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Yu Yu Hakusho: Jewel of Darkness


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[color=blue][i]Tani, Botan, and Charlie gathered up the rest of the gang, and after a[/i]long[i] fit of moaning and complaining about being woken up, Botan began to tell them of they're newest development.[/i]

Botan: Okay, guys! Listen up! We've got a new partner!

Hayato: Another one?

Botan: Bingo. Her name is Kyoto. She seems a bit stand-offish so I suggest we steer clear of her until she gets used to us.

Kain: You mean she seems evil, like someone else we know....*glances at Tani*

Tani: Yeah, whatever. Anyway, she's got red hair and very pretty. So if you see her in the morning, don't attack her.

Hayato: Why isn't she here now to introduce herself in person?

Tani: For lack of better explanation, she needs her beauty rest, like we all do. We just woke you to tell you that so you won't be confused in the morning. Okay, you can go back to bed now.

[i]After giving a half-hearted "Yay!", the group of Spirit Detectives went back to their rooms for some much needed and desired sleep, wondering what exactly their new partner was like and why she sounded so evil....[/i][/color]
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Hayato-geez. Why does this "Kyoto" girl sound so evil?

Botan-well, it's like----oh nevermind. I'm sure that Kyoto will explain when she's ready to.

Cara-You mean you know her?!

Botan-Bingo. We were partners in a case a few years ago, but that's beside the point. She's not as evil as she may sound. sometimes. Well, I'll see you in the morning.
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The next morning, they went to the hotel cafeteria and began discussing over breakfast.

Cara- So, Kyoto...Do you know anything about the thief?

Kyoto- All I've got is some info Koenma found last night.

Charlie- Then tell us.
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sorry i havent posted just waiting for the right time to jump in
"gado have you been following them" konema asked
"yes konema i have, why do you want me to follow them"replied gado to his watch.
"i want to see how good they get along with each other so how have they been so far" said konema
"well for the most part good, kyoto they think she's evil well she sorta' of is but i dont care remember that one time you partnered botan and her up that was not a good idea why did it again"said gado
"gado dont question me"konema said
"um ok" said gado
"any ways you can join them now"said konema
"cool" said gado as he got outof his seat and walked toward's the group in the form he's usally in except the wings
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[COLOR=red]*Botan's communicator goes off*
Botan-"Yes, Konema?
Konema-"There is another Spirit Detective I sent you for the case."
Cara-"How many people are you going to send?!"
Konema-"How ever many I like. But thats not the point! His name is gado. And he should be there any time now. So, have you found any clues yet?"
Cara/Botan-"No!" (Botan)"Not one."
Konema-"Oh well, keep looking. And hurry up." *Shuts off*[/COLOR]
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[color=green][i]Just as Gado approached the group, Botan turned around.[/i]

Botan-Hello there, Gado.

Gado-*looks totally shocked* How did you---

Botan-We just got a call from Koenma saying that you would be joining us on this case.

Tani-*with an annoyed tone* he acts like we can't handle it without an entire army of Detectives. He worries too much.

Botan-But he has every right to be worried now that the Jewel is missing. [/color]
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Kyoto growled in annoyance at the newcomer, "Is this a party or something? I could have sweared that someone stole something very important..."

"Well do you have any bright ideas, lady?" Tani spoke, looking at her out of the corner of her eyes.

"Well we could ask around about the person, then when we find them, kill 'em, and send them to a one-way destination to my father's land, if you know what I mean..."

"Well you sure have a bright future ahead of you, Kyoto." Botan said, glaring at the girl.

"Well it's better than sitting on our butts and doing nothing."

"She's got a point, guys." Kain spoke, standing in a corner. "We have to do something."

"Well that's settles it!" Botan said, raising her hands. "We need a plan then..." looking at Kyoto. "Something less brutal, but effective."
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Charlie- I've got an idea.

Kyoto- Then share it with us.

Charlie- I'll be right back.

He sped off to his room. Out of his stuff, he took out a medium sized bag. After examining it's contents, he ran back to the others. After clearing the table, he opened the bag, revealing a strange device the size of a football helmet.

Botan- Is that what I think it is?

Charlie- Yep. I "borrowed" it from Koenma while we were waiting back at his office.

[FONT=century gothic]SPIRIT ITEM #24601

Gado- What's that?

Charlie- This thing can be used to home in on any source of Spirit Energy with an exceptionally high level.

Cara- What are you waiting for? Turn it on!
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Kyoto groaned in more anger, "So you all rather sit here and watch some pathetic 'satellite' somehow find the thief...instead of going out and finding them yourself?! How lazy of you all! Have you no pride? No fuel of energy to get up and fight? You can do what you want...I'll be in my room...if you find something, knock..." she said, standing up and walking out.

The group looked at her, shockingly.

"What is her problem?" Tani said, speaking after she shut the door.

Botan shrugged, "That's what happens when you're the daughter of the King of the Underworld, I guess...she's been like that ever since I've met her."
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[color=green]Charlie-Geez. She's hard to talk to without getting her pissed.

Botan-*sigh* She might be easier to talk to once we actually find a clue. But she does have a point. We can't just sit here while the thief is somewhere out there causing chaos.

Kain-But the satellite will track the thief for us.

Tani-Let's just use the satellite, track the darn energy, and then go find the thief.

Botan-Bingo! Exellent idea, Tani.

Charlie-Well let's get started. *turns the satellite on as everyone gathers around.* [/color]
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The satellite began glowing, then a small ray of energy blasted to the sky.

Cara- What's happening?

Charlie- It's searching...

After a few minutes, the ray of energy fell into the table. Then it transformed into a piece of cardboard-like paper. On one side of the paper, a rough map of the city was drawn. A few black dots were marked in the map.

Kain- *Looking at map* Those dots...What are they?

Charlie- I suppose they are the beings with great energy.

Tani- One of them must be our thief!

Kain- Let's go get him!

Botan- I'll go get Kyoto. You guys go on ahead.

With these words, they raced towards the nearest dot.
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[color=green][i]Botan ran up the stairs to Kyoto's room and knocked on the door.[/i]

Kyoto-Go away!

Botan-but we found something, Kyoto.

Kyoto-Let me guess. You found it with the stupid satellite?

Botan-Yes. We found several people on its radar who have high Energy levels.

Kyoto-*opens the door* Finally. Time to kill some people. :demon:

Botan-erm....alright, but everyone else has already gone----

[i]But Kyoto was already running down the hall. Botan sighed.[/i]

Botan-She's always like that when she has the oppurtunity to kill someone.

[i]Botan ran down the hall while she opened her communicator. Soon Koenma's face soon appeared on the screen.[/i]

Koenma-Yes, Botan, what is it?

Botan-We found something on Charlie's satellite, and----

Koenma-what satellite?

Botan-it detects high spirit energy.

Koenma-Did you find anything on it?

Botan-yes. We're moving towards the first energy right now.

Koenma-Good job. I knew that all of you combined would make a perfect team. Well, I wish all of you luck. Good bye.

[i]Botan put the communicator away as she caught up to where everyone else was.[/i][/color]
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[color=blue]OOC: Wow. I thought this had died a long time ago. Forgive me for not posting.

[i]The gang and Kyoto were out on the streets of Osaka when Botan finally caught up with them.[/i]

Botan: Have you found the source of the Spirit Energy yet?

Tani: No. We were waiting on you. Figured you wouldn't wanna get left behind. But we're pretty close from what I can tell on the "map."

Botan: Oh. Well, let's get moving. If we find this person, maybe we can find out more about our thief.

Kyoto: *under her breath* If I don't catch hold of him first.

[i]The group ran off towards the spot the map indicated that there first enemy was waiting for them. Unknowing to them, they were being watched from afar.[/i]

Shimati- That's right. Run. Run right to your deaths. Kenjo is an expert in marksmanship, stealth, and several forms of the Martial Arts. Hn. He shall be their first, and last, opponent. Then nothing will stand in my way of total domination.

[i]She began laughing at the thought of how the Spirit Detectives didn't even know what they were getting into, racing to their deaths.....[/i][/color]
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[COLOR=red]An hour later.....

Cara-"Are we there yet?"

Charlie-"Not quite......"

Kyoto-"I fill something. It fills like its coming from over there! *Points to her right. A man is standing there.* (It looks like hes thinking)

Kyoto-"This is it?! THIS IS IT?! Geez I never thought it would be this..........."

Botan-"Don't be fooled. He might not be as weak as he looks." [/COLOR]
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Kyoto- Whatever, let's get this over with!

Ignoring the others' advice, she walked up to the man and grabbed him.

Kyoto- Look, I'm are looking for a thief, and you are a suspect. Now tell me all you know!

Before she could say anything else, the man grabbed her and threw her 34 feet away from him. The crowd dispersed.
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gado was leaping from building in a large tiger form(looks like baihumon). when he got to the location of the suspect he did not take action then all of the sudden out of the croud burst kyoto running towards the man she grabbed him and he grabbed her back and thourgh her a far distance back this enraged gado so he shanged into a dragon like humanoid were the dragon creatures claws should have been were massive battle axe blades. he jumped off the building and had the axes targeted to go right down the center of the man....
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