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I wish some people had more nerve!

Guest OutlawKFK

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Around here in glorious Fargo, ND:rolleyes: it is dangerous to cross the roads because of drunks and college students. The safest place to walk is on the campus were [u]all vehicles have to stop for pedestrians no matter what.[/u] I've almost been hit just walking in the driveway of my apartment building.
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[color=darkblue]Living in a small town, I don't really have to deal with that very often. Traffic is pretty light where I am, but there's always an impatient jark-arse at one point or another.

I think the worst I've dealt with was when some guys made their engine roar and threated a few times to run me down. It scared me quite a bit. I've never had anything like that ever happen again though, so I'm a bit sheltered in that sense.[/color]
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Guest Youkai Megami
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Amorphous [/i]
[B][color=crimson][size=1] I second that motion so much more then you'll ever know[/size][/color]

[color=crimson][size=1] I really do agree on this part as well, maybe you shouldn't take leisurely time walking across the road when maybe other people DO have places they need to get too, some times in a big hurry as well. Maybe there actually being generous with the whole situation on there standpoint of view.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE]

*Laughs* I second that motion! :demon:
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I can hardly relate to much of these. I live in Quebec City's suburb, so crossing the street was never a big deal for me, though some places along my street are not easy to cross. There's only one pedestrian light in my town.

Quebec city has a lot of pedestrian light and one-ways, so crossing the road is hardly an issue there. I've been told Montreal is another story.

I've been in France once, and I was actually surprised how carelessly you can cross the road. The French are much more respectuous of the pedestrian priority.
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Here in San Juan, you [B]have[/B] to be courteous on the road (wether in a car or on foot). Thing is, there are a lot of scumbags that don't really care about going to jail, and will shoot you if you dare to honk the horn.
Now that I think about it, it's kinda funny to see a rude person get his headlights smashed and his windows busted...
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[COLOR=crimson]I find it funny that I nearly get hit by at least one car a day. I walk home from school and I have to pass through a mall. Or, I could take the long way around and go through alot of blind curves(even worse than the mall). Whenever I cross the street, I sprint. I know that whoever was kind enough to stop for me must need to get somewhere. There are rude drivers in my little suburban town: senior citizens and high school kids. Senior citizens have come more close to hitting me than anyone else. One old woman was at a red light and I was crossing and she honks at me, but the light is still red. She kept blasting her horn at me and she looked really pissed. I wanted to flip her off, but I didn't want the children in the car to see that.

There is a traffic light right by my house and to cross the main road, it never says "walk". You can push the button and wait and wait, but it will never say it. Yet, there are crosswalks. How are you supposed to cross this blasted street?!

Some of the kids in my school have done exactly what happened to Sem. I'll have the walk sign, I'll go to step onto the road and a car will fly by out of nowhere. And, then they'll stop, open the window and laugh. I normally just glare and walk away.

I am normally very considerate to people. I help them out, let them go before me. But, I think this may only be in my town or something, no one ever helps me when I ask for help. and the time you use to help people counts toward the time for you to finish what you have to do. But, it builds up and before you know it, you are out of time, and you haven't finished. There is such a thing as being too considerate. Maybe the person honking at you knows what being too considerate can do and they need the time it takes for them to help. I don't know if that makes sense to anyone.

I also agree with everything Lalaith Ril said.

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[color=deeppink]Legally the pedestrian [i]does[/i] have the right-of-way.

Once you start driving you start understanding why it's annoying that people take too long to cross the street. Because, honestly, in some situations you could at least hurry yourselves across [speaking in general terms].

However, a good driver is always attentive to the road around them, especially to cross walks. It's probably a better idea to wait for a car to stop [i]for[/i] you [if that's possible where you're trying to cross], because they're willing to stop their own journey to let you cross in front of them.

Heh, is that making sense?

Sometimes I guess you have no other alternative than stepping out into traffic and hoping cars will stop, but that's always a last-ditch option for me. I'd rather wait for a nice person to stop who doesn't want to run me over :p. And I have faith that there are people like that out there, because I stop for pedestrians, too! [/color]
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I've been in a lot of these situations before. I used to slow down and take five minutes to cross...but then I got hit, it wasn't hard though. Lol I was like what the ****?! and I through a rock at them. It was funny, I still do it and they is always yelling at me. Oh well, they should get some patience.:laugh:
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There's a cross-walk in front of our school I used to use. Right next to it is the exist of the student parking lot.

Add in about a hundred agressive, immature drivers with overpowered cars and a street full of freshmen pedestrians...

Dear God, it's a miricle there hasn't been bloodshed...
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