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Where will you be, the day after Tomorrow?


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So anyway, I'm watchng the trailers for upcoming movies today, when I came acroos one for this movie. The day after Tomorrow, and from what I can gather, it's an apocalyptic look at the side effects to global warming.

So, being that I am an absolute fan of apocalyptic movies, i am really looking forward to the day, May 29th here, when it is released. Who else is looking forward to this movie? Who thinks it will be crap?

The SFX look really good. they managed to capture compltere weather-orientated chaos, the SFX wow me in the same way that Twister did when it came out. Theya re gorgeous!

In short, I think this movie is going to be kick ***, chaotic fun.
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Guest ScirosDarkblade
I'm watching it [i]exclusively[/i] for the special effects. I'm sure the plot will be bullcrap. Also it seems like there's two movies in one--the "apocalypse" and the icy "post-apocalypse." But whatever. I'm hoping it'll have interesting characters, but it doesn't look like it does.
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[font=Arial][size=2]watching the preview, it reminded me a lot of Deep Impact. (?). I'm hoping it's not a terrible movie; it seems like it's all just focused on the special effects aspect. it could end up being pretty good though. I wouldn't mind seeing it, as long as I didn't have to pay for my ticket. :whoops:[/size][/font]
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[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Yeah I saw the trailer a while ago and it looked okay, the special effects where spectacular, the past where there are all those tornado's in close proximity had to be the coolest part. It seems like a movie that will be full of things that you can stare at in aw and just have good fun watching. I hope they do something good with the ending I hope its not a sudden ending where within 5 minutes everything is suddenly solved.[/SIZE] [/COLOR]
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  • 1 month later...
[size=1]Well, I saw this movie tonight, heh. I was never totally gung-ho to go out and see it, but it interested me. Also, as soon as I found out Jake Gyllenhal was in it, that was a bit of incentive as well. ^_~

It was not bad. I would say it is right up there with movies like [i]Independence Day[/i]. However, [i]The Day After Tomorrow[/i] lacked the action-packed "people-against-aliens...ness," for obvious reasons. Pretty much all the catastrophic action happens within the first half of the movie, much like Sciros said with the whole "apocalypse" and the icy "post-apocalypse." It starts with the struggle to find out what is going on, then finishes with the struggle to survive.

The special effects were awesome, believable. There were some wolves in the movie, which I am sure were CGI (at least during certain parts) just by the way they and their bodies moved. They were one part of the movie I thought was definitely lame, heh.

Overall, I thought it was a very balanced movie. While it is mostly an action-drama, it does not fail to throw in a decent amount of comedy and of course a small "love story" that does [i]not[/i] spoil the plot. [spoiler]They kiss once, which I thought was unnecessary, but the movie has to appeal to all those sappy romantics, too, I guess[/spoiler] (not a really spoiler at all, but eh). There are some tragic parts, suspenseful parts; as I said, just well-balanced.

If the chance arose to go see it again, such as some friends wanting to go see it, I would. I would give it a thumbs up.[/size]
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[color=navy]I saw the movie earlier today, with some friends, with relatively high expectations. The trailers certainly showed off some mind-numbing CG, and I've always been a fan of this sort of film.

The plot certainly wasn't anything groundbreaking, but I was still interested. Certain aspects were predictable and cliche, but it seemed that things were balanced enough to make up for minor shortcomings in the story.

It goes without saying that the visuals are utterly amazing. The Los Angeles tornado scene was very, very good, of course, but the shot of Manhattan almost entirely covered in snow and the Statue of Liberty with the ice on it remains most vivid in my mind.

I didn't really connect or identify with any of the characters, though, and that's something I always look for in movies. Their personalities didn't seem too developed, but that's not exactly the focus of the film, right?

And, yes, the wolves were blatantly CG. They, along with the animatronic animals in that.. Zoo, or whatever that was where all of the animals were going berserk, were the only parts of the film that didn't seem real.

I also thought it was pretty cool that they mentioned Palmdale, my home town, in it. It certainly wasn't a pivotal part of the movie, but it's comforting to know that someone outside of this miserable little town knows that we exist.[/color]
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[quote name='OtakuSennen][color=navy']It goes without saying that the visuals are utterly amazing. The Los Angeles tornado scene was very, very good, of course, but the shot of Manhattan almost entirely covered in snow and the Statue of Liberty with the ice on it remains most vivid in my mind.[/color][/quote][size=1]Heh, yeah, they certainly did increase the dramatic impact with the visuals. Not just with how believable they were to the eye, but the way they affected their environment--especially during the tornados. [spoiler]When they had that bus drop on that guy in the car, I was just like, "o_O Holy crap..." lol. And of course that news reporter getting nailed with the sign.[/spoiler]

The part I liked most about the freeze, is probably one of the smallest and overlooked parts, but I simply like how many of the windows in the buildings shattered as they froze. You could notice this with the tornados, too, as well as small explosions happening in the buildings.

Even though some parts were predictable, they would come up with something with a lot of impact to just take your mind off that part.

[spoiler]In the end, when they were in the helicopter and "looking for survivors," I thought the movie would be kind of lame and not take notice if there were others being saved. However, as soon as they showed outside the window, I at first just saw the other helicopters, then I looked on all the rooftops and saw all the other people who had lived. It was a very nice way to end the movie, heh.[/spoiler]

I definitely would say people should at least go see it once. I walked out of that theater subconsciously expecting it to be really cold, lol. It is worth the money if you have it to spend.[/size]
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[color=green]I'm going with a bunch of friends to see [u]The Day After Tomorrow[/u] this afternoon/night. I'll let you know what I thought of it.

We decided to see it, instead of Shrek 2 or some other movie, at random. I'm a sucker for end of the world movies, so I really didn?t mind. From the trailers I've seen, it looks like a bunch of special effects with some plots thrown in so it can be marketed as movie.

We'll see?[/color]
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[size=1][color=hotpink]I watched it with my friends yesterday, I thought it was the most disatrous thing that can ever happen.

It's natural disaster, so we can't do anything about it once it begins, but what [i]we[/i] can do [b]now[/b] is to comsume the amount of waste we make each day. Icebergs everywhere with ten degrees dropping every second is [b]VERY[/b] scary! [/size][/color]
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Boy do i love bad movies. And this was a bad movie. Fun to look at... but you could care less if the people were stabbed to death by Turkish Prison inmates who had a bad day.

[I] The Day After Tomorrow[/I] is directed by the same guy who directed the quirky, well-done and entertaining[I] Independence Day [/I] film which also featured awesome effects, a wierd but cool plotline, and the best thing about the movie: Wierd, and cool characters (Jeff Goldblume's father ruled!)

Sadly, this movie has no such thing as characters you have any emotional attatchments to. The effects are the best thing this movie.. and they are pretty awesome. Tornado's going through downtown LA made me laugh thinking "Finally, the yuppies can die in peace." and the awesome wall of water crashing down in central manhattan were simply amazing to behold.

After that... the movie get's boring. You wonder who in the world even enjoys watching these bland characters try to have relationships or care about some dude's baby... people came here to watch **** blow up and to watch the population die and buldings being blown up by natural disasters.

HOWEVER. I came away from this movie with my money's worth. I was impressed by the scale these guys went to make this movie awesome to look at. It was entertaining and thus deserved the following rating:

7/10... not the best thing, not the worst, not even worth mentioning more than once or twice.
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Guest ScirosDarkblade
Where will I be the day after tomorrow? Well I'll probably be on campus, meeting with my group members and putting finishing touches on two presentations. It's gonna suck huge.
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[font=Microsoft Sans Serif][color=sienna][/color][/font][right][font=Microsoft Sans Serif][size=1][color=sienna]I agree with everything that Shiguru mentioned above. It was not anything special. I personally did not like it. Yes, the special effects were amazing, but that was the only amazing thing in the movie. The animals were not realistic in any matter. [spoiler]They would have certainly died outside from the sheer temperature it was. But I was actually rooting for the wolves to kill and eat the people.[/spoiler] I eventually got bored and just made out with my girlfriend the rest of the movie. I had high hoped for this movie too. [/color][/size][/font]
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Special effects were great other than the living creatures. They were the only reason to see this film. However, I do think a few of the actors were able to pull off some good performances despite the rather uninteresting dialogue. They saved what could have been a far worse film.

My main problem with the movie was how damn predictable it was. Everything that happened was set up from a mile away.
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[QUOTE=Ryan][font=Microsoft Sans Serif][color=sienna][/color][/font][font=Microsoft Sans Serif][size=1][color=sienna] I eventually got bored and just made out with my girlfriend the rest of the movie. [/color][/size][/font]

[color=green]That makes two of us.

I personally tired of the liberal slant. Honestly, the portrayal of the fictional administration in that movie was unnecessarily close to (and critical of) the Bush administration to the extent where I expected to see" paid for by John Kerry" at the end.[/color]
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[COLOR=#503F86]Eh, I don't even need to see this movie to be annoyed with it. The concept isn't too bad, but the international stereotypes of Emmerich's films really get up my nose. Japanese= panicked civilians in business suits, English= nice, but losers; Americans= heroes. It was the same in [i]Independence Day[/i], with the shots of the various other countries being told how to [spoiler]get rid of the aliens by Goldblum.[/spoiler][/COLOR]

[quote name='Semjaza Azazel']My main problem with the movie was how damn predictable it was. Everything that happened was set up from a mile away.[/quote][COLOR=#503F86]The only reason I was going to see the film was because a friend wanted to, but since he went and saw it without me I doubt I'll bother. I've never been a huge fan of disaster movies anyway. All the ones I've seen tend to follow a very similar plotline- scientist/fireman/whatever either discredited, considered 'eccentric' or fired due to some personal family problem that'll crop up later on in the movie tries to tell someone of authority that something big and disasterous is going to happen, but no-one believes him until it's too late. Scientist/fireman/whatever then spends the rest of the film trying to survive and overcome said big disasterous event. [i]Independence Day, Daylight, Dante's Peak,[/i]... even [i]Evolution[/i] to some extent, but I liked that because it was more tongue-in-cheek. [i]Twister[/i] was the same, save for the 'trying to tell someone about the event'- they were following it instead, but it still had a silly, two-dimensional family subplot.

From what I saw in the trailers, the special effects did look fairly impressive. But I've no burning desire to go and see it.[/COLOR]
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[size=1]I saw the Day After Tomorrow the other day, and it's main starring attraction was the big budget special effects, the one dimensional "got to save my son from the ice age" plot seemed rushed, and thrown in at any old angle in order to give TDAT some backbone.[/size]

[size=1]I really enjoyed the special effects though, especially the [spoiler]Tornadoes in L.A, and the Wolves on the container ship. [/spoiler] In all, TDAT was a 2 hour eye candy film.[/size]

[size=1]I enjoyed the first half more that the second.[/size]
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