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Star Wars: Sith Invasion (play)


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They exit Lucius' ship, only to be met by 3 squadrans of imperial droids. Darth Ice stands at the front of them.

Darth Ice: I do not like it when people spit at my friends.

Lucius attempts to spit at Darth Ice, but Darth Ice raises his hand, and Lucius flies back into the wall.

Darth Ice: You underestimate your opponents so much, it almost garuntees your defeat. Take them away.

With that, the droids take the squad off to the cells in the Death Star prison.
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Juno: Isn't there always but he can get us in the Death Star and that is all the count.

Treme: Death Star Master?

Juno: A battle station with the power to blow up planets.

Treme: Then we will run into Sith for sure then.

Juno: Yes.
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Treme: I had a friend who was a rebal piliot, Master....and I heard from him that the rebelion is seeking the plans for the Death Star...is this true?

Juno: It is

Treme:then would it be unreasonable to assume that the price from your friend would be to get the plans Master?

Juno: It wouldn't
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Juno: But unfortunately there are Sith on the Death Star. So we have to go as well.

Treme: I see.

Juno: We would deliever a big blow to the Sith if we find a weakness to the Death Star.

Treme: But the Death Star have a lot defence,

Juno: That it does.

Pilot: We will be arriving in 15 minutes.
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*the ships lands*

Juno: Come along my apprentice

*Treme follows Juno to the local bar*

Treme:Master why are we here?

Jeno: We will meet my friend here....and we will less likely be picked out in a bar like this...

*The two sit down at a table and wait*
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Lucius:And why didn't you know there were going to be droids?

Pilot:it's not my fault.

Pilot2:But it's mine...


Pilot2:U fool! I'm and under-cover agent! HAHAHA! Now Your precious rebellion will fall from all the information i have!*storm troopers walk in and release the traitor*

Lucius:Now u don't!*slashes the traitor and stormtroopers w/ his light saber*

Pilot:Your a Jedi?

Lucius:Well, I sure as hell ain't Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Darth Ice:*enters room* Alright Jedi, ur coming with me**levitates Lucius using the force*
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After several minutes Hito regaines contiousness and rises to his feet

Hito: damn sith *pick up lightsaber* i'll have to be less cocky next time

*Runs to the hanger where his V wing fighter is held*

Hito: R2 are we ready to take off

R2D3: Yes ship engines are online and weapons are fully charged

Hito: alright charge up the engines were heading for that death star

*the ship explodes out of the hanger with a burst of speed*

Hito: how long before we reach to death star ?

R2D3: 12 minutes hito

Hito: ok those siths will pay dearly for what they did to father

after 12 minutes Hito reaches the battle

hito: alright deflector sheilds up all laser banks on

*Hito takes aim on a sith ship and fires the ship is decintigrated*

Hito now for more fun he starts dog fighting with a few of the tie fighters

OK I'm heading for the main hall i feel that there is a disruption in the force there

*Hito blasts a few of the droids out of the way with his laser and destroys to tie ships that are docked in the bay*

Hito: *steps out of his ship and walks over to the neerest guard*

Hito: I wish to see darth ice immediately

Stormtrooper: no jedi like you is getting to see lord ice without passing through me

Hito: as you wish

*hito pulls uot his light saber and slices the stormtrooper in half*

Hito: anyone else ?????????
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Darth Terra Sits next to the Emporer(sp) in his throne

Darth Terra: My master.

Emporer: What is it my friend?

Darth Terra: The rebels are trying to find a weakness in the death Star

Emporer: I know

Darth Terra: Let me and Ice destroy them and the Jedi

Emporer: All in due time, my friend
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Hito: now have any of you other stormtrooper a problem with taking me to see Darth Ice

Stormtrooper: I have

Hito: fine my unwitted foe you shall die next

Stormtrooper: *choke* all right i shall take you to see him

Hito: good good

hito strolls through the maze of corrodoors on the deathstar finally reaching the Emporers throne rome

Hito: ahh emporer palpatine you look well

Emperor: and who are you you jedi ???

Hito: i am hito kabai jedi master

Emperor: ahh a jedi master and what are you doing here young jedi ??

Hito: i have come to chalange darth ice to a duel

Emporer: a duel eh very interesting it seems that the choice is entirely up to lord ice himself

Hito: Is lord ice *snigger* not here at the moment

Emperor: no but my other sith apprentice Darth Terra is

Emperor: Drath Terra step forward and teach this young jedi a lesson

Darth Terra: yes my master

*Terra steps forward and reveals his lightsaber*

Darth Terra: do try to hold onto your lightsaber this tim :laugh:

Hito: All right you sith pig lets see what you've got

*hito walks forward and bears his lightsaber*

Hito: come on

*Darth Terra wals over and they calmly begin to lightly spar with eachother but soon the fighting begin to get serious*

Hito: thats it i'm done warming up

Darth Terra: fine

*Hito moves like lightning in front of Darth Terra and kicks him square in the head*

Terra: How....how did you do that??

Hito: Come on you can't be this weak

Terra: go to hell

*Terra launches a furious set of attacks against hito*

*Hito easily blacks them all and finally uses the force to take Terra's lightsaber from him*

Terra: why......why didn't you fight like this on alderan

Hito: i wanted to take the measure of you skills

Hito grasps his hand into a fist and darth Terra begins to choke

Terra: all right *choke* i..i give up

Hito: ok *throw terra's lightsbaer to the emperor and leaves back for the docking bay*

Emperor: that boy has a lot of talent he could be a great sith

*Hito flys out of the docking bay and begins and attack on some TIEs*

Hito: that wasn't much of a challange
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unlike Lucius who was captured strider had mysterisly evaded his capture by fakeing his death at the hands of sevrel storm troopers . haveing no one tailing him strider did not find it to hard to make it aboard the death star. strider watched hito dispatch darth tera strider: impressive , most impresive
as hito left the room strider strode into the throne room , palpatine did not look surprised at all

palpatine: ah young Bill atlast you've figuered out what you are...
a sith lord, come rule with me as your father before me and togerther we will bring order to this caotic galexy.

Bill: ha you think I would be so foolish ? I do not come to you for partner ship but for questions and if you give me what I want You may leave the throne room alive.

palpatine: you idle minded fool you are like your father an idealistic dreamer but i may be able to change that yet

bill: wrong awnser , tell me what I want why did you order the slautering of those babey jedi and why did you make it so dart tera could not fight to his abilty I felt you weakin him but for what purpose ?

palpatine: ha maybe if you can truley dispatch of my aprentice lord Ice you can get your awnsers and much more.....

dart ice falls from the ceiling as if he were simly summoned had he been thiere the whole time why is it he is invisable to my sences , no matter I must finish him quicly but he is a varible foe and i must be careful
with that bills black blde clashed with that od dart ice and they danced to the dead mans dance to the victor went the galexy ......
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Darth Ice: Are all you Jedi so ignorant that your sight does not extend beyond your nose?

Darth Ice extends his hand, and Strider flies across the room and into a wall. He is knocked out.

Emperor:*thinking* How can Lord Ice be so powerful? His power equals my own......... this is impossible.

Darth Ice: Master, I wish to find that idle Jedi by the name of Hito.

Emperor: Why is that?

Darth Ice: Because, he thinks he has the power to beat all Sith, because he took advantage of Darth Terra's cockyness. I will show him how futile battling.....

Darth Ice grins at Terra

Darth Ice: A real Sith is.
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Ok just a point of clarison majora you say you see me enter through a door when in my last post i say im battling TIE's out in space so just how am i back on the deathstar ok ?? and people please join my new story *legend of the dragon's heart*

*hito send a trans mission to all rebels carft telling them who he is and that he isn't and enemy*

Hito: ok the main reactor entrance should be aroung here somewhere

*hito see's the gap and begins his decent in to the monstrous beast*
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as bill regains conciseness he thinks ~ damb it my rage had clouded my mind it will not happen again~
Stands up ,lucius seems to be in much the same state as I
Bill: darth ice I fear you have made a critical error for I am niether jedi nor sith I am free of such petty bickering . And from my personel experience all that are ignorent are not jedi .
Bill dissapers suddenly and dart ice swipes his light saber through the empty air where bill once stood ~laughing~

darth ice : get down here jedi
bill: who is the ignorant one I have explained I am no mere jedi.

the re avaporated shape of bill flys through the air lightsaber extended darth ice barely perrying his blow and rolling to the side.as the 2 warriors exchanged blows faster then lightning Lucius sat thiere amazed never had he seen such a fight.
how could that guy who seemed like such a boob in space fight so fiercely and gracefully here it didnt make sence?

palpatine: yes it is boggleing young one but you see these to have superceded the normal strenth of a jedi or sith they are the future.
lucius just sat in shock as the battle raged on.

darth ice : resitance is futile I out match you by far.
bill : does your hatred cloud your mind so? I once thought like you but I have seen the..... arg way of the force

bill dissapered once again : you can not fight what you cant see give in , submit and I will spare you...

Darth ice : NEVER.....
darth ice let out a fierce blast of dark force energy and when the cloud of smoke had cleared the only clue to his location was the broken window that led into the main shaft

BIll : it seems your aperntice has forsaken you palpatine

palpatine: move a step and your young jedi friend dies ...
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Strider suddenly hears Darth Ice's vioce.

Darth Ice: You truly are no Jedi. Jedi's are not as foolish as you. I would never disobey my master, and indeed I am still here.

Darth Ice suddenly appears infront of Strider.

Darth Ice: I NEVER back out of a fight.

Strider: Then this will be your last.

Darth Ice: Fool!

Darth Ice raises his hand, and raises Strider into the air. Darth Ice's eyes are completely black.

Darth Ice: The extent of my power is far beyond you. *Turns to Emperor Palpatine* AND YOU!!!

While still holding Strider in the air with his force, Darth Ice raises his other hand, and throws the Emperor across the room. Darth Terra draws his lightsabre, and takes the Emperors head off.

Darth Ice:*grins* Your turn Strider!
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[color=crimson]Aight... i got lost somewhere in the story... i'm changing... i'm a jedi apprentice.... named... Ken...

[i]Ken walked in the streets of Courscant... he was following his Teacher and Master.... they were going to the jedi council[/i]

Ken: Master... Do you think the jedi council will agree to what you plan to do?

Jedi: young padawan.... What i plan must be done... the Sith must be stopped...

Ken: Are you going to defy the council again master?

Jedi: If i must...

[i]They continue to the Jedi Council...[/i][/color]
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strider raises himself of the floor holding his chest blood trickles from his moulth and the gash on his forhead. he wipes the blood from his moulth with a smile and fangs protrude out the corners and with a demonic laugh he stands erect : alas a worthy oponet , i can now harness my true powers . for you see I have become what we origanly were a weapon , yes are sole purpose in this galexy is to be a weapon, or the ultimate peace keeper but we grew soft as are master engaged a battle with a worty oponet leaving uss to our own devises the magie were formed then disbanded then the sidi wich split into the sith and jedi each step of evolution making us weaker , the force is not a tool or a weapon it is a way for the time lord to controll us we are his pawns with him as our ally we gain ultimate power the power to ripple reality, i have found my true calling and have learned to go as i will with my new found skills .
strider outstreches his hand and as he does the empors body reanimates as if on an instant replay : Im not done with him yet.

darth ice : so youve learned a few new tricks , My powers far exceed yours

slashs out at strider but the blade keeps going as if through fog , ice: holagram how could have been fooled.
strider punches dart ice , he is very solid,: you fool did you not witness the reanamation of your former master I am in controll no longer do I play with you I can minipulate reality , I admire your courage Join me and together we can restor this galexy and when you lern the true ways of the force we can continue this fight.

darth ice: I refuse to belive it take up your arms I will not be denied this fight .
darth ice struck with all his might strider would not evade him , and he did not as their lightsabers inter locked enery sparked from the strain of the force they were recieving,and as the battle raged lucuis took up the fight against darth terra and the emporer stood in skock he had just witnissed himself die but some how lived why???
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[color=crimson][i]The Jedi master and Ken arrived at the Jedi Council... Ken stood behind Orion (The jedi Knight) and listened as Orion talked to the council.... Eventually the council said no to the idea.... and sent Orion and Ken on their way...[/i]

Ken: Well... that's that... they said no to us directing a assult on the sith...

Orion: Ken... We will attack the sith...

Ken: On our own?

Orion: Yes.... We will assult Darth Ice and Terra...

Ken: But Master Orion!

Orion: hush young padawan... Do not fret... for when we die we become more powerful than you cnap ossibly imagine...

Ken: Errr.... Alright Master...

Orion: Good... now come..

[i]They walk to their ship....[/i][/color]
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[color=crimson][i]Orion and Ken fly to the place Darth Ice was last seen... teh Death Star[/i]

Ken: Noooo way in hell i'm going in there

Orion: Watch your mouth young padawan...

Ken: but it... is... THE DEATH STAR! FOR GOD'S SAKE

Orion: -_-

Ken: Errr... Sorry Master...

Death Star: Heh... Jedi Eh? Mistake to come here....

[i]A tractor beam locks onto their ship and Ken sighs[/i]

Ken: I'm too young to die....[/color]
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Darth Ice: You do not know my power......... I am still superior.

Darth Ice lifts Strider up with his bare hands.

Darth Ice: I have courage, but my power far exceeds my courage.

Darth Ice takes his lightsabre, and stabs Strider in the knee.

Darth Ice: If you wish to join me, then I will take no orders from you.

Strider cries out in pain.

Darth Ice: For years I have obeyed the Emperors every wish, and I am sick of it. Now, I AM THE EMPEROR!!!
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[color=crimson]Try and draft me into the story.... i dont want to have to start over... again...

[i]Orion and Ken sit in a hangar at the death star surrounded by... Storm Troopers[/i]

Ken: Master... what do we do now?

Orion: Sneak your way to where Darth Ice is.... i snese a disturbance in the force.... follow the force there young padawan... i'll do the same...

Ken: Yes master....

[i]They sneak out the secret door under the ship and use Jeid Speed to zoom past the storm troopers... They both head for where Darth Ice is...[/i][/color]
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