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are games larger than last year?


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[SIZE=1]What do you mean... Do PS2 games have more gameplayability? Well I think they do... I don't have one but I have seen the games... and since they are bigger (maybe better) they have more gameplay time...
Well... if that's what you mean...:confused:[/SIZE]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by NeoCactuar [/i]
[B]I heard that FFXI could be two double-sided PS2 discs. That?s pretty long. [/B][/QUOTE]

[SIZE=1]Double sided?! Whoa... that's 4 discs then...

And if you compare a PSX disc with a PS2 disc, the PS2 disc is three times more powerful...

so that means that... that is equivalent to 12 PSX discs... I think.[/SIZE]
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[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I recently played Kessen 2 (basically Dynasty Warriors and Kessen rolled into 1 nice package) The graphics are very nice, and the spell effects are very awesome, but the overall length is very much lacking. It was really easy to beat, and I hope that it is because I picked up the gameplay right away, and not because it was THAT easy. I don't know if there are tons of secrets as in Dynasty Warriors, but if not, then this game is definitely not worth the time or the money to get. I am glad I rented it instead of buying it.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ShadowGohan [/i]

[SIZE=1]Double sided?! Whoa... that's 4 discs then...

And if you compare a PSX disc with a PS2 disc, the PS2 disc is three times more powerful...

so that means that... that is equivalent to 12 PSX discs... I think.[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE]

Yeah, but remember, there are A LOT of graphics to put in, and i think one of them was for the online gaming system, but still. Hopefully it will be big.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ShadowGohan [/i]

[SIZE=1]Double sided?! Whoa... that's 4 discs then...

And if you compare a PSX disc with a PS2 disc, the PS2 disc is three times more powerful...

so that means that... that is equivalent to 12 PSX discs... I think.[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE]
Final Fantasy IX is 4 discs. Shadow Gohan you're completely wrong there (Not critiscising (sp)) What Sephiroth said is very true SONY is concentrating more on graphics, which can be quite dissapointing with some of the games.
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This topic is on a large raise on gameplay, not FF9. There is another forum for that, so go there. I'll just post on the topic...............

There has been a quite large raise in gameplay for 2001. It has raised by 25% in Australia, 47% in the US, and a whopping 79% for the UK!
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what are you people talking about, gameplay doesn't change as time passes, it all depends on the type of game. FF3 for the SNES was just as long as 7 or 8...9 was a little longer, hell Xenogears was 1 disc and was longer than...pretty much everything. Metal Gear Solid 1 is probably the same length as 2, since they need a lot of time and effort to make it. Does anyone really want to play a metal gear solid that lasts 40 hours? (and do u want to wait 10 years for them to make it?). When a series comes out on the same system (kessen and kessen 2, FF7 and FF8, um...banjo kazooie and it's dumb sequel), of course they're going to add a few more levels, make it slightly longer, and duh 32-bit games are going to be longer than NES or game gear ones. Also what do u mean disc "power"? If you mean memory than it's not exactly 12x, a PSX CD can have 650mb, and a PS2 DVD can have...ah...up to 6GB I think it is, not exactly sure, either way, disc length doesn't matter either. The x-files 5 disc game (saw my cousin play, heh) took maybe an hour because of it being mostly real footage (gah I forgot the technical word...used it a lot for many crappy Sega CD games....damn I can't remember ><)....oh full motion video, heh yay ok anyway...ah... yeah I like games long, but I'd rather they leave it as is instead of inserting pointless quests or added blah-ness just to make it one hour longer.
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Guest Cyclone
Well here's a few games that were way too short but were good.

-Devil May Cry
-Klonoa 2
-Star Wars: Starfighter

There's mopre but that's what I can come up with off the top of my head. So to make it shorter I think that games are getting shorter this year rather than longer.
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