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What's wrong with people?

D. Dark

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I could swear something ain't right.

I read the newspapers, and just see "Man murdered"
"Lunatic shoots 10"
"Robbers steal 6 million dollars"

What is wrong with people?

Have they suddenly gone insane, and decided to go around killing everyone. Some New Year, it's just got worse and worse as it goes on. It's like the world is falling into chaos.

It's just more obvious now. It was like this before, but not as severe. At this rate, humans will wipe themselves out.


Why do people wage wars, kill others, steal, blah?

I know it sounds pessimistic, but it's true? How many of you have been discriminated, bullied, prejudicied, and so on?

Something's wrong with the world, and soon enough it's gonna fall into chaos.

I don't understand why people have to go to such extremes to achieve their ends, why it is done with violence.

The world revolves around greed and ideals...

It's just depressing to see what we've become as a race, just primitive if you look at it.

As they say, "Only the strong survive"?

How did we come to this? Does anyone know? And does anyone have thoughts on what I'm saying? Please tell me what you think
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[color=indigo] Well unfortunatly noone will be ale to awnser those questions that you asked. My only insight for you is that violence ad defense are traits of the universe and nature, I believe that because of humankinds need to rationalize we created hatred, and eventually formed an emoton from it. It is what I would call a "Domsticated Emotion" as opposed to a "pure emotion" like fear...but that is just my theory[/color]
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[color=rainbow] I see the same topic on almost all the messge boards I go on. The truth is, you can't answer it. People are just like that. No ones knows why people do these things, and I dought we ever will. It's just a mystery of life. Maybe demons are possesing them, maybe they were taught to be that way, maybe it's a seed in all of us that only some make it bloom. Who knows? [/color]
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War is part of our nature. If you look back through out history, you will see that it is litered with wars. Its just how things are, there is no way to explain it. There will never be a period on earth where there will be no evil. Where there is good there is evil to. They dont exist with out the other. Whatever happend to the War to end all Wars? (WWI) Even seeing the large amounts of people killed, the wasted money and the lives that where torn apart still didnt end the fighting.

As for stealing and killing, it goes along with it. Its all evil. Sadly to say that I think the evil is starting to overtake the good. What can we do about it? I can not answer that. You cant get rid of evil entirely but we have to do what we can to suppress it.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by velvet paws [/i]
[B]people are just seriously fu*ked up these days....
must've been the parenting at some point...I really couldn't say...
..it's sad though.. [/B][/QUOTE]

yes i think it could be sumthing like that (there father beating them:( ) its very sad ....and very sick what they do but anger is a sad feeling i just think it is too bad for the people but mostly the victums:( :( :( :( :( :( :bawl:
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by D. Dark [/i]
[B]Something's wrong with the world, and soon enough it's gonna fall into chaos.[/B][/QUOTE]

[color=crimson]I think we're there already....

Humans themselves are infulenced by something they want so much that they fight over it....

If you look at it that way, all wars and such are over one person wanting something, another person resists...

Thus we strive for something, thus we kill...[/color]
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[color=deeppink]All of you should read [b]A Separate Peace[/b] by John Knowles.

He deals with the human nature and the line between jealousy and hatred, as well as with the subject of death

It touches on humans being so [i]consumed[/i] by hatred and jealousy that they act upon it violently...

Another book that many of you may have already read is [b]Lord of the Flies[/b]...it sort of deals with the same subject, but in a coarser, much more disturbing way :drunk:[/color]
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Whats wrong with people? Thats an oxymoron in itself... people.... are HUMAN! thus they are f-ed up beyond comprehention.... I have no more excuses for the human race. We are pathetic people. We are stupid people. We are insane people. Which makes me think twice about the fact God created us in his image.... his image must have been really screwed up then. But lets not turn this to some religious debate again (thats the last thing I need).... bottom line. Humans are messed up, thus they will do messed up things.
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Here is my theory....

We as a race have developed in terms of technology far faster than we have had time to evolve a mentality to deal with the implications of the technology, we have far more destructive power avaiolable now than ever, yet for some of us our mentality is the same, therefore the minority creates chaos.

I am never any good at explaining this, but that's my general idea.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by () [/i]
[B]You know whats strange?Monkeys are only 0.002%(I think) genetically different from humans...What went wrong with us???:confused: [/B][/QUOTE]

I suppose it does seem strange, but still, in genetic terms, 0.002 % is a damn big lob o' genetic code :D.
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Well,sincce we started talking "animals"(Well...I did any way)...Is it right for us to be the dominant species?I mean who can blame aliens for wanting to take over the world?They probably think they would be helping...they're probably right:rolleyes:
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I think were to smart for our own good, monkeys are only that little bit differant then us but their main goal in life is to survive and reproduce to keep their species alive, we have all these things to do and goals to do this or that and sometimes other people get in the way and people get mad and things start to happen over ideals making war. Religion is another big part of war, just cause people think differantly... oh well...
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scuse meh, i may be off the topic a bit but erm..i kinda got lost, anywho...people say "oh animals were only put on this earth for us to feed on!" but um...correct me if i'm wrong but arn't we animals?
*hangs up signs "EAT MORE POULTRY ..save the cows" irrelevent yes but gets a point out..if there was a point.....
and.. *looks to ken* since when did my brother get so damn smart O.o;;
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by () [/i]
[B]Well,sincce we started talking "animals"(Well...I did any way)...Is it right for us to be the dominant species?I mean who can blame aliens for wanting to take over the world?They probably think they would be helping...they're probably right:rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE]

.....excuse me while I try to make sense of this.......
......Damn, didn't work...

though I would say- Hell no! 'tis not right for us to be the dominant species, indeed, there should not be a dominant species. But does that stop us living in our big houses while other species live out in the wild? no. does it stop us cutting down the animal's habitats despite the fact that we would not like the same to be done to us? no. does it stop us believing that we [i]own[/i] this land on which we live? NO!
And does it stop any of us from taking advantage of your homes, your wood/paper, and 'our' land?

The main problem with us humans is that we take what we have for granted and do not care how we get it. At least that's my theory.:D
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus_Ex_Machina [/i]
[B]Here is my theory....

We as a race have developed in terms of technology far faster than we have had time to evolve a mentality to deal with the implications of the technology, we have far more destructive power avaiolable now than ever, yet for some of us our mentality is the same, therefore the minority creates chaos.

I am never any good at explaining this, but that's my general idea. [/B][/QUOTE]

true, true... I mean we as humans take 'forever' to actually evolve mentally and physically. I've been thinking about evolution since my friends and I played soul reaver...

the human psyche is based on greed and selfishness and its pretty much natural for human's to fight over something so trivial.

I've pretty much given up any hope that human's will survive till the next century and if they do... well put a dress on me and call me charlie! *cough* actually what I ment to say was... I believe that they'd deserve a standing ovation
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ssj chic [/i]
[B]scuse meh, i may be off the topic a bit but erm..i kinda got lost, anywho...people say "oh animals were only put on this earth for us to feed on!" but um...correct me if i'm wrong but arn't we animals?
*hangs up signs "EAT MORE POULTRY ..save the cows" irrelevent yes but gets a point out..if there was a point.....
and.. *looks to ken* since when did my brother get so damn smart O.o;; [/B][/QUOTE]Well the human race believes we aren't.....
Hehe, well monkeys, or cows, or whatever, they're probably thinking that their race aern't animals, and we're animals..... :drunk:
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i]
[B]Well the human race believes we aren't.....
Hehe, well monkeys, or cows, or whatever, they're probably thinking that their race aern't animals, and we're animals..... :drunk: [/B][/QUOTE]

This isn't animal farm, y'know.

Animals aren't smart enough to think like that, though I know what you're getting at. But that's 'cos they see it through their perspective.

Anyway, most monkeys don't know much about humans. They'd rather view as aliens than animals...
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well in my opinion animals are actually smarter then us because they don't go around suiciding and bombing and shooting stabbing killing hitting kicking well i think u get my point and if you don't then u might get this animals are smarter then people because they don't distroy thier own race it is written in prophets that one day man will cease to walk this planet forever! and when that happens i wonder who is gonna be living in our nice homes typing on our nice computers well my guess is its gonna be the monkeys!!!!!!
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by D. Dark [/i]
[B]I could swear something ain't right.

I read the newspapers, and just see "Man murdered"
"Lunatic shoots 10"
"Robbers steal 6 million dollars"

What is wrong with people?

Have they suddenly gone insane, and decided to go around killing everyone. Some New Year, it's just got worse and worse as it goes on. It's like the world is falling into chaos.

It's just more obvious now. It was like this before, but not as severe. At this rate, humans will wipe themselves out.


Why do people wage wars, kill others, steal, blah?

I know it sounds pessimistic, but it's true? How many of you have been discriminated, bullied, prejudicied, and so on?

Something's wrong with the world, and soon enough it's gonna fall into chaos.

I don't understand why people have to go to such extremes to achieve their ends, why it is done with violence.

The world revolves around greed and ideals...

It's just depressing to see what we've become as a race, just primitive if you look at it.

As they say, "Only the strong survive"?

How did we come to this? Does anyone know? And does anyone have thoughts on what I'm saying? Please tell me what you think [/B][/QUOTE]+

People are ignorant...we refuse to learn from the past....oh and it isn't suddenly...all through history man has plagued themselves with the hate...and giving in to it...
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