motorcycle on school grounds. But kids are allowed to sell candy for their clubs. Yet apparantly it's a rule you can't raise the funds on campus.

What do you think?
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[color=red][b]I love high school. We just went to a college fair in Boston today, took the whole day, and it was awesome. Most of us just drove down, so after 2 pm when we are no longer under their control, we could go where ever we wanted in Boston. Quite fun.

As for your problem, the girl should be more than kicked out of band. She should be suspended for a few days. You can't expect to steal stuff and not face the consequences when you are caught. And I agree with our principle about filming animals not being educational enough. Make a movie or something with your friends, edit it, use the technology. You don't need to go places with the schools money to get a good education. Our tech class currently has NO budget. But we get along. I am currently learning C++, flash, and using a program called Vensim. All that on no budget.
And you can't have fund raisers at the school? pfft. that sounds like bulltickie to me.[/b][/color]
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Well since I am not in High school I wouldn't know but that doesn't sound too bad. Also sounds like she deserves at least some punishment. Not saying anything harsh because I don't believe in those unless someone is hurt physicaly or killed. Maybe detention for a while is fair enough as the punishment.
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[color=hotpink][size=1]She shouldn't just be suspended and kicked out of band, she should be arrested.

And as for fundraising...you're NOT supposed to do things like sell candy on campus, it's illegal, but some people do it anyway. Oh well...[/color][/size]
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Some of my best sales are on our schools campus. I once sold half a case of candy to one person.

Eh... I agree that the girl should be severly punished. Anyone did that in my school they would get expelled. When it comes to acting dishonorably on a school sponsored trip, I think everyone should be expelled.
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[color=darkblue]Yeah, I miss not having to pay bills & all that good kiddie stuff, but other than that...

I graduated & never looked back. I don't miss high school at all. I hated it when I was going & when I think about all the stuff that happened I get pissed off.

It's so bad that I was afraid to go to college because I thought it would be the same as high school. I waited a year and a half to go, even though I was number one in my class. Everyone was completely shocked when I opted to get a full time job after graduation. I didn't even bother trying to explain it.

Fortunately, I was totally wrong about college. It is soooo much better in every way, shape, & form. Now I wish I'd gone sooner, instead of getting all rebellious & wild in the victorious period that sprang from the knowledge that I'd never have to 1) Wear a stupid uniform, 2) Listen to moronic rules, 3) Get harassed by principals, teachers, & students, 4) Talk to the stupid kids from my parents' church, 5) Sit through boring chapel, 6) Worry about getting lunch detention, 7) Try my best not to start crying because I can't leave to do it in privacy, etc., ever again!

So, yeah. It sucked.[/color]
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I am in high school, and I think high school is just fine, but it might be cuz I never went to college and stuff... But all in all, high school isn't that bad. Much, much more freedom than middle school and better cafeteria lunches :) Chapel is boring, but its a great nap time so no complaints =P
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Personally, I think these bad experiences shouldn't ruin your views of high school.

I'm about to graduate soon, and I can say that its leaving High School that really bites.

You should forgive and forget, because life is full of problems.:)
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Hell, at least you don't have to wear a uniform. I had to dress up to go to school (which is not bad, honestly... Don't mind wearing shirt and tie).

Life bites in general. After High School, you'll have different problems in college... after college, you'll have different problems with your career... after that, who knows what. It doesn't really end.

Just have to make the most of it. There are always things to take advantage of and loop holes to get around things.
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[color=hotpink][size=1]Lady M, just what exactly type of school did you go to anyway? I'm just a bit curious...

But I'm glad to hear that college is so much better than high school because I only have 14 more days and then I'll be free!!!![/color][/size]
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