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What was your favorite Pierce Brosnan 007 movie?


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[SIZE=1][B][COLOR=DarkOrange]GoldenEye[/COLOR][/B] was the first of the movies starring Pierce Brosnan, as the wonderful role of Agent 007. He also did [B]Tomarrow Never Dies[/B], [B]The World is Not Enough[/B], and [B]Die Another Day[/B].

I myself, enjoyed GoldenEye the most. The mission 10 years before the course of the movie with his good friend, was a really good scene, and thought it sad that James had to lose his buddy. Then after the theft of the 'Tiger' Helicopter the story become more interesting,[spoiler] especially when the captured Bond meets his 'long dead' friend and, now, rogue agent Alec Trevelyan. 006 is my favorite of the Bond antagonists.[/spoiler]. I personally think that Pierce Brosnan makes the best James Bond out of all the movies I've seen with 007. GoldenEye is the best of the lot though. [/SIZE]
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[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Well, while I am a Sean Connery fan at heart, since the thread is about Pierce, I will agree with you and say that GoldenEye is the best of his movies. The others just don't have the storyline that his first movie has. The setting and mood of the movie really keep it going strong through the whole movie. It's just a much darker story then the others that I have seen.

I was dissapointed with all the other movies that Pierce has done under the 007 name, but thankfully, he did leave us with GoldenEye. That is going to have to do. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
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GoldenEye, hands-down, best Brosnan Bond movie.

It was a remarkable turn for the better for the series, because it successfully touched back upon those darker, Red Scare roots of the original novels/films. The St. Petersburg Statue Park could be a scene out of From Russia With Love. It was that good and the atmosphere that "there."

The opening to GoldenEye also brought us back to those days when Bond faced the Soviets and nothing more. The imagery in itself is breathtaking; women taking the hammer and smashing the scythe. It symbolizes perfectly what is going on in GoldenEye. The world is split. The Soviet Union is collapsed. The Cold War is over and Bond no longer has any distinct and explicit enemy to face. He is facing remnants of the Cold War--facing himself, in a sense. M does call him "a relic of the Cold War."

He is conflicted; GoldenEye brings that out wonderfully, and the performances don't hurt, either.

The recent movies, though, are utterly ridiculous. Bond was "modernized" in GoldenEye, in that he overcame the last remnants of his shadowy Cold War self, and because of this, GoldenEye would have been a fantastic closing chapter to the series. GoldenEye left it on a high note, and at a very intelligent conclusion, if I may say. Bond overcame his shadow (I'd really love to explore this character duality more, but I'm very ill right now), overcame his uncertainty about this new world, and was able to live for once.

One could argue that the newer films are so blatantly commercialized because they exist after Bond entered the modern era (a commercialized era), but the focus of the Bond character (and Fleming's motives for writing it) was a Cold War/Red Scare hero, not someone who is going to be facing off against a media mogul and accidentally kill Teri Hatcher in the process
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[color=#334366]I agree that GoldenEye was by far Brosnan's best Bond film.

The later films just became ridiculous. Bond became an even more campy superhero, with situations that were just...insanely ridiculous, even for a Bond movie. At least GoldenEye was ground in realistic concepts, with some over the top elements thrown in.

The later movies (particularly the most recent one, Die Another Day) were pretty awful in my view. Die Another Day makes me cringe more than anything else...it's just a big mess. The story is terrible, the characters are highly cliche and it jumps back and forth, from ridiculous to the outright ludicrous. It just became too difficult to swallow.

I think that Christmas Jones and Halle Berry's characters were really the final straw for me, lol.[/color]
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[SIZE=1]GoldenEye wins hands down for me, and personally I think it's the best of all the Bond films. Alex pretty much summed up my reasons for liking the film, Bond seems to just have a lot more depth personality wise in the film. The story is cracking, although I just can't see a real spy using a Soviet Tank as a means of transport around Moscow, but maybe that's just me.

That said GoldenEye is the best of Brosnan's films because it's sequels are so dreadful, the stories are horrid and most of the characters are unbelievable. M represents one of the few characters in the later films to have stuck to her original guns [although since she was only introduced in GoldenEye that might be a moot point]. Replacing Q with John Cleese was a simply awful choice, although I do realise that considering Desmond Llewelyn died there was little choice in the matter, still they could have at least got in someone better.

GoldenEye was the high point in Brosnan's Bond career, and truthfully I that the first Irish Bond did a terrific job in his debut. [/SIZE]
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Well, I personally really liked The World Is Not Enough. Picking up on what Siren was talking about, I think this movie did manage to carry the post-cold-war/emerging modernity theme forward. The movie deals with nuclear proliferation, oil and terrorism.

Unfortunately, it suffers because the second Bond girl (can't remember her name... I think it was Christmas something...) can't act worth a ****.

[Spoiler]And my all-time favorite Bond line comes at the end. "You can't kill me, mister Bond, you'd miss me!" "I never miss" [/spoiler] but they should have ended the movie there. The extended sequence w/ the submarine just felt like overkill. Still, I think this is a good Bond movie, and would recommend that everyone see it.

I saw Goldeneye waaay back in the day. I want to see it again now, in light of what Siren was talking about, and see if I get more out of it.

Die Another Day sucked so bad... I don't even know where to start on the criticism... it's just pretty much a piece of crap.

Tomorrow Never Dies was a fun Bond pic with a smokin hot asian Bond girl, but I think TWINE is better IMHO.
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