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Eternal Hymn


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I wrote this back in June '06. It was one of those moments where your fingers move, but you have no idea what you are writing... (Spirit guided writing, I guess.) So, after I thought enough was enough, I sat back and read what I had written only to freak myself out. (I'm not sure if any of you are all aware of my strange ''visions'', so if you want BG info, read my DA journal - Beware, its old. So, I might have to re-write it to update it. )

Anyway... This is what I wrote:


[U][B]Eternal Hymn[/B][/U]

[I]"You reside within a distant land. [/I]
[I] Far away, your spirit rests. [/I]

[I] My heart knows of your existance, [/I]
[I] as you call to me without a word. [/I]

[I] It pains me to be so far from you. [/I]
[I] Your face not staring at me with an expression of love. [/I]

[I] May my mind become all knowing so that I may find you. [/I]
[I] Let my days be filled with thoughts of the happy songs we will sing. [/I]

[I] Yes, when we are together, we will sing joyfully. [/I]
[I] Even the earth itself will resonate with a melodius hum upon our meeting. [/I]

[I] Until that time comes, be patient as I am having to be. [/I]
[I] Only in our dreams are we allowed to see each other. [/I]
[I] Yet I am satisfied. [/I]
[I] I am happy. [/I]

[I] Hold on my love for that day. [/I]
[I] The day that echoes like mirrors on mirrors in my dreams. [/I]
[I] Hold on till I speak my words to you. [/I]
[I] Till they wake you from your slumber."[/I][/center]
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Aww. Thank you.

To be honest, it doesn't matter if you can't get the hang of wording and grammar etc. As long as the concept is there, it doesn't really matter. (Unless its for professional purposes, of course.)
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[quote name='Axel Alloy']To be honest, it doesn't matter if you can't get the hang of wording and grammar etc. As long as the concept is there, it doesn't really matter. (Unless its for professional purposes, of course.)[/quote]
[FONT=Arial]I feel I should point out that this statement is only true if all you aim to get out of the time spent is your own personal satisfaction, and hang whatever anyone else thinks. This is fine in and of itself, but I think you're missing something.

Half the fun of writing is to entertain other people. If you push yourself to do the best you possibly can by learning concepts you don't know, then you can look back later and feel even more satisfaction at how much better you've become at what you do. Also, when people unanimously recognize that you have talent because you decided to make the most of it instead of settling for merely saying the concept, if you go for the Art Form of what you do and nail it, then you get even more pleasure than if you'd simply gone for getting the concept down and nothing else.

And also, I'm someone who not only wants to see people get progressively better as they go, but I also like giving praise. If you merely go for your own satisfaction, that's all well and good, but it means you've essentially shut me out of being able to tell you you did a good job.

So be careful how you apply relativism to the written medium. It could very well be backfiring on you without you realizing it.[/FONT]
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