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Suggestions on a beginner's first manga..


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[quote name='SaiyanDestroya'] I was wondering how you all would suggest starting from the very beginning? Thanks.[/quote]

[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=2][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue] Try tracing. Just take a drawing from a manga and lay tracer paper or thin lined paper over it and draw the basic outline.

I really lets you get a feel for what it should be like and it's not as discouraging as drawing your own on the first try.

After that try focusing on one point of the drawing. The eyes were always hardest for me so I spent time drawing eyes over and over again. Just choose where to start and draw nothing but that subject.

Work hard at getting the general shapes before you work on details.

And don't expect it to be perfect the first time you try. It takes practice.

Hope this helps a bit and good luck. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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  • 3 weeks later...

If you want to generate your own style, becoming dependent on another is not good at all!

I made this mistake and suffered oh too long for it! It was DBZ's style and it took me years to break from the habit, which I regret my past independence oh so much!
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[COLOR=#B33D79]^ Nothing's wrong with getting used to a certain style... Eventually, you'll develop your own. But yeah, I agree that copying DBZ's style isn't a good move. ;)

Tracing's a great way to learn how to draw; using gridlines for scaling/copying is helpful too. But nothing beats learning from people who can draw. Read books about drawing (or just look for tutorials in the Internet).

Love and Peace![/COLOR]
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[color=darkslategray]I've been drawing for around four years now. It's still a tough process for me to grasp. There are styles that I've tried that totally baffle me; then there are styles that are so simple.

Tracing, I didn't ever trace (unless it was to mimmic my own drawing), is a good thing for begining artists. Once you get used to the form of the lines and all, you begin to develop your own style and idea.

If you want to look off of a manga, and get some style from it, the simplest I would give you is from the manga [u]The Demon Ororon[/u]. Not too much detail, simple lines, and an amazing sleekness. Very hot, pretty simple.[/color]
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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Bunny36
I'm also a beginner and my work isn't exactly excellent yet but copying (maybe not tracing as such) is a good way to begin and yeah drawing eyes over and over and over seems to be a habit. I'd suggest doing life studies as well as cartoon as well especially if you want good anatomy and stuff.
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[color=darkslateblue] First of all, I am an avid supporter of NOT TRACING when learning how to draw manga/anime. I am a huge supporter of USING PICTURES AS A REFERENCE when learning how to draw manga/anime. All tracing does is influence your style, and a lot of times people just end up doing fanart for the rest of their lives, which, let me honestly tell you, is about 100 times easier than original art. What I would [i]suggest[/i] is you use picture as a reference, but not to copy the picture! Use it to get down how to space eyes, where to put the hairline, learn proportions. After you get the basics, be eager and willing to go out on your own and create your own characters and clothing and such. As you practice more and more, you'll perfect your own style and everyone will love it. Or else.


But if you decide not to use my way, there is a universally accepted idea: Practice, practice, practice, practice, practice...[/color]
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  • 2 weeks later...
I have been drawing for three years and how I started was I would take my favorite artists artbook. (mine was Rumiko Takahashi at the time) and I would look at a pictire and draw only that picture for a good three weeks, then I would move on to the next one. As time progressed, I didn't have to rely on a picture and was drawing my own characters. :catgirl: A long, fun process
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