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Is Halo over hyped?


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Does anybody else think the Halo series is over-hyped. It's a good game but when people go around saying its the best FPS(first person shooter) ever and I ask them why, they just say because it is. To me I think its just Far Cry or Call of Duty in space. But thats just me, what do you think?
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[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Well, I think it is very safe to say that the 1-player mode in this game is very over-hyped. The levels aren't very 'revolutionary' or 'groundbreaking' . . however, the beam sword is a lot of fun to run around with. The storyline is very underdeveloped from what is covered in the books. What I play in the game almost feels like a pop-up book. . a few surprises here and there (In Halo 2, the giant walker was interesting). . but, I just didn't feel like the game gripped me. In both Halo and Halo 2, I felt like, maybe next level, it's going to get better. . but the ending of both just sort of. . let me down.

Now is the part where I defend Halo. . It's multi-player is a blast to play. Because of the levels? No. . though some can be fun with the right settings. Because of the weapons? No, though dual-needlers have grown on me ^_^ And a plasma-pistol and SMG is a fun combination!

The main reason why this game stands out in my mind is because I don't have a good computer to play multi-player games. Why does this matter? Well, there are not many games that a gamer (without a great computer) can play with a lot of friends! I moved away from where I have lived for the past 16 years. I am now three hours away from most of my family and friends. This makes playing games more difficult. Even more then that, the majority of people that I play games with only have X-Box and Halo/Halo 2. This pretty much puts me into a 1-player game or some type of sport game to play with some of the friends where I live now.

Soooooooo. . . long story short (too late!), I think Halo and Halo 2 are great because of the multiplayer mode. When I go back to town, I can play certain games with certain friends, but it's a little difficult when all of my friends have their own life and work. . So the game that the majority of people I know still play at a frequent level, is the Halo series! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
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I myself am a big fan of the original Halo. I loved the single player. It was the reason why I bought an X-Box, heh, though I am sure that is the reason for a lot of people. My friend brought in the players manual to school and I went and bought it that night. I never get tired of the single player. Played it through on all difficulties, and then played it through them all again with a friend. We even drew out maps at a few parts to get some sort of strategy going on Legendary.

The multiplayer of the first was good as well. I am not a fan of console multiplayer, but this is an exception. Back in Wisconsin we would have LAN parties like every weekend and we would just play it for hours. Staying up all night drinking Mountain Dew, and yelling our butts off at each other for killing us, fun times.

Halo 2 is a different story for me. I don't like it at all. The story put me to sleep at a few parts of the game, I literally fell asleep. The cutscenes look like crap to me. Jaggy edges, dodgy textures, not what I was expecting from a game that took so long to make. I don't like the multiplayer on it either. Don't know why, it just doesn't tickle me the right way. Border line below average game for me.

FarCry and Call of Duty rock.
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[quote name='Zeta']The cutscenes look like crap to me. Jaggy edges, dodgy textures, not what I was expecting from a game that took so long to make. I don't like the multiplayer on it either. Don't know why, it just doesn't tickle me the right way. Border line below average game for me.[/quote]

Me and my brother still can't believe they let something like that slip either. It's really bad. I mean, shouldn't they have taken just a little more time to fix it? Whatever...

In my opinion, the gameplay in Halo and Halo 2 is good, even if the storyline is weak. I'm not that good a player (although I'm getting better!), but I still have a lot of fun. It helps that I always play cooperative with my brother. Eheh...

Multiplayer is so very fun with these games. I love it so much, it's just a blast.
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Firstly i'd like to say that, yes i'm a halo enthusiast/fan boy, I love the game! It's awesome! It's the best game ever! The best FPS ever! Ever!!...now that i got that out of the way i can speak to you frankly.

I like the game, yes, but i do understand where a person can believe it's over-hyped. And in ways it is. The one player mode isn't much to talk about when there are so many computer games out there that out does it. But you can't think in terms of computers in many cases. Halo 2 is primarily a console game. That's what you should compare it to. The xbox can't compete with a well built computer, no way! But the xbox can and does compete with every other console out there. And in the consoles Halo 2 is the best FPS out there, hands down. Easily what puts it over the top is its excellent multiplayer experiences. If you own Halo 2 and have broadband you're doing youself a major injustice by denying yourself of Xbox Live. Halo 2's true luster doesn't show until you see it's polished *** in multiplayer over Live!

Now, forgive me for not seeing your point of view too well, but with my group of friends i'm the halo lover, and they're the super smash/d&d lovers, although i love those things too. I can see where you'd think that. But now i say this. People like what they're good at. I'm good at halo, so i love it. My good friend Brent hates the game becuase he sucks at it. I know this to be a fact. I let him borrow the game (Halo, he recently got an Xbox) recently, and he's a-lovin' it. He thinks it's funny as hell to throw a plasma grenade on a grunt's face and watch him run backwards towards his companions screaming at the top of its lungs only to sabotage his buddies.

If it's overhyped, then it's only by a little.
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I agree with the majority of gamers in saying that the best console FPS is Goldeneye. Not to contradict, but I can think of half a dozen other FPSs that are better than Halo.

Halo is a great game, but I can't see playing [b][i]ANY[/i][/b] game every single day. Or even every other day. I would eventually get burnt out. I played SM64 for 2 months and didn't come back for 6.

I guess what I'm trying to say is Halo is fun, but only to a certain extent.
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I'd almost say that Halo's multiplayer makes the game what it is.

The story in single mode isn't that enthralling, I got bored of the first level, went and linked it back up to the other Consoles.

As a multiplayer that me and my friends can stay up and play all night, annihilating each other, and capturing flags, I'm simply hooked, however, take away that element and I'm bored stiff as a tree. I have a tendency to like multi-player game more anyhow. (exception being the GTA titles)[/size]
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I agree with everyone when they say how the multiplayer mode is what makes Halo such a popular game. The story mode is fun, in my opinion, but yes, it does get over-hyped, a lot!
Playing Halo2 on Xbox Live is what is so much fun. Even though it would seem playing the game over and over on a constant basis would get old and tiring very quickly, it doesn't. Especially whenever you play with friends from school all day and night. There is just something about it that never gets old, in my opinion.
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[quote name='CowTipper']Yes, yes it is. Halo 2 is a great game, but it didn't blow me away. Halflife 2 and Far Cry are much better. Halo 2's story was HORRIBLE, and it wasn't much of an improvement from the first one. Sure, you can hold two guns and hijack ships and the graphics are obviously better, but you can fall 7,000 feet and not get hurt at all. The only thing that is truly GREAT about this game is XBOX Live play.It's really fun, but much less than what I was expecting.[/quote]

Far Cry, pretty. Half Life 2, pretty. Halo 2, awesome multiplayer.

I really disagree with ya. Halo 2's story is not horrible. Far from it. I think it's very good. Not Metal Gear Solid good, but still good. It's as good as a fps story needs to be. I mean really though, i don't see why you'd say it's horrible, why do you think it's horrible??? You gotta tell us why you think that.
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I dont think Halo is overhyped. The multyplayer is very fun, and the single player campaign is really cool and it has a lot of really good moments. Im tired of listening to people complain about Halo 2's ending, too. I think that that ending is the only way it could have ended. Like, how else could they have done it without putting, like, 90 more hours of gameplay into it? The single player campaign is short and sweet, and I really think its fun. Also, if your talking about the entire series, than the first one is one of the best games ever made :D. The single player campain was really fast and fun, and everything worked well in the first one. People love Halo for a reason, SpikeYourFace and its not because people tell them to.
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I don't think it's over hyped either. I love the game, the multiplayer mode is awesome and so is the single player. I'm not saying it's the best game out there, but one of my favorites. I agree with Wayfarer about the first one being one of the best games ever made, and with Halo 2, I haven't actually beat the single player campaign yet since I'm stuck XD.
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[COLOR=Navy]I don't think that the game is over hyped. Then again, I never played any of the single player...only the multi player. Reason being that I don't own the game or the console. I'm just happy with my PS2 and N64.

Anywho! I've played many many FPS though they aren't my absolute favorite and the genre I rock at. From Wolf 3D, to Counter-Strike, to various James Bond FPS, they all seem alike...sort of.

The multi player in Halo/Halo 2 seem very unique than the others. I really enjoy playing the multi player for hours and hours at my friend's house until my fingers get really sore and I have a terrible headache, lol.

Halo and now Halo 2 is a great way for my friends and I to get together, drink tons of coke, and eat tons of pepperoni pizza. I love Halo 2. My friends can tell you this because I get really hyped when I get a kill, or I get mad when someone kills me.

Exp: Me: I got a double kill with the rocket launcher!!!! YAY (did I mention that I'm horrible at FPS?)

I can move around with ease now....Halo 2 is actually helping me improve in the FPS genre.

Anyways, I don't think that the Halo series are over hyped. This is the only FPS that I haven't gotten totally bored out of my mind with. While others I do.

Let the fans of Halo/Halo 2 be fans.

You don't hear me complain with all those PokeMon game fans, now do you?[/COLOR]
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It seems as if this issue has been drudged over so much that the very people initiating the debate itself are the ones hyping Halo more than anyone. There are dozens of mainstream titles that are over-exposed in the gaming media every year. Halo is no special exception; I don't see why people put such a big emphasis on it.
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