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Strange Quirks


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[color=darkviolet]Do you have any kind of strange habits that you'd care to share with the rest of the group?

Do you're eyes twitch when you have to do a presentation? Does your face change color when asked emberassing questions? Do you talk to your cat and wait for her to meow in response? Well...maybe not the last one, but amuse somebody.

Myself-well, I'm a fountain of emberassment. When I first meet someone I either talk a mile a minute or get really quiet. I totally annoyed my husband's best friend with that quirk. He still thinks I'm obnoxious after 4 years. I think it's just him.

I also start a million things (stories, cleaning, laundry, sentences) and don't finish them until I deem it necessary, Which is probably a bad thing.

So, what about all ya'll. (Oh yeah, did I mention that despite being born and raised in Western NYS I have a bad habit of slipping into a southern accent which gets heightened when I talk to any of my friends from TExas? Well, I do)[/color]
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I have some, but I'm only sharing 2. I laugh uncontrolably( i can't spell because its late) at things that aren't funny; like walls and people. I also hate walking on paved ways, like side walks, or walking on set paths. I like to make my own path so others will follow. stupid followers...
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[size=1][color=#2F4F4F]My main habit is that I can't sit still for a long period of time unless I put major thought and effort into it. I've always been a rather active person and just can't stay in one place or in one position for a very long time. I constantly cross and uncross my legs. I constantly shift in my seat. I constantly move my legs and arms to different positions. People have assumed I have ADHD because of it, but I just don't like to be still.

One of my little habits I've been trying to break is the biting of my fingernails. I used to pick at them and bite them until it hurt and there were small rims of blood leaking through. I have been with nails for almost a month now... Maybe I should trim them down...

My cat, strangely enough, is extremely vocal an usually does respond to what I say to him. Now, when he doesn't say anything, I look up at him and ask if there's anything wrong.

Lastly, I am extremely angry at small things. Problems or actions that would usually seem large (almost getting hit by a car. getting a D or a F on a report card, or being grounded for a month or two) don't get me upset. It's the small things that get me angry. Like when I come home and can't remember if I was supposed to do laundry, or if my computer is booting up slow. I can't really make any sence of it, but over the years I've been able to manufacture some control and rarely get extremely angry anymore.[/color][/size]
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I'm not sure if these count as quirks or not but here goes:

1. I go insane if I see a dog or a cat and am not allowed to pet it
2.Like Guess, I laugh at random things if I'm happy. Just whatever I see first, I point and laugh at.
3.When I'm mad or sad, I go in to a huge bout of depression. I sit in my room under my covers for hours.
4. I almost never have a plan for anything.
5. On breaks (like spring break or summer break) I rarely change out of my pajamas
6. I can't reallly feel any temperature at all unless its really extreme, like arctic. You see, the feelings hot and cold are just things lodged in your brain that you are raised to belive. I have been training against this feeling, so I can't really feel any temp. unless it is extreme.

I think that about covers it. I'm sure there's more, but htis is good for now.
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[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]1. I have alot of ticks. By this, I mean that I sit around, twitching, unless I am preocupied by something. I twitch during movies, other people's presentations, while on the computer. It's sort of irritating, really...

2. I rarely finish sentences in a coherant manner, unless I am online.

3. I eat ice cream with a fork.

4. I don't know if you'll count this as a quirk, but the Mario and Zelda themes have managed to work themselves into mine and my friend's lives to an unbelievable degree. u_u

And who says talking to your cat is embarrassing? Sometimes, it seems like he's the only one who listens.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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Guest philimene
I still avoid stepping on cracks in the pavement. Apart from that I have no quirks, unless you count the fact that I talk to and pet my imaginary cat.
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WELL IM ONLY GONNA TELL YA 2 K. :) ..............
2.I TALK WAY 2 MUCH 4 A 14 YEAR OLD :babble:

[FONT=Tahoma]Holy crap. Please read the rules and lay off the Caps Lock. Thanks. - Semjaza[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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Yes, I do talk to my pets. And they do understand me. Well, the simple stuff anyway. For example, when I ask my dog Brynner "Who's in the tub?" he will run into the bathroom and jump in the bathtub. My pets seem very happy when I talk to them! Now if I start to tell you guys that they are telling me the meaning of life and what the winning lottery numbers are, please get me some help! :wigout:

As for my other little quirks I would have to say nervous talking is one of them. If I feel uncomfortable I find the need to speak. I will find someone to talk to about anything if I am feeling nervous or uncomfortable in anyway. For instance I was on a plane that was having some major turbulance problems. I started to talk to the guy next to me. He was a dentist on his way home from a conference. I was on my way home from a veterinary conference and we just chatted about our conferences. I don't know why, but talking just makes me feel better.

Other than those I really don't have any strange quirks. Now ask my hubby and he might say otherwise! LOL
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[font=Arial][size=2]I sometimes do sound effects or imitations of some random cartoon when I'm dazed off and not paying attention to what I'm doing. being very aware that things like that become extremely annoying, I do my best to catch myself, but occasionally it slips, meh. on the less weird side, my hands tend to shake if I'm really nervous about something. like when I did my first audition for a play, I thought I managed to look pretty at ease about it, until I noticed that near the end of the monologue, the script in my hand was shaking really badly and I hadn't noticed up until then. it was kinda funny, sort of. ...yeah.[/size][/font]
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When I squint my nose twitches insanely so, just like that of a bunny. Some consider it an adorable trait, I find it rather annoying.

I bite and lick my lips a lot. I'm not sure why I do this, but I notice that I do.

I don't look at ppl while they talk to me. I look directly past them actually, or I notice the oddness of their mannerisms and interrupt to tell them all about it. I don't mean to, it just sort of happens.

I refuse to lose the last word in an argument, but in the middle of friendly conversation, if I'm interrupted and the person notices and apologizes and wants me to go ahead, I refuse to. No real reason, I just prefer to hear everything the person has to say.
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[color=darkviolet] another stange quirk of mine is whenever I talk I use my hands.

Doesn't matter where i am or how I'm talking to a person, I wave my hands aroun like a propeler. I was talking to a friend of mine on the phone once and smacked my mom in the face because of this habitual behavior.

Also, I have bad bouts of hysterical laughter in the worst places. True story of one time:
This past December I was at my aunt's wedding and my husband leans over and whispers, 'wouldn't it be funny if after every verse the choir bahhed' Suddenly I pictured people withSheep's heads and began laughing, I bit my lip and began to snort.

I did it once at school too during play practice when a girl was having trouble feeling sad. A friend of mine said to think about something sad, like fluffy dying. I don't know why but hearing Fluffy's dead made me giggle, it still does for that matter. :laugh: [/color]
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Being of mixed Italian and Mexican heritage, i tend to use my hands a lot when i talk as well.

i sing all the time. what makes that weird is i sing in Japanese when i'm at school, where no one but me understands even a few words of Japanese.

i tend to use quotes from books and songs when i write. example: " 'Proof denies faith, and without faith i am nothing.' 'you speaking proves your existence.' 'oh well then.' God disappears in a puff of logic. man then tries to go on to prove black is white and ends up killed at a zebra crossing." (cookies to anyone who can get the reference from that mangled quote ^_^)

icewolfeyes: you just gave me a great idea. *starts giggling and heads off to find her buddy walker*[/FONT]
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Well, Italk too much, I have a lot of gas, I have a habit of buying 1.25 litres of soft drink then drinking them at achool,I read too much, I hate popular people who don't respect members of the nerd patrol like myself, I always sit on my sister,I am tempted to start reading one of my Dragonlance books in class, I never bring my Bible to RE, I have no attention span whatsoever, I curse uncontrollably when something bad happens on a video game. I'm not perfect but I am moltius Gasseus, Now Isn't that interesting.
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Well I have 100 but I will only list a few.

1. I can not stop talking if I meet a new person that I like (as a friend)
2. I always have to fidget I constantly take of and put on the backs of any and I mean any remote.
3.I can never finish a conversation in the sence that I just keep going ( I dont like ends)
4.I can pace uncontroleabley
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I have a few that I would like to share
-twirl my hair between my fingers if I'm nervous and not holding anything
-smile with one side of my mouth
-try to roll my eyes; I kind of can't, one eye looks up and the other looks to the side. it's wierd.
-take apart many pens, jumble the parts together, and try to put them back together the right way
-make a purr/growl type sound if I get annoyed, dissed, or teased in a joking way
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I have a few that I can actually acknowledge at the moment, but I'm positive there are tons of weird things I do - I just don't know what they are yet.

1. I have to tell my brother every stupid little thing that happened at school. I don't even know why I'm tell him, since I'm certain he dosn't really care, but I just do it anyway. 'he said this' or 'guess what ___ did in third period?' and I always have a zillion things to say because my classes are just so weird. Bet he's looking forward to next year when we'll both be too busy for all this nonsense.

2. Usually, I can't go more than ten minutes without laughing. I laugh at almost everything. My friends constantly point this out and yell at me, but it's not my fault I find so many stupid things amusing.

3. I can't sit still. I'm always spinning in my swivel chair, shaking my hands, tapping my foot, moving from side to side...anything as long as I'm not sitting still. I hate having to sit still and it's simply an impossible feat for me to acconplish.

4. I have to write a poem after every test I take in my History/Geography class o_o; I've been doing this since last year and I've yet to miss a single poem. Sort of a tradition I suppose, but it's more odd than it is traditional.
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I have myriad foibles,(hehe...foibles) and there are probably a lot more than this, but I 'll just put these down for now:

1. If I am sitting in a chair, I must have the two front feet of the chair sitting on top of my shoes. I guess it's because I can't stand seats that don't recline.

2. I'm constantly scratching a non-existant itch. I will scratch my cheek or shoulder and realize that I'm doing it for no reason.

3. I only click my mechanical pencils by jamming it on my forehead. People look at my weird when it appears that I'm stabbing myself with a pencil eraser.

4. If I am in a swivel chair, I WILL NOT stop spinning in it.

5. Any empty cup or glass I encounter must be turned upside-down.

6. Every post on OtakuBoards MUST be this font and this size and bold. The color switches back and forth from dark green to dark red, depending on the thread I'm posting in or my mood.

7. On a "slide out" CD tray, I will only push the open/close button to close it. I will never push the tray itself back in.

8. I will only use kosher salt. Which is weird considering I'm not Jewish. I will also only use fresh-ground pepper. I always keep a tiny container of both in the car, just in case.

That's all I can think of right now.
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I can only think of a couple of them. For one, when I am in a large group, I tend to shy away and become anti-social.

Another one is that I get really nervous and clumsy when I am around guys whom I somewhat like more than a friend. For example when I was in the seventh grade. There was this one guy I had a huge crush on. When I tried to talk to him, I'd always stutter and trip when I walk past him. When ever he walked by me after a few embaressing instances, I hid from him, and admired him from afar. I did that until I moved back to the US. (I was living in the UK at the time.)

I'll add more if I can think of them.

EDIT: I just thought of another quirk. I can't stand to use any mouse except an optical mouse with a little scrolling thing. I can't stand any other kind of mouse. I especially despise those old Macintosh mouses. You know, the little circular ones that are too small for your hands? I hate those.

Also, I tend to move my head from side to side every five minutes to get the kinks out when I am on the computer

Also, when I am alone, I tend to act very silly, but when I am talking to anyone in real life and lots of times when I interact with people online, I tend to be very serious. Only a few of my online friends seen me act silly.

When I sit in my chair, I always have to slouch and cross my legs...with one foot over the other. I always have to lean back too.

I also can't stand shorts or too revealing clothing. I always have to have my legs covered. I must always wear baggy jeans, or lose clothing. I tend to get too clasterphobic in tight clothing, and I feel like I am a slut or something. I dunno...I guess it is a bit weird to feel that way, but I always do.

One last one. I promise. I also can't stand to have my hair down. I must always have it tied back.

Phew! That was a big edit.
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[QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet]Do you have any kind of strange habits that you'd care to share with the rest of the group?

Do you're eyes twitch when you have to do a presentation? Does your face change color when asked emberassing questions? Do you talk to your cat and wait for her to meow in response? Well...maybe not the last one, but amuse somebody.


The last one? Actually, its a he, but yes, actually, I do. And he does. ^^

Well, I have this odd quirk of dropping into Pig Latin when talking to myself w/o really paying attention. ANd I hum under my breath off key way to often. ^^ It becomes annoying.

My biggest quirk is that I can mimick anybody; I am very good at it. The thing is, If I spend a day with one person, I talk like them for a week afterwards, and then, if I like the person, I sometimes start talking like them for no reason at all!
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1. If I am sitting in a chair, I must have the two front feet of the chair sitting on top of my shoes. I guess it's because I can't stand seats that don't recline.

2. I'm constantly scratching a non-existant itch. I will scratch my cheek or shoulder and realize that I'm doing it for no reason.

3. I only click my mechanical pencils by jamming it on my forehead. People look at my weird when it appears that I'm stabbing myself with a pencil eraser.

4. If I am in a swivel chair, I WILL NOT stop spinning in it.

That's all I can think of right now.

I do the same things, I think it's because I get Nervous itches or something which is why I scratch *Scratches at an imaginary itch in the groinal area*., I need to have the front two legs of the chairs on my feet(As long as it's a plastic chair), And what can I say I have to play hit my head with a pen.
Spinning in wheely chairs is fun.
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One of my biggest quirks is my punctuality. I'm always an hour early for everything. I can say I'll be there at 12 p.m. But I'll show up at 11 a.m. It never fails. My girlfriend used to get annoyed at me for doing that when we first started dating. Now she's used to it and gets ready for when I'll actually show up.

Also, even though my room is a mess, I like to have most things in some sort of order. The library of books I own, which are over 300, I have sorted out by author, year they were printed, and whether or not they are hardback or paperback. I do the same thing with movies. But instead of paperback or hardback it's now DVD or VHS.

I also bite my nails. It used to be bad like the way KnightoftheRose's condition, but now I know the limitations of biting.

Don't know if it is a quirk, but if I get any amount of sugar in my system I lose all my sanity. But the sugar has to be by itself. It can't be mixed with a drink or in food. Only by itself will it have an effect on me. My girlfriend gets upset when I steal sugar packets from Wendy's.
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1. I can not keep my train of thought. I start talking about one thing then i just lead off onto somthing else.

2. I cluck at people ahead of me in line. I ride horses, so as an added aid, I cluck at my horse. But now, its creaped into my non-horsey life.

3. I am a big clutz. I trip all over myself. Its horrible. At a school competition once, i fell off a chair.

4. I move around alot while i play. I rock back and forth to the music, so much that its very very noticable.

Im not very quirky. I just do stuff. :D
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