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Is it just me or does no one like me here at all?

Phantasy Freak

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Personally, I've never really noticed you here. Eh, such is life.

You can't just expect people to like you though, or ask them to talk to you a lot. If people were always blatantly ignoring your topics and such, yes, that's a bit different. But if you don't find yourself surrounded by friends, you have to change that yourself. Make yourself known; be unique, do things that'll get you attention.
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oh no. not this topic again
why think of that????
theres always someone that likes you
you just [I]assume[/I] that no one likes you
dont take that kind of $h!t into concern
besides, i thought u knew ppl here, personally
so, even though i dont know u, i just like you

[size=1]i give it 6 hours before this topic is closed[/size]
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[color=deeppink]I agree with Zanza, though I [i]have[/i] noticed you here. I've tried to post things to help you feel better about yourself, but I think [i]you're[/i] the one who overlooked them. This is certainly not a good way to get people on your side...why feel sorry for yourself?[/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by FrenchButterfly [/i]
[B]From the time I have been here,since Otaku was back up,I just feel like I am being ignored.I am begining to feel out of place here.No one says anything to me.Its like I have no friends here,cause I am over looked.So,Is it just me or is this really happening?:( [/B][/QUOTE]

[SIZE=1]It's just you. I notice you. I notice that you dont post that much. So your not going to be [i]that[/i] well known around people. People may recognize the name but they may not be able to match it to the person..[/SIZE]
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Well usually one gets noticed by posting more... you have what? 14 posts... thats not alot.... But don't post too much or people won't like you...

Also post intelligently and things that are interesting to others (not saying you didn't do that, just giving tips)

I don't get noticed in every post I make... well over 14 of them... the more you post the most you'll get noticed.... but follow the rules above, those help.. i did, and look where I'm at.
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zanza-I am unique but of course its not really noticed.
Navi-Um,sometimes..but you know it gets lonely..well also I get kind of shy around people..I am one person who gets nervious around a lot of people.So I kind of shy away from them...
Ice Dragon v2-ok...
BabyGirl-I don't feel sorry for myself...
PiroMunkie-I use to post a lot but,now I never have anything to post about or never find anything to talk about.
RicoTranzrig-well I don't really pay attention to where you post.
No-name-um...i dunno how to tell you...
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by FrenchButterfly [/i]
BabyGirl-I don't feel sorry for myself...

[color=deeppink]I don't mean to be rude, but then why would you post something like this in the first place? If you don't feel bad that no one is "paying attention to you", then you wouldn't have posted anything like this at all...no offense to you French, but I just don't like posts that try and get others to notice them like this. If I remember correctly, you posted something of this nature back at the old boards...[/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by FrenchButterfly [/i]
[B]No one says anything to me.Its like I have no friends here[/B][/QUOTE]

[COLOR=coral]What do you mean no-one talks to you? This is a message board, you shouldn't be conversing with anyone in the topics...(Convos should be kept in PM format.) Beeesides....these people shouldn't be held in high priority or as friends(unless you get to know them); they are strangers, after all. If you think the way I do.....it will save you from alot of stress. To me, friends are people you have to meet in person. Many people you meet on the net, or in forums are two faced and liars. Sorry if my philosophy is harsh.[/COLOR] :o :)
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[color=rainbow] Awwww,c'mon. Notr this again. Ur not ignored, ur jes not on much....and u have friends....like me, I talk to u everytime ur online on MSN...if it makes u feel better i'll add u to my friends list...cuz then again, u r my friend....[/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i]
[B]the more you post the most you'll get noticed.... but follow the rules above, those help.. i did, and look where I'm at. [/B][/QUOTE]

[SIZE=1]I do, and I'm still just a normal member.. that's one thing I dont get.. I've been here just as long if not longer than a lot of mods these days, I don't spam, I don't post senselessly but I do post frequently, yet I'm still at the same place I was when I started here.. that been bothering me lately, though I'm not gonna pull an Ultima and start creating topics complaining about it, lol. I remember those days..[/SIZE]

[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by French Butterfly[/i]
[b]PiroMunkie-I use to post a lot but,now I never have anything to post about or never find anything to talk about.[/b][/QUOTE]

[SIZE=1]It's not [i]that[/i] hard. You just click on a topic, read it, and post your thoughts or opinons on it. If it's a topic asking 'which do you like better?' and you dont neccesarily like either of them, just post that you dont like either of them and give your reason why. :)[/SIZE]
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To FrenchButterfly: Just don't worry about it...post normally and you'll get noticed. When you're posts get quoted, you know you're noticed. Even moreso if you get PMed. But since you've probably had it rough, a little more attention wouldn't hurt. (I'm just guessing so don't hurt me...)

Since this is General Discussion, you can talk about anything...but complaining and blaming isn't going to get anywhere. For me, when I'm down, I get all my worries off my chest by talking to my friends. Just sharing and knowing that they're listening makes me feel a whole lot better. If your friends care less about you...then you're probably hanging out with the wrong people.
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Guest Soft mush
I know you. Do I not count as a person? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Any way, you're not on much. Just do things to get yourself noticed. Look at me. Most people know who I am. Just copy every single thing I do.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Soft mush [/i]
[B]I know you. Do I not count as a person? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Any way, you're not on much. Just do things to get yourself noticed. Look at me. Most people know who I am. Just copy every single thing I do. [/B][/QUOTE]

You count as a person! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Uh...scary thought.j/k w/ ya!Nah cause then I would be considered a poser.I don't want to be a poser.:D Hehe..I am noticed at my school b/c the way I dress,the friends I have,the fact I look as if I had smoke something,and also the way i wear some necklaces...Today I was truely a freak on a leash....I borrowed my friends chain and put it on my ball chain necklace and looked as if I had a leash on.Then on the bus my best friend,Stephen,took the end of it and tugged it and said "come one B****."That was funny..
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Guest Deranged Gerbil
I don't know you, but I probably hate you like I hate everyone, go figure, your better off asking someone else's opinion
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deranged Gerbil [/i]
[B]I don't know you, but I probably hate you like I hate everyone, go figure, your better off asking someone else's opinion [/B][/QUOTE]

Well...I got one thing to say.Don't hate me!!I got enough people who hate me at my school and have walked up to me and said " I hope you die."....PLus recently there is a group of 7th grade girls who have made me their hate target in 5th period PE....
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