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Maverick Hunters: Replimasters


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[I]Omega walked about the corridors, looking for Demos. He had managed to follow him for some time, but had lost track of him soon after he entered the base. He knew he had to be somewhere around here, he could sense the propane left from Domos' jet.

He walked past a set of doors...... and came to one that led down some stairs. Darkness was the only thing that shone through the window. Omega slowly pushed the door open, and peered down....... nothing. Omega shrugged, then slowly passed through the door and started motioning down the stairs.

The light thud that sounded when Omega's boots came into contact with the ground rang out deafeningly to him, everything else was so silent.

After a long while, he reached the base of the stairs. To his right was a large iron plated door. From inside, the evry light flicker of lightning could be heard, along with some other faint noises. Omega slowly opened the door, just enough so he could peek inside.

The first thing he saw inside was Demos. Knowing that Craig had found him, and thinking therefore, that it was safe, he rushed inside. Then he saw Chaos.....[/I]
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[i]Chaos backflipped into the air, performing a perfect jack-knife. The scientists backway hurriedly, staying away. Chaos still had that look of fear, bewildernment taking over. Demos turned at the sound of Omega's entrance. Demos's eyes showed what he dare not speak; Omega needed to stay quiet.

Demos turned back around, facing Chaos.[/i]

Demos: "Now, brother, you must calm yourself. If you would just relax, I'll explain what's happened."

[i]But in a flash, Demos was on his back, his armor charred. He looked up seeing that he was against the wall, and everything that was around him was gone. Omega was the only robot in the room that was still activated, save Demos and Chaos.

Chaos charged forward, drawing out a beam saber. With a beaming slash, He charged up the stairs, bursting out of the emergency exit.

Omega croutched next to Demos, supporting him upright.[/i]

Omega: "Seems he's a bit hasty."

Demos: "Sound the alarm. I want him back, and stil activated. Send out the droids, not the Hunters. He's just confused."

Omega: "Understood. Message sent to Signas. Now let's get you to the Recovery Bay."

Demos: "Yeah, and you might want to get that slash patched up."

[i]Omega looked down, realizing what Chaos's saber had hit: his chest. It was a small slash, not hitting any circuits, but it was still a wound none-the-less...[/i]
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Remember, DON'T harm Chaos in any way...
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[I]Max walked about the base, looking at all of the high-tech equipment...He had never seen anything like it, except for a small memory of being in a dark room with hundreds of computers around him and wires attached to his body...Suddenly, the alarm went off, and droids appeared from all corners, ignoring Max and charging down the hall, knowking him over![/I]

Max: Hey!!! WATCH IT!!! Damn things...
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[I]As Omega entered the Recovery Bay, he noticed the prone Warlock lying on a steel table, reploids circling around him, trying to fix his lower torso and legs... Omega sat down on the steel table next to Warlock's, and as a reploid hurried off to get materials for his chest, he glanced down at Warlock, wondering if he was active... His shades seemed to have been repaired, so it was hard to tell...[/I]

[B]Warlock:[/B] "What happened to you?"

[I]Omega jerked in surprise, then looked over at Warlock, who had turned his head in Omega's direction...[/I]

[B]Warlock:[/B] "Well...?"

[B]Omega:[/B] "Oh... A Zero-type robot was activated. It slashed me before escaping."

[B]Warlock:[/B] "How dangerous is it?"

[B]Omega:[/B] "Not sure. It just seems scared at the moment..."

[B]Warlock:[/B] "I see..."

[I] Silence followed, with the only sounds been the repair reploids searching over Warlock's specs, continuing to make his legs and lower torso...[/I]
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[i]Chaos barrled out of the Escape Hatch, taking his first step into the open. He stopped dead. His mouth hung open, his eyes buldged. A bead of sweat trickled down his face. The once fruitful lands were nothing but dust. Everything was barren, except for the mountains in the far distance. Chaos slowly advanced outwards, standing upright. It was all gone. Everything.

Three Battle Droids approached Chaos in a triangle formation.[/i]

Droid 1: Suspect:: Chaos -- Located -- Retrive and Return to Rehabilitation Bay

[i]Chaos still did not move. He just let the Droids close in. But once the bots came within three feet, a blue flash rang out. Chaos was now leaning forward, a thin dust cloud circling him. His faithful D-Saber still pointed outwards, glistening brightly. The three Droids exploded at the same instant, the pieces launching into the air like bats out of Hell. From then on, Chaos used his Super Jets, placed in his feet, and dashed off into the desert, leaving a rift of dust behind him...[/i]
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ooc:This happens right before Choas leaves the base

[i]In Armoury Room...[/i]

Marth:What's all that banging?!

[i]As Marth steps out into the hall, Chaos flashes past him, and Marth feels a sudden burning slash across his chest[/i]

Marth:Ugh!*falls over*Man..What was that? It was fast...*looks down at chest*Oh man...It slashed right through my new Combat Armor, and my titanium shell...Strong, to.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Warlock [/i]
[B]...Neil, there ain't a desert around the H.Q... IT IN THE MIDDLE OF A CITY! The nearest desert is about 100 miles away. And how could a Reploid (or robot) sweat? Hmmmm?

I'll post later... [/B][/QUOTE]

Christ, you posted this? Even after we had this convo in AIM? Jeez... For the love of my Stupidty, just go along with it dammit...:P

As for the sweating case, you'll see all too soon.....:P
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[i]Marth runs to where Warlock is being re-paired, and looks down at him, seeing his leg-surcitry exposed[/i]

Marth:Wo! Put some pants on!*recoils in mock-horror*

Warlock:*sigh*I'm going to have you reprogrammed.

Marth:What was it that attacked me?!

Omega:A Zero-type robot. Slightly confused.

Marth:Only slightly? That thing pierced my armor...

Tech:Well, lay down on that table...I'll have a look.

[i]As the tech looked over Marth, Warlock turned to look at Omega[/i]

Warlock:What do we do about it?

Omega:I have no clue.

[i]As the two become silent, Marth's eyes become blank as he is shut down, and a black blast-shield extends over his face[/i]

Omega:He's getting a whole body re-design.

Warlock:About time. Can't stand looking at his hair anymore.
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[I]Max walks into the room where Marth and Warlock are being repaired...[/I]

Max: Guys, whats going on?

Warlock: A robot with a design similar to yours and Zeros is on the loose, and he's scared.

Max: So thats what was with all the droids? They were going out to capture him?

Warlock: Yes, but they're all probably in pieces now. That guys beam sword can slash is pretty strong.

Max: ...How similar? Do you think he's a Wily Bot like m-...Er, forget it. :nervous:
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[i]The Tech snaps Warlock's left leg casing shut, and begins working on the right leg.[/i]

Warlock:Like you? Wily bot?

Max:Like I said, never mind...Wrong word.

[i]Marth comes back on line..[/i]

Marth:My shell is being recast later, so I'm reactivated for the time being. What do we do about that bot?
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[B]Zero:[/B] Sending droids after an out of control reploid?! What are they thinking?!

[B]Signas:[/B] Zero, Demos said he doesn't want him damaged..

[B]Zero:[/B] [I]Him[/I] damaged?! What about everyone we're supposed to protect? Signas, you and I don't take orders, we [I]make[/I] orders! And no hunter is gonna tell me not to take out a potential [I]Maverick![/I]

[B]Signas:[/B] Zero, wait..!

[I]But it was too late. Zero had already dashed out the door, and was heading for Chaos' location... He sped through HQ, running to the first scene of Chaos' appearance... He ran into the heavily guarded room, and saw Demos and Omega, Omega with a small cut across his chest plate...[/I]

[B]Zero:[/B] He attacked you?

[B]Demos:[/B] Don't be so hasty. He's--

[B]Zero:[/B] Shut the hell up, Demos! I'm in command here!

[B]Demos:[/B] Who the hell do you thin--

[B]Zero:[/B] Quiet! I highly doubt you had permission to store that thing inside the HQ anyway, but now that it's loose, it's a danger to the city, and I'm taking it out.

[B]Demos:[/B] Zero... If you so much as touch Chaos, I will--

[B]Zero:[/B] No more, Demos! You're in no position of power here. After this incident, you'll be lucky to keep your position as a hunter at all... I promise you that.

[I]Zero spotted the open escape hatch, and sprinted down it, following after Chaos... Grasping his beam sabre, he prepared for whatever was ahead..[/I]
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Max: He needs help!

[I]Max turned on his dash boosters, and was about to go, when Warlock reached out and grabbed his arm...[/I]

Warlock: Stay here. We need to plan this out. That Chaos is deadly. He can easily prove a match for Zero. I think it's best if we find some more about him...A weakspot, maybe?


Yes, Neil, that WAS a cue for you to post, seeing as he's your character and you should know al about him...! :D
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Oh shut up......... My mom messed up this comp again...
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
[i]Zero continued to barrel across the barren sand, eyes drawn in haste. Suddenly, a wave of energy pounded him directly in the face. His body skidded across the sand, sparks shooting out of his titanium upper torso. A gleeming red glow came from his eyes, but soon faded.

Soon, Zero staggered to a stand. He twirled around in time to see half of his flowing mane chopped off in a blue streak of the D-Saber. Zero backed up, reeling in an uncharacteristic fear. There stood Chaos...[/i]

[b]Chaos:[/b] Zero? Is that really you?

[b]Zero:[/b] !!

[b]Chaos:[/b] You...............you don't know who I am?!

[b]Zero:[/b] Wait..............Dr. Wily's Chaos?

[b]Chaos:[/b] Yes............. Do you remember me?

[b]Zero:[/b] Yeah.............. You're the one who was slashing up HQ!!

[i]With a sudden flash, Zero's buster was formed. But it never raised up completely. The buster dropped to the ground, sparks zapping the sand. Dust flapped in the air, as the D-Saber retracted and Chaos jumped backwards. Zero fell to his knees, gripping his left hand. He screamed in agony, as Chaos's face changed drastically. Chaos then collapsed, the prong in his back still glowing slightly purple.

A few meters away, Demos stood, his buster still. Zero clambered to his feet, breathing heavily. Zero kicked Chaos once, slightly, testing him. He was out.[/i]

[b]Zero:[/b] What did you do to him?

[b]Demos:[/b] ..............I put him in suspended animation... C'mon.......

[i]-Two days later-[/i]

[i]Demos walked into the Recovery Bay. Zero was getting the final touches on his new hand, but remained silent. Chaos, on the other side of the room, sat quietly, still wondering where he was.[/i]

[b]Demos:[/b] Well hello Chaos. How are you?

[b]Chaos:[/b] Who are you?

[b]Demos:[/b] The name's Demos. Maverick Hunter.

[b]Chaos:[/b] Maverick Hunter? What's that?

[i]Suddenly, Omega was standing next to Demos.[/i]

[b]Omega:[/b] So I see the short-term memory block worked.

[b]Demos:[/b] Yeah, he doesn't remember the part events here at HQ... Now, Chaos, I bet you're still confused... So I'll explain. We Hunters found your capsule a few days ago. We reactivated you, in hopes that you could help us out in our constant struggle...

[b]Chaos:[/b] So............. I've been inactive for over a century?

[b]Demos:[/b] Yes............. And with your power, we need your help... We're a bit short on new Hunters.........

[b]Omega:[/b] So, will you help?

[b]Chaos:[/b] ...........................I have nothing to lose..............

[i]Zero slowly walked out of the Bay, muttering angry words as he went to find X...[/i]
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
There? Are you biotches happy?
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*sigh* For the last time Neil, there is NO desert near the H.Q...

Oh, and Neil, I don't want to annoy you or anything, but you really don't need to have so many ".........", or dots, periods, full stops, whatever you want to call them to show a character waiting or something. 3 shows hesitation, or whatever, more just looks messy... And if there is a really long pause, just write a description such as; [i]Silence continued for a few minutes, before Neil slowly opened his mouth to talk...[/I] See?

[SIZE=1]Come on bro, Neil's been having a pretty hard time lately... Cut the guy some slack. -Flash

Flash, I know, but I just wanted to point out something that could be done better. I'm not saying he's doing anything wrong or anything... All I'm doing is trying to help him improve. -Warlock [/SIZE]


[I]Warlock stood on top of the H.Q, watching as the sun went down... Around him were various defense mechanisms, including giant turrets ad guns... His voice-chips creating a virtual sigh, Warlock began to walk away from the edge, kicking aside a small grey stone as he walked... He came to a hatch, lifted it up and ducked under, coming to a stairway... As the hatch thudded close behind him, he began to walk down the stairs at a leisurely pace, his eyes half closed in thought... After a while, he had walked to the main lobby, and stood at the centre as Reploids of all kinds bustled around him... And coming up from behind him was a small blue reploid, calling out Warlock's name as he run... Turning around, Warlock looked at the curiously...[/I]

[B]Warlock:[/B] "What is it?"

[B]Reploid:[/B] "Commander Signas has ordered your entire unit to come to his office!"

[B]Warlock:[/B] "Because...?"

[B]Reploid:[/B] "...Sir, we've detected more Replimasters!"
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[i]Marth wandered down the dark hallways, waiting for the flourescent lights to activate. Looking at his chrono, he watched as the seconds ticked away. At exactly 7:00 pm, the lights were activated. Marth looked down at his new shell. His boots, gauntlets, little underware-outside-of-pants thing and helmet were all a dark red. His legs, torso and forearms were a shade of light grey. The colors contrasted nicley. The techs followed his instructions to the letter. Marth hummed, his voice-chip producing a tone that was more twords a bass voice than it used to be. Marth smiled, he had previously had his voice to high in his opinion. A small green Reploid approached him from the front[/i]

[b]Green Reploid:[/b]Marth, Commander Signas requests your presance in his office.

[b]Marth:[/b]What for?

[b]Green Reploid:[/b]More Replimasters, sir!

[b]Marth:[/b] Damn...I'll be there immediatly!
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[I]A few minutes later, Zero, Warlock, Marth, Omega, Demos, Chaos, Max, Proteus and Nova were all gathered in Comander Signas office... A holographic map was projected in the middle of the room, showing an oil refinery and the surround area, a group of small mountains and valleys...[/I]

[B]Commander Signas:[/B] "The oil refinery you see is the latest Replimaster hot-spot. They have the entire working force of Reploids hostage there, and from what we've heard from an escaping Reploid is that they're pulling them apart and making nwe robots out of the parts. He says that there are only two Replimasters there, which will make our job easy. The APC is ready, and you're to go out at once. Any questions?"

[B]Warlock:[/B] "Do we know who the Replimasters are, sir?"

[B]Commander Signas:[/B] "From what we were told, the Replimasters are of some kind of ice elementals, so bring fire-based weapons if you can. Any other questions?"

[B]Proteus:[/B] "Do we know what they're making the Reploids into?"

[B]Commander Signas:[/B] "No, I'm afriad not. If there are no more questions, you're to head over to the Armoury and get geared up. Good luck."

[I]The group exited the office, heading off to the Armoury...[/I]
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Whoops, forgot to mention... I'll just intergrate this into my post...^_^;;;
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[i]As the group walked along, basically quiet, Demos broke the Silence.[/i]

[b]Demos:[/b] Guys, I'm not going on this mission...

[b]Warlock:[/b] What? Why not?

[b]Demos:[/b] Chaos needs some field training. Plus, I have some things I need to do here... Like enhance the defensive capibilities of the HQ's firewall...

[b]Omega:[/b] You know how to do that?

[b]Demos:[/b] Yeap... Also I'm going to upgrade my Grid and get some of my abilities back from previous missions.

[b]Chaos:[/b] Grid?

[b]Proteus:[/b] He still doesn't know everything about himself, does he?

[b]Demos:[/b] Nope.. Which is why I've instructed him to go through his databanks on the way to the oil refinery.

[b]Max:[/b] So, no matter what, this should be relativly easy, right? :D

[b]Omega:[/b] Don't count your chickens before your eggs hatch.

[b]Zero:[/b] Not that it matters. I'll take out the Replimasters myself...

[b]Chaos:[/b] Not if I get them first...

[i]Everyone else stopped dead, hearing the maleviolent tone in Chaos's voice. Even what he said was enough to throw everyone for a loop. Chaos walked through the door, leaving everyone else speechless...[/i]
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[I]A few minutes later, the entire group was in the Armoury, each going around and picking up weapons, mostly involving fire... Warlock was in the one of the back rooms, a tech fiddling with his Hellspawn Buster...[/I]

[B]Tech:[/B] "Well, with that new cell in here, you've got more room for weapons. Anything in particular you want installed?"

[B]Warlock:[/B] "Hmmmmmm... Would you be able to install some form of energy grenage weapon?"

[B]Tech:[/B] "I think so. But it'll take up a bit of room..."

[B]Warlock:[/B] "Do it. And don't worry about asking me if I want anything else. This is enough. I don't want to waste too much power."

[B]Tech:[/B] "Yes sir."

[I]The tech connected Warlock's Buster with a computer built into the wall, and began to type rapdily into a console built in with the computer... A minute later he stopped typing, and instead worked with the Hellspawn buster itself... A few minutes later, Warlock had a new weapon installed into his buster...[/I]

[B]Tech:[/B] "Now, the reason I had to do so much work is because this grenade upgrade usually takes up a whole buster, but this cell seems to have enhanced the power so I can add more. But still don't use it to much, otherwise it'll overheat the system. This grenade weapon is pretty complex."

[B]Warlock:[/B] "Will do. And thank you."

[I]Warlock nodded to the tech, and walked out of the backroom to join the others...[/I]
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[i]Marth stood in the armoury, looking at the sabers.[/i]

[b]Reploid Tech:[/b]Need any help, Marth?

[b]Marth:[/b]Yea. Got any dual-bladed sabers?

[b]Reploid Tech:[/b]Yes...We do. Hold on, I'll go find one...*dissapears for a few minutes, then returns*Here it is...The Maul 3.0.

[b]Marth:[/b]Thaks. Could you also give my power cells a recharge?

[b]Reploid Tech:[/b]Sure. Just power down, please.

[i]But while the Reploid Tech is operating, he looks for a connector cable, but dosen't see one, and ventures off to find one. While he is gone, a dark figure approaches Marth, and plants a bomb inside Marth's chest, then fiddles with his power cuplings, recharging Marth fully.[/i]

[b]Reploid Tech:[/b]*returns*Weren't you shut down?

[b]Marth:[/b]Yeah. You did some quick work. Thanks.*walks off*

[b]Reploid Tech:[/b][size=1]But I didn't do anything..*confused look*[/size]
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[I] Warlock joins up with Marth around the front of the Armoury, where Marth is just giving his Maul 3.0... [/I]

[B]Warlock:[/B] "Nice dual-bladed sabre you got there. And that reminds me..."

[I]Getting out his Cossack Sabre, Warlock pushed a small bottom on the side, next to the 'on' switch... With a near silent 'whir', the handle's length began to grow, until it was a third longer... Marth, now watching interested, widened his eyes when the bottom opened up, a sabre end appearing... Smirking, Warlock tapped the 'on' switch, and both end of the sabre lit up... Resting his left hand on the handle, settling it next to his right hand, and began to twirl it around...[/I]

[B]Marth:[/B] "Impressive sabre you've got there."

[B]Warlock:[/B] "Indeed. It's one of a kind too. Part of that sabre is based on it's designs..."

[I]Switching the sabre off, Warlock glanced around the Armoury, seeing what the others were doing...[/I]
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[B]Zero:[/B] Bah... This is pathetic...

[B]X:[/B] What's wrong, Zero?

[B]Zero:[/B] Signas... He's a total pushover... He doesn't deserve to be commander...

[B]X:[/B] Zero, I've never seen you like this before..

[B]Zero:[/B] It's that Demos... Who the hell does he think he is? Just deciding he doesn't [I]want[/I] to do a mission? Undermining me? And that Chaos... He's insane. Dangerous... Yet he's just allowed to be?! This isn't right...

[B]X:[/B] You're really ticked about this, aren't you?

[B]Zero:[/B] Well why shouldn't I be?!

[I]Zero turned, and walked out of the armoury, a look of anger on his face... He walks towards the garage, clenching his fists tightly... 'One day...' he thinks to himself, '...I'll be in charge..'[/I]
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