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Ushi, MegaTokyo style


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[color=#808080]Wow, that's gorgeous Sara. ^_^

I love it. Your pictures are always so expressive and emotive. It can be very difficult to strike that in hand-drawn works.

This girl looks either like she's cold...or worried...or maybe she's just a quiet wallflower. ~_^

I won't give it a numerical rating, because I'm really starting to dislike 'em. They're too aribitrary. X_X[/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i]
[B][color=#808080]I won't give it a numerical rating, because I'm really starting to dislike 'em. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Thank you!


I'm glad you like it. Yeah, she's supposed to look cold. (I don't know why, she's always wearing that oversized sweatshirt..)

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[size=1][font=rockwell] That's great just for a sketch. You going to color it?

Well, I love it. As James said, your drawings and things are so expressive, as art should be. They always show more than they mean to show in a wonderful way.

Arbitrary, eh? Well, I find numerical ratings to be quite fun, lol.[/size][/font]
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[COLOR=deeppink]Ushi!!! I love her. All your drawings, like Mitch said, are so expressive. And she looks really cold. Or she looks a little nervous that she's in a skirt. Teheh. But I love it!!! :love: *adds her to the cage with Breko,Mizu and Jeme*[/COLOR]
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Aww... James' post is gonna kill my rating :p 10/10 tho in my opinion :) I really like the expression becuz of the reasons other people stated :p and Ushi means cow doesnt it? I dont mean to wreck the mood but ushi is cow in Japanese I think...
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[color=ff00cc] [size=1]eee! ^________^
All of your drawings are so cute, Sara! I especially like the way you drew her skirt annd legs. Her facial expression is really great, too. She looks more cold to me than sad...

10/10.[/color] [/size]
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