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Your meaning in the world.


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[COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror, and asked yourself what your place in life was? What your destiny is? Or what your going to do with your future? :animestun[/FONT][/COLOR]
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[FONT=book antiqua][SIZE=2][COLOR=blue]For me, it's best not to look in the mirror. Gah, there's this ugly person that keeps staring back at me. What a weird, ugly, and creepy guy.

But anyway, everyone ponders that at least once. I don't know if anyone ever arrives at an answer though. I don't believe in destiny. I think fate is a load of crock that makes people in bad situations feel that they had no influence/control over what they have been put into.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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[QUOTE=AzureWolf][FONT=book antiqua][SIZE=2][COLOR=blue]For me, it's best not to look in the mirror. Gah, there's this ugly person that keeps staring back at me. What a weird, ugly, and creepy guy.


I have the exact opposite problem.

*Stares into mirror* Who is that handsome guy?

Hello, police? There's a handsome guy in my house!

...Oh, never mind. It's just me. :cool:

Anyway, back on topic, I have never once questioned the overall cosmic purpose to my life, simply because I don't care what it is, and I don't think it's worth the effort to try and valadate my existence on a universal scale.

I'm just going to march right on ahead with my life, and let other people ask questions about why I'm even alive. Trust me, they do.
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My purpose in life...just trying to survive.

As mentioned before everyone at some point wonders why they are here and what their purpose in life is. Who knows? I know I don't. I am just here for the ride. I'm just going to see where life takes me and enjoy the scenery along the way.
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[b][size=1]To bring as much chaos and disruption as I can to the lives of those that I care about... [/size][/b]

[b][size=1]That [i]seems[/i] to be what I'm here for... [/size][/b]
[b][size=1]If there's another purpose to my existence, I'm having a really hard time figuring it out... cuz bearing chaos and disruption seems to be the only thing I can do really well at this point...:animeswea .[/size][/b]
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I don't know, I lately have felt I have no purpose. My mom was talking to me about it, I asked her what my purpose in life was, and she said it was to make the world a better place, I told her I was going to do that until everyone else went and screwed it up beyond repair. She didn't find that as funny as I did. :animeswea
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Everyone wonders at least once in ther life what there overall purpose is. its human. But honestly i mean even if someone did figure out there purpose its isn't eternal. A purpose is only useful until its fulfilled and then its finished. I mean a purpose is really just a different name for a long term goal and what then? A goal ends at some point. So maybe its better if we just stick to the small picture....Or maybe i should just stop talking... :animesmil ;;;
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Life is as i see it simply meant to be lived. In doing so you'll do what you have to do to live it to the fullest and thus leave your mark on the world. Just live life as you feel it should be lived so long as your happy with it you'll find your making some sort of positive mark in the world as i see it then again my views on such things are always evolving seeing that i tend to think about things like this a lot lol its what i do i like to think myself to sleep at night ist a habit
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I don't know my purpose in life.
My friend once said "if my purpose in life, is just to make someone else happy..They can go get screwed, I'm not living for someone else". That made me laugh no end.
But I guess if my purpose is simply to make someone else happy, that seems to be a great reason to go on living, and i jsut need to find that person.
But right now i feel that my purpose for living is to keep on living untill i make a difference. When i have changed the world, then i can die knowing a have completed my purpose.
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[color=#B0251E]I don't really think I have a purpose to exist, other than to eat, sleep, have sex and die.

If I happen to have an impact on someone else's life along the way, though, that'd be nice. I say that because I know how much I appreciate it when others impact me in a positive way. The [i]quality[/i] of life is what it's all about, I think. So while I'm here, I might as well try to make my own life a quality one...and hopefully have some sort of positive impact on others. I think that's the most I can hope for really.[/color]
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Guest Alchemist
james you make good points but, you dont have to eat or drink or have sex. Dieing is the only thing mandantory right now. But in the future maybe we wont have to die, never know.
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We're just dust in the wind, so why not make the best of it.
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[quote name='Siren']We're just dust in the wind, so why not make the best of it.[/quote]
[size=1]Yeah, really. You know you're going to be here for a while so you might as well make the most of it. I don't think it really matters if you believe in fate or destiny or not, as long as you live your life according to your own beliefs and dreams. Be active, go out and have fun and make some crazy memories so that when you get old you don't look back and think about all the things you didn't do instead of the ones you did. Sinatra said it best: "I did it my way."

Personally, it's my life mission to make every one a little weirder. Laughter is the best medicine, and such.[/size]
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[QUOTE=Arcadia][size=1]Yeah, really. You know you're going to be here for a while so you might as well make the most of it. I don't think it really matters if you believe in fate or destiny or not, as long as you live your life according to your own beliefs and dreams. Be active, go out and have fun and make some crazy memories so that when you get old you don't look back and think about all the things you didn't do instead of the ones you did. Sinatra said it best: "I did it my way."

Personally, it's my life mission to make every one a little weirder. Laughter is the best medicine, and such.[/size][/QUOTE]

[FONT=Georgia][SIZE=1] Wow exactly how I would have said it. I guess you should live your life to the fullest, that is everyones true purpose. For you it may be completely different from soneone else but everyone has their own way. Memories truely are the greatest thing to look back on, so go make some. Thinking about your destiny/fate can drive a person crazy. Just eat, live, breathe, and have fun while your young cause it don't last long!

But then again..don't have TOO much fun O.o; [/SIZE][/FONT]
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[QUOTE=James][color=#B0251E]I don't really think I have a purpose to exist, other than to eat, sleep, have sex and die.

You forgot work.

[quote]We're just dust in the wind, so why not make the best of it.[/quote]

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  • 2 weeks later...
I dont know the meaning of life, so i will just my friends meaning of life, you know to post something

"I hate to follow one philosophical post with another,but I was just watching one of George Carlin's comedy specials,who is probabley one of the best comedians to ever live,but anyway in he mentioned that he figured out the meaning of life at an early age and the meaning is simply,Don't Die! It realy makes sense,does'nt it?.. Obviously if you have more dogmatic beliefs,this probabley won't fit with you,but realy,its quite profound.It got me thinking,what makes us human? what seperates us from the animals?....Having a language to communicate with.Think about it,the only think seperating an infant from say a donkey is potential,thats it.It can learn to speak and thus communicate.Because we think in language,we can ponder things just like now.If we had no language,we can only rely on our most base human instincts.If a child does'nt learn how to speak a language or is'nt taught any skills which are crucial to the developmental process,he can't evolve mentally.If you've heard of the term,"Feral Child" then you might see where i'm getting.If your not familar with the term just think "Jungle Book" without the talking animals.A Feral Child is one who at an early developmentally stage is cut off from civilization and is forced to live with animals.It happens and its rare they grow to be able to function in society.When you realy think about it,language opened our minds and without it,we would be no different than a common chimp. "
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