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An attempt at coloring in Photoshop.


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I have very little experience at using Photoshop to color black-and-white sketches, so please bear with me. Since I drew the original sketch in about two minutes flat, it's not exactly the kind of work that I'd normally display for the world to see. However, I would be very, very happy if someone took the time to critique my shading. I was trying to go for a soft, blended look.

Please ignore the awful hair. ^_^;;

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Well, I don't have much experience with Photoshop (or actual drawing for that matter lol), but I think this looks good.

The coloring seems good to me; no real spots where the coloring seems off or anything. I particulary like the eyes. I think they look really nice ^_^

As for the shading...well, I'm not really an expert or anything, but I think you did a good job. The chin is a little too pointed for my tastes but, then again, you can never be too sure whether that was done on purpose. lol

Overall, I think it's good work, Dagger ^_^
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I like it - it's nice and bold ... and regardless of what you say, considering it's manga, I think the hair's fine as it is.

As for the shading, that's well done, too. It blends very nicely with no sharp faults. You've done a particularly job around the nose, though I'm not sure about the interruption of the light line going down the bridge to the tip - it looks like the end of his nose is poking out from the general line of the nose when you do that, although it's not too dramatic.

Beautiful image, save for two little things. Firstly, the black specks across his forehead down to his eyelid. I assume those are sketchlines. They have a nice oekaki-type(?) effect around his chin, but on his forehead they're a bit distracting. Secondly, I think his nostrils may be a bit uneven - one's slightly higher and at a different angle to the other. I'm also unsure of whether the mouth is supposed to be sort of smirking - if not, then that slopes a bit too in the opposite direction. That said, it's very good for a two minute sketch. ^_^ More importantly, I think you've got the grasp of Photoshop - *laughs* it doesn't look like you have little experience. Well done!
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I think it looks pretty nice, overall.

With the hair, while I like your style, I think it would look much nicer if the color change was much more gradual. It seems too sudden in this image and that's what throws it off.

The skin tones look good, overall. The eyes work, but I notice you're going for a look where light is hitting them... I think working on them to make the eyes look more glossy/shiny would be nice. As of right now, they look too similiar to the skin and hair tones and don't stand out.
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This has been done really well Dagger. I think it is appalling of you to call this an 'attempt' at colouring- this is a really good job here. The one thing I think could be improved colouring wise is the hair. But you told us to ignore it, so I will. Everything colour wise seems to be done very well. I think the eyes could be a bit glossier as Semjaza suggested, but thats about it. Without going into it too far, there are a few things I dislike about the actual drawing, such as the pointed chin and a few other minor things.

However I love how you got the colouring to give the drawing a very three dimensional look. Good work here Dagger. Much praise.

Aethetics: 7/10
Technical: 8.5/10
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Dagger, if there is one thing I know about you, it's definitley that you are an artist. Anyone who gives it their best at an anime, is a godd artist. I agree with James, it's good, but it has a little mess. Not too big, but it is visible.
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  • 2 weeks later...
My thanks to all of you for your helpful comments. Plenty of replies and some wonderful advice--I couldn't have asked for more. ^_^

I initially tried to give this next drawing more of a cell-shaded look, but that didn't quite work out. In any event, it was a lot of fun to color.

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