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The Changers [M-VL and Possible S]


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[font=Verdana][size=2][color=red]The [/color][color=#ff0000]years had gone by slowly in Alteron after the two demons were defeated by the Multichangers and everything seemed so very caml and peacful. The royals were attempting to rebuild their fallen land and rebuild the confidence they had lost though the war. The Changers were no longer feared but praised for saving the world. The 9 Changers and the FOur Multichangers were free to roam the land on Alteron on their own. This is where our story begins.[/color]
[font=Verdana][size=2][color=red]She was quick, Her brown feathery wings helped her fly graciously across a crivver and into a more deserted area of the land. She landed... Her form of the graceful Hawk landed on a nearby tree... Talons digging deep into the rotting bark. She watched with keen eyes.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2][color=red]A purple figure moved around in the green mist of the wastelands. Pacing... The figure was tall and had dark purple skin. Her fingers had sharp nails and her feet were sharp and clawed... Her long tail was whip like but the biggest thing noticable, aside from lack of clothes, were the huge bat like wings. This was the Changer Nuria. Nuria was the hawks sister... A changer with the form of a Demon. The hawk continued to watch...[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2][color=red]"Father and Mother... They may have been strong but they did not know what i do... and that is the MultiChangers Weaknesses... Yes... With the power i have now i can succed where mother and father did not... I will eliminate the Changers and bring this world to ruin... And even perhaps.... Earth..." The demon girl said to herself as she walked in circles.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2][color=red]The hawk blinked and in her mind she knew this was trouble. She took flight before she was noticed and vanished into the mist.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2][color=red]"Tala... We need to do something... My sister... Nuria... She is plotting agaisnt us all. Alteron will be in grave danger if we cant stop her. Shes more powerful that you could ever imagine now due to the fall of our parents... At first Nuria acted suprised and outraged that our parents were demons and were trying to take control and destroy our world... But now... I can see it was just an act. She is now our main problem." A blonde girl with tan skin spoke quickly.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2][color=red]A woman with light skin and extreamly long black hair stood before the girl. She was wearign a simple white dress. "The Multichangers took down two demons at once. They should easily be able to defeat her if she really is the threat you speack of..." The woman known as Tala spoke as if she was in charge.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2][color=red]"I know... But Nuria knows their weaknesses... All of them... With that knowlege she could easily kill them... We must not call them... We need to do the unthinkable..."[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2][color=red]"Avian... I thought Hawks were smart! You are suggesting that we break a strict law and use the Soul? I cannot beleive your actually suggesting this..." Tala shook her head.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2][color=red]A man stood next to tala... almost un noticable. He had spiky hair and pale skin. His eyes were narrow, "Tala my dear... I believe she is right. Nuria knows all our weaknesses and secrets... What better way to stop her than to get others... That she doesnt know... That law is old and can be broken due to the fact that the old leaders are no more. This is a New Era and we should use this moment to get the help we need before its to late."[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2][color=red]Tala looked at him and nodded, "Your right Roc... I will take the Soul and go to earth... There i will chose... A new set of Changers. Not natural Changers but Nuria wont know that... And once htey have changed then... Its not changable... Its permanent... I Will need the Soul Avian."[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2][color=red]The hawk girl nodded and took off a neckless... Upon it was a small stone. Tala took that ant put it in the nearby wall... A rock moved aside revealing a small crystal sitting in a small area... Like a vault. The crystal was glowing in a bright red color... Tala took it in her hands and nodded.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2][color=red]"I shall go to Earth and Find the perfect... Changers... I will return within five hours... hopefully." Tala held the crystal tight and a portal opened. Swirling red and black streams of energy. Tala stepped through and the portal vanished from sight.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2][color=red]Avian looked around the cave system they were in... It was cold this night but hope was on the way. Three people walked in. Vaxla the Pheonix Changer... Meteo the Vampire... Not technically a changer but close enough to be called one... And Aaron... The Tiger Changer. These three looked confused.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2][color=red]Aaron spoke first "Where is Tala?"[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2][color=red]Avian looked around, "Uh she... She went to earth to use the Soul... To change mortals into Changers... She can explain when she returns..." With that Avian instantly changed into a hawk and flew out of the cave. Roc stood there and wasnt sure what to do.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2][color=red]"Thank goodness the Full Moon isnt due for another fifteen days..." Roc said shaking his head.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2][color=red]"What?" Said Vaxla curiously.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2][color=red]"Well If the full moon was near and we had NEW people in the cave im not sure even tala could keep me under control..."[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2][color=red]"Yeah... Its best to keep that werewolf selft a bit contained eh?" Meteo said quietly.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2][color=red]Roc nodded, "Yeah Id hate to turn a new changer into a werewolf." Roc nodded and left.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2][color=red]OOC: Ok... Takuya, Dj Professor DM, and Quad... Your characters are the older members so your are already in the mountains of Valcose( which is the mountain region in Alteron) Your characters dont need last names for in this world its not custom... But your in a deep cave...[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2][color=red]Ohkami, Kitty, Bobbybob942, and Phayt... Your characters are on earth... in an UNAMED town... Simply show Tala knocking your character out and pulling you into a portal... Or perhaps you have tala talk to your character and persuade them into going to Alteron... Be creative eh?[/color][/size][/font]
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[size=1][color=royalblue]Aaron just blinked and then stretched his arms and legs. The others seemed a bit surprised that Tala had broken the law by taking the Soul.

"Well, I hope she has fun. I really would have liked to go with her, Earth is my favorite vacation spot." Aaron said as he swayed over to a saet and ploped down into it, "So, what's the occation?" He asked looking at Roc.

"Avian told us that her sister is planing something horrible. We need new changers because she knows each of our weaknesses and could probably take each and every one of us down." Roc said solemnly. Aaron bit his lip, knowing someones weakness did give someone a good advantage, but he still thought they could stand a chance with out new people.

"Will we have to train them to fight or help them change or what?" Vaxla asked, siting down on the cold stone floor. Vaxla didn't seem to like the idea of having to train changers who were once mortals of Earth.

"I don't know, we'll have to see..." Roc said.

Everyone was silent for a moment all wondering what the new changers would be like. What would they change into? Will they have trouble? What if they refused to help? Aaron was mainly wondering if there would be any cute girls, he wouldn't mind geting to train with them. He smiled and jumped up out of his seat.

"Well, I'm ganna go for a quick run, I'll be back in a while." With that spoken, Aaron ran out of the cave at a full sprint. His back suddenly started to change as he bent low towards the ground, his arms and legs and whole body became bigger and his normal pale white skin started to to turn into fluffy white fur. He halted suddenly, instead of looking like a person from Earth he was now a giant white tiger. He roared loudly, the ground seemed to tremble beneath him. He wasn't afraid of any demon and wouldn't be defeated. With his powerful muscles, he started sprinting off down the mountain and into a near by wood, his favorite place to run. [/size][/color]
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[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]"It's cold tonight," Hari breathed, the white fog blowing from her lips and hanging in the air. She walked slowly down the dark, deserted street. "I hate going through this part of town.." "Well, get a car." "Hmm?" She turned to face the bundled figure of Kelly jogging towards her.

"Very funny."

"Not really."

She gave her friend a quizzical look, continuing on her way as she caught up. They walked in silence for a while. "You weren't there today." "Couldn't face him yet." "Hari--" "Shut it. I promised I wouldn't. Then he [i]saw[/i] me.." Hari moaned. Kelly's face was pink from the cold; Hari kept her face hidden with her bangs.

"He wondered where you were," she whispered to her quiet friend. "Really?" Hari's ears pricked; she heard something coming their way. "What was that?" Her head jerked towards the source of the sound. "I didn't hear anything," Kelly commented, spinning around, searching for something.

"Oh. Here's your house," Hari pointed to a grey and white apartment above some very large stairs. "Ah! Okay, Hari. See you tomorrow!" her friend cheered, rushing up the stairs to the warm of the lobby.

Again, Hari breathed a silver flow of air and stared at it. "It's cold tonight," she repeated.

"Very, very cold."

Hari spun around. "Fuck off," she warned the figure before her. "I'm not in the mood tonight." "Wow, you're rude." "Oh?" Hari muttered. She stood up straight; returning from her fighting stance. "It's a common phrase these days," she sighed, shrugging her shoulders a bit.

"And if you don't mind, I think I'll be off."

And with that, she turned away from the girl and began to stroll through the dense mist of the cold night.

"You need to come with me. It's best you come now." "Come with you where?" Hari stopped, but did not turn around. "My home: Alteron." "That some far away city?" Hari asked, still looking down the street opposite the girl.

"No... It's a whole other world.." The girl trailed off. Hari turned her head, and stared at the girl's eyes. They pierced through her, as if reading her for something.

[i]'What does she want? And where in the hell is "Alteron", anyway?'[/i] Hari thought to herself. As she finished her thought, the girl spoke. "Will you come with me?" "Why should I? I have [I]plenty[/I] to live for here," Hari said, soon realizing how sarcastic she sounded.

"You have something..." the girl began. Hari wondered if the girl meant her treasure she kept in her pocket always. She began to recoil; readying herself to run. "You have something about you. You'd be perfect for a new Changer."

"A new what?"


"And what's that?"

"You have to come with me. Everything will be explained to you if you come with me," the girl repeated.

"Can I bring this?" Hari questioned, holding up her bag strap. "I don't see why not." "Alright. How will we get to Alteron?"

The girl smiled at this.

"We will travel.." she held up her clenched fist, ".. with this." She opened her palm to reveal a crystal. At the emerging of the object, the mist around them turned red as the crystal glowed. "You're kidding."

Hari stared awkwardly at the girl. She opened and closed her mouth, wondering what to say. "Maybe this isn't such a good idea," she chuckled. She thought the girl was crazy. As she walked down the street, the girl added, "Must I force you to join me?" Hari stopped again, turning immediatly.

"I'm not going anywhere with you."

"Ah. Sorry about this, then. And, before I strike you unconcious, know that my name is Tala."

[i]'Tala? I've heard that name before. Where...?'[/i] Hari began to think, but Tala was already upon her. She brought her fist down towards Hari's face, but the blow was blocked by her forearm. She used the momentary pause to jump back and prepare herself.

"You.. blocked me," Tala coughed out. "You seem surprised," Hari breathed. "Not many can block me," she whispered, charging at Hari again. "Woah!" she cried, spinning out of the way just in time. "Watch it!"

Tala skidded to a halt; Hari saw some mist rising from the ground. Or was it steam? "Back off," she warned again. Tala, this time, stayed silent. Obviously, she was determined to get Hari to come with her; voluntary or no.

As Tala seemed to be preparing for a final "attack", Hari thought over her choices in her head.

[i]'I can let this girl attack, and I should be able to dodge it. But.. Maybe she's not been doing her best. That's insulting! Thinking she wouldn't need her best to blow me over,'[/i] Hari argued in her head. She stopped, finding herself trailing off into random thought. But before she could review any other options, Tala was charging.

"HARI!!" "Wha--?" She turned to see Kelly screaming from just outside her doorway. "Oh shit." Tala punched her right in the gut. Hari found herself dazed on the floor, clutching her stomach. "Before I knock you out, I'll ask you again," she took a deep breath.

"Will you accompany me to Alteron?"

"... You punched me.. in the stomach.. you cheat."

Hari lifted her head, grinning at Tala. She stood up slowly holding her hands up, inviting the next attack from the girl. But Tala did not move. She held up the crystal, and opened up a swirling circle of red and black.

"Join me." She started with her foot, and it did not land on the the otherside. "That really IS a portal.." Kelly ran down at this moment, grabbing Hari's arm. "Come inside! Get away from this freak!"

"I'll come back later. Won't be long, 'kay? Tell you-know-who I'm sorry I didn't come by today." "We'll have to make a few more.. 'stops' before we get there," Tala told her. "Oh, NOW you tell me," Hari sighed. Kelly stood aghast as her friend peeled away from her grasp and walked through the portal, followed by Tala.

And then the street was empty and calm, just as it had been before. All that was different was the eerie chill sweeping through. It was even colder.

"What.. the... hell..?" the lone girl gasped, creeping back towards the stairs.

OOC: Hope that's a little like what you had in mind.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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Vaxla intercepted Roc has the werewolf attempted to leave. "You're not going anywhere until I get some answers," she said.

"I thought you'd say something like that. You normally do."

"Good for me. Now, what the hell is going on here?"

"Tala will explain all when she returns," Roc told her.

"Not acceptable," Vaxla replied. "I want answers, and I want them now. Tala wouldn't go to Earth unless something major was happening. We should be able to handle pretty much anything that comes at us, and for the things we can't, there are the Multi-Changers. Why the hell do we need people from Earth?"

"Because we won't be able to defeat our foe on our own, and the Multi-Changers will die if they attempt to fight."

Vaxla was prepared for many possible replies. That wasn't one of them. "Why the hell can't the Multi-Changers fight?"

"Because the enemy knows how to defeat them," Roc said.

"And just who is the enemy? Nuria, Avian's sister, isn't powerful enough to take us on even without the Multi-Changers, and I doubt that she could defeat one of them even if she does know their weaknesses. So that means there's some other force at work here. Some other foe who is using Nuria. Is there any clue as to this being's identity?"

"Nuria is stronger than she was previously. I do not know how, but Avian might. Nuria's her sister; if anyone knows how Nuria became stronger, it's Avian. I'm sure she will return when Tala is back with new Changers. At that time, we will know all that she and Tala know. Until then, you must accept the fact that I can't give you any more information."
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[color=red]OOC: The soul is a crystal with more than one power... It makes portals from earth to alteron... AND its the thing that can make mortals Changers... It gives them thier power... And I am also playing all the Changers that were not taken... And in this post ill introduce the MultiChangers... By the way some of the changers will die... (justn ot your characters right? ;) )[/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]Roc then left the room... He walked down a long corridor... Damp moss grew on the walls of the cave hallway. Water trickled down from the snow melting on the mountain. Water can bring down walls... Give it time these caves would no longer be a good place to live but for now it was a decent place to stay. You could see the desert below the mountains on one side and the forests on the other. The clear skies were also easy to watch from their position. Roc walked down into another room. A few people sat inside. The rock chairs were very magical indeed. If you sat in one it sank and was fluffy like a sofa... [/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]Roc glanced around... The only source of light were small specks of different colored lights that floated around above their heads. Blues, reds,greens, and even yellows swirled around above Roc's head. As he walked the movement of air sent the specks swirling. A girl looked over at Roc. She had short silver hair and grey eyes. She was wearing a grey kimono like dress with slits up the sides that almost went to the waist. She had a whip wrapped around her shoulders... It was a wire whip.[/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]"Kaida... Better start using your head... We need a few more rooms added on the south wing of the cave system." Roc said glancing at her.[/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]"Now wait... Why?" She asked standing up from her stone seat.[/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]"Tala... Is doing the Unthinkable... Shes taken the Soul to Earth and is now getting mortals to change into New Changers... They will need places to sleep." Roc sat down in her seat and gave a fake cough. "Plus it will give you something to do..."[/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]"Oh shove off... I have plenty to do. After Im done with my daily routine of lazyness sure." Kaida shook her head, "Alright alright"[/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]Her bones cracked and her skin began to change. Not only in color bit in texture. It got dark green with yellow stripes and it was scaley. Her face went from small and round to long and narrow. Her teeth got extreamly sharp and she sprouted a long tail. She had become a vicous raptor. She nodded again and headed off into the south wing of the caves.[/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]"Uh... You know shes not the best for that job... Blaze would have been perfect. Or even Ryu." A boy with short brown hair spoke up.[/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]"Kaikura... I am not going to even think about contacting Ryu of Blaze. Those two are-"[/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]"Are what?" Said a voice from behind.[/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]"Wha?" Roc turned around to see a girl and a guy standing behind him. The girl had short brown hair, green eyes, and light skin. The boy had jaw length silver hair and red eyes. He was wearing black pants and a black shirt. Over that was a long creamy white trenchcoat. The girl was wearing a brown shirt with black long sleeves and black pants. Her outfit was skin tight.[/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]"I wonder blaze... Was he going to Insult us?" The boy said.[/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]The girl known as Blaze grinned , "I dont know... Her probably knew we were there. Then again Ryu... He could have been trying to say something important... Maybe we shouldnt have interupted him eh?" She smiled.[/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]Roc smiled, "What in the hell are you two doing here?" He said hardly moving.[/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]Ryu looked around, "Well as you know Rex and Kira wanted...'Alone Time' So we decided to come here and visit the rest of you. Wheres Tala I didnt see her in her chambers..."[/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]Roc smiled, "Shes away on buisness... Earth actually. She will be back soon though."[/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]"Earth!? What on Alteron for?" Blaze glanced at Kaikura who was grinning.[/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]"Well lets just say shes bring in a few... New faces to the gang." Kaikura said before Roc could say anything.[/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]"Your telling me she Took the Soul... Boy something must be brewing if thats what shes doing... Well no more 'alone time' for Rex and Kira. We will be back Roc... With the others." Ryu nodded and turned around.[/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]Ryu and Blaze went outside. They saw the Tiger Changer dissapere into the forest area... Ryu began to grow in size... Soon he was the size of a house. His skin was blue, scaley and covered in spikes. He snorted smoke out of his nose and looked down a Blaze.[/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]"Hows this for a ride?" Ryu said through his dragon form's mouth.[/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]Blaze shook her head, "No... To many spikes and Black or Red blue just doesnt go with my hair..." Blaze joked.[/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]Ryu shook his dragon head and his scales changed just as a chameleons would. The spikes shrank and were gone in no time. He was now a mixed colored dragon. A bit of black and red... He had two large horns that stuck out of the back of his head. Blaze climbed up onto his back and gripped his horns. His large wings began to flap and he was into the sky.[/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]ooc: That is Ryu the any kind of dragon / thunder MultiChanger And Blaze... The Hybrid Fire MultiChanger. I decided to put them in her now for a moment just to introduce them. Rex and Kira are the other two and ill introduce them later.[/color]
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Meteo looks around the room. Meteo stands in the darkest corner of the room. "Sorry I'm not in the light, but, Hey you Know I would if I could..." Meteo says. "We need some Fresh blood Errmmmm Allies... Sorry It's just my thirst for Blood is somewhat controlling right now." Meteo Continues. Meteo then walks out of the corner watching the others making sure they do not try to attack him. "Look each of us have a strength or strength that will aid us in different Areas and we will need to utilize our strengths like I am a vampire so My strength comes from being basically immortal with Strength and speed Like other vampires (Remember Vampires can be killed with a wooden steak through the heart Garic, A cross, Sunlight and Holy Water). But I Try to improvise to keep alive. So we should do the same as a group to stay alive. I even have Experience of centuries. So I can be a guiding hand." Meteo sits down and pulls puts his hand on his chin and ponders the current predicament about the Multichangers and the changers. "We are facing your sister, right? Well I hope she doesn't know How to take Vampires out too... I would like to be a guardian for the races of this planet for a millenia or two... So I want to help as much as I can." Meteo says looking at the one who brought the team here. Meteo grins with his fangs bearing.
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[size=2]Bakuryu walked slowly down the hill to his house. "Man! Why does it have to be so cold!" He said to himself, while shivering. "I hate the cold! I wish was some where warm right now." he continued.[/size]

[size=2]"I could grant that wish." someone said from behind him. From the sound he noticed it was a girl.[/size]
[size=2]"Yeah... right. Anyways, my house is warm and Im almost there so you can forget about your offer." Bakuryu replied to the girl. [/size]
[size=2]"Fine. Suit yourself." the girl stated. Then Bakuryu heard something like someone running. He turned around thinking that the girl was running away, but she was directly at him. [/size]
[size=2]"What the hell! Wha-" Bakuryu tried to say something but was punched in the gut and got the wind nocked out of him.[/size]
[size=2]"Im sorry I had to do that," the girl said. "but I had to get you to come with me one way or the other." Then the girl helled up what looked like, from Bakuryu's point of view, a crystal. Then a portal of black and red swirls opened up beneath him. He then fell into the portal, and though he wanted to say something he was still recovering from the blow he took in the gut.[/size]
[size=2][i]"Man, this girl can hit hard!" [/i]Bakuryu thought.[/size]
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[color=red]OOC: The girl that is the sister of the enemy LEFT the caves in my first post dj professor dm... And try to space out the post... Its hard to read a post that is all scrunched together like that. [/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]Tala was going swiftly through a portal to the next changer she had chosen... Why were they so reluctant to beleive the truth... Or take a chance. She hated the fact that she had to actually hit them but they were safe now stuck in transport. Their bodys seemed to be traveling through the portal but it was an illusion. They were simply stuck in one place and when she had them all they would all go to the caves... She wished she didnt have to hit each of them... "The things ill do for my world... Sheesh" SHe said to herself.[/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]Meanwhile in the mountains Kaida and Kaikura talked quietly in a corner. Kaida had finished a few rooms for the newcomers and Roc glanced around again. With Nuria knowing each persons weakness trouble was swiftly coming their way. Training the new ones... And fighting an enemy that knows the way to kill each person in the cave was another thing bothering him. She knew know how to take down the raptor Kaida... the Pegasus Kaikura... even him... A werewolf has weaknesses too. [/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]ooc: Um Yeah If Avian was even there where the others were she would have said that YES nuria knows EVERYONES weaknesses... that also means vampire as well.. But anyways. I cant post any more to day. Im sick.[/color]
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[i]If Nuria knows the Multi-Changers' weaknesses, then she probably knows ours, as well,[/i] Vaxla thought. [i]After all, we're not quite as hard to figure out as the Multi-Changers. Their forms share a common weakness, but we only have one form each, and it's usually much easier to see a weakness in one thing than it is to find identical weaknesses in many. I'm probably one of the easier ones. A phoenix is a bird of fire, after all, even though the made-of-fire appearance of my phoenix form, as well as some actual phoenixes, is misleading. Fire is vulnerable to water, so if Nuria can find some way to produce a water-based attack, and if she's skilled enough with it to hit me, she can bring me down.

Of course, that assumes I'm in phoenix form, and unlike the others, I'm just as deadly in human form as I am in phoenix form. Not even Nuria knows how skilled I am with my poles. She wasn't bad with a sword by any means; she even beat me a couple times. Of course, I've kept up my training. She probably has, too, but I was a bit of a faster learner than she was. Not much, but a little. She was more experienced. The two of us are probably evenly matched now, unless she's improved more than I' guessing she has.

Of course, there's always the possibillity that Nuria's not the real threat, that there's someone or something that's allied with her, or using her. I think that's the most likely senario, and if it is true, that being is probably a true demon, unlike Nuria, who, as far as I know, is a Changer with a demon form.. And a demon doesn't exactly have a high weapon vulnerability. Of course, us and the Multi-Changers can probably take any demon. Hell, we and the Multi-Changers can probably take Nuria even if she's more powerful than those other two demons, even if she does know our weaknesses. Tala and Avian either underestimate us or overestimate Nuria, and their decision to find new Changers on Earth could cause problems. After all, inexperiance is one of an enemy's deadliest weapons.[/i]
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[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][color=purple][b]OOC:[/b] I talked to Blanko and joined, hope everything is correct..it's all posted in the sign up.
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"Be careful..."

"Oh shut up Kyo, I'll be fine I'm not a little kid after all anymore!."

[i]The figure known as Kyo stared down at the 16 year old boy in front of him. He sighed heavily then shook his head.[/i]

"No I guess you're not a kid anymore...Go on."

[i]Kyo watched as the kid smiled and trotted off. This was the boys first time going out on the streets by himself to get some food. Jason may not understand the threats out there, but Kyo knew everyone of them all too well. Something didn't feel right today though. Everything about today was just..wrong, and it bugged Kyo.[/i]

"I wonder how long that squirt will be....y'know...I should follow him...just to make sure he's fine."

[i]As if reassuring himself Kyo looked around to make sure no one else would follow. He then broke off into a quick trot following Jason. Soon Jason was in sight and Kyo quickly slowed down to a quick walk as he continued to side step into alleys and hide behind barrells so Jason would not see him.

Jason walked confidently, Kyo noted. That was a good thing in the streets, confidence. It kept people alive, but if that confidence grew, if it became pride, it killed me. Kyo had told Jason that so many times, Kyo could only hope Jason took it to heart.

Kyo quicked his pace again as Jason turned a corner. As Kyo turned the corner he saw Jason beginning to do his work. First he grabbed two apples from a vendor. Kyo smiled, Jason had used a flawless technique, he was patient too. If things kept going like this Kyo, Jason, and the rest of the gang would be perfectly off for atleast a week.

Kyo continued to watch as Jason picked vendor from vendor; each time perfectly and each time being seemingly a ghost to all around him. Kyo smiled, he had to hand it to Jason, Jason was good. Kyo followed Jason as he turned the corner to finally leave and get back to the gang. When Jason turned the corner he saw Jason, but not just Jason; there were four other people; each of them dressed in black trenchcoats.[/i]

"Alright kid give us what you got."

[i]Jason's fist clenched and he stood firm.[/i]

"No this stuff isn't for you, why don't you ass holes go do your own work somewhere else. There's plenty of places to grift from, go get your own fucking money!"

[i]The four men back up on their heels for a moment, suprised at the ferocity of a 16 year old. Finally the one who seemed to be the leader stepped forward. He raised his hand slowly and suddenly atleast a dozen more men appeared out of the windows and doors; each of them advancing on Jason. Jason struck first however, landing a square kick on the leader's jaw, sending him flailing to the ground.[/i]

"You little shit!"

[i]Kyo silently screamed as he watched the rest unfold. He knew Jason didn't see it, he knew he had to help him, but he couldn't move. Suddenly a noise ran through the whole alley. Kyo's eyes widened as he saw Jason fall to the ground. He looked up to see the man with a gun. Kyo screamed in rage, and took out a knife and threw it. It twirled through the air quietly, but was as sure fire as a gun itself. It found it's mark, in the leader's chest, and the leader found his mark, dead on the ground.

THe rest of the gang now noticed Kyo and fully brought their attention to him as their leader lay dying. Kyo didn't waste time as he turned the other way and ran. Each of the gang members knew what to do, they had to kill this idiot, they had to avenge their leader. Pulling out whatever weapon they had, they ran after Kyo with only vengence on their minds.

Kyo's side screamed at him as he continued running. These guys were determined, no one had chased him this long before. He turned another corner and saw something he'd never seen before. THere was a women, a beautiful women, but behind her was a strange object of sort. Object, that was the best word Kyo could think of but he knew that wasn't the right word, it was no object.[/i]

"Get into trouble again Kyo?"

"What? How'd you know my name" [i]He stopped running completely and stared at the women who was now less than five feet away.[/i]

"I know what happened, come with me, or else you know they will catch up to you."

"Are you joking, I've never been caught before!!"

[i]The women jestured down to the end of the alley. Kyo stared blankly, there was an end. A brick wall rose out of the ground blocking all hopes of escape. The women then faced him again.[/i]

"My name is Tala, and you Kyo have no escape; save one. I am your savior today, follow me and you have an escape, then you too will become my savior. I need your help as much as you need mine.'

[i]Kyo studied the women for a momment tryign to figure out what she meant, when suddenly the voices of the men slammed into Kyo's brain. The men were very close, only about 50 yards from the alley at max. Kyo shook his head and sighed.[/i]

"I've always been too trusting, I'll come with you, but I still don't see any escape. There's still a brick wall at one end and over a dozen men at the other."

[i]Kyo wiped the sweat away from his face and then understood. He never knew how he understood, nor would he ever, but for some reason he finally understood what was going on. Well he understood as much as someone who had know clue what was going on could understand. Without saying another word he walked over to Tala and nodded.[/i]

"Take me to wherever I'm to go."

[i] Jason I will come back to you, I will protect you, Jason you were a son to me, I am now a man with no son. I am a broken man, I have nothing left in this world. I am leaving. Forgive me Jason, I did not protect you. I must protect someone else now. OR...I think I have to. I don't know, wherever you are Jason; just know I loved you.[/i]

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Meteo gets up sensing somewhat that it is about sunset. "Man I'm thirsty. It's about sunset. I guess I'm off to feed for now... So if you mind I gotta go find someone that will not be one of us..." Meteo says as he exits the room and starts to walk as he gets closer to the exit of the cave he starts to run. He reaches the exit and jumps out and starts looking for a bystandard to drink the blood of. He sees a man climbing the mountain. (He is not one of y'all he is just some random mountain climber.) "Ahhh someone to be my meal for now." Meteo says.

Meteo walks behind him and pulls the man's head back and while the man is scared in fear A smirk apears on Meteo's Face. "Fear is the best spice in Blood." Meteo says and Bites into the man's throat and sucks the blood from him quenching Meteo's thirst for the night. Meteo then threw the Man into a tree branch where the Heart is so he wouldn't become a vampire.

Meteo then breaks the limb off and then buries the guy so no one knows he was killed by him except for Meteo and whoever was watching.
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Vaxla, as she always did when danger was approaching, thought about what she knew, and formulated theroies about the big picture. And there usually was one, too. Rarely were things what they at first seemed to be. This time, her theroies were based around Nuria and Avian's parents being demons.

The first thing she considered was the posibillity that Nuria and Avian's real parents had been dead for a long time, and the demons were just pretending to be their parents. Vaxla considered that unlikely. Impersonations usually didn't work out. Eventually, somebody noticed something.

If Nuria's real parents actually were demons, then it followed that Nuria was also a demon. Which meant that, like her parents, she was able to assume a human form. [i]If I'm right,[/i] Vaxla thought, [i]then Nuria isn't a human Changer with the form of a demon. She's a demon Changer with the form of a human.[/i]

Vaxla's next conclusion, if accurate, possibly represented a greater danger than Nuria. [i]If I'm correct, if Nuria's a demon instead of a human, and her parents were demons, then her sister has to be a demon, as well. And Avian hasn't given anyone any reason not to trust her. Hell, she even told us about Nuria. Which means that the others won't suspect a thing. Which means that, if I'm right, my 'pranoia', as everyone calls it, will gain quite a bit of credibility. I keep telling the others that everyone has their demons. In Avian's case, I think that's literal. Of course, i could be wrong, and in this case I sincerely hope that I am. Because if I'm right, then there's going to be a lot of trouble at some point down the line.[/i]
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[color=red]Tala knew she had one person to get. But before that she opend the portal and kyo went through. He was now stuck between earth and Alteron... With the Illusion of being transported he was stuck inside the portal... unaware that others were there as well.[/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]Tala looked around and vanished to another part of the world for the last person on her list. Kyo seemed to be similar to her and his pain was similar to her own pasts pain. She couldnt let this bother her now... she was on a mission.[/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]OOC: Short... Oh and uh. Last is Ohkami but if she doesnt post soon im going ahead without her. I have notified her via pm about this.[/color]
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ooc: sorry if it takes me a while to post
ooc: mune might cuss a lot
mune walked along a street in the town heading for a friends house james yelled out loud on the empty street "why does it have to be so goddamn cold!". as he yelled a girl appeared by him" I could help you ya know" . "wow a girl is actually talking to me" he thought he was somewhat of a loner so he had very few friends but the ones he had he was very loyal to. " i need you to come with me" the girl said, and james who's dick sometimes thinks for him said excitedly "yes!". the next thing he knew he wasnt on the street he had no idea what was going on. the one thing james thought was "man i shoulnt of eaten that last clam it looked bad".
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[B]OOC:[/B] Sorry, but I did say that i'd be away.
Sakura walked along a street, the sun shed small beams of light everywhere as it rose over the horizon. She was walking through a market district and the owners were beginning to open their stalls. She walked her usual route and came across a very small stall that sold fruits. Sakura peered over the shabby counter and a reasonably woman popped up.

[B]"Sakura! You're here again?"[/B] she exclaimed.

Sakura smiled. [B]"Yes ma'am, I come everyday remember?"[/B]

[B]"Oh yes yes, Of course. You really shouldn't do this for me."[/B]

[B]"It's no problem."[/B] Sakura said, walking behind the counter.

Everyday Sakura would come around and help this woman work her stall. Why? Because she was her mother, who had forgotten her after an accident that damaged her brain. Her mother always forgets things, but Sakura still wants to be around her.

As the day grew on, they got more business, until Sakura was forced to leave by her mother, saying that she should get home before her mother started to worry. Sakura just agreed and left. Working with her was the only time she could see her mother, which was why she helped everyday.[/COLOR]

[B]OOC:[/B] I can't finish my post because I have to get offline. Blanko, you can either make it up, or I'll edit it when I have time.
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OOC: Ill take over. Bobby... Learn how to spell... And space things out. Put in some details or I might rethink letting you into this RPG... Hows... its spelled House.

[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]Tala appeared in an street with lots of buisness going on. She looked out of place but no one saw her appear. She saw her target walking along slowly. Tala smiled and began to follow the girl for a while. Once they got into a more empty area the girl whirled around and faced Tala. There was no one around to see the following scene.[/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]"What is your problem!? Why are you following me?" She said.[/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]"Oh Sakura... I need you to come with me..." Tala said.[/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]"First ... How did you know my name... Wait thats not important You want me to go where with you?"[/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]"To my world of Alteron..."[/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]"And do... I have a choice?" Sakura said sarcasticly.[/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]"Not really... Either you come willingly ... or I cause you to black out and I take you anyways... Your going." Tala said bluntly.[/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]"Then in that case... No."[/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]"Very well..." Tala said with a low growl. She grew taller and got on her hands and knees. Pure white fur sprouted from her pores and her teeth grew longer and sharper. Her eyes turned yellow and her nose became black and it picked up the smell of Sakuras shampoo... For she had the senses of a Wolf. She stood there... Much taller than Sakura who was now standing there paralyzed with fear.[/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]"Your going..." The large wolf Tala said with a sharp growl. A portal opend up behind sakura.[/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]"I...I-I-..." Sakura muttered and started to back up. She didnt see the portal and stepped right into it.[/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]Tala returned to human form and smiled, "That was easy." She stepped through and smiled. In the portal there were a few people blindly floating... Just sitting there. Tala nodded and gripped the crystal. The crystal glowed and then they were moving.[/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]In a few minutes they appeared in the main cave chamber. Everyone looked around in shock. Tala nodded and Five of the orignal changers appeared and grabbed onto the newcomers.[/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]Roc was holding on to Kyo[/color]
[color=red]Kaida was holding on to Sakura[/color]
[color=red]Kaikura was holding onto Mune[/color]
[color=red]A girl named Fawn held onto Hari[/color]
[color=red]Meteo was holding onto Bakuryu[/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]Tala stood before them all. "You are being restrained for one reason. And thats to keep you from hurting yourselves or trying to leave this cave. I have a few things i need to explain."[/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]Roc glanced down and Kyo who was eying Tala strangly. "Hey... Tala... Are you sure these are the Newcomers you really wanted... a few seem a bit... Scrawney." Roc said looking at the five.[/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]"Yes. Now... You are in the world of Alteron. It is a world Parallel to Earth and the only way there is if your one of the MultiChangers or you have the Soul. This crystal is called the Soul. With it I am going to re arrange your DNA... Each of you will have an animal form. Sakura got a look at My form..." Tala clutched the crystal tightly.[/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]"I have chosen you five to help us... A changer... One of my OWN kind is plotting against us... She is far stronger than You might think and she knows the Changers weaknesses... So I chose you five to be the New Changers she doesnt know about. A Changer is a being with the ability to take on an Animal form. Roc and Meteo are different... Roc is a werewolf... Meteo is a Vampire..." Tala coughed, "Meteo... No feeding on the newcomers by the way."[/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]"Right..." Meteo laughed making Bakuryu act a little uneasy.[/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]"Now... You five will become Changers... not much training will be needed because once your DNA is rearranged... The knowledge on what to do... Is there. You must concentrate and you shall change. It might be hard at first but you will get used to it. Now... Some of you might know how to use weapons... but for those of you who dont... We can teach you quite a bit. Now Ask questions if you like..." Tala figured the reason non of them really said much was either fear or shock from the trip through the portal.[/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]"Can I let this guy loose?" Roc asked, "I sense no trouble from him..." [/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]"Very well... Release Kyo...." Tala glanced around.[/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]"I have my reasons for not talking... Tala." Kyo said quietly.[/color]
[color=red] [/color]
[color=red]"Yes... I know what happend before I appeared to you... Im sorry. But for now we must not dwell on that. Any questions or are you guys still in to much shock to take any of this in?"[/color]
[color=black]OOC: Now just post your reactions to the info and ask questions if you like. Ill reply tomorrow maybe with answers ;) And then ill rearrange some DNA[/color]
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[font=Verdana][size=2]"This is all a dream. Im just having a nightmare. None of this can happen." Bakuryu said to himself. Then he closed his eyes, and opened them. "Ok. Isnt that supposed to work?" He asked himself. [/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2]"Well... normaly it will, but your not asleep." Meteo replied to Bakuryu. [/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2]"Who asked you!? Besides if I'm not dreaming then this is real. So, I am in a world next to Earth diminsion wise?" Bakuryu yelled but then calming down.[/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2]"Pretty much, yes." Meteo replied, "You could put it like that. Hey, Tala. Im going to let this guy go now. He dosent seem like he will do anything."[/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2]"Very well... You may release Bakuryu." Tala replied. At this Bakuryu was released and he walkd as far as he could away from Meteo, but not towards the exit of the cave. He didnt want to be near Meteo, or be punched again. He just sat there thinking.[/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2]"Tala, was it? So you chose us to become these new 'changers' right? Well why did you choose me or the other guys and not the guy down the street?" Bakuryu asked Tala.[/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2]"I choose you because of your talents, among other things. Talents mostly. You have come to understand quite fast, why?" Tala answered.[/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2]"Well... I never did have a grasp for reality. I guess this home for me. I always thought that there was something out there, but I never did know until now." Bakuryu replied, "So, I guess I'm ready for this 'transformation'." Then Bakuryu just stood up and waited for the others.[/size][/font]
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[color=red]Tala smiled, "Then I shall start with you. Your our first volenteer. Perhaps your reaction to the Soul will get the others to beleive as well."[/color]
[color=red]Everyone stood there. A girl with short blonde curles and was wearing a short red dress spoke up first. "May i please release Miss hari?"[/color]
[color=red]Tala investigated the situation, "Very well. Changers you may release the newcomers."[/color]
[color=red]With that Roc, Fawn, Meteo, Kaida, and Kaikura stepped away and into the shadows to await commands.[/color]
[color=red]Tala glanced back at her volenteer. "Are you ready?"[/color]
[color=red]"As ready as I'll ever be..." He said standing clear from the vampire.[/color]
[color=red]Tala looked at Meteo, "No feeding off of the New Changers either..."[/color]
[color=red]"Oh No thanks... Im full." Meteo grinned[/color]
[color=red]"I mean it..." Tala said with a low growl.[/color]
[color=red]"I got you... No feeding off of anyone around here..."[/color]
[color=red]Tala approched Bakuryu and smiled, "Im actually a nice person once you get to know me... This... Well I cant say it wont hurt because its... never been done before. As a matter of fact it was forbidden..." Tala said with a bit of a smile.[/color]
[color=red]"Wait? Untested!? Uh now im not so sure..." Bakuryu said cautiously.[/color]
[color=red]"You are the test subject... We have to take the risk to save our worlds. Now just stand still." Tala stepped closer.[/color]
[color=red]She held up the hand with a crystal in it. She closed her eyes and it began to glow a dark blue. She whispered a few words no one could understand. A stream of light shot from the end of the crystal and hit Bakuryu in the chest. You could see right into his chest... You could see his lungs and his heart. The Beam went right into his brain and seemed to be searching for something.The beam swirled around the insdie of Bakuryu's body and the light seemed to be picking out certin strangs of DNA and changing them. Soon the beam went back into the crystal and Bakuryu was left standing there a bit dazed.[/color]
[color=red]He looked no different, He sounded no different, and to those with keen senses... he smelled no different... But he was. His DNA now surged with the DNA of another as well. When the beam of light went into his brain it searched for the perfect creature... Once it figured what it needed it rearranged different parts of his DNA to enable the changes.[/color]
[color=red]"Well... That seemed pretty easy-" Tala spoke a little to soon.[/color]
[color=red]Bakuryu fell to the ground and curled into a ball... He began to shake violently... Foaming at the mouth and cursing in a different language.[/color]
[color=red]"Whats happening to him!?" Sakura shouted.[/color]
[color=red]"Um... I-" Tala then noticed it, "Nothing. This is normal... Watch carefully."[/color]
[color=red]Bakuryu's body was changing... and soon he lay on the floor not just Bakuryu but Bakuryu the Mole. A very very large mole.[/color]
[color=red]"What happend to him?"[/color]
[color=red]"His DNA... After the change apparently the mind takes over for a few moments... The body takes the new form for a test drive."[/color]
[color=red]Just as quick as it had happend Bakuryu the Mole returned to just plain Bakuryu. The new Changer stood up and looked around.[/color]
[color=red]"What happend?" Bakuryu asked.[/color]
[color=red]Tala smiled, "You have just become the first New Changer."[/color]
OOC: Heh... You guys can post your changes... Just include the rearanging of your DNA and your first changing... You wont do anything but go to animal form and then back to human again.
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[B]OOC:[/B] I copied the process from the previous post.

[COLOR=Navy]Sakura just stared as the whole process occured. She was left with her mouth agape when she saw Bakuryu turn into a giant mole, then back again. She thought that she shouldn't have been so afraid of it, after seeing Tala transform into a wolf back on Earth.

Tala turned to the others, having Bakuryu stand to the side with the older changers.

[B]"Who wants to be next?"[/B] she asked.

Sakura took a deep breath and stepped forward, volunteering herself.

[B]"Alright Sakura, are you ready?"[/B]

[B]"As much as one could be when being told their DNA is going to re-arranged."[/B] she asked.

Tala smirked at the comment and held up the crystal. She closed her eyes and it began to glow a dark blue. She whispered a few words no one could understand. A stream of light shot from the end of the crystal and hit Sakura in the chest. You could see right into her chest... You could see her lungs and her heart. The beam went right into her brain and seemed to be searching for something.The beam swirled around the inside of Sakura's body and the light seemed to be picking out certain strands of DNA and changing them. Soon the beam went back into the crystal and Sakura was left standing there a bit dazed.

She looked no different, she sounded no different, and to those with keen senses... she smelled no different... But she was. Her DNA now surged with the DNA of another as well. When the beam of light went into her brain it searched for the perfect creature... Once it figured what it needed it re-arranged different parts of her DNA to enable the changes.

Tala watched for a reaction, and soon got it as Sakura fell to the ground in pain, curling up into a fetal position. She cried out painfully and rolled on the ground. She screamed as she began her transformation into another being.

She stretched out of the ball and arched her back, suddenly two large, feathery wings pierced her back. You could hear crunching as her bones re-arranged into her other form. A tail emerged from the bottom tip of her spinal cord and grew out until it looked exactly like a lion's tail but the tip was fluffier. Sakura was now on her hands and knees. Her hands/arms changed into those of an eagle's, her legs became lion paws and haunches. Finally her body changed completely, her head and upper torso changed into the parts of a feathery white eagle, complete with beak, and her waist and below was that of a lion. Two ears grew out of the top of her head and her wings grew colours, the top was white, then the middle feathers were green, and the ones on the bottom were blue.

Sakura sat there on her new lion haunches and peered around with her new emerald eyes. She was larger than Bakuryu's mole and about the size of Tala's wolf. Then Sakura changed back into her human form and stood.

[B]"That was....interesting..."[/B] Sakura commented.[/COLOR]

[B]OOC:[/B] Here's the picture of the gryphon in case you want a better idea. [B][url=http://img37.exs.cx/img37/7783/gryphon7kc.jpg]Click[/url][/B]
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"well I guess ill go next" mune said stepping forward before saying "was I the only one who came willingly?... never mind"

"mune are you ready " tala asked.
"Yes" mune said standing there

she held up the hand with a crystal in it. She closed her eyes and it began to glow a dark blue. She whispered a few words no one could understand. A stream of light shot from the end of the crystal and hit mune in the chest. You could see right into his chest... You could see his lungs and his heart. The Beam went right into his brain and seemed to be searching for something. The beam swirled around the inside of mune's body and the light seemed to be picking out certain strings of DNA and changing them. Soon the beam went back into the crystal and Mune was left standing there a bit dazed.

He looked no different, He sounded no different, and to those with keen senses... he smelled no different... But he was. His DNA now surged with the DNA of another as well. When the beam of light went into his brain it searched for the perfect creature... Once it figured what it needed it rearranged different parts of his DNA to enable the changes.

Mune also hit the ground as a ball, shook violently foaming at the mouth and cursing in a different language.
The next thing you knew mune was now a spotted leopard one a little bit larger than normal, but still a leopard.
As mune returned to normal all he could say was "that was fucking awesome man".
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Meteo stands there grinning bearing his fangs. "So this is the first of the transformations." Meteo says. "Just stay out of my way when I am hungry..." Meteo starts chuckling as he starts to head to the door.

"I'll be waiiting in the mine shaft. I need to rest a little bit" Meteo says and goes through the door. Meteo leans against a wall and closes his eyes. Meteo dreams about his conflict with Count Dracula.[i] "O.K. Drac you're going down." Meteo says.

Dracula grins. "Sorry but I am already dead." Dracula says and bites Meteo's throat and Meteo stabs Dracula through the heart with a wooden Stake. But Dracula's job has already been done. [/i]

Meteo awakens and continues his wait in the Mine shaft.
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[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]"God damnit," Hari muttered, leaning against the wall of the cave. She couldn't figure out whether or not to believe Tala and her friends. She kept telling herself it was all bullshit; a prank or something. But the others seemed as freaked out as she was. Though that could be part of the trick.

Part of her just couldn't except that. She had waited so long for an escape. That's what her games were for. She took her bag off her shoulders and placed it gently on the ground.

"I'll go next."

Tala turned to her, a smile spreading across her face. "Alright then. Step forward." Hari did as she was told and stood before Tala. She wasn't scared, but she was a bit nervous. It's not like she'd done this before. No one had.

"Well? Go for it!" Hari sounded, impatiently. Tala nodded. She whispered her little chant, as she had done for the others, immediatly followed by the surge of blue light. It hit Hari in the chest, illuminating her insides. The others looked down at their own, remembering the awkward feeling.

Though it looked painful, most of them knew it wasn't. Just very awkward. Almost as strange as the trip through the portal. Even stranger than the waiting inside of it.

As the light roamed her brain, then spread across her body, Hari was all the time remembering games. Silly, yes, she knew that. But she didn't really care. Her favorites were fantasy games; something her transformation would reflect. The blue light was reaching her tips now. Her hands and feet glowed as the light continued to surge.

Then it escaped back into the crystal, leaving Hari to stare blankly at Tala. "Here it comes.." someone from the wall whispered. Everyone was anxious as to what Hari would become.

As everyone else had, the momentarily calm Hari fell to the ground, crying out in pain and rolling around in her curled up shape. Her jerks of movement grew worse for several seconds, the screaming not stopping. Then she grew quiet; but her shape changed dramatically.

She stood tall. Very tall. Her spine grew three times its size, and a large tail grew from the bottom of it. Her pale peach skin changed to scales, dark blue in color. Her hands grew claws, and her arms lengthed in to forelegs, and her legs grew, though not as much, and her feet burst out of her shoes and changed into claws as well. Her face curved to an elongated oval shape and her jaw changed around to fit her new skull size. Then her wings popped out of her back, growing and growing until she, in her new form, filled up the cave. As her form began to stop getting much larger, the cave began to moan. If she stayed in her changed form for too long, she might just cause a cave in.

The others let out little whispers of awe before she shrunk and changed back. It was as if nothing had happened.

"What a headache.." she muttered, holding her head. She had been squished into the ceiling and walls, making no physical marks except a lingering dullness of pain in parts of her body.

She grabbed her bag, pulled it over her shoulder, then slid down against the wall again, waiting for whatever it was that would happen next.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[font=franklin gothic medium][color=purple][i]Kyo looked around for a second and sighed, he was the last one left. As he closed his eyes he could feel them staring at him, he knew they expected him to go along with it, he knew that they wanted him to do it.

Did they understand? Did they understand what he had just lost, did they understand what they were throwin away? Everyone of them just went happily along with it not even thinking of the consequences, that was something Kyo refused to do. What about his companions? How would his disapperance be explained, how would they survive without their leader? Why did he care? They were only a bunch of street rift raft, but to Kyo...for some reason...they were more. They were his life, they were his family.

Kyo knew by doing this, he would never have that again. He would throw away everything he worked for. Would he be forgetting Jason? Would he be forsaking everything he said to him, would he disgrace him?

Kyo clutched his fist, and opened his eyes. He looked at Tala for a momment. She was the only one that knew what had happened, in fact she was on Earth when it happened. Kyo saw a flicker of sympathy in Tala's eyes, but as soon as he had time to even realize what the look was she destroyed any evidence of that sympathy on her face.

Kyo stepped forward and sighed once more.[/i]

"I'll never forget you Jason..." [i]Kyo whispered softly to himself. he clinched his fists then nodded.[/i]

"Go ahead and do it...just get it over with."

[i]Tala stepped toward him, and held up the crystal as she had down to the others, and just like it happened before a light assaulted Kyo's brain. All Kyo could feel was this light, it blinded him, yet it was not painful. He couldn't think though, everything was being scrambled by the light, all he saw was glimpses of his life, flashes of what he was. It was chaos, the light pulsed in Kyo's head, filling it. Kyo knew that any second his head would explode, his brian could not take this. It was a matter of physics and probability.

Suddenly the light left his brain searing through his body. First his neck, then shoulders, continuing through every single millimeter of his body. No matter where it was it burned, Kyo could feel every movement the light made, every little twitch. He felt like h was on fire, but there was no pain; nothing just absolute heat. His arms tensed as the light spead through them, quickly doing what it sought out to do.

Again the light seared into his brain, twisting everything around. It was searching through his brain finding the perfect form, finding what Kyo would be. It searched his memories, searched his figure, searched everything, it seemed to stop though. It felt something, it felt his anger, it felt his remorse. Suddenly the light got brighter, indicating it had chosen what would be his form. It had chosen something to fit Kyo perfectly.

Suddenly there was a snap. Then another as Kyo's bones cracked and contorned to its new shape. Suddenly his body sprouted in fur; black fur. His mouth began to grow, suddenly his nose and mouth joined as one, creating a maw. Hiis spine snapped as it grew and twisted.

Kyo let out a silent scream as the pain etched through is body. He closed his eyes and concentrated. He murmered one word over and over and over again. Jason....

Finally with a finally pop Kyo looked around. He was no longer human, he could tell that he was something else. He noticed something for the first time, the smells. The light blazed in his eyes and he closed them quickly attempting to shut out thie horrendouse light. He tried to say something and instead there was a growl.

As soon as it came out his body contorted again. Snappinp and popping shaping back into his human form. He stood up momments later as a human again.

He looked across the room then at Tala.[/i]

"What....what was I?"

[i]Tala looked at him and smiled.[/i] "A beautiful creature, you were a black panther."

[i]Kyo looked around and nodded absent mindedly. He went back to his spot and closed his eyes.[/i][/color][/font]
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[i][color=red]Tala couldnt help feeling sad for Kyo... She wondered if she should have chosen him. Did she chose him for the wrong reasons? Was that fact that he reminded her of her past husband part of why she chose him or was it something she just noticed now. She wondered if it was fair to have chosen him after all that he had just gone through...[/color][/i]

[color=red]"You all probably think that going back to earth now is impossible. It is not. When things are calmer and more peaceful in Alteron... You can return to Earth... You can live your lives out there if you like... Just as long as you dont tell anyone about this world and you dont change forms. Most people wont beleive that there is another world and those that do... Will try to find it and we dont need the mortals finding our world... It would be unsafe."[i] Tala said trying to lighten the mood.[/i][/color]

[color=red]"Do the changers ever sleep?" [i]She heard Kyo say quietly as he gripped his head a bit.[/i][/color]

[color=red]"Yes... As a matter of fact follow me." [i]Tala said.[/i][/color]

[i][color=red]No one seemed to disagree with this. After all a lot of energy was drained from their bodys during their first transformation. They all followed her silently.[/color][/i]

[i][color=red]She led them down a simple corridor like cave. She stopped where there were five holes in the rock wall. Three to the left two the right. Tala pointed to the left.[/color][/i]

[color=red]"Guys to the left... Girls to the right."[i] Tala said.[/i][/color]

[i][color=red]Hari walked into a room on the right and the other room was taken by Sakura. THey entered and found nothing but rock furniture and wierd specks of light flying around... These specks provided the light in the dark cave system... As well as heat.[/color][/i]

[i][color=red]Each guy took a room to the left.[/color][/i]

[color=red]"Hey you expect us to get some sleep on rocks?" [i]Sakura shouted suddenly.[/i][/color]

[color=red]"Try them... They arent rocks like you might think. They look like rocks but if you sit on them they mold to your body shape. You will sleep very well on them." [i]Tala smiled and sakura dissapered into her little chamber again.[/i][/color]

[i][color=red]Tala couldnt help but stare atKyo as he silently went into his room and fell onto his rock like bed. Indeed it did mold to his body... It was more comfortable than one might think. Tala stared for a moment more before shaking her head to snap back into the present. She then pulled five cords and a cloth fell over their door ways.[/color][/i]

[i][color=red]The cloths were brigth blue with silver and gold woven through to make very strange designs. They were not transparent giving each person their own space where they wouldnt be disturbed.[/color][/i]

[color=red]"In the morning I will send for you. You can meet us in the meal hall. Mainly a large room where we eat... There you can get eat a meal that I cook... I do all the cooking. Decent enough I sappose. Then after that we can all work on control of our forms. Then I have our first little mission as you people called it on Earth." [i]Tala said loud enough for each of them to hear.[/i][/color]

[i][color=red]She stared at the cloth that covered Kyo's chamber doorway. She couldnt help but wonder why she chose him... She shook the thought from her mind and made her way down the hallway into the room where they were before. When no one was looking she returned the Soul to its safe spot and shoved its stone covering back over it.[/color][/i]

[color=red]"There... Safe where you belong."[/color]

[i][color=red]Tala sighed and stared at the floor for a moment. Then Empty place in her heart where her husband once was felt more empty then ever before. And the lost she suffered after his murder was even greater this night. She walked down past the new rooms again. She glanced at the doorway to Kyo's room again and sighed. She walked down the hallway a ways untill she reached a room full of the colorful lights. A small pond or pool of spring water sat in the center of the room. She leaned down towards the water and stared at her reflection.[/color][/i]

[i][color=red]The water rippled each time she took a breath. She splashed her face with water and stood up. The caves were quiet during the nights... Mostly everyone was off sleeping or hunting or relaxing in their own ways. Tala felt as though she could do none of these things... She slowly walked along and into this large chamber. There were a few rock like chairs and a bed that looked as if it had never been slept on. Tala closed her eyes.[/color][/i]

[i][color=#ff0000]White fur sprouted from every inch on her body... She grew larger than a horse in only a few seconds. Her eyes changed, her nose changed, and soon her faces was long and like a wolf. Her arms bent in the other direction as the became legs of a wolf. Soon she stood there... A large white wolf.[/color][/i]

[i][color=#ff0000]She circled the room a few times and found a nice place to lay down. She curled up and put her very long fluffy tail over her nose. She let out a large yawn and whispered to the nothingness in her room.[/color][/i]

[color=#ff0000]"Sleep well everyone..." [i]With that she closed her large yellow wolf eyes and fell asleep.[/i][/color]
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Meteo stands in the hallway standing guard. [i]I'll wake Tala up when it is about an hour before Dawn. That way she can cook for them and I'll sleep in my room when it is Dawn.[/i] Meteo thinks as he paces through the hall way.

Meteo walks to the entrance and keeps an eye on the sky. Meteo also keeps an eye out on the ground to keep an eye out for people that get to close. Meteo sees that it is getting lighter. Meteo sees that it is approximately two hours before dawn.

Meteo starts to stroll through the caves taking his time and reaches the rest rooms on time. He then walks to Tala's room and knocks on the caves wall to wake her up. "It's an hour till Dawn I thought I should let you know... So you can get breakfast ready. I am going to sleep until the mission... and if you have get a meal ready for me I'll take a pint of blood. Put it in a glass. I will be in my room." Meteo says and heads into his room. Meteo lays down like he was in his coffin and falls asleep.
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