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Favorite death scenes and why???


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Mine have to be when Wolfwood and Spike. I think i have both of these at a tie so far and i guess ill start with Wolfwood first.

Woldwoof was an amazing character, always finding religious situations to handle problems, and always doing everything for the children in his orphanage even when they were held kidnapped. I really feel sry for this guy since i cant exactly pin-point what his real emotions are since he doing everything for his children. His past showed his one side but he completely pulled a 180 when he got older, [spoiler]and when he died by the one gun-ho-gunman, it sucked. All that time he was always trying to get the apple from that guy and when Wolfwood finally did he choose not to kill him. Unfortunantly Wolfwood got shot by the gun-ho-gunman and died inside a church on top of his cross. [/spoiler] All he really wanted was to be left alone with Vash, Millie, Myrle and the children cause they were the only ones who could bring him happiness. I just didnt feel like that was his time to die and when he did it just was terrible since he didnt get to accomplished what he wanted to do in life.

Spike just wanted to get back at Vicious and when he finally did it was like completely worth it. Episodes 25 and 26 were great since Spike accomplished so much in those episodes. He did all he could to destroy his past and when he finally got to Vicious he did what he needed to do. [spoiler] And when he died he did probably said the best thing ever which is one word "BANG" and just collapsed there on the floor. Plus he showed all the flashbacks of what happen throughout his life and what he did and didn't accomplish.[/spoiler] The only thing i wanted to see was if Spike and Faye would have gotten together if they had the chance.
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with a thread such as this its a bit obvious there are going to be spoilers, so i'd say setsuko from grave of the fireflies, that was so friggen sad. happy to say when they did the flashbacks they used new footage rather than processin some old ones. it wasn't grandious, just moving.

spike's was a little harder to watch, i found, probably because he was a little more fleshed out than wolfwood, still sucked that wolfwood died, but we didn't know too incredibly much about him. and as for spike and faye...no.. eh..? no..
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*Needs spoiler tag for this whole thread*

Me? Umm... Misato in EoE:bawl: cuz of the way she died... I personally felt like kiling Shinji in that scene -_-. Wolfwood was pretty sad too... :bawl: :bawl: it was especially painful since he decided he wanted to live at the last moment.
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Guest Steiner
Mine would have to be Tabris in evangelion, i thought was cool the way shinji just popped his head off.
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i think setsuko is very sad... i think it really gets to you when you see a child being burned, specialy after what happened to her. this was truly sad.

as for betiful , i would pic spike's ending in cowboy bebop, not only i got to see a fight with vicious, but when he died, he did it so calmly. Tabris death was sad too, but it didnt really got to me as misato considering that tabris was not shown much in the series, though he had some awsome personallity...
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What so sad about burning a body? Its traditional in Japan. We burn the body, collect the bones, and keep it with us. I think that was the right thing to do rather than let it rot.
*If I sound aggresive, its cuz I had 2 much coffee 2day*
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Spike in Cowboy Bebop..when he finally accomplished what he had wanted to do..he died.
Fuma in X:The Movie.. sad because Fuma and Kamui were best childhood friends and Fuma kept insisting he was Kamui and that Fuma was dead,but Kamui knew he was still Fuma and since Fuma wanted to kill everyone on Earth, Kamui knew the only was to win the war with Dragon's of Heaven and Earth and to save the Earth was to kill Fuma, even though they were best friends and he didn't want to do it- he did it for the safety of mankind. Also the ending song "Forever Love" really set a sad tone.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Metatron [/i]
[B]What so sad about burning a body? Its traditional in Japan. We burn the body, collect the bones, and keep it with us. I think that was the right thing to do rather than let it rot.
*If I sound aggresive, its cuz I had 2 much coffee 2day* [/B][/QUOTE]

its not the beaning of the body that is sad, the fact that a child (that you just saw 2 hours of her life story) is burned, is truly sad...
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Well i agree with all the other deaths but there was alot of noble deaths in DBZ like in the Saiyan Saga when piccolo took the blow of nappa's attack for Gohan he was once evil and gohan changed him for the better then he gets blasted and dies
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Solid [/i]
[B]i think setsuko is very sad... i think it really gets to you when you see a child being burned, specialy after what happened to her. this was truly sad.[/B][/QUOTE]

What the title of this anime???? Sounds like a pretty cool story line from what others were saying on this one. Get back to me ASAP lol.
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The title is "Grave of the fireflies" its a studio Ghibli film. Its basically about a brother and a sister living in Japan during WWII its a really tragic story :bawl:
And solid, I assume you are talking about Setsuko? Burning the body in Japan is the same as burying someone in America :p
If I misunderstood(and I think I did) then plz tell me.
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I like the death sene in Dragonball Z/GT.

When vegeta is killed by frieza. He tells Goku the whole story of the saiyans. He even crys.
I lo9ve the death sene of Cell. He sound s so cool. When Gohan and cell have a kamehame ha battle. He yells out
"Nnnnoooo! I'm perfect!"
I like the death bits. Sometimes my friend said thay almost cried, but there not really sad. I only enjoy grusome deaths. But sad death are alright, yeh know...
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by vicky [/i]
[B]I like the death sene in Dragonball Z/GT.

When vegeta is killed by frieza. He tells Goku the whole story of the saiyans. He even crys.

That was tragic, my poor veggie moved to tears. Though he was probably just pissed off that he was beaten.

I don't think i have a favorite, maybe Spike's. his is pretty cynical to the very end.
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I like many really like the [spoiler]Wolfwood's death scene. His last words, about not wanting to die, were really sad.:bawl: Him leaning up against the cross really added to the dramatic mood of the scene.[/spoiler]

Another one of my favorite death scenes is [spoiler]Vegeta's, where he sacrifices himself to destroy Buu.[/spoiler] That was really cool.
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It's not that I especially loved it that Vash had to be tortured like that, but when Legato died, there was a man who didn't fear death. He even seemed to be looking forward to it, and didn't care if he lived or died. He only had one wish, and if he could accoplish it with his death, he was at peace.
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Asuka didn't die (damn...j/k :P)during that, but it was a pretty awesome scene, "i'll kill you, i'll kill you"...
I think i'd like to be cremated.. none of that guilt crap for families to visit your grave, and they could scatter me or keep me in a friggen mayonaise jar if they want, wouuldn't concern me anymore..
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Legato probably was looking forward to his death because [spoiler]he is the servant of Knives, and Knives wanted Vash to suffer for shooting him. The best revenge? To make Vash committ the exact thing he most detests, which is to kill. And to do this, he sacrificed himself, and due to his loyalty to Knives, he probably was definitely looking forward to it.[/spoiler] And I think Asuka did die... [spoiler]The Lance of Longinus seems to have the exact same effect on the pilot as for the Eva. When the Eva had its head impaled with the first lance, she was bleeding. And while she was raising her arm towards the heavens("I'll kill you, I'll kill you"), it was HER hands that was split in half, not the evas. And all those lances(9) impaling it? I am sure she died.[/spoiler]
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That isn't the first time... the first time was when Naoko strangled her in her child hood(cute chibi-rei)... When she tried to put the mine into the angel, she didn't die... she died against Armisael, which came a bit later.
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i think the best death seen was when cell died i DBZ. Gohan is remembering all the things that have happened and then he remembers his dad and ....dang....cell had no chance

and this isnt really a death seen but i like it when in some Cowboy Bebop episode Spike and Vicious face off for the first time in a long time and as spike falls out the church window he remembers what he and vicous went through and then then from the inside of the church a explosion goes off from spikes grenade and the glass flys around him as he falls........ great ending
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