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Daily journal (topic chosen)


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Okay, heres the deal. Each day I post a topic. You post your thoughts on that topic. Here's an example.
[center] Which of these is most important to you and why. Your friends, your family, or your money?

I'd say my family. I don't really care about my friends, as they have no real conection to me other than being my friends. Your family is your family, and they'll be your family until they die, or you get divorced. Money is great, and I am a very greedy young man, but if you have no family there is no way you will ever be happy, (not to mention if it weren't for your family you never would have grown up to get all that money.)[/center]

Todays topic is... "what is something that really annoys you?"
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Great Idea.

Hmm... what really annoys me... Guess I'd have to say one of the most annoying things in my life would be Global Warming, since it's one of those things where the answer seems so incredibly obvious, yet everyone with power seems to miss it. It's so mind-bogglingly frustrating that you just want to scream! Furthermore, Global Warming is screwing me over, because its making it so warm that now our Winters SUCK! Way to warm, didnt even hit -35 this year. Sad.
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Today's topic: What is the most scared you have ever been?

The scaredest I have ever been was after seeing the movie Signs. For some reason I dont remember, I wasn't able to sleep in my room at the time,m so I had to sleep in this room with these huge windows with no blinds or curtains. I tried to look away but they were so freiking big! When I looked the other way I would see the TV, which was one of the scariest elements of the movie. I had trouble sleeping for months.

Your turn.
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When I thought my dad had died in the 9/11 World Trade Center attack. You see, he was on the plane flight only about half and hour later from the attack, and if he had gotten a ticket earlier, he would've died.

So I knew he was going to NYC that day, and then I heard of the attack on TV, watching the planes hit the buildings. At first I was just really scared, but then I remembered, [i]My dad's going to NYC this morning! omffg1!1!1![/i] So I was on the verge of crying, fighting back tears.

Then I saw my mom when she picked me up that day, and she assured me he was okay. That was really scary.
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[color=#B0251E]The most scared I've ever been was when my sister and I were on a ride at the Melbourne Show. It was this big long thing with multiple seats and arms at each end, which are then connected to another set of arms that touch the ground (I'm guessing that makes no sense).

But as the second set of arms rotate, the long thing also rotates. It's like sitting on a chair that goes around in circles and also rotates. It's quite confusing. lol

Anyway, we both fit the height limit and so on, so you'd think it'd be fine for us to go on it. But the bars that clamp down over you to hold you in were somewhat wide apart. In addition, the clamps were sort of high...they didn't grip you tightly. So every time the thing went upside down, your body would slide upwards just a little and hit the metal bars (there wasn't even any padding).

So my sister who was next to me was getting very distressed, because obviously she's smaller and she was convinced that she was going to fall out. I tried to calm her down and tell her to put her feet on the floor and push upwards, so that she doesn't slide around.

Considering that I felt very unsafe (and I'm obviously larger than her), I can't imagine how she must have felt. It was very distressing -- but you're so high up that there is nothing you can do. Even if you'd called for them to stop the ride, there's no way they could hear you.

When it finished, my sister was in tears and she was shaking. I can't say I've ever been on a ride where I've actually felt in danger of falling out in mid-air. But that was definitely the first (and hopefully the last).[/color]
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The most scared I have ever been was when I was little and almost drowned in a swimming pool. I was at a friends house swimming in their pool when I accidently slipped into the deep side. No one saw me go under so I tried to swim but couldn't. I eventually hit the bottom of the pool and I pushed up as hard as I could and managed to get myself out of the pool.

I remember thinking while in the pool that I was going to die. I learned how to swim so it wouldn't happen again but I still don't like water. I am sure it is from this near drowning experience I had as a small child.
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[QUOTE=Panda]The most scared I have ever been was when I was little and almost drowned in a swimming pool. I was at a friends house swimming in their pool when I accidently slipped into the deep side. No one saw me go under so I tried to swim but couldn't. I eventually hit the bottom of the pool and I pushed up as hard as I could and managed to get myself out of the pool.

I remember thinking while in the pool that I was going to die. I learned how to swim so it wouldn't happen again but I still don't like water. I am sure it is from this near drowning experience I had as a small child.[/QUOTE]

I know how you feel. I've nearly been killed twice by water. The first was when I was younger and I had just moved into a new house. I was walking to the center of our overground pool when suddenly I slipped under. I started wving around frantically untill my mom jumped in to save me. The second time was last year when I was really dumb and was near the shore on the ocean fooling around when a huge wave caught me and flipped me onto my head. The pull was strong and I thought I was dead. I'll never come near the ocean again.

Altron...that must have been real freaky.
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One of the scariest moments I'e ever had would probably be... Well, I can't really decide, since my life has been very calm and collected, without much excitment. I guess it would be when I was on vacation in Florida. We were taking one of those really bad glass-bottom-boat tours, but the water was all green and we couldnt saee ****. Well, we came to this beach (Called seashell beach, althought there were NO shells, cheap) and we were doing normal beach-doing stuff. I went in first, but the water was horrible. There was this barrier of seaweed and other junk about 5 meters out, but, me being stupid, I jumped right in. The first thing I remember was about twenty sharp stings to my left leg, and, unfortunatly, I did a body-slam right into the Jellyfish infested seaweed. There were so many burn scares left on my arms, legs, face, and torso that I was bleeding. Furthermore, two crabs had latched onto my foreleg as I ran in terror. Unbelivable? That's what I thought. I never liked the ocean, but now I hate it. *Shudder*
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[quote name='Panda']The most scared I have ever been was when I was little and almost drowned in a swimming pool. [/quote][color=indigo]Most of the scary experiences I've had are a result of my not being able to swim. I love the water, I love playing and splashing, and I can swim/move from one point to another--but not far, and not well. I'm terrified of drowning--well, maybe not 'of drowning,' but drowning seems like a terrible experience, and one of the things that does truly scare me is [i]not being able to breathe.[/i]

I grew up next to Lake Michigan, and we'd go there all the time in the summer. I was really familiar with the beach by us (we only lived three blocks away), and I knew how far I could go out, that if I worked up the nerve, I could go just a [i]bit[/i] further and reach the sandbar, how deep things were, what the waves were like...it was a very 'safe' place for me, heh.

A little ways down the lake was another beach. When I started hanging out with people, this other beach was where we'd go during the summer. I don't know what was different about it, exactly, but I never really felt comfortable there. (Even being several years older and much taller than when I'd first been exploring the other beach, I always felt a little unsafe.)

And actually, the set-up of the second beach [i]was[/i] different. I'm not sure if the sandbar was further out, or if it just got deeper more quickly, but in the last year or two, I've had a couple experiences that just about scared me to death.

One day last summer, there were huge waves for some reason. I was a little nervous about going out to the 'bar with my friends, but convinced myself I'd be fine. I had a couple scary moments, but in general, I was fine.

We went out again on a calm day a week or two later. Well, I thought to myself, I can make it out to the sandbar no problem today! Wow, was I wrong.

You know the thing about waves? They pull water up higher than it would normally be...but the troughs are much [i]lower[/i] than the water woudl normally be. I didn't realise it, but the reason I'd been able to get out to the sandbar the week before was by bobbing up with the waves...[i]and being able to touch bottom between them.[/i] Without the waves, the water was consistantly over my head.

I tried not to panic, but it didn't really work. I was so [i]scared. [/i]I finally got a grip on myself and turned around, waited on the sand for my friends to finish playing. [/color]
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New Topic time!

What is the happiest you've ever been?

I always get really happy on holidays, Christmas and Thanksgiving in particular. Not only because I get a huge feast and a ton of presents, but also because my Grandma and two or three of my aunts come over. And with aunts come their 2 to 5 kids (AKA my cousins). And I love my cousins. Winter break rulez.
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[color=indigo]I don't know about The Happiest I Have Ever Been, but last weekend was up there in terms of recent stuff. I've been lonely and a little friendsick up here at college, and last weekend two of my good friends came up to visit. It. Was. Incredible.

It was so great to have them around and be able to hang out with them. We didn't even do anything spectacular, just hung out. I haven't been that happy, and had that much fun, in a very long time.[/color]
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The happiest I have been...that is a tough one. I would have to say my wedding day. Of course it is the generic answer to every girl's "happiest day of my life" question..but it really was. Yes I was happy since I was getting married to my best friend but all the wedding planning was finally over! Weddings are a total nightmare to plan. Both John and I were happy we were finally married since the entire wedding planning was such a stress factory. We both decided we would never get divorced since the wedding was such a trial to get through. LOL
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[size=1]As of now, I would say that the happiest I have ever been would be a span of three weeks I spent in Europe a couple summers ago. I love history and I absolutely adore all things from ancient civilizations, so being able to actually stand in the coloseum or ride a gondola in Venice or stand right next to Winged Victory in the Louvre or visit the Parthenon or walk through the ruins of Pompeii was an experience that I will [i]never[/i] forget for as long as I live. I can say with reasonable confidence that I have never been happier.

I need to look at the pictures again. lol[/size]
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[color=#9933ff]Every time I go to NYC I have a great time, so those are probably the some of the happiest times in my life.

Christmas and birthdays from when I was little are probably my happiest memory of all, just because when you're little, everything's exciting and fun, and everything makes you happy. You know?

Other than that, more recently, my happiest day [u]ever[/u] was a day in NYC. Two summers ago I met a girl at tennis camp who was from Japan. She invited me to go to NYC with her and her cousin (who is in her 20's and lives in NYC). So we went, and we had a really good time. We went to times square and I bought a CD at the Virgin Megastore (thus my addiction to PuffyAmiYumi - ^_~), Chinatown for lunch, and we went on a ferry ride, and looked at clothes. It was awesome.

When we got back to New Jersey, Mayu and her aunt and uncle with whom she was staying took me to a Japanese mall with a book store where I bought vol. 1 of Chobits in Japanese. ^__^ Then we went over to an adjacent supermarket with a little order-in restaurant which was cool. I didn't understand how to pick up your order, but Mayu showed me. Heh. ^^;;; (And I bought lots of pocky in that store. Eeee! ^___^)

So yeah. That was definitely a good day. A lot of the days I've gone to see plays with my Mom or dad, or when I went to the Met. (art museum), those were good days. So I would have to say that NYC cheers me up a lot. ^^;[/color]
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[color=#B0251E]Yeah, I think fame is easily the least important. Some people are famous just for the sake of being famous (ie: Paris Hilton, lol). And really, what's the point of that? If people became famous for actually doing something good (well, some do, but most probably don't), then I think the landscape among celebrities would be very different. ~_^[/color]
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Guest Crimson Spider
The only reason why fame is associated with importance is because power and money come with it. Fame is something that can exist and have absolutely no effect on you if it were to exist. Being content and concerned with yourself is more important than the status of thosse around you, because a person near you can go away, but you are stuck with yourself.
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next topic!

What would you do if you had wings and could fly?

Well, first I'd do some cosplay as the guy from Escaflowne or Kalas from Baten Kaitos. Then, I would find a secret hideout and wear a costume and fly out over the town under the super hero alias "Kyohen."

Your turn
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[color=hotpink][size=1]I always imagine flying as a very magnificient sensation and regret that I have yet to experience, unless you count airplanes, which I don't. I would fly to classes, not having to bother to walk or try to get on the bus or anything stupid like that. I know that is such a silly answer, but getting to and from classes using a city bus is SO SO SO SO SO annoying, especially when there are pissy bus drivers. I don't know, I would just want to fly for the sake of flying, I think.[/color][/size]
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[SIZE=1]I would fly everywhere I went, unless it was really cold. I would probably also try to see how fast I could go, what kind of aerial tricks I could perform, and all that interesting stuff. I'd probably do so much stupid stuff I'd like... crash and die or something.

Yes, it would be a very interesting thing to do, but what if you flew into restricted airspace? Would you be shot at by a jet? Strange...[/SIZE]
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What was the scariest dream you've ever had?

I once had a dream which began with a bunch of scientisits who were writing some things while standing next to a device the shape of R2-D2. Suddenly a portal opens above it and a zombie crawls out. Suddenly, I was in an area with all of my family along with several neighboors at the entrance to our neighboorhood, which was for some reason was surrownded by hedges. The entire neighboorhood was there. The entrance looked kind of like this ------/ \------. Suddenly, there was this horrible howl (which sounded like a Balverine from Fable) and this huge round monster dressed in a clown like outfit came bouncing in. (If youve ever played Blinx the Time Sweeper, think the first boss). It caused some panic, but it dissapeared quickly. I, for some reason, left and started walking to a nearby McDonalds. I walked up to the counter, where there were two employees with disturbingly large smiles. I asked them if I could have some free food since the world was ending. They said I was a fool and gave me a free strip. As I walked home, I kept thinking zombies would surely come from the forest. Suddenly, I heard another of those freakish howls. I began running home, and hid behing one of the gates like this -----/ \.-------. Suddenly, the huge creature turned the corner and jumped towards me. Suddenly it dissapeared and i saw my mom (who looked like an anime charachter) holding a frying pan. Me and my family ran back to our house and my brother and I went upstairs. My brother's friend, Zack, was there too. I was acting very calm, and put a CD player to my ear. The CD player seemed to also be some for of Sega CD with some weird Mega Man stuff... I don't remember that part much. I remember hearing my brother say some cuss words and I remember thinking we could outrun the zombies and go to some other country, but other than that I only remember waking up with that horrible sound ringing in my brain.
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