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Speaker Pelosi: "Big Fat Liar"


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[COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]In another brilliant and glorious move, Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the house and head of every major committee on the Hill decided it was high time that someone got in front of this waterboarding thing and make an enormous jackass of themselves. As such, Pelosi dragged her botoxed and collagen injected face in front of a microphone and camera and called the CIA a bunch of lying bastards.

If you want to see her face and her words be my guest. Just photoshop a paper bag on her face, then you won't have to think about the fact that she hasn't blinked in 25 years.

[URL="http://apnews.myway.com/article/20090514/D9865AJO0.html"]Pelosi: "You're so misleading! Everyone is picking on me!"[/URL]

And if that weren't enough, yet another story about her.

[URL="http://voices.washingtonpost.com/thefix/house/pelosi-fuels-torture-fire.html"]The Washington Post's Analysis[/URL]

You know you've hit rock bottom when Karl Rove is calling you an 'accomplice to torture.' Isn't that wonderful?[/FONT][/COLOR]
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So she's saying the CIA mislead them... Here's where I say, tell me something we don't already know. It just looks like more finger pointing in an effort to pin blame elsewhere if you ask me. One of these days, someone will do something and just admit it, therefore sending everyone into shock since they didn't deny it. =P
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[FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Hmm, the blame game. A game in which you shouldn't complain if you miss your turn. But really, when [I]isn't [/I]someone calling the CIA misleading? And that would be hilarious. But at the same time people would probably go insane wondering why that person didn't just blame the man next to him/her.

How ironic, as soon a I attempt to post a reply, there's a story aboout Cheney, Obama and the CIA. Wow, go figure that something like this happens.[/FONT]
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[quote name='Rachmaninoff']It just looks like more finger pointing in an effort to pin blame elsewhere if you ask me. One of these days, someone will do something and just admit it, therefore sending everyone into shock since they didn't deny it. =P[/quote]
[FONT=Arial]Tell me about it.

The Blame Game is like a perpetual-motion merry-go-round. It just keeps spinning in circles and doesn't stop until everyone's been thrown off on their butt, reeling and puking and out of commission for about a decade.[/FONT]
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[color=#9933cc]They're all big liars. Nancy Pelosi is a liar, and so is the CIA. The CIA never plays nice with anyone - not with MI6, not with the FBI, or anyone else in Homeland Security, so I have a hard time believing them, too, in addition to believing Nancy Pelosi. *frowns*[/color]
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[COLOR="DarkGreen"][FONT="Tahoma"]Ah, the never ending... "It's your fault!" game. Sometimes I wonder about people, seriously. They have to know people aren't dumb enough to blindly believe it, but oh well.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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[font=franklin gothic medium]I don't think the CIA misled Pelosi. It is her [i]job[/i] to make sure she understands what she is approving, especially as Speaker of the House.

Funny how when things hit the fan, people start scattering - like cockroaches diving under furniture to avoid the light.

What annoys me most is the hypocrisy of many Democrats, who condemn the Bush Administration but who supported them in many aspects of their policy. Whether they were right or wrong is almost irrelevant - what bothers me most is the transparent lack of conviction inherent in many politicians.[/font]
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It's ridiculous, the **** we put up with from our politicians. If someone at your workplace had, say, stolen some money from the register, and somebody who had witnessed the crime was responding in the same fashion as Pelosi, there wouldn't be people dissecting their words and arguing over whether they were telling the truth or not; they'd fire them on the spot because [I]it's an obvious ****ing lie[/I].
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[quote name='John]It's ridiculous, the **** we put up with from our politicians. If someone at your workplace had, say, stolen some money from the register, and somebody who had witnessed the crime was responding in the same fashion as Pelosi, there wouldn't be people dissecting their words and arguing over whether they were telling the truth or not; they'd fire them on the spot because [I]it's an obvious ****ing lie[/I'].[/quote]Makes you wish we could do that to our politicians. Their behavior would take a sharp turn if they could be held accountable so easily for all the BS they do.
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