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-Appocalypse- (play)


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[color=crimson][i]Ken's heart was beating... he ran thru the desolate city... something... was following him[/i]

Ken: Mutant... or undead?... Gotta escape... Laser Katana On!

[i]A katana with a red laser appeared before Ken... it is longer than a normal katana... Ken turned around and looked around...[/i]

Ken: Where is it... the thing that is following me...

[i]Ken looked down the street... a shadowed figure stood there[/i]

Ken: Mutant... damn...

[i]The figure took off his cloak... he was disfigured... his skin was the color green... his eyes had moved further apart, his flesh rotting off...[/i]

Ken: Uh... ew

[i]Ken ran at the mutant with his katana in a attack postion... he jumped over the mutant and turned around and slashed thru the middle of the mutant.. it fell over dead...[/i]

Ken: There has to be normal people somewhere around here... i mean... not everyone in texas was changed... or in the world... right? that's impossible... i cant be the only human left... right?...

[i]His question was answered by no one... the wind howled over the destroyed city...

To be continued...[/i][/color]
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*Treme stood up and looked out of his bunker disgusted by the sight. Dead bodies that had been shut out at the last moment were all over the place...The stench from the bunker was also unbearble.....something had happend....something had killed all the people in the bunker besides him....he couldn't remember what but he knew something had happened.... Treme climbed out of the bunker*

Treme:.......i wonder if anyone else is alive.....*Treme looked across the land remembering what this place once looked like...their used to be trees and plant life and buildings...now their was ruins and wastelands...Treme began to walk to the city hopeing to find someone there*
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[color=crimson][i]It was nearing midnight... Ken knew this meant one thing[/i]

Ken: Undead....

[i]Ken put on his nightvision goggles and readied his Laser Sniper rifle[/i]

Ken: I know... they come out at night... it's been 2 days since the Nuclear War Ended... I have learned this much... undead... i know you're here...

[i]Ken held his Laser Katana Close... looking around in the darkness carefully... Suddenly it hit midnight... and it instantly got darker[/i]

Ken: Oh ****...

[i]Skeletal Hands began to pop out of the ground around Ken... Skeletons emerged... Bearing Swords and Sharp Teeth[/i]

Ken: This... could be bad...

[i]Ken began to fight...

To be continued...[/i][/color]
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*Treme was in the middle of the wasteland about half way to the city when he heard them*

Treme:....undead....the scouts reported such after the nukes hit...

*Treme drew his Sword then began to fight slowly making his way to the city*
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[color=crimson][i]Ken ran quickly down the street.... the horde of undead not far behind[/i]

Ken: Goddamn it....

[i]The undead turn the corner and Ken is not seen...

Ken is running up the stairs in a skyscraper which is barely damaged...

[b]Lucky building... all the other buildings are... not there... anymore..[/b]

Ken makes his way to the top and hopes to god he can make it the rest of the night without dieing

To be continued...[/i][/color]
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*Treme keep moving foward slicing his way to the undead. As he arrive in the city he see's that only one building is still standing....he decides to head for that shadow and begins to run slicing his sword through an undead when ever he can't out manuver them*
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*Treme walks up on to the roof and takes a look around. At first glance he mistakes Ken for a dead body then relizes that it is another LIVING huma being*

Treme:umm hello? .....I come in peace *Treme raises his hands in the air *
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[color=crimson][b][i]Wait... i've heard that voice before...[/i][/b]

Ken: Treme?

Treme: Ken?

[i]They both laugh[/i]

Ken: You survived! I havent seen u in a few years since the war started!

Treme: Yea... boy... things are really bad out there...

Ken: Yea....

[i]The two long time friends have found each other...

But are there other living human beings?

To be continued...[/i][/color]
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((o.O it's 1:30 in the morning....i doubt anyone else will be posting till the sun comes back up where they live...))

Treme:....is it safe to camp up here Ken...I am tired i just had a long walk and don't want to go back down into the mass of undead....

Ken: I think it is safe....
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Kevin: Wow everything has been destory. Oh well. I better find somebody to talk to or else I go crazy. Wait there is a city about a four hours walk. I'll go there.

*he begin to walk for the city hope not to run in to any undead or mutant but at the same time wanting them to attack them so he he have something to do*
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Treme:.....well then do you mind if we rest up here also?

Siren:I don't

Ken:great.....Treme do you know if any other humans are still alive..

Treme:..none were at the bunker i was at....something killed them all...I don't know what it was but something killed them all...Humans have become the vast minority i have a feeling...and we have another problem


Treme:...food...and water...I have a little from the bunker but only enough to last a few days....
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Kevin: Look like I got to the city fast then I though. Good thing those mutants start chasing me.
*as soon as he enter the city he saw all the building was destory but one a skyscaper. soon he was attack by undeads and mutants alike.*

Kevin: Oh goody some fun.
*he pull out his light saber and start attacking the foes.*
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siren: i have acsess to all the supplise that people left behind... i- wait who's that... *points to kevin* he needs help... i'll be right back...

with that siren draws her sword and jumps off the edge of the building

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Treme: shouldn't we go help!?!

Ken:nah proubably by the time we got down there they would already be up here....

Treme:ahhh good point

*Treme thinks he hears footsteps and turns to face the door to the roof with his pistol drawn*
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Kevin: Oh boy is that a friend or foe I wonder.
*slice off two undeads heads. just then a mutant grap him by the leg.*

Kevin: Get off of me.
*he pull out his Glock and start shooting*
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Bryan: -pushes a concrete slab off of him- Ugh...that slab saved my life. I sure hope someone else lived through this. I just coulnd't be the last one alive... -looks around-

SOmething: -groans-

Bryan: I don't like this. -pulls out his doubled tipped laser sword- I don't like this at all....

Undead: -come popping up everywhere-

Bryan: Oh crap!! -looks around frantically- They can't climb can they?? Well I don't know but I wll take the chance! -hacks through the bodies, and climbs up the stairs- -comes to the top, and sees 3 figures- Who...what are you...??
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Kevin: My poor head it hurt. I guess I when a little to far with the gun again.

Siren: I'll say you almost hit me.

Kevin: Sorry about that. And who are you guys anywhere?
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