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The White Stripes


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Hey have any of you heard the White Stripes new album, Elephant. I have their last album, and plan to buy their newest.

But I decided to start this thread to find out what people think of the new CD. Is it better than the last? I've seen their new video, Seven Nation Army, and think the song is pretty kick a**.

Feel free to post your comments on "Elephant" or any thing having to deal with the White Stripes. :D
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Ugh. I lost my post lol. I'll try to rewrite it.

Elephant is among their best work. I orginally got the vinyl of it that came out months ago, so I'm glad the CD is finally out so I can get the best sound (I'm a freak about that). I plan on getting it soon.

We had a thread on them a while back, and I remember a lot of people saying they didn't like them for various reasons. I remember one of them being about how simple they are... Personally, I think that's part of their appeal. I don't think the drummer is all that hot, but she drums enough for it to work. The vocalist/guitar player (I forget their names, sorry) is amazing at times though. I don't think most people would realize this without owning the CD... and of course if you hate a band based on some single, why would you own the CD in the first place?

Also, at times... based on live footage I've seen of them, I'm really under the impression that they do everything they can to come off more amateurish than they are. You can tell the drummer messes up on purpose if you pay attention to her... messes with the beat by speeding up and slowing down and so on. I don't know why they do this, but maybe they feel it adds to the simplicity of it.

I think the thing I really like about the band is how humble they seem to be to this day. They never wanted to get this big, and never expected it to happen. It was just a fun thing to do. That and the fact that they seem so close to their fans. They even work alongside some of the fan sites, which I think is great. A lot of artists totally ignore those sites nowadays. I just really respect that.
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the white stripes rock hard. i havent read your post yet, tony, but i'm sure anything i'd say about them would be something you've already mentioned. (i know how you know so much about bands and crap. :) ) i've got their "white blood cells" dealy. its some rockin crap.

nevermind. i just read tony's post. thier names are jack white (guitar/vocal) and meg white (drums).
...and i totally agree with your whole "white stripes rock with their simple-ness" stuff.
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Yeah I saw them on Conan too. In fact they were on his show all that week.

But one thing puzzles me, I heard somewhere (don't know where) that Jack and Meg were actually ex husband and wife.

I, like many people thought they were brother and sister. Is this all a clever act they put on?

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Jack and Meg have always claimed to be brother and sister. Everyone else says that they are divorced. i have seen the marriage certificate that "proves" that they were married. i dont know if its genuine or not, but apparently, when they married, Jack took Meg's last name (White) instead of her taking his.
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I love their new song, and i really like the video, although it does give me a sore head after a while. I will probably get their album soon, i would have just downlaoded it but my speakers broke last night >_<.
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Guest Musahi
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i]
[B][color=crimson]I dislike them highly.

Sorry, their sound just isnt for me. o.o

*listens to Sepultura*[/color] [/B][/QUOTE]

*eats Sepultra*

[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Endymion [/i]
[B]I think MTV said that they were actually ex-husband and ex-wife, but claimed to be brother and sister to keep their true relationship out of the public or something like that. I don't exactly remember why. [/B][/QUOTE]

I saw that too. On the "Big Urban Myth Show" I think. They didn't want it to be public because they thought it would be too gimmicky.

I have not heard anything from 'Elephant' yet, but I loved 'Fell in Love With A Girl'. Not enough to buy it though....

I'm going to Best Buy tommorow if it's cheap I'll most likely buy it. Maybe the first CD too.

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[size=1][color=darkblue]I really like the 'Seven Nation Army' single. It has a great tune to it, which I have just learnt to play. It's pretty simple really on the guitar.
The rest of Elephant, I've heard isn't as good, but I guess that's others opinions, not my own. I will probably buy a copy, or get a copy burnt from somebody. I guess it's worth a listen. Simpleness Rocks.
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Why are you all talking about their love life rather than their music? What's the difference? lol

Seven Nation Army is indeed a good song, and I like the video (especially the skeleton army part). I was surprised, because they have another single out for Elephant than that... but I've not seen a video for it.
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[color=red][size=1][font=arial]I love "Seven Nation Army"...it's so darn catchy, and the video is great.

BTW, be sure to pick up "Elephant". After all, Rolling Stone gave it a 5 Star review...surely that counts for something.

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I'm a big fan of the White Stripes, I think Jack White is a great musician and writer, and Meg White...keeps the beat and is cute.

Elephant is a good album, but I don't think it is as good as the second album, De Stijl which remains their best in my opinion.

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