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Movies you plan on seeing during winter break


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[color=violet]I keep going thru this in my head of every movie I want to see before my husband goes back to TX and I realize it just can't be done because of money .
So I guess I'll just settle with Mona Lisa Smile staring Julia Roberts and LOTR staring the scrumpilitious Orlando Bloom.
Now, out of curiousity, what do you want to see over winter break or whatever you call it?[/color]
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Wow ChibiHorsewoman you sure do post alot. I remember ages ago I used to have more then you. How do you do it?

The movie I can't wait to see is HONEY with Jessica Alba. I think of this movie as being Jennifer Lopez's life story. She starts off as a dancer and slowly becomes a popstar. Not to mention how hot Jessica is. Did I happen to mention how hot Jessica is?

Anyways I'm going to go see Lord of The Rings: Return of the King of course. Then maybe the Haunted Mansion because I'm a Eddie Murphy fan. I aslo plan to see some movie with this dude named Nick Cannon in it but I can't remember the title. There needs to be a good R rated movie I can go see but none of the one out now really interest me. Any suggestion for a R rated moive?
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I've already been to Return of the King (it was fantastic!), but I'm planning on seeing it at [i]least[/i] two more times. Since The Last Samurai has such gorgeous cinematography--not to mention Tom Cruise--I might also want to watch it in theaters again.

Although I'm not entirely sure when Cold Mountain (starring Nicole Kidman and Jude Law) is supposed to be released, I'm certainly interested in seeing it. I never got around to reading the book, so I may force myself to do that first.

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Guest Teammayhem
Hmm... Hard choice...
My choices would be
-LOTR (almost everyone wants to see this movie)
-Cold Mountain (I heard this was good... why not see it)

Plus I'm gonna rent some holiday classics... the SNL (Saturday Night Live) holiday tape is great, its like tradition for me, renting it every time Christmas comes around.
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I don't go to movies nearly as often as I did a few years ago, so it really takes something special for me to actually go (unless I get dragged by my family to see stuff like Brother Bear or Haunted Mansion).

The only movie I shall be seeing over Winter Break is Lord of the Rings: Return of the King, for obvious reasons. And if said reasons are not obvious, you either have been living under a rock, are a fool or perhaps both. My friend Jonathan recently informed me that, despite the movie's length, it is fantastic and even better than Fellowship of the Ring and Two Towers, which more than makes me want to go see it.

All other movies can go piss off because Lord of the Rings is the only movie getting my hard-earned money :p
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A couple of my friends and I have planned to see Lord of the Rings: Return of the King next Tuesday. Before that though, I'm going to see Matrix Revolutions with my family. I have high expectations for both these movies and I hope they'll out as what I've thought of them. I've heard good things about Matrix Revolutions so that's a plus. :)
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I wanna see LOTR, The Last Samurai, Cold Mountain, Love actually, the Cat in the Hat, Love Actually, Big Fish, and possibly Love don't Cost a Thing. My reason for seeing LOTR has already been( Legolas!) and I wanna see the Last Samurai well cause of the-well honestly I don't know. i just want to see it. Cold Mountain has a love story in it( where the girl takes action! Yeah!) plus you got the Civil War goin on in it. From the previews I thought Love Actually looked funny and I've been told the Cat in the Hat was awsome. Big Fish looks interesting and again a love story in Love Don't Cost a Thing. But the number one movie I want to see during Winter Break is:*hits gong* Monty Python and the Holy Grail! Yes I've seen it a least a thousand times but I was quoting some of in in Languge Arts with Keaton and I forgot how funny it was. Now to fins some Shrubberries!*trots off clonking two coconuts together*
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[FONT=arial]I'm really wanting to see The Last Samurai, and it's a kind of no-brainer that I'm going to see LOTR, even if I [i]didn't[/i] want to, lol (which certainly isn't the case). maybe Mona Lisa Smile also, but I'm not too sure about that yet. I hope Peter Pan is good, I love that story. I think I'll wait and see what the reviews say before I go see it though, since it has a chance of going either way, it looks like.[/FONT]
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All I really want to see is Die Mommy Die, but I can never find the one theater here that plays it. Oh well.

If anyone names Calendar Girls, I'll have to assume they're insane. Even if I was given a death threat I wouldn't see a movie about a bunch of old women posting for a nude calendar. Vomit enducing.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel[/i]
[B]If anyone names Calendar Girls, I'll have to assume they're insane. Even if I was given a death threat I wouldn't see a movie about a bunch of old women posting for a nude calendar. Vomit enducing. [/B][/QUOTE][size=1]I thought that concept was actually disturbingly amusing, lol. I am all for old people and their sexuality. Old people public displays of affection are funny. Old people rock. :p

Anyway, I am going to see Lord of the Rings: the Return of the King tomorrow. I am looking forward to seeing Big Fish as well, but that does not come out until January.[/size]
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Guest Teammayhem
scrmngfangrl, sorry. I made a broad overgeneralization on observations I made in my town (and in my sister and her friends).
But it could be true...
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Hmm....let's see:

The Last Samaurai - I really just want to go and see it b/c my brother and his friends saw it, and they were going crazy about it (not otaku-ish, I mean MST3K-ish).

Inuyasha: Love That Trascends through Time - I'm seeing this at an anime convention at the college, so sorry folks, it's not in theaters. :P

Peter Pan

Big Fish - I'm a big fan of this director's movies. ^_^

Yeah, I'm not planning to see LOTR, until the crowds wipe out, I'll probably go and see it. But I'm not a big fan. Sure I've seen the first two and I've read the book The Hobbit, but sitting in a chair for over 3 hours is tantalizing for me. O.o
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Guest rttocs77
I saw Cold Mountain which was fantastic. The acting in it was spectacular and one of the opening battle sequences where dynamite was planted under one of the Confederate's strongholds was phenominal. The acting was great, especially Renee Zellwigger (sp?) When they first introduced her I didn't even recognize her.

I also say Somethings Gotta Give. My mom and aunt liked it (probably because they are getting up their in age like Keaton and Nicholson) I thought it was just so-so. Though, it was better than I thought it was going to be.

I saw The Fog of War today. It was pretty interesting. It is a documentary on this guy, I forgot his name, it starts with Mc. He was the Secretary of Defense during Vietnam. Anyways, it was well made, but I think I would have found it much more interesting if I had been around and conscious of what was going on during Vietnam.

I still really want to see The Cooler, Big Fish, and House of Sand and Fog.
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Well, i've seen two movies that over break so far, (seeing as how there's not much left of break, atleast for me) and i've seen Lord of the Rings, Return of the King and i saw it the day it came out!!! That is my favorite movie of all time!! And it sooo good!!! YAY!!!

And i've seen Peter Pan, which was wellll, better than i expected but not...........well there was just something about it, that i didn't like. I'm not really sure how to say it, but...yeah.

I want to see Cheaper by the Dozen, i'm in the mood for a comedy.

Master and Commander, i hear thats a really really good movie!

The Last Sammurai, I'm not really sure about that, but people have been saying its good.

Elf, i haven't seen it yet! OH no!

And i don't think i'm forgetting anything. And its not like i plan on seeing all of these, i just WANT to see them.

ahhhhhhhhh movies are amazing!!!
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