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Really bad anime.


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I decided to make this thread after seeing the first two episodes of Memories Off 2nd, a [i]horrible[/i] OVA. Learning that it was based on a dating sim did nothing to deter me; after all, other game-related series (such as Shingetsutan Tsukihime and Kimi ga Nozomu Eien) have done remarkably well.

I didn't expect Memories Off 2nd to provide anything more than pretty artwork, high-quality animation and some decent fanservice. It fails miserably in all three regards, and its storyline and characters certainly won't win any awards. Yet Memories Off 2nd isn't ridiculous enough to inadvertently become a comedy, so I was stuck with an hour of insipid, boring "drama" and high-pitched teenage angst. What a waste of bandwidth.

Anyway, try describing the worst movies/shows/OVAs you've had the misfortune to experience. Hopefully, doing so will prove to be both entertaining and therapeutic. Just remember not to attack others' choices (although you should feel welcome to offer some polite commentary), since such things are purely a matter of opinion.

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I would have to say Real Bout high school is a really bad anime. The characters are annoying,the animation is perverted with it's bra and/ or panty shots, the story is crappy, and the english version is poorly dubbed. As far as I remember, the movie version of Sin was preety bad but I haven't seen it for years and can't really describe it well.
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[color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]Blue Gender is one of the worst anime shows I ever saw, if not the worst. the characters were annoying and boarderline psychotic, and the show seemed to make up its own rules as it went along. The only reason I even watched it was because it aired between Furi Kuri and Inu-Yasha.

Another show I cannot stand is the original Mobile Suit Gundam. I simply can't see how anyone could find that entertaining. It's almost sadistic to constantly watch these two dimensional characters continue to suffer in more and more ways. In the end, it just got predictable, mopey, and pathetic. I do'nt see the appeal it apparently had.[/color][/size][/font]
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[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]I dispise the DBZ anime. The manga is great, though not the [I]most[/I] brilliant thing to ever be conceived by humanity. The art is awesome.
But the anime just dropped all of that. It sucked the life out of Toriyama's series, and milked it beyond what is under any circumstances acceptable.

I didn't like the Kenshin add-on movie. You know, the one with the train scene at the begining? I felt it was entirely predictable, boring, and that it was an embarrasment to the series.

I never liked PMK, either, but I wont say anything bad about it while Skippedry and others lurk. *watches back carefull*


*dodges flurry of arrows*

: \
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*laughs* [i]Au contraire[/i], Godel-chan, you may insult PMK to your heart's content. I've seen it catch plenty of flak at other forums, so nothing you say could possibly be shocking enough to incur my undying wrath. In any event, you've been forced to put up with my distinct lack of enthusiasm for Naruto. ^_~

*hides arrows*

DBZ simply makes me feel bemused. I cannot comprehend why it's so darn popular; my attention span is admittedly very selective, but I'm unable to sit through more than a couple episodes of repetitive fight scenes and.... um, bulging muscles. Yeah, the muscles really get to me. The show isn't particularly suspenseful, either--which makes it an utter bore to watch (even while exercising!).

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[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]I know! It's even dull when it was what was left in the VCR when you're on the treadmill. Yeesh.

The show sucks, the manga is actually amusing on a non-deep level.

You know, Skippedry, I can only tell you so many times that the first arc of Naruto is 1) wonderful 2) a pace-setter. The show is beginning to wain in its credibility...they're milking the series. *cries*

The manga definately seems to be taking a turn for the darker side, though. Chapter 210, where are you?!!?


I don't know what I never liked about PMK. The animation was wonderful, I will say without hesitation, but it just didn't...draw me in. I didn't enjoy it, but I have nothing against it.

So, we're even. Haha...I might look into PMK, though, seeing as you guys are all so "EEEE!! PMK!! I love you, (insert random bish's name here)!!! :wigout: " After all, you did look into Naruto. It's only fair.

InuYasha was good for a long time. Then it started to...get old. I watched 60-some episodes before losing interest.
Now the school is crawling with Inu-loving dubbies. ><"

Yu Yu Hakusho never appealed to me. I have only seen a little bit of the anime, but it wasn't much better than the manga. Actually, it wasn't at all better than the manga._ _U I can't stand the lazy artwork, I guess.
There's nothing unique about it.

I always liked Kuwabara, though. He can go on my "Godel Approves" list. : D[/FONT][/COLOR]
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[quote name='DeathBug][color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]Another show I cannot stand is the original Mobile Suit Gundam. I simply can't see how anyone could find that entertaining. It's almost sadistic to constantly watch these two dimensional characters continue to suffer in more and more ways. In the end, it just got predictable, mopey, and pathetic. I do'nt see the appeal it apparently had.[/color][/size'][/font][/quote]

[color=indigo]I am a huge fan of Gundam Wing, however, I really dislike every other Gundam series that I have watched. I think that Mobile Suit Gundam is absolutely horrid and I have no idea why so many people like it. G Gundam and SD Gundam are not quite, but close to being equally as horrible. The story lines are just...well just bad.

Another anime that I always found pretty boring was Inu-Yasha. I just never understood why so many people enjoy the show. I guess I always found it very, very mediocre and because the series seems to be endless I found it redundant. A ton of people seem to think it is great because it incorporates humor, romance, and action very frequently. I guess I missed the humor, got tired of the romance, and grew weary of similar recycled action sequences...[/color]
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yeah Inu yasha after the 1st 100 episoded got pretty boring...a really bad anime...i would say...Corrector Yui..completely pointless...totally unoriginal...COME ON!! the litttle advice guradian thing was even orange...and the main chracter makes me want to vomit..
DBZ i never understood..what is so good about people with big muscles that can be killed and then be brought back to life again and agin...dragon ball was OK..if you like naked monkey boy humor..
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]DBZ was a phase for me, as a kid. *shudders* i still can't figure out what i loved so much about it... besides the VAs. Brad Swaile, Scott McNeil... :love: i think the original Dragonball is worthwhile though.

Ruin Explorers was a disappointment for me. i borrowed it from a friend who said it was awesome, and watched it... nothing. Stupid plot, bad animation. BORING.

i have to say that Neon Genesis Evangelion was a disappointment for me. *ducks thrown veggies* i watched it with my brother, who is a HUGE Rei Ayanami fan, and was asleep by the middle of episode 2. The characters are horrid and fake, and the whole thing about it being the most psychologically exploring anime is bogus. The buildup just leads to a letdown. The story was interesting once i got past episode 10, but the first episodes were dumb.

i liked Mobile Suit Gundam to a point, liked 08th, and loved Wing. But G Gundam and SD Gundam are pointless, the story lines are pretty awful, and i can't find a reason to really love them. on the other hand, i can't find a reason to really loathe them either.

i'm just waiting for someone to say they hated Weiss/Knight Hunters. ^_^;; my favorite anime was rather disliked on another forum i was at.[/FONT]
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Godel-san: A lot of people did not like PMK because of the very slow pace it took to complete the story. To be honest, at around Episode 7, my attention on PMK was weak.

Dagger-dono: Naruto is not as deep as many would like. Fact is, it's aimed at young boys and based with the creator of the Dragon Ball series in mind. The first arc reminds lots of people I know of Dragon Ball Z. That's what turns them away most of the time.

Me? The following aren't necessarily 'bad' anime, just anime I could not watch.

Escaflowne. I fell asleep during Escaflowne. Mind you, I've only seen the first episode of the original, the rest was watched on FoxKids, but I couldn't keep awake, no matter how bright it was outside. The series seemed episodic, and each episode seemed to slow moving to actually be interesting. The characters were pretty, even if unfashionable, but I couldn't find an appeal for the mecha very much.

Digimon. Digimon was a series I liked during Series 1, the original DigiDestined. That was original. That was fun. That was interesting. Series 2 seemed to try and milk off of Series 1. The third Series I found boring, lacking the same appeal as the first. The fourth, I couldn't bear to watch. I liked Digimon initially, but as Seasons went by, I drifted away. Just like...

Pokémon. Fun Anime for kids at first. Great craze many people went wild for. Long quest with good friends. Very long quest. Lots of gyms. Lots and lots of gyms. Geez, does that guy's feet ever get tired? Every episode it's the same. Ash makes friends, Team Rocket tries to steal Pokémon, Team Rocket blasts off again. I think what I found to be the most entertaining part of the anime would be during the Pokémon League arc where Team Rocket quit trying to be "bad guys" and set up a kiosk and tried to sell things.

Metropolis. Intersting concept. Strange animation.. Confusing story... The movie just wasn't entertaining for me. It didn't really make me think either. I tried to visualize what the anime was about, but in the end I just gave up.

.hack//sign. My friends loved .hack//sign but I just found the series boring. The story is so complex and twisted that you can't understand what's going on. My friends say "They don't want you to understand. It's supposed to be confusing." Which I never really got. It was just so confusing and so much work to watch, I didn't find it interesting enough to warrent enough energy to my brain to try to untangle the knots the authors give.

Godannar. It seemed the anime was an excuse to show tits, a** and mecha together. -_- I found it degrading, insulting, and boring.

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[QUOTE=r2vq]Digimon. Digimon was a series I liked during Series 1, the original DigiDestined. That was original. That was fun. That was interesting. Series 2 seemed to try and milk off of Series 1. The third Series I found boring, lacking the same appeal as the first. The fourth, I couldn't bear to watch. I liked Digimon initially, but as Seasons went by, I drifted away. Just like...

Pokémon. Fun Anime for kids at first. Great craze many people went wild for. Long quest with good friends. Very long quest. Lots of gyms. Lots and lots of gyms. Geez, does that guy's feet ever get tired?[/QUOTE]
[COLOR=#503F86]I'd have to disagree with Digimon- the only Season I wouldn't be disappointed in seeing again would be Season 2- I thought Season Three was the best out of all of them. I'm interested to see Season 4 as well, but I won't be disappointed if I don't.

Pokemon was really good for the five episodes where Ash was in the Indgo Plateau championship- the story was actually going somewhere wuickly and it was exciting to actually see what happened. I was so annoyed that it went back to its usual routine after that. I don't watch it anymore.[/COLOR]

[quote name='r2vq']Metropolis. Intersting concept. Strange animation.. Confusing story... The movie just wasn't entertaining for me. It didn't really make me think either. I tried to visualize what the anime was about, but in the end I just gave up.[/quote]
[COLOR=#503F86]I didn't think that much of Metropolis either. Unfortunately it's the only actual anime that Sky will broadcast on their movie channels, so in terms of anime movie TV it's one of the few on. I mostly used it as voice-actor spotting, seeing as I'd heard most of them in other animes I'd already seen.[/COLOR]

[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4b0082][quote name='DeathBug']Blue Gender is one of the worst anime shows I ever saw, if not the worst. the characters were annoying and boarderline psychotic, and the show seemed to make up its own rules as it went along. The only reason I even watched it was because it aired between Furi Kuri and Inu-Yasha.[/quote][/color][/size][/font]

[COLOR=#503F86]I didn't mind Blue Gender too much, although it just wasn't as good as some of the other serii I've watched. The slow dialogue did get a little frustrating at times, though, and it could have been more slick generally.

A lot of the really old animes are ones I don't like- The Wind of Amnesia, MADOX-01, Takegami, etc. The storyline in all three (well, not MADOX) are confusing and underdeveloped, and the dialogue's not up to the standard of a lot of the more recent ones. I only watched Takegami because it was on, heh.

I don't like any of the DragonBall series. The animation's not too bad, but I don't like the characters, their design or the plot. It's just not my style of action anyway. The voices on the Toonami-aired dub (I gather there are several versions) are teeth-clenchingly annoying to boot.[/COLOR]
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[font=Arial][size=1][color=darkslateblue]Well, guess I'll have to put in my say.[/color][/size][/font]

[font=Arial Black][size=1][color=#483d8b]Digimon:[font=Arial] I enjoyed the first two seasons, the whole concept of some special kids who get their own monster partner was pretty cool, at first. But by the third season, I had lost my interest because of the repetiveness...and especially because they incorporated the card game into it and I had always thought the card game was dull and boring. I also didn't like the fact that none of the original characters from seasons 1 and 2 were not in season 3 but instead they had several adult characters who looked very similar to characters from seasons 1 and 2 and they even had a few of the same voices. I really lost my interest when watching Season 4. I'm not too fond of the idea that the people actually turned into Digimon. That just really turned me away, right there. I also don't enjoy how after they defeated a Digimon, they absorbed the data. That seems kind of cruel to me.[/font][/color][/size][/font]

[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]I still like Digimon, in general. I do somewhat enjoy watching the show, despite the things I didn't like in Seasons 3 and 4 but it's always a pleasure to watch the first two seasons because they bring back wonderful memories of when I was younger.[/color][/size][/font]

[font=Arial Black][size=1][color=#483d8b]Pokemon:[font=Arial] The Pokemon craze has kind of came and gone yet they still keep making more and more episodes and such, I believe, I haven't been able to watch an episode I didn't see around two years ago in awhile. Some significant things that make this Anime really bad is the repetiveness. Yes, all they do is the same thing every episode as some other people have mentioned. Another thing is, they keep making more and more Pokemon they Ash and his friends and everyone else have to capture. You'd think that after this long they'd think of something new, right? The games I'm talking about in general. Each game it's the same thing. New Pokemon to capture, new gyms to defeat, new trainers to battle. Only a few new elements have been added since the release of Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire for the GBA. I've played both of these games and beaten both of them, the only thing I'm struggling on is capturing all of the Pokemon. I only have around 20 to go but that's beside the point, heh. I enjoyed both of these games, the graphics were exceptionally better than the original games but the thing that bothered me was that you couldn't go back to other regions and fight those gyms, something you could do in Gold, Silver, and Crystal.[/font][/color][/size][/font]

[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]Ok, I'll stop complaining about the games and say this, yes, I still watch Pokemon. This is because, once again, the thing about capturing your own monster and being able to command it appeals to me and, I also think that this could be a better Anime, if it wasn't a show written for kids. If it was more for teenagers or adults I'd definitely watch it as much as possible but the storylines are written for children and that's why it turns away a lot of people.[/color][/size][/font]

[font=Arial Black][size=1][color=#483d8b]Inuyasha: [font=Arial]Inuyasha really used to be an Anime I liked to watch but, for some reason I just don't like it anymore. I can't explain why, maybe it's the fact that one of my best friends at school has a crush on Inuyasha and she talks about him all the time. Yeah, maybe that's why I don't like Inuyasha anymore.[/font][/color][/size][/font]

[font=Arial Black][size=1][color=#483d8b]Yu Yu Hakusho: [font=Arial]In the beginning this show was really cool but after everyone began to watch it and I'd go to forums and stuff about Anime, including this one when the Yu Yu Hakusho forum was up in v6, all I'd hear is 'OMG! HIEI IS LIKE SO TOTALLY HOT!!!!!' or 'Kurama is liek so dreamy!!!' and stuff like that. That kind of stuff irritates me. The show also really began to get boring after I noticed how they seem to do a lot of the same stuff in each show as well, search for demons, find demons, fight demons, kill demons, etc, etc.[/font][/color][/size][/font]

[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]Well, that's all I have for now.[/color][/size][/font]
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Guest ScirosDarkblade
Ok here's my short list (I haven't watched much):

.hack//sign -- I watched four episodes of this mofo: 1, 2, 3, and 26, and I didn't miss a thing. So little happened in that MMORPG world it reminded me of my couple of weeks playing Asheron's Call 2. One of the most uninteresting and unfulfilling shows I've ever watched.

Revolutionary Girl Utena (movie) -- ok I don't even know where to start with this one. We had to watch it in my Art Education class, and, well, holy crap was it bad. Not only is the plot absolute nonsense, but all the characters are uncool (ok sorry I mean to say they are all totally gay, and not that I have anything against gays, but I swear Xenosaga's chaos was in that movie). And then the dialogue: "... and I'll be there to seduce you." "You're not the [i]only[/i] one who can turn into a car." What lines! No, really, I was really hoping it would turn into all-out hentai, because there was no point to it all otherwise. But it didn't. I was upset.

DBZ -- I dislike this thing on all levels. The artwork makes me cringe, the characters, dialogue, storyline, ugh. I don't know what happened, but it reminds me of a JLA fight that would take up 5 pages in a comic book but spread out over 200000 episodes. I simply can't watch it for more than 2 minutes at any given time.

Big O -- It would actually be a decent show if it wasn't for its namesake, the Big Friggin' O. What is perhaps the ugliest mech I've ever seen mixed with what would be a tolerable Bruce Wayne ripoff.
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If you consider things like Metropolis one of the worst anime films you've ever seen, you must have not seen many bad ones lol. I think the film is slightly boring, but it's hardly that bad.

There was one I saw that had a name something like Gryzor's Wing. The dubbing on it is quite possibly the worst I've ever come across in my life. In addition to this, the animation was dull, the charcters sucked and the story was mind numbingly stupid. Awful all around.

I've never liked Miyuki-Chan in Wonderland either. It was only $10 on DVD, but I feel like I could have better spent that money on a shiny new ice pick. Stabbing my brain with that a few times would have been more enjoyable. It's random to the point of stupidity.

I also didn't like what I saw of Kiddie Grade. Just remarkably dull. I don't know how else to describe it.

Appleseed is also a pretty horrible anime, especially in comparison to the manga. The manga is incredibly detailed and interesting... whereas the anime changes characters around, adds new ones, totally rearranges the story. And then it doesn't even bother to do a good job at it. It also has some really horrible and cheesy 80s music for a soundtrack.
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[QUOTE=Dagger IX1]I decided to make this thread after seeing the first two episodes of Memories Off 2nd, a [i]horrible[/i] OVA which recently began distribution via Bittorrent. Learning that it was based on a dating sim did nothing to deter me; after all, other game-related series (such as Shingetsutan Tsukihime and Kimi ga Nozomu Eien) have done remarkably well.

I didn't expect Memories Off 2nd to provide anything more than pretty artwork, high-quality animation and some decent fanservice. It fails miserably in all three regards, and its storyline and characters certainly won't win any awards. Yet Memories Off 2nd isn't ridiculous enough to inadvertently become a comedy, so I was stuck with an hour of insipid, boring "drama" and high-pitched teenage angst. What a waste of bandwidth...[/QUOTE]
Expecting OAV series to provide high production values is unrealistic IMO. TV series have to provide much more in order to catch and hold the attention of a broader audience. OAVs are sold to fans of a manga, game or TV series and do not have to reach very far in order to please them.

Oddly enough, these fans always find something to gripe about. Most complaints focus on the character design and storyline. It seems that it is easier to collect a bunch of scenes featuring different cast members and just call it a day than to try and present something a casual viewer can comprehend.

Game-based series almost never provide much fanservice. The idea is to either distance the adaptation from a game featuring prurient content or adapt a game that never had any (Shingetsutan Tsukihime was the former, Memories Off II the latter).

Anyway, as someone who has seen a lot of these short romance OAVs, I found Memories Off II to be above-average among its kind. I am not saying it is a great OAV ([b]Ajimu Beach Story[/b] is a great OAV), just that it is better than many. The show presents a definite story and ending. The characters are properly developed. I thought some of the scenes were decent. It doesn't compare to TV series like [b]KGNE[/b] but really wasn't meant to.

As for series I really can't stand, I can usually sniff them out from miles away and avoid them entirely. If I hesitantly sample them I am hardly ever pleasantly surprised. In the last few months I was particularly offended by the following:

[b]Airmaster[/b] has ugly characters and silly combat. Fanservice is pointless if it doesn't deliver anything [i]desirable[/i]...

[b]Avenger[/b] pretended to be mysterious but didn't seem to be about anything. What was presented was a boring omnibus series with some stuff at the end to try and make a series out of it (I was long gone by then). I didn't like the characters. I thought the goofy "cute robot" stuff had died out in the late 90s...

[b]Bobobo~bo Bo~bobo[/b] is just a bad action series with nostril hair jokes.

[b]Daphne in the Brilliant Blue[/b] is warmed-over [b]Agent Aika[/b] with no decent characters. The story is a joke. The character designs are unappealing. The fanservice is intrusive. The production values are weak.

[b]Nanaka 6/17[/b] was thoroughly and intensely annoying. I couldn't stand Nanaka and the story is too silly to bear. I can enjoy cute series but this was creepy.

[b]God Mars[/b] is a lousy sentai-mecha series from the early 80s. The OP song is laughably bad. The story and production values are mind-numbingly crude. It is too boring to be fun the way the original [b]Devilman[/b] is.
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Dagger-dono: Naruto is not as deep as many would like.

[FONT=Courier New]What the hell are you talking about? o.o

Naruto's character development and relationship-development is brilliant, for the most part. The only dull part of the show is Naruto and Sasuke's rivalry. *yawn* They're just...dull. Blah.

Semjaza, I found Metropolis amazing. It's rather slow moving, and the art may turn some people off (stupid people : /), but it's still great.

Something that never appealed to me was the concept of sport-based anime and manga. I've never read any, but they don't seem very alluring. The strangest thing I've ever heard of was a twenty volume manga about golf. GOLF.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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For one thing Death Bug, Mobile Suit Gundam is an excellent show, and created a phenomanome. Its one of my favorites actually. Its animation is dated, I'll give it that much, but thats only because it came out in 1979, when anime was still fairly new. Atleast its animation was better than Lupin and Speed Racer.

Shows I do hate though and know are bad are:

Virtua Fighter: I saw a trailer, that was enough.

Dragon Ball Z: It got me into anime, but then I saw that it was just a drop in an ocean.

Gundam Wing: Sell out to the Gundam series, filled with pretty boys who are monotonous and bland. And the Gundams are indestructible and unreaslistic.

Blue Gender: I like that series, but some of the story problems and animation are just unforgivable.

Fist of the North Star: No point story wise, horid animation, and just about everything. Good points are; Exploding heads and bodily difomities.

I'm no anime expert or anything, but I know what is good and what is bad.
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[FONT=Courier New]What the hell are you talking about? o.o

Naruto's character development and relationship-development is brilliant, for the most part. The only dull part of the show is Naruto and Sasuke's rivalry. *yawn* They're just...dull. Blah.

Naruto is a fun series to watch. Fun battles, funny jokes. And at times, edge of seat battles.

But the biggest complaints I've gotten from friends (none of these are my own) are that:
1. It suffered the same over suspensful 20 episode=2 minute fight scenes. Though Naruto for sure was much better than Dragonball Z in this area, I do recall watching an episode where the first 10 minutes was a flashback. -_-
2. A lot of long/drawn out/boring fights. This complaint was actually given by someone who liked the series. Around the episodes of the Chuunin Test 3'rd Preliminaries (wow that was a long breath...) they found a lot of the matches to be too repetitive and well.. boring.
3. Then comes the complaints about artwork. Naruto isn't the best artwork in the business to begin with, and at times during the Anime it just gets sloppy.

Keep in mind that I do like Naruto, and I am patiently waiting for the scanlation of the newest manga. You should know that Godel-san XP
[quote][color=gray] [font=courier new]
Something that never appealed to me was the concept of sport-based anime and manga. I've never read any, but they don't seem very alluring. The strangest thing I've ever heard of was a twenty volume manga about golf. GOLF.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE]
Well, great manga and anime have been created from the most unlikely sources. I never actually watched/read Sports Anime/Manga, but I hear lots of great reviews about these series, which I probably will never watch.
Who would've thought though, that a manga/anime created from a "boring" game would come up with such a great and fan-loved series such as Hikaru no Go?
Though I have to agree with you again. -_- I naturally turn away from Sports Anime.

[quote name='ReFlux']Dragon Ball Z: It got me into anime, but then I saw that it was just a drop in an ocean.[/quote]

Dragonball Z was what made me into a fanatic. I used to be a dubby. But please, now I love to make fun of it.

Freiza: No way you can get me Goku! The planet will blow up in 2 minutes! *wind blows~*

Goku: ... *wind blows~*

Goku: I will destroy you Frieza! *charges* AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! *becomes Super Saya-jin. *wind blows~*

~Next Time on Dragonball Z~

Frieza: The planet will blow up in 1 more minute Goku! BWAHAHAHA! *wind blows~*

Goku: ... *wind blows~*

Goku: ... Your Evil will Never Continue Frieza!! *wind blows~*

[quote]Gundam Wing: Sell out to the Gundam series, filled with pretty boys who are monotonous and bland. And the Gundams are indestructible and unreaslistic.[/quote]

I think Gundam Wing was more of a trade off. The reason it was the first Gundam Series to become dubbed and extremely marketed was because it was one of the first steps taken by the Gundam franchises to try to attract female fans to the series. The franchise made a better attempt with Seed, a very soap opera-ish Series focusing much on emotional aspect of the victims of war where Gundam W focused on politics.

I liked Gundam W, but I found some scenes to be dull. Though at the time it was released on TV I thought the duller an anime the better it was as long as it had mecha. XD I still like Gundam W, but find it difficult to watch some of the episodes again. I liked the g-boys!!! *wind blows~* er. yah.

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[color=firebrick] Hm, totally lame anime. *thinks*

[b]Dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun DUUUN![/b]

May I present to you [b]Final Fantasy Unlimited[/b]? So bad that it was canceled in Japan [the land of Hello Kitty vibrators, everyone.] and it just plain sucks. The use this really bad CG scene over and over and over and over again [maybe FOUR TIMES in one episode?] and after the first two episodes you get the impression that the creators of the anime were on drugs or something that was impairing their judgement.

[b]SD Gudam[/b]- Ok, the first time I saw this thing I realized that Japan had gone crazy and 99% of its anime really does suck. I mean...*pulls at hair* do I even have to explain my hatred towards this show?!

[b]Excel Saga[/b]- I don't necessarily hate this anime, but I was disappointed after I watched it. Everyone pounded into my head that this show was the height of anime hilarity and it was going to make me laugh out loud every five second.
Not. I was bored after I watched two episodes and I felt it was a waste of my time.

[b]I My Me! Strawberry Eggs[/b]- Yeah...predictable, overdramatic, cliches, and a bad attempt at making another school-girl anime all rolled into one. How fun. :D Plus, I just don't like it. No excitement at all, no anticipation, old stuff that we've seen in anime a billion times before.

[b]Hamtaro[/b]- Crappiest plot lines ever. Even little kids I babysit won't watch it- which is saying [i]a lot[/i]. The only thing remotely good about it is that you can enjoy the cuteness of the hamsters and then realize their over-cuteness is scaring you. I couldn't get through one half of the show without flipping to about ten other TV stations. Yes, it's that bad.

[b]Full Metal Panic[/b]- Wasted potential is what really bugs me about the show. Plus I just hate that girl with the blue hair. Whatever her name is...I don't like old-school mechas a lot, so the actions scenes cease to make me go 'cool!' and the happenings that occur at school and home are boring as well. [/color]
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Oh, Maladjusted of all people knows why I have reverted to hating Gundam Wing so much. The biggest thing is the fact they tried selling out the series just to get female fans with pretty boys without personality and a tendency of seeming a bit yaoi-esque.
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[QUOTE]Excel Saga- I don't necessarily hate this anime, but I was disappointed after I watched it. Everyone pounded into my head that this show was the height of anime hilarity and it was going to make me laugh out loud every five second.
Not. I was bored after I watched two episodes and I felt it was a waste of my time[/QUOTE]
Lets just say that excel saga is an acquired taste..if you have seen alot of anime particulary the older ones like Nadesico and Gundam it will be easier to get the puns in the episodes..the first few episodes are kind of strange but once you get into it and not think about it too much ( did she really just die of a nosebleed?!?!)

Gundam Wing- oh what can I say yeah Zechs was acomplete ripoff and yeah heero yuy was a log..but still it was arather new concept to make them so good looking as to attract the fangirls- thats a really smart idea

Love Hina-OK somepople might not agree w/ me but I though there was no point to this show waht so ever..you couldnt even go an episode with or a bath scence or Keitaro getting his face stuck in Naru's chest- I guess Im a little bit biased because I dislike most shounen romance animes like Video Girl Ai and Oh my Goddess..but this was just really bad.

Evangelion- so this is the "classic" anime...>.> call me shallow but I did not understand this anime at all..it was so pointless and Shiji made me want to poke out my eyes with a fork..the ending was very horrible too exspecially the TV version the movie was Ok.

Rurouni Kenshin- Ok before I get pelted with rotton vegetable what i mean is the last few seasons after the Kyoto arc that the studio made instead of the wonderful Jinchuu arc..it was cancelled because of those horrid stories ...really evil Germans and Feng shue.. what were they thinking
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[quote name='ReFlux]Oh, Maladjusted of all people knows why I have reverted to hating Gundam Wing so much. The biggest thing is the fact they tried selling out the series just to get female fans with pretty boys without personality and a tendency of seeming a bit [b]yaoi[/b']-esque.[/quote]

That isn't quite the right word; "shounen-ai-esque" would sound both more benign and more appropriate. In past times, yaoi referred to anything beyond deep friendship and undying loyalty, but most people now use it as a euphenism for male/male hentai (which is definitely [i]not[/i] a part of GW canon).

[quote]And the Gundams are indestructible and unreaslistic.[/quote]

Until I see giant robots galumphing to and fro, I'm going to think that all Gundams, Evas, mecha, etc. are thoroughly unrealistic.

[quote name='densuke']Expecting OAV series to provide high production values is unrealistic IMO. TV series have to provide much more in order to catch and hold the attention of a broader audience. OAVs are sold to fans of a manga, game or TV series and do not have to reach very far in order to please them.[/quote]

I don't watch that many OAVs, but I was under the impression that companies tend to spend a disproportionate amount of money on them (disproportionate, at least, when compared to the average TV show's cost per episode). I guess this assumption stems from the fact that my favorite OAVs--including Shamanic Princess, Samurai X and Read or Die--are notable for their stunning animation.

[quote]Game-based series almost never provide much fanservice.[/quote]

Meh.... Memories Off 2nd has a bit of fanservice. Most of it is cheaply done and doesn't seem to fit in very well, which is why I complained. :/

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Sorry, its just that Shounen-ai didn't come to mind when I was typing. But thats the main reason GW is so popular with the female fan base.

And when I say realistic, I mean that the MSG UC series actually gives thorough explanation of how MS work, why they were made, and pretty much how they were made. I mean, people can actually grasp "This kidna stuff could happen" in MSG, but with GW, there all super robots who can run faster than space ship taking off, have indestructable out and insides, and crap like that.
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Rurouni Kenshin- Ok before I get pelted with rotton vegetable what i mean is the last few seasons after the Kyoto arc that the studio made instead of the wonderful Jinchuu arc..it was cancelled because of those horrid stories ...really evil Germans and Feng shue.. what were they thinking[/QUOTE]
[FONT=Courier New][Color=Gray]
I know, eh? I was enfuriated.

I simply [I]do not understand[/I] how sending every one along on a quest to find a [B]magical elixer[/B] is at all better (or anywhere near equal to) the heart-wrenching tale of Himura Shinta's past. I mean, wtf?
As much as I dislike the original [Spoiler]Mrs. Kenshin[/Spoiler] (XD), she was an interesting character, and the story [Spoiler]of her death, by her second beloved's hands[/Spoiler] brought tears to my eyes on many-an-occasion.

The part where [Spoiler]Kaoru is "killed"[/Spoiler] had me practically weeping. Ah! Sano! [Spoiler] Come baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!![/Spoiler]

At least Seshounen was beautiful, not that any one would understand it, had they not read all the manga. Ahahaha...[/FONT][/Color]
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[QUOTE=maladjusted][color=firebrick] [FONT=Comic Sans MS]Hm, totally lame anime. *thinks*

May I present to you [b]Final Fantasy Unlimited[/b]? So bad that it was canceled in Japan [the land of Hello Kitty vibrators, everyone.] and it just plain sucks. The use this really bad CG scene over and over and over and over again [maybe FOUR TIMES in one episode?] and after the first two episodes you get the impression that the creators of the anime were on drugs or something that was impairing their judgement.

agreed. although i wouldn't say it sucks... it was better than the FF movie, IMO.

[QUOTE][b]Excel Saga[/b]- I don't necessarily hate this anime, but I was disappointed after I watched it. Everyone pounded into my head that this show was the height of anime hilarity and it was going to make me laugh out loud every five second.
Not. I was bored after I watched two episodes and I felt it was a waste of my time.

Excel Saga is funny in a stupid way. it's a laugh riot if you just pay attention to some of the dumber stuff...

[QUOTE]Evangelion- so this is the "classic" anime...>.> call me shallow but I did not understand this anime at all..it was so pointless and Shiji made me want to poke out my eyes with a fork..the ending was very horrible too exspecially the TV version the movie was Ok.[/QUOTE]

agreed. Eva is... i don't want to say dumb, but...[/FONT]
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