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Should Sport Hunting Be Made Illegal?


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This is a question that my friend and I were assigned for Debating and we both decided that It should be made Illegal but I want to hear about your Opinions. Down here in Australia, Thousands of Kangaroos are killed every Half-year but according to some Statistics that say that more than half of these numbers are killed for Sport. Don't you find it terrible that wil Animals are being killed for Fun? I know that some Animals are killed because they are pests but they are still wild Animals and we have no control over their habits.

What are your views on this Topic, We really could do with the Opinions of others.
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[color=#B0251E]It's hard to say, for me. On the one hand, I know that farmers kill some kangaroos/rabbits/mice because they are often considered to be pests. And because they live in abundance (ie: large populations that rapidly reproduce), it's never considered to be as serious as when someone cuts down trees where koalas live (because obviously they have a very specific diet and require very particular living conditions).

If someone is just hunting them for sport, I personally can't say that I support or understand it. However, if they're combining that with the fact that there's a need to get rid of them (due to the pest problem), then I really wouldn't have an opinion one way or the other.

So generally I don't really know how I feel about this subject. I can see the need to cull certain animals based on the pest question, but I personally don't understand the fun of hunting animals. Not to say that I'd necessarily want to make it entirely illegal (for the aforementioned reasons), I just personally wouldn't get any pleasure from killing something in general.[/color]
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My opinion is that wild animals should be killed only if they are a considerable nuisance, or if they are in pain. IMO people get enough food and clothing materials out of tamed animals.

But unfortunately world isn't as simple as that. The hunters claim that without their efforts the populations would overgrow, and begin to spread to people's backyards - and who would want a wolf at their back door? People who breed foxes and weasels etc. for furs claim that it is their job, and it shouldn't be taken away from them. There's always excuses for being able to kill "inferior beings". (I'm not saying that people who hunt are all lunatic murderers, but if one gets satisfaction from killing, something's bound to be wrong...)

What people usually fail to remember that this planet belongs to animals as much as humans. Sure, we have managed to climb to the top of the food chain, but does that mean we can just ignore the nature alltogether? This connects to the question of environmental protection, but I'm not going there.

I think that with power over the other lifeforms comes a responsibility to protect the biodiversity, taking from the nature only what is needed, and giving something back.

Of course all this is just idealistic talk. Things won't change until we people change them. Restricting hunting licenses is a beginning, but in the world of today it won't happen. Future is the answer, so if our generation raises its children to be respective and considerate towards nature and all life, this planet has still hope.
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[QUOTE=Sage] The hunters claim that without their efforts the populations would overgrow, and begin to spread to people's backyards - and who would want a wolf at their back door? People who breed foxes and weasels etc. for furs claim that it is their job, and it shouldn't be taken away from them. There's always excuses for being able to kill "inferior beings". (I'm not saying that people who hunt are all lunatic murderers, but if one gets satisfaction from killing, something's bound to be wrong...)
Have you ever been hunting? I'm just wondering. Also the hunter's "claim" as you put it is truth. Deer are a great example of why hunting should always be legalized.
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My schools message board has 18 pages of me arguing with asorted Pro-Hunters. They seem to drift out of it, and I get new Bone head to argue with.
I think it should be illegal. it is just another Blood sport, like Bear baiting, and just as wrong. Poeple who kill for sport are just like murderers, and humans shouldn't consider themselves better. Sometimes i am just such a misanthropist :animesigh
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I kind of agree with you but remember, The Tasmanian Tiger was hunted to Extinction mostly due to sport hunting. An entire species was killed off in Tasmania because they found that it was a pest but you must remember that hunting and feeding is an Animals basic instics so we can't change them when they attack or consume a Farmers Property. And don't forget Entire Tribes of Aboriginals were killed off in Tasmania for the hell of it.
Killing off a Species seems to be our way of establishing that We are Top dog. I guess it is Human nature to do stuff like this but I still personally think that Sport Hunting is wrong.
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Is this the Bambi generation or what? Hunting is awesome. However, I'd prefer a game of paintball or laser tag, just because human targets are a little smarter and there's movement involved. If you intend to eat what you kill though, then I fully support hunting. Animals don't have rights.
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Poeple who kill for sport are just like murderers, and humans shouldn't consider themselves better. [/QUOTE]

Why not? We are better; we're smarter, deadlier, and have kicked the crap out of every other species on the planet, without horns, fangs, venom or anything of the sort. There's a reason we're on top of the food chain.

People> Animals, for the most part.
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[quote name='Harry']Have you ever been hunting? I'm just wondering. Also the hunter's "claim" as you put it is truth. Deer are a great example of why hunting should always be legalized.[/quote]

No, frankly I hate everything that is connected to it: guns, killing, men acting all macho, crawling through bushes... But that doesn't mean I can't have an opinion about it, does it now?

In my country hunting and restraining animal populations are still a big part of common life, especially in the countryside. If I'd gone ahead and presented my opinions in a smalltown pub, I'd surely gotten a beating just for being a city-dwelling little homo. In this country every discussion related to the matter is always divided by where you live, which is sad, really (nothing is resolved with "we're right, you guys are wrong, period" attitude).

I'm amused by the claim that overgrown population of mooses and deer kill innocent people who are just peacefully driving along the roads. But isn't it the people who have built their roads through the forests where the animals live. I'm not saying that people have to stop building roads, they should just stop whining and concentrate on improving the safety of the roads with e.g. fences (not guns!). Same goes to wolves, who must be the most misunderstood species in the whole planet (meaning people think they're pure evil, when they are just beasts acting like nature intended.)

Again, my opinions, not claiming them to be the Ultimate Truth, get over it...
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[quote name='Sage']No, frankly I hate everything that is connected to it: guns, killing, men acting all macho, crawling through bushes... But that doesn't mean I can't have an opinion about it, does it now?[/quote]
If you want to make uninformed opinions based on facts you make up, that's fine with me.
I'm amused by the claim that overgrown population of mooses and deer kill innocent people who are just peacefully driving along the roads. But isn't it the people who have built their roads through the forests where the animals live. I'm not saying that people have to stop building roads, they should just stop whining and concentrate on improving the safety of the roads with e.g. fences (not guns!). Same goes to wolves, who must be the most misunderstood species in the whole planet (meaning people think they're pure evil, when they are just beasts acting like nature intended.).[/QUOTE]
Fences do not slow down overpopulation. One way or another deer are going to die. If deer had any natural predators left (wolves aren't too many anymore unfortunately) they would be less of a pest. Also deer do kill innocent people when they're driving, because they will run [b]in front of your car at a moments notice for absolutely no reason[/b].
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First of all, let me just say that anyone who says hunting is wrong should first think about whether or not they've ever gone fishing. Because if you go fishing, you're hunting fish. You bait them, trap them, pull them out of their natural environment (water), and kill them. If you throw them back, then you're just wasting both your and the fish's time, not to mention leaving them with a mouth injury.

I think hunting is okay, even if guns give me the willies. That doesn't mean I'd go hunting for deer, though. Like I said, I don't like guns. However, far be it from me to deny a hunter of their pasttime. I go fishing.
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  • 3 weeks later...
I'm on a roll!

Two words: Population control!..of rare species..don't look at me.

There is, however, one species that must be controlled. When looking at Deathbug's pikachu pic, I realized something. WE REALLY NEED TO CONTROL THE POKEMON CLONE POPULATION. Those buggers are just infesting everything from Kanto to the Hoen Region!

On a serious note, if the majority of hunting (killing in numbers) is indeed for sport (especially if the matter involves KANGAROOS, FOR CHRIST SAKES!), then something [I]must[/I] be done about it.

I picked this thread as I thought that I should express my opinion on the matter. The debate has probably already been decide. None-the-less..
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