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Medieval Pokemon RP


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[color="#696969"][font="Tahoma"]So I've been playing Pokemon White recently and I've been kicking around the idea of starting up a Pokemon RP. I know OB has seen its fair share of Pokemon RPs but I haven't participated in one recently and they always seem to be the same basic idea. People sign-up as trainers in existing Pokemon world, RP starts and people start doing random things and then the RP dies.

I look to change that with this Medieval Pokemon idea. Basically this would take place in the times of Knights and Dragon Pokemon (hehe) before the invention of the Pokeball (a sophisticated piece of technology). So if you have a Pokemon with you it's because you've earned its trust and friendship and not just because you nailed it in the head with a metal ball.

In taking away Pokeballs and putting ourselves in this timeline I'm hoping there will be less emphasis on catching Pokemon and more on battling them/progressing the story together. Some Pokemon wouldn't exist yet/would exist in a more primitive form ([url=http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-bw/599.shtml]Klink[/url] for example wouldn't be metal gears, it would be wooden gears, or something else entirely). We could even get a few talented artists to create a few medieval-style Pokemon for people to use as well as the 460+ others.

While Pokeballs haven't yet been invented the world would still revolve around Pokemon. They would be used much more savagely though and there could even be a fair share of evil Pokemon (something you never really see much). We could even go as far as saying that this medieval Kanto (or wherever we decide, could even be a new place) is very religiously-minded and certain types of Pokemon could be forbidden for being evil (Dark, Ghost, Psychic, and Dragon types I'm looking at you) and so maybe the main story could revolve around our characters trying to prove that its humans that make Pokemon evil. (perhaps the main character befriends a forbidden Pokemon).

That's just one story idea I had, but I think you get the direction I'm aiming for here. It would almost be like your typical medieval/fantasy RP where people with different abilities go on an epic adventure, except with Pokemon instead of magic. Would anyone be interested in something like this? If so, do you have any ideas for the story or anything else you'd like to suggest?[/font][/color]
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I would sign up for sure! It's such and interesting concept, really, and I like it the more I think about it! No pokeballs is a good idea, too! I'm not sure about changing the form of a Klink, though. And Professor Juniper said they didn't even exist until they suddenly appeared a hundred years ago, so that's before the Olden Days.

I'd be happy to join either way!
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[font="Garamond"]One of the 4chan boards did a mock up of a Pokemon game when Prof Oak & the other Professor's were younger and I think this is a pretty fabulous step back from that, though one thing I would suggest is to make the amount of Pokemon much smaller. I'd think the original 150 or even fewer. The mock up I saw had the original Legendaries in 'baby' form or rather before they even became legendary - their unevolved forms. I think that would be a better way to do it, just imo.

[/font] Edited by OMNOMNOMALY
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[color="#8B0000"][size="2"][font="Trebuchet MS"]I think the concept of this RP is great. I agree with OMNOMNOMALY though when it comes to the number of Pokemon, but only because if this world is Medieval, then most of the world hasn't been explored yet, hence the lack of Pokemon from other Regions/Continents. I also like the idea about the Legendaries and how they came to be "Legendary"...it'd be interesting if Moltres (Articuno, Zapdos) was actually a common Pokemon in Medieval times, and an unforeseen crisis actually cause the species to become extinct...therefore prompting the remaining few to overcome the crisis, and gain their Legenday status. I don't know lol....jus throwing some ideas out there. If the plot was solid and this RP was up and running, I'd definitely participate. [/font][/size][/color]
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