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The Ten Pin Bowling Thread.


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[color=crimson] Ten Pin Bowling, the sport where you throw a heavy ball down a wooden lane, and try to knock down as many pins as you can.

What are your experiences with ten pin bowling?

Myself, I am a somewhat serious competitor. I have my own bowling ball and I regularly bowl on Thursday nights with my mates, who have a competition for a tournament shield, which is actually just a painted plastic plate.

My highest score is 190, although this was somewhat a fluke. My avergae fluctuates between 100-125.

I enjoy bowling, do you?[/color]
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I started bowling almost a year ago after my dad entered us in a bowling league with my uncle, my cousin, and a bunch of other people. Up until that point I'd never bowled in my life, but it was a lot of fun, even though I obviously wasn't very good at first lol. I ended up getting a lot better, though, and my dad and I actually ended up as the first place team in the league. Too bad we didn't get anything for winning, haha. Just the satisfaction of being first place. :)

I haven't played regularly in a while; however, a friend of mine goes bowling with his friends on occasion, so I'll probably start up again by going to the lanes with them. I've got my own ball ([url=http://www.starwars.com/collecting/news/misc/news20050527.html][b]it's the Empire Strikes Back ball that you can see after clicking the 'Star Wars Bowling League' link[/b][/url]) and shoes, so I wouldn't have to get reacquainted with the junky crap they have at the alley. :p

Coincidentally, as for my high score and averages, I've got the same as you, Shinje. I've gotten close to topping 190 a couple of times but to no avail. My average was 120 at the end of the league... I doubt that I could approach that having not played for a few months, though, haha. At least not for a couple of games anyway. :cool:
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[SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting.

I don't really bowl all that often, despite the fact there's an alley in the nearest town newly opened. Though I do find bowling with a couple of friends to be immensely fun, the vast majority of the balls are too small for my fingers, and those that aren't are often very heavy, I should probably just invest in a decent bowling ball and make life easier on myself. On that note, the Yoda ball from Starwars.com pwns.

My usual score at the end of a game is somewhere in the 160/170 region, my highest has been around a 230 on a day where I was just on fire, either that or insanely lucky, either way I won ?45 in a bet so I don't really care which.[/SIZE]
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[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Woohoo, I think bowling rocks. I go bowling every Thursday night and I have my own bowling ball. It's black and red swirl and it has a lot of hook to it. I have only been bowling for almost a year and right now I have bowled a 220, 220, 204, 204, 205, 199, and those are just a few of my high games^^ But I usually bowl a 160-180 range if the lanes are good. You know, when the lanes are good and oily. Because the only bowling alley in my area pretty much sucks. I've bowled a 286 and another 286 with my handicap^^ I also have this big trophy because my team was the best, so that's pretty cool^^ Oh and I've gotten a lot of money bowling too. So, to answer your question, yes, I do bowl, a lot^^[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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[size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]I bowl like once a year, usually for family or friends. It's not something I'd plan myself, but when I do it it's fun enough, even though I suck. lol I think my highest score ever just clear 140 or something pathetic, I really am terrible.[/font][/color][/size]
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I don't think that there would be anyone who plays worse than me. I don't think my score has ever gone above 100 points... :animecry: It's not like I don't know how to play, I actually learned it at school a few times.
The problem's my arm. I think I'm throwing the ball straight, but because my arm bends outward a bit more than normal people, the ball goes into the gutter. People told me to use the kids ball, so that I could play properly. One problem, the finger holes are too tight, even for my tiny hand, and the ball gets stuck... So I use the adults ball, but the holes are too big this time. I once threw the ball backwards. Actually, I think I did that twice... :animeswea

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Oh how I miss bowling. My hubby and I bought each other custom bowling balls for wedding gifts for each other. He joked that instead of my name he should have put "Homer" on it. :p After we got married we would go bowling quite a bit. It was really cheap entertainment and we were both pretty good. Turkeys-o-plenty when bowling with us! But, alas, a perfect game was never had.

I haven't gone bowling since I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis. I've gone along to watch but no more bowling for me. :animecry:

(If you get the Homer reference you rock!)
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[FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkGreen]I totally suck at bowling, which is a terrible sin in a redneck community, such as mine. On dates, you go bowling, or to a movie. I can't bowl...I just chuck the ball as fast as I can. I always throw it the wrong way too. My high score was 300...because it was computerized and one of my friends hacked the system. I cheated...[/COLOR][/FONT]
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[COLOR=RoyalBlue]It?s been so long since I went bowling that I don?t even remember what my scores were. Other than they sucked that is. I do remember that it was fun even if a good amount of the time your ball ended up going down the side and hitting nothing. And seeing that there is a bowling alley less than a mile from where I live there?s really no excuse for me to not give it a try again.

Now I just have to convince my friends to come along too as bowling by yourself seems like it wouldn?t be as much fun. [/COLOR]
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Bowling, now there is something you do not hear mentioned often. Okay, I'll bite.

I only bowl everyone once in a while, last time was a send-off to a co-worker last year. I do kind of like the game, though my abilities with it are questionable. Usually, I start off as the best of the group, then watch my game go into the gutter (yes, intentional pun) while my friends get better. It's a bloody paradox, I tell you. ;)

As for my high score, no clue. Like I said, I do no play often, and my memory for those details sucks anyway.
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[COLOR=SeaGreen][quote name='SunfallE][COLOR=RoyalBlue']Now I just have to convince my friends to come along too as bowling by yourself seems like it wouldn?t be as much fun. [/COLOR][/quote]No need to convince me. ^_~ I?ve never been bowling and I?ve always wanted to give it a try. So I say we drag Mariskah and my mom along and go bowling! ^_^[/COLOR]
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